Trying again, hope this is the one!

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:40 am

Kathy J, my instructor is always telling me to rest my chin on her poll...and believe me I try...I just have so many bad habits. I could have some arthritis in my neck, probably do from years of pruning Christmas trees and looking up...but I think it is mostly habit...sometimes my neck gets very ridgid while I'm doing many things to finesse!

My first canter on this mare was the day I tried her, I had not cantered in two years, my instructor was coaching me and she got me on a circle doing posting two beats , sitting two beats and then told me to ask for canter...I trusted her because she knew the horse and I just did it...all was well...after I got her home for some I got more nervous, maybe because I ride alone most of the time..I made myself suck it up and do I just canter when I feel balanced and the moment seems first I was happy to get a few I can do a few circles and go around the track...the last two rides were all w/t.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby kande50 » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:48 am

Backyarder wrote:Kathy J, my instructor is always telling me to rest my chin on her poll...and believe me I try...I just have so many bad habits. I could have some arthritis in my neck, probably do from years of pruning Christmas trees and looking up...but I think it is mostly habit...sometimes my neck gets very ridgid while I'm doing many things to finesse!

Do you feel like you're looking in the direction you want your horse to bend, or does it seem to be independent of that?

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:02 pm

It's always in the direction I want the horse to bend although exaggerated sometimes and of coures looking down too...

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby kande50 » Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:29 pm

Backyarder wrote:It's always in the direction I want the horse to bend although exaggerated sometimes and of coures looking down too...

Of course, as my focus is always on my hands and the horse, so naturally I look down. :-) Although I think that might be getting better as we've started moving forward more freely, because we have to watch where we're going so we don't run into the walls and stuff.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:17 am

Sometimes I wish I had other people to ride with...might make me look where I'm going and sit more even...and would be good practise for the warm up ring!!
Hope to get to some clinics next year!

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:42 pm

actually now that I think about it, my first steps of canter were brought on by a big forward husband was folding a tarp and she scooted forward and took two or three canter strides..scared me a lot but then I thought ..hey was only cantering and she stopped when I asked I asked for the canter again and got it...did only a few strides but that got me going..after that I did a little most rides.I still get uptight about it ...I want it to be a non issue...soon!

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Hayburner » Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:58 pm

Backyarder - Good for you in getting that canter and the courage to keep trying. I think your right, knowing she'll stop helps build your confidence in your mare.

I am still not cantering - I did canter a small amount last year but when I realized I am not good at steering - I stopped asking and decided to learn more basics before I cantered again. I had someone (trainer) riding her when she came off her injury and he said her canter is her best gait. Yet, I'm still afraid to give it a try not because I don't trust her but because I don't try myself in doing it Right.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:56 pm

Hayburner, I'm still not as far in my confidence as I'd like and now winter has set in and I won't be riding I hope when I start up again I can n pick up where I left off .

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby KathyK » Wed Mar 13, 2019 5:57 pm

You sure found yourself a lovely partner, Backyarder. Now that spring is approaching, I hope you will continue to keep us up to date on your progress (and adventures).

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Mar 30, 2019 9:52 pm

hey any updates on this wonderful horse? She looks awesome. hope you are both doing well. Good for you starting her yourself. she looks really fun to ride and very smart.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:34 pm

Ryeissa, just getting back in the saddle after winter...I've had three rides and it felt good, she looks sound and ready for spring , we have a two day clinic coming up the end of May so I'm hoping to get both of us a bit more fit. I can't say I really started her, she's been under saddle for awhile,,just very little schooling of any kind...and she is a sweetheart. Expressive and tells me how she feels and what she needs. I hope our relationship just keeps blooming! My aim is to show her this summer.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Sat Jun 22, 2019 1:18 am

dealing with arthritic hocks, had injections and just restarting work. Not happy with the results so's been two weeks and I see very little difference...but I am riding a is a pic of a few days ago...
June 2019 after injections Lottie.jpg
June 2019 after injections Lottie.jpg (34.23 KiB) Viewed 23178 times

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby musical comedy » Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:45 am

Maybe it is stifles causing the problem rather than hocks. I mean, the horse could have both. Some vets will nerve block the hock first, before injecting. If improvement is not seen with the block, then it won't be seen with the steroid injection either, so save the money. Did they inject with steroid, or just HA?

The photo looks nice.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Mon Jul 01, 2019 1:51 pm

HA only....I have been talking to the vet re: stifles...the hocks are definitely arthritic , the right one advanced...but yes I agree, stifles could also be a problem.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby musical comedy » Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:01 pm

I don't think my vet has every done just HA. Why not go with steroids, especially if it just the low motion joints? I swear by Irap for the stifle. Or you could try Prostride.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:50 pm

Lottie went back to the clinic for another lameness exam, did some joint blocks...diagnosis is a bad stifle..significant lesion and some other vague changes they injected the joint with steroid and HA...she's off now and I'll restart her next week and see what's a wait and see game at this point.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby musical comedy » Sat Jul 13, 2019 6:53 pm

The only thing here is that the recommendation is not to continue steroid injections on a high motion joint like the Stifle. The recommendation is IRAP, Prostride, etc. My old guy has a congenital bone cyst on his right stifle that was only found by accident a few years ago. Since then, he started getting IRAP. Worked wonders for him. I continue to treat that stifle even though he is retired. I want him to be comfy as long as he lives.

I'm optimistic you will see improvement. How long that lasts, is open.

Edited to add: You might think about putting this topic in the vet forum. I'm not sure everyone reads the senior forum.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Tue Aug 13, 2019 12:35 am

So, stifle was xrayed, a cystic lesion was found on her femor, Legend and DepMed injected....and she continued to get worse in stead of better, other treatments were discussed and ruled I have a pasture puff...maybe some walk under saddle now and then...she's very painful in trot....and it all I have two pasture them both but geez, I'm semi retired...have time to ride now...

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Flight » Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:18 am

Sorry to hear Backyarder. That does suck.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby StraightForward » Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:53 am

So sorry to read that. :cry:
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Tuddy » Tue Aug 13, 2019 9:12 pm

I am sorry to hear this. Hugs.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:44 pm

After the winter off and part of spring and an evaluation by our vet, Miss Lottie is under saddle again...she's not the girl she was, not as forward , but I think that is partly due to the tentative way I've been riding afraid to cause her pain...but she's doing ok..I have no plans for her other than to enjoy what we have..take it day by far so good..she goes better in lessons as I'm pushed a far just walk trot...I'm so out of shape that the little we do seems like plenty at the moment, but I'm glad I can continue riding.
The feels that there was a lot of inflammation around the joint and that it had time to subside during her lay up.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:06 pm

a recent lesson pic
043c.jpg (74.75 KiB) Viewed 18629 times

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Srhorselady » Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:18 pm

Congratulations on being able to ride her again! Hopefully she will continue to stay sound so that you two can enjoy working together again.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Flight » Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:32 pm

Thats great that you can ride her. Fingers crossed she stays sound!

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby Backyarder » Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:45 pm

a couple more.. I so feel like a beginner..always starting over..
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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:11 pm

You both look happy to be back at work! Nice photos.

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Re: Trying again, hope this is the one!

Postby westisbest » Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:57 am

Backyarder wrote:a couple more.. I so feel like a beginner..always starting over..

That’s a little beauty and you look great on her! I’ve started over 1,000 times

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