Cat vomiting

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Cat vomiting

Postby PaulaO » Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:26 am

Ursala was checked 3 weeks ago and was given a clean bill of health. Tuesday morning she vomited, not a hairball. I withheld food for the day and she perked up and was completely normal. She was fine since then running around, eating. Tonight she didn't eat all her dinner, slept all evening then vomited and had a bit of loose stool. After she puked she was back to normal, running around and crying for food.

Do I just assume she has a bit of gastroenteritis and let it run it course, or do I make a vet appointment? She's not dehydrated, eats, plays. She eats Nutro Cat canned food with a bit of kibble as a bedtime snack.

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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby Saddlebum » Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:15 am

If it were my fur ball child, I would let it run it's course. Reason, she's playing, eating and drinking. So, imo, whatever it is, is not dangerous or life threatening at this time.

Vomiting is not a fun thing to do. It's the before and after behavior I would keep an eye on. If it's not broken....


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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby awa » Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:55 am

No answer for you, but do be aware of a number of complaints online about Nutro quality, past recalls and poor quality control, and calls for the company to institute recalls due to sick animals. Google "Nutro recalls" for links to various websites.

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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby LindaJ » Sun Apr 10, 2016 1:50 am

The only problem with waiting with cats is if by some awful chance it's something serious, when it goes's bad. I found out too late with my sweet cat Dylan that he had an intestinal blockage or possibly cancer... And lost him. I waited too long. It is possible to do a small bowel barium study like they do with people. They'll give the cat barium and take X-rays to check for possible blockages. Talk to your vet about your concerns.

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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby angela9823 » Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:20 pm

Don't wait when cats are vomiting. Any chance you recently put a flea substance on the cat?

Vomiting can be a first sign to kidney failure. Going off food is a second. Drinking lots of water too. They will still often times run around and play and stay active. My cat did. He's still super friendly and loving but I'm putting him down today at 10:30 because all the other signs have gotten so bad. Kidneys are rock hard, keeps a pot belly and has lost a lot of weight. Options were to run fluids every few days and we tried that but now he's urinating on himself when sleeping.

Those same signs can be lots of other things too. But it isn't normal for cats to vomit and/or go off food. I'd go to vet - better to be safe.

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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby PaulaO » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:36 pm

Angela, I'm sorry about your kitty.

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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby fergusnc » Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:24 pm

Just learning this now....never ever fast your kitties. They are not like dogs. They MUST eat. In a very short period of time, like 1 day I think, they can begin to develop a fatty liver from no eating. It is no joke. Totally different than dogs who I had been told so many times over the years, by vets, to fast for upset bellies.

I just took my kitty in this week, 17 years old, as she was still eating but puny about it. She had already been diagnosed with kidney failure beginnings. They gave her an appetite stimulant even with her still eating but in a lack luster way. Thank goodness they had stressed that she must eat, and call if she did anything off...hiding, low appetite, anything. She was already getting fluids and b12 for the kidney disease, and had been switched to special diet. Even with that she was a bit dehydrated. She was diagnosed with pancreatitis, just an added bonus, and the reason for the low appetite, hiding, intermittent mushy poo. She had also vomited (very rarely) and previous to current issues, but wondering now if it was a symptom. She also has soft poop. Pancreatitis is also very different in cats than dogs...apparently harder to manage/cure as easily.

So, even though DH and and agreed no more kitties after my last one from pre-him is gone (he is horribly allergic and has asthma yet manages indoor cats and dogs and loves them dearly...but cats are super tough on him, so we compromised), I am now telling everyone I know with cats how no eating means go to vet ASAP. Vet told me personal story of just how fast a cat can be lost to no eating, which can even be started by stress but end in organ failure after about two days without food, and it broke my heart....and shocked me. A quick vacation, normally fine cat was stressed and cat did not handle the absence as he normally did, and vet came home to find cat was in full blown crisis, and despite every effort the kitty was PTS in a day or two.

Hope your kitty is perfectly fine and none of this relates to your situation, truly. I am just relaying very recently acquired info to all in case it helps a kitty someday down the line. It was all new to me, and thankfully I learned it before I really needed to know it.

Angela, I am so sorry. :(

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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby PaulaO » Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:52 pm

Man, what a few days it's been. Poor Ursala. She vomited about 9 times during the day Tuesday, then more Tuesday night. I took her to the vet Wednesday, where she got an anti-nausea shot, subq fluids, and blood work. The blood work showed a touch of infection (low WBC), and a value skewed towards pancreatitis. Thursday I was given an appetite stimulant and liquid antibiotics. I've never pilled a cat and she was having NONE OF IT.

After she came out from under the bed, I bunged her into the carrier and we went back to the vet where she was an angel. More subq fluids, they pilled her, and she got an antibiotic shot so I don't have to syringe liquid into her.

Last night she ate a bit of kibble, but still caved under the vertical blinds and slept in the closet. A storm moved in around 1am which woke me. Went to check on her, and she was sitting by her food bowl. Gave her a spoon and went back to bed. Repeated around 3am. 6am and her appetite was non-stop, but I gave her just a little more and a bit of kibble. When I left she gave me the "I'm starving" look.

I hope we are out of the woods. My friend just went through full on pancreatitis with her cat and it was an awful experience. Fortunately her kitty is doing fine.

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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby texsuze » Sun Aug 07, 2016 4:19 pm

Jingles for Ursala. Been there, done that with our Desdemona, about 4 weeks ago. She seemed to right herself without much rx intervention. Amazing how much better behaved they can be once they are on the exam table ;)

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Re: Cat vomiting

Postby ASBJumper » Thu Apr 27, 2017 5:25 pm

Please stop feeding kibble - or at least ADD wet food to her diet. Kibble is not good for cats, it doesn't matter how "high end" it is, they are designed to eat meat and to get 80% of their moisture intake from their food, not from drinking. :(

When my male cat started routinely puking up his kibble (it was Science Diet, fyi) back in 2009 when he was 9 years old, I took him to the vet and they could find nothing wrong with him. Said it "can't be the food cuz SD is good stuff". Well, I did some research, switched both my cats to raw/wet, and the puking stopped. They lost their pudginess - their poops went from large and yellow-ish to small, hard dark brown normal poops. They were more active, more energetic, their coats were shinier and sleeker. Was the best thing i've ever done for them, hands down.

Fast forward to today - my older cat (the original puker) is now 17 years old, only gets good quality grain-free canned food (3x/day), and is supremely healthy. Still active, still jumps up to the 2nd tier of the cat tree from the ground (about 3 feet), still has the zoomies from time to time. He only pukes up his dinner once in a blue moon when he eats too fast, then he immediately hoovers it again (eww, i know - but it saves me from a gross cleanup and wasting $$, lol).

This may just be an infection due to bacteria in the food, but regardless - you're not doing your cat any favors by feeding only kibble. There are recalls and issues all the time. And diabetes, kidney issues, UTIs are all related to kibble and the high-carb, low moisture nature of it. :?

Good luck!

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