Greenholme Shandy- Pony requests help with my remedial rider with video!

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Greenholme Shandy- Pony requests help with my remedial rider with video!

Postby greenholmeshandy » Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:03 pm

I know its unusual for a pony to post rather than a human but I really do need help with my remedial rider. Try as much as I might I cannot get her to understand the correct aids, her balance and posture needs work and I'm concerned that she seems to be 2/10ths lame. She has proven to be a very good doer coming out of this winter carrying more condition than I would like from my rider.

Take today for example, it was raining cats and dogs as you humans say. I didn't see any of these but did see lots of rain and it was very windy. Human decides we ought to school in the arena, in the rain (which fortunately stopped), on a hillside, up a peak. Despite being in my stable since lunch time the day before being a well mannered pony i didn't object and tried my best. You see, I come from a semi feral herd and in our breed historically anything with a bad temper wasn't breed from but instead went to a human who didn't sound nice called Mr Meat Man, so I mind my Ps and Qs.

Anyway back to my issues with my human's riding. She wants to something called dressage and to improve our trec scores for control of paces, we have done this dressage thing a few times and she seems pleased with ribbons. Especially as i have what she calls more impulsion away from home.

In the arena at home though my instructor is helping my human stop kick kick kicking me along which makes me ignore her as it gets hard to guess what she wants me to do, use her seat first then hands to slow me down instead of doing it the other way all hands, hands and balance me and not ask me to go forward with her legs and seat whilst at the same time pulling back with her hands, and to not worry about getting canter or what leg we are on until we have enough impulsion and balance. My instructor says my silly human tries to get something called an outline by pulling my head in so i can only use my forehand, instead of riding into her hand what ever that means.

So today the human ride me round lots, half way through riding me round lots she realised that I wasn't actually doing much compared to her and kept waggling her whip thing in the air which motivated me, I will tell you. She doesn't hit me as I have learned to ignore that but I am quite scared of the swishing noise. I kept doing what she calls falling out on the right rein and I don't think she is doing it all quite right with her arms and she tends to waggle her legs a lot which I sensibly ignore.

It does get a bit frustrating as she has spent three years moaning on about my not cantering in the school, now I offer canter A LOT but she doesn't seem to appreciate it especially if we are practising a forward walk, can a pony win I ask you.

The human has filmed us with her gopro and I would really value suggestions on how to improve her, I don't need improving as like most good ponys I just reflect what her up top is doing.
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Re: Greenholme Shandy- Pony requests help with my remedial rider with video!

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:36 am

Hi Greenholme Shandy! You are a very cute pony :)

I don't like giving advice because I'm not a trainer/instructor and I only ride low level dressage. I just want you to know that.
But if it was me, I'd be doing lots more circles now, smaller ones, figure 8s, serpentine type movements and getting that bend and taking your time getting that change of bend where you feel them get their body onto the new line (sorry I'm crap at describing things). When they relax into it, and you get that feeling of 'give' in the ribcage. Spirals in and out. Now that you've got 'go' and energy you need some lateral flexion.

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Re: Greenholme Shandy- Pony requests help with my remedial rider with video!

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:16 pm

I'm wondering if your human is aware that she sits to the right all the time in both directions? Could it be that's why you are running through the right rein? I know you can't see her, but your human is doing an admirable job of sitting up and looking up, you should reward her for her effort by flowing more forward (but not faster.) It's hard for her to hold her arms and hands where you want because you have such a short neck. Reward her every time she puts her thumbs up (no piano hands) and softens her elbows by flowing forward and being soft in the bit. My horse, Rudy, does this for me and it helps me to know when I am riding better. Humans can be frustrating, I know, I am one, but if you persist in rewarding even her small efforts, she will reward you with teaching you to use your body more effectively and efficiently. Be kind to your human, and thank you for posting.

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Re: Greenholme Shandy- Pony requests help with my remedial rider with video!

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:52 pm

Great post, clever pony!

It sounds simple but encourage your rider to ride off the rail more and do more figures. This will help you be more on the aids and less on autopilot, by simple necessity.

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