January-February 8 week challenge!

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Rosie B
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January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Rosie B » Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:20 pm

Hey Guys,

I suggested on the other goals thread that we should go back to the 8 week challenge format and a few folks agreed so here it is. :)

My goals over the next 8 weeks are simple. RIDE at least 3 times a week. Our winter so far has been mild, so I have been trucking along with 5 rides a week (and mostly trot), but the real deal will soon set in, so three times a week is my goal. I won't make any goals about specifically improving anything, because weather will likely wreak havoc on any specific plans. As long as my butt is in the saddle 3 times a week, I will be thrilled. :) And if I can get any schooling done in trot or canter that will be a bonus.

What are your goals?

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:41 pm

I'm in!

January and February are the hardest months for me. It's cold, it's dark, and work sucks. So I'm going to aim for:
- Getting Kiwi back in shape
- Riding 5x/week (indoor arena, how I love you) when not traveling
- 1000 calories/day of cycling at my desk at work
- Half steps towards piaffe

But first, butt in the saddle. We'll see how the rest goes.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby khall » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:31 pm

I'll give it a shot! Ride as much as I can, 4Xs a week is great on my big guy, 2-3 on my mare. Or at least work them on line and in hand! Feb will be different since I am having a procedure that might keep me out of the saddle for a bit.

Clinic is Jan 16-18 th so really need to keep up with this! Now if weather will co-operate, lots of heavy rain here in Georgia with flooding locally, though dry until Friday now with much colder temps.

Will find out Friday how my big guy is doing with his pythium allergic rxn with the scope, please send some healing jingles for him and my boarder they have been dealing with this for awhile now and my checkbook needs a break!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Mareless » Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:40 pm

I've been wanting to get my butt back in the saddle more regularly (life has a way of getting crazy here, what with grandkids living with me), so count me in!

For the first half of January, I'll be happy if I can get 2 rides in per week. For the last half of the month, and all of Feb, I'd like to ride 3x/week.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby calvin » Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:26 pm

I shall play! I shall ride 5x a week or more. My plan is 3 or 4 rides on my horse in the INSULATED indoor (what a fabulous improvement!); he can then do some jumping with his "other" mum; I shall ride another horse here 3x a week for 20 minutes, as he is just coming back into work; I shall continue with my Physio exercises for my partial wrist fusion; I shall take one lesson with my trainer, located elsewhere, on a non-owned horse every 1- 2 weeks; I shall work on core / cardio with my personal trainer 2x a week; and shall have to do some work to pay for all of this! Plan is to be ready to show 2nd or even 3rd in June. Thanks for the motivation, Rosie B!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby bailey » Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:17 am

I'm in, goals;
Continue with 'rehab rides' rehabbing my guy from a stifle injury and yesterday vet said, significant improvement in gaits over last 6 weeks - no diagnostics or injections needed thank heavens!
Rehab ride progressive walk & trot 5 rides per week - we're at 8 minutes trot, 50 min of walk this week.
Spin class 4 x week for me.

I've decided to pm chancellor for 'remedial' teaching on how to load photos and video here. I have some great pics of the flood and now the snow from our rides I'd love to show you guys...

thanks for starting us off.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:44 pm

We are in. And I agree that this is a tough time of year to just get the rides in, even with an indoor.

Emi is still gaining back strength from a PSSM relapse in November. And she is also recovering from an abscess--ugh. But she is finally feeling better and we actually did a little actual work last night in the cold covered arena (instead of just therapeutic work to keep her moving and looser). The weird thing about dealing with the PSSM flares is that my horse reverts to feeling like a training level horse, then a 1st level horse, then a struggling to school 2nd level horse as she goes through recovery. It's a real reminder of how far we've come and that better work does take strength and looseness.

My goal is to get her back to feeling like she did October--where we were earnestly schooling 3rd and doing work on changes. I'd like to get back to that feeling by March. I am trying to be very picky about how we work as we gain strength---so that we are truly even in push from each hind and truly in both reins.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:02 pm

Piedmont, I'm glad your girl is feeling better!

piedmontfields wrote:I am trying to be very picky about how we work as we gain strength---so that we are truly even in push from each hind and truly in both reins.

I've actually found that a break, even if for reasons not of our own choosing, can be helpful to 'reprogram' old muscle habits that otherwise keep cropping up. The training doesn't go away; just the muscling. So you can rebuild what you need. And I'm doing something similar with the Kiester, who's had the last 3 weeks off due to travel. Here's to a new year of straightness!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:17 pm

Thank you, Ponichiwa!

I agree that the break is helpful. I think it's mostly me that is getting more clear and precise with my expectations---even in the simplest work. Maybe what I achieved in 2015 is that I'm no longer willing to be tolerant of Emi being crooked or unconnected LOL.

To straightness! Long may it evolve!!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby demi » Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:51 pm

It's nice to have this thread back even though I was just a reader before.

I want to get in with Emma this time. She has some issues for me to work with:

She still doesn't want to canter so I am going to canter sparingly until she gets her hoof angles corrected.

She is also afraid of whips, both riding and longe. The seller and trainer both told me it wasn't worth trying to use a whip with her so I will take their advice.

She also doesn't longe well. She is nervous about it and wants to run helter skelter, including some very athletic bucks. I was also warned by both trainer and seller that she spooks but I've ridden her 26 times since I got her and it hasn't been an issue. She spooked a bit on the first couple of rides but not since. The spooks were forgivable because new place, new rider, etc., etc. Seller said she used one of those ear bonnet things, but trainer said it wasnt necessary.

My goal for the next 8 weeks is 1.) work her 5 days a week. The only exception being if I get rained out. 2.) get her longeing nicely and quietly so that I am able to observe her movement, and so that I'll be able to work her in very cold, windy weather. ( I don't know her well enough yet to feel safe in bad conditions)

That's it. Two things.

Wishing everyone success in the next several weeks.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:48 pm

I'm in!
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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:05 am

I need a little waah, I guess. The weather has been impossible here for the past three weeks, so we've done some lunging and that's been about it. Now I have to make a sad and unplanned trip home to England, so the rest of this month is pretty much shot. He's getting turned out all day every day and he's eating like a horse, so he's OK.

We will just have to pick things back up in February when the weather starts to improve. Two steps forward, one step back.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Niki » Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:29 am

Im in :-)

Ove simplified my goals tho
1. Ride at least 3 times per week...with moving im struggling to get in 2 so far.
2. Relaxation and softness are the goals....riding back in the open and alone has bess rather tense. Tho suprisingly the canter is better than the trot.
3. Get myself fitter...more exercise n smaller portions c again.
4. Practice the archery at least weekly...ideally twice...once on the ground and once in the saddle. There are 2 comps at the end of the year i want to enter.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:59 pm

A mini report: I have actually gotten on the mare 4 times this week (already)! I may take tonight off, but tomorrow is on. She is feeling much better and we have been doing our "big trot" homework!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Ponichiwa » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:45 pm

Not 2 days after vowing I'd ride 5 days a week, I came down with my first massive headcold of 2016.

Next week's the week I get stuff done. Onward!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Mareless » Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:08 pm

Update: got my two rides in this week, finding time was easier than I thought. Or maybe it was because I 'x'ed out a block on my calendar for two afternoons this week and made myself forget all the other things that 'needed' (not really, but it seemed like it) to be done when it was time to go ride.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby demi » Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:02 pm

I got 4 rides in this week. My goal is 5 rides per week but I am happy with 4. I didn't get to work on longeing her. I had planned to longe today but it has been very windy all day and not a good time to work on it with this particular horse.

The last day I rode was Thursday and I am excited about how she went. Although I've been cantering very little because of her issues, her trot work was really steady and forward and it felt for the first time that she was ready for some nice trot-canter transitions. I asked for a few and they felt lovely! I only did a couple of 20 m circles, one each way. All the transitions were fun! including the downward back to trot.

I hope everyone else is doing well in spite of head colds, bad weather, travel, and all the other things that make riding a challenge.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:07 am

I've entered a dressage comp for my young horse this weekend. I must have got a rush of blood for it when a group of friends decided to go ( for 3 of them, it's their first ever comp!)
It's a bit too soon to expect more than just hoping we stay in the arena, but I know I want 60% +. Arghhh!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Brydie » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:06 am

My goal for Jan-Feb is to get a sharper reaction to the leg (both forward and sideways). Also have a show planned for the middle of Feb which my goal is to do better than our last one!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby klark_kent07 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:15 am

January is pretty much out for me, riding wise... :(
My partner and I have had to unexpectedly move back into the house that I own with my ex partner, after he trashed it and moved out! Between repairing walls, floors, gardens, pool and days of cleaning I have decided to not even attempt to ride over the next 2 weeks. Then after that we go on holidays to Bali for a week so there goes January!

February goals though are to pick back up where we left off with the changes and really work on the half steps under saddle, with the aim to help improve the medium trot. I'm hoping that with a few weeks off I can get everything done to the house that needs doing and get my head around it all and back in a good space to start the 2016 training year off!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Rosie B » Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:38 pm

Klark that sucks. Sorry you have to deal with that. But a bit of a break will probably be good for Kent... I've always found that Bliss comes back better than ever after a short break so I hope you have the same experience!

Byrdie - good luck with the show. I have the same goal about a sharper reaction to the leg.

Flight - I can't wait to hear about your show!! I am sure you will do well. :) Sometimes the young horses can surprise you, in a good way! :)

demi - 4 rides a week is all kinds in my opinion. :) Sounds like you had a great ride! Hope things continue to improve.

Mareless - good for you!

Ponichiwa - hope you recover quickly!

piedmontfields - Bliss and I have also been working on the big trot homework. Glad to hear she's feeling better. :)

Niki - it is hard to find time to ride when you're in the midst of big projects, and moving to your own facility is certainly a big project! Hope you can get more time over the coming weeks. :)

Sunday night we had a rare and unseasonable thaw followed by a complete downpour that washed away all the snow. When I got up yesterday morning it was +9! (48 F) By 5:00 pm it had dropped back down to -3, and the surface of my arena was definitely crusty but the ground underneath hadn't frozen yet so I had my first ride in the arena on thawed ground sans snow in two weeks. And Bliss felt fabulous! He felt every bit as engaged and connected as he had been feeling in the snow, and the leg yields were effortless. I just had to lay my leg on him lightly and he went gliding over without losing any impulsion or straightness. Yay! Tomorrow however we're supposed to get a big dump of snow so I will be riding in the snow again, likely until March if I'm lucky!

Wishing you all nice weather and happy riding!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:35 pm

Good to hear from everyone. As a wimpy southerner who has to gear herself up to ride when the temp is around freezing, I am truly impressed by you hardy northerners with actual cold! Both Emi and I would prefer it to be 35 C / 95 F but we have managed 8 rides in the first 11 days of January. Brrr.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby PaulaEdwina » Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:00 pm

I can't do a whole lot by way of formal training until I start getting paid in February (I'm an adjunct university professor -this is my period of no pay). Outside of that I'm trying to keep us both fit without sweating up Fella (my very very furry percheron cross) so we're walking lots of miles with a little bit of walk/canter work. I've laid out all the FADS (Frederick Area Dressage Shows) schooling shows that host Western Dressage, and I'm talking to my dressage trainer about my plans to ride the Basic tests (1-4) this season and how much work that entails! I pretty much have my money spent on haul in lessons :lol: If I can afford it I'd like to try 2 shows per month WD with some Ranch Riding and Ranch Trail in between.

I hope to ride 4 days a week.


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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Rosie B » Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:31 pm

Well today I got to put my money where my mouth is with regard to riding in the cold. ;)

We had a snowstorm all day yesterday which dumped about 8-10 inches of snow, and this morning it was around -20 C/-4 F with wind chill. And I managed to drag my butt out of bed and have a quick ride at 5:00 am. I only rode for 15 minutes, but Bliss went super well. He was forward, engaged, connected, and lifting through the back and stretching out through the neck. Fresh snow makes for lovely, lovely riding - like going over cavaletti every single stride. We just did walk/trot and basic figures.

I think the snow will be around for the rest of the winter, now. We're supposed to get more on Saturday. This will be my first winter of trying to ride regularly with no indoor, and so far the weather has been unseasonably nice. Even the amount of snow we got yesterday was entirely manageable, and -20 with wind chill is not nearly as cold as it can get.

Snow and cold aren't the only challenges, either. Once the snow has been around for a few days, the ploughed driveway will turn to ice as it gets more and more compacted and with sun during the day. Bliss and I have to navigate up about 300 meters of fairly steep driveway hill to get to the arena. If it turns to sheer ice, it's going to be impossible to get up to the ring using the driveway. There is a trail through the woods that comes out behind my inlaw's house beside the arena, but it's about 3' wide, very rough, and there are lots of low branches and hummocks. I haven't taken him through that trail yet but I will try it soon.

And the footing in the arena will deteriorate with riding. Frequently travelled spots will get compacted and may become icy, so I need to use the space creatively to keep from wearing out the snow. There are also other areas I can school a bit other than the arena... the space below the arena, my inlaw's lawn, my lawn, the paddock.

So I am as prepared for the rest of the winter as I can be, but am keeping my fingers crossed that the weather continues to be fairly mild. :)

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby demi » Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:00 pm

Rosie B wrote:Well today I got to put my money where my mouth is with regard to riding in the cold. ;)

.... Even the amount of snow we got yesterday was entirely manageable, and -20 with wind chill is not nearly as cold as it can get. ...

So I am as prepared for the rest of the winter as I can be, but am keeping my fingers crossed that the weather continues to be fairly mild. :)

Fairly mild!??!!!?? :lol:

I take my hat off to you! I was all proud of myself for riding Monday morning when it was +37 F. Seriously, I love your determination. Just be very careful not to get hurt.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby kande50 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:32 pm

[quote="Rosie B"]Well today I got to put my money where my mouth is with regard to riding in the cold. ;)....

Good job! Before I got an indoor I did a lot of riding in the snow, but back then hoof boots didn't stay on very well so my horse was shod with ice calks. Now it's a lot easier, because we can buy boots with calks that stay on pretty well, and also prevent the snow from balling up. And then when we're not actually using them we can take them off so that our horses can continue to condition their bare hooves, and aren't stuck with ice calks if the snow suddenly melts.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Flight » Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:29 am

Rosie, I can't even comprehend trying to live let alone ride in that weather!!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Rosie B » Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:19 pm

Lol... You get used to it. :) Demi - I didn't mean to say -20 is mild. It is COLD, just not as cold as it can get around here. And sorry guys, I didn't mean to derail this thread.

Winter does have its advantages... Scenes like this:
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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby khall » Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:38 pm

Rosie that is very pretty snow pic and yes your riding in the snow is beautiful, but for me I do not think I could have horses and ride in the weather you guys put up with!! Southern born and raised here.

As for updates on progress, very happy with both of mine and gearing up for a clinic I am hosting this weekend. My big gelding Rip is learning all about lifting the front end, which is hard considering he is built like a tank with a lower set neck. But last clinic in Nov we had (ok I had some mental breakthroughs) some breakthroughs with our in hand work with my instructor showing me how to ask him to lift from the base of the neck up, I am really getting the concept now and getting my guy way up and engaging. Boy it makes the RB easy! We had built the foundation for this with all of the lateral work he does SI, HI, renvere, counter SI, HP and energizing the big moose within our work. So he has the strength for it, plus he is built like a brick out house:) Looking forward to what my instructor has to say about our work.

My younger mare (Rip's full sibling) Gaila is trying to find her energizer bunny mode, kind of hard for again another energy conservationist who while is a hand shorter is still built like a brick out house! At 15.2 hh she wears a 78/80 blanket depending on blanket:) Forward on lunge line has made great progress for US work, so we will see this weekend!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Sue B » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:02 pm

Hey Rosie, don't you think it's fun braving the winter chills, snow and ice? I don't have an indoor, and while sometimes I will haul to one, I really do prefer riding out. I think the horse uses himself better and gains more strength working in the snow and on the roads. It also mentally refreshes him so that he comes into show season relaxed and ready to work. I may change my mind when I start working the "baby" Tio again though. :lol:

Anyways, yesterday I had time to ride but the wind and ice discouraged me, so while it is snowing today, I hope to hop on for a bit anyways. Maybe this weekend I will finally be able to ride Tio, who has been off work since acquiring a large gash on his side this Fall. The wound has healed nicely but the deepest part is right where the girth billets lie so I've had to wait for the scarring to subside as well. Never did figure out who or what created the wound in the first place.

So far as arenas go, I have a mix of sand and rubber in mine. The rubber holds any heat from the sun it can get and does not freeze the way sand does. Mixing the two keeps my arena quite rideable most of the winter (unless the drifting snow gets too deep) and decreases dust in the summer. The downside is that I have to replenish the rubber every couple of years or so--usually 4 yards--then again, I usually add more sand then too in order to protect the base. The only time I stay out of the arena is if it rains enough to soften the base.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Mareless » Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:40 pm

This week was a total bust for me. Very cold Monday and Tuesday, single digits so I didn't ride. Then there was a big shake-up Tuesday afternoon at the barn I work at, and Wednesday was such an incredibly long and challenging work day (fixing the crap the guy who got fired hadn't been doing, which is why he got fired) that I was totally wiped out for the rest of the day and didn't even look at my horse. Thursday I was coughing so hard no way was I going to be able to stay on a horse's back. Same with Friday. Feeling a little better today, might try for a quick ride after dinner.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby bailey » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:03 am

My initial goals; 'rehab rides' rehabbing my guy from a stifle injury, started at walk & trot 5 rides per week - 8 minutes trot, 50 min of walk.
Spin class 4 x week for me.
This week at 4 minute trot intervals, whole arena. Four - 4 min intervals and it's hard for both of us! I'm using this walk and trot time to focus on one aide, good response, and working on using my seat for transitions. Have made the 5 rides/week but some days are shorter than others.
I made four exercise classes last week, 3 spin and one body flow yoga.
Next week, hold trot intervals, add in leg yields and SI at walk, also got the ok to do 20 M circles & rein backs.
Still haven't made any progress on my pic posting skills....on the to do list!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Brydie » Sun Jan 17, 2016 2:23 am

Had a lesson today... bareback thanks to a girth gall... Tried to video it but it looks like my battery is dead in my camera (last two times I've tried using it I've charged it beforehand and the battery is dead within a short amount of time and now it seems like it doesn't even want to charge!)

What an experience that was HA. I can tell you I won't be doing it again anytime soon, I am SORE! In my lesson today my instructor wanted me to ask for some half steps... I was like :O thinking "but I only ride Prelim!" Was pretty cool though, Red tries so hard to do everything I ask. We worked a lot on our walk to canter and trying for canter to walk (still not there yet). It was SO hard for me riding bareback trying to really collect that canter before asking for the transition to walk. I'm sure we'll get there once he builds more strength!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby demi » Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:02 am

I got in four days this week and one of them was a longe day. She was much better on the longe this time. The first time I longed her she was a bit "wild" but this time I made some changes. I got a longeing cavesson. The first time I used a halter over her bridle to attach the longe line to and it wasn't a very solid setup. Kinda of slip -slidey. I also used sliding sidereins where as last time I didn't use any sidereins. She was still a little nervous when we started this time but she settled down quickly.

Next week will probably be another 4 day week because she got her hooves trimmed today and I am going to give her a few days to adjust.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Flight » Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:46 pm

A lesson bareback!! That is hardcore! Well done.

My young horses comp went really well. In fact he won he first test! It was a unofficial comp run by a local adult riding club, but it has quite a big turnout for that reason. I had been planning this one as his first one, because it's held at public grounds not far from me he's been going there frequently over the past year (started going before I was riding him properly). So, when he got off the float he knew where he was, and surprisingly was ok with all the other floats and horses. Plus, we were parked next to the showjumping and he was fine with that.
I am so relieved he was calm and relaxed. I even think he might actually be a quiet natured horse now!

His second test we got majorly slammed for being BTV and short necked. He is inclined to do that when he's not forward enough, even if I have a light rein contact. He was tired and it had warmed up a fair bit, and even though he had not put a foot wrong I was hesitant to push him on this being is first time out.
But I know what to do next time :)
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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Brydie » Mon Jan 18, 2016 5:45 am

Yay well done Flight! You must be super proud! He looks great :D

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby demi » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:27 pm

Nice job, Flight! He looks good. I liked that you carefully picked the location for his first show, also that you didn't push him on his first time out.

The last pic is my favorite.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:43 pm

Great job on your first show Flight, and thank you for sharing pretty pictures.
Brydie you are certainly tougher than I, but then again riding bareback is not an option on Rudy given his ginormous withers. :lol:
Demi, I am so happy for you that you are able to work Emma and have fun with it, she really sounds like a nice horsie.

On Sunday, I FINALLY got to ride Tio!!!! Yay!!! Granted, we only walked (I know, big chicken here) but I did manage to successfully negotiate round 15m circles in both directions so he hasn't forgotten everything. He was much more responsive to leg aides and when I shortened the reins, he went quite nicely to the bit as well. Maybe he really is finally growing up!? Anyways, it was very fun to finally be back up on his back again. Of course, today, it is pouring rain, making everything slippery and mucky. Just as well, too much to do at work anyways.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:23 pm

Flight, great work! Although right now, thanks to being mired in the depths of winter, I'm mostly jealous of what looks to be fantastic weather.

Speaking of, check-in time for Kiwi:
The third level work is all pretty easy now! I'm taking a moment to bask in that glory; Kiwi is the first horse I've trained from super greenbroke to real collection, and it feels good.

Halfsteps are hit or miss. If I ask for too much on-the-spot, she ducks behind the aids and gets super balky. Not fun. I've been varying my approach (shortening the trot vs. halfsteps from the walk), but stopped asking from the walk because it felt very easy to disunite the diagonal pairs. We may return to it at a later date, but for now it's off limits.

And in our season of straightness, things are going well. I'm being more consistent in prioritizing straightness (and connection) over executing a movement, and lo and behold it's making the movements better. Go figure, huh?

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby demi » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:37 am

Texas weather has been good for riding, but don't feel too bad all you northeasterners. Winter won't last forever.

I only rode Emma once this week because her last corrective trimming on the 16th was quite a change in hoof angle. I want to give her time to acclimate to the new angles on her own, out in pasture. She looked sound and solid in the field so I got on her Wednesday, four days after the trim, just to see how she felt. She felt great! 20 minutes, mostly walk. A little trot, and two trot-canter transitions. She was very responsive and cooperative. Gave the canter willingly and easily...time will tell. I plan to ride her tomorrow and all week. Just lightly.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:29 pm

Check in at the end of the month:

The amazing thing is that we worked 19 of 31 days in January, including some down time for a hoof access, travel and some poor health (mine).

I'm looking forward to some longer days and better weather. Today was 60 F and we enjoyed a good hill work out.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby demi » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:40 pm

Last week was a good one. Good weather helped me to get 5 rides in on Emma. She seems solid, physically, in the 1st level things I am doing with her and I have added a little more canter. Just the long sides and a 20M circle here and there. The departs are nice now, but at first she was resistant to canter. I have been taking the canter form a leg yield into the corner because she takes it much more easily and promptly that way. Both ways. They feel so good....

I rode 15 times in January and it would have probably been 20 except that I gave her a week off after her second hoof trim. I haven't worked her enough to have built any muscle yet, but I think I see more muscle tone...connection wise, she is giving me more and more.

This month I'll add more canter work, and increase the trot work. I do approximately 30 minute rides but will aim for a 45 minute ride once a week.

I am looking forward to getting a Soloshot 3 this spring as I don't have mirrors and I don't want to take lessons on her till I know she can handle it.

Glad you checked in Piedmontfields. It was nice to hear you got in so many rides in spite of a hoof abscess..

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby klark_kent07 » Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:38 am

After a rather rocky start to 2016, I now have my positive pants pulled firmly up and am ready to get on with this year!
Kent and I have managed one lesson and one ride for the whole year, but are now back into it this week.
These pictures are from our lesson on the weekend- huge improvement in the sit and push in the trot!!!
We now have a decent medium happening and a very nice collected trot is settling in as well :)



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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:45 pm

Nice photos KK! you both look very determined! Good luck.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Ponichiwa » Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:00 pm

I had a GREAT ride on Kiwi yesterday. We've got canter pirouettes, people. They're big, and sometimes turning gets a bit out of control, but they're there! Easier right than left, although after too many steps of R pirouette I lost all control of the haunches.

Stuff to work on. Feeling good!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Sue B » Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:32 pm

That's wonderful Ponichiwa. So freakin' much fun!
Great job KlarkKent, your horse is looking so powerful these days!
And great news about your mare Demi, so it was the feet afterall.

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:40 pm

Lots of great updates, people. Well done!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Flight » Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:20 pm

Lovely pics Klark_Kent! Both got concentrating faces on. Are you wearing those ice sleeves? Still be hot up your way I imagine?

Ponichiwa, canter pirouettes! That's very cool :)

These next 2 months I'm hoping to keep working on my changes and getting around an 80cm horse trials without getting eliminated!

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Rosie B » Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:00 pm

Flight your youngster is looking super!! Congrats on a successful outing! :)
Sue B - I am so impressed that you were able to get back on Tio after such a long break and have him be so good! That speaks loudly of the quality of his mind. :)
Ponichiwa - sounds like you guys are on a roll! I always love reading your updates. :)
peidmont - congrats on keeping her in consistent work! I had the same number of rides in Jan. without any soundness issues, but I was only aiming for 4 days a week. :)
demi - sounds like you've been having some good rides!
klark_Kent - your boy is looking like a powerhouse!! Great pics! :)

Bliss and I have been going 4x a week consistently. The weather here continues to be fairly mild, so I've had a few rides on thawed ground with no snow which is unheard of this time of year. But those rides have shown me how much strength riding in the snow has built... Bliss has been going fabulously. The leg yeild flows effortlessly now, after a straight month of slogging through it in the snow. :)

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Re: January-February 8 week challenge!

Postby Brydie » Sun Feb 07, 2016 7:53 pm

Haven't ridden consistently due to Red's girth gall but it's healed nos so back to work! Had a really good (and exhausting) lesson yesterday. I feel soooo dumb for not thinking of this. My instructor set up some raised trot poles. I don't have any cavaletti (which I was thinking of making/buying) but she raised them by putting poles on each side and resting them on those. We had one set on each long side, one with long trot striding and one with short canter striding. I must say the trot felt AMAZING going over those poles.

Didn't end up entering the show next weekend as Red's ride is out of the country for 3 weeks so can't take him. Will go to the next one in March :)

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