Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

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Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Brydie » Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:29 am

I know for many of you it's the middle of winter, but here down under we are going to be having a hot week! Hanging around 38-40 degrees for the next few days.

I ride after work and apparently it'll still be 36 degrees when I ride at around 6pm. Luckily our arena is quite shady at that time of the evening, but I still wonder... When is it too hot for a schooling session?

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:46 am

When I start getting bad tempered because I'm hot and sweaty!! :D That can mean anything over 20 lol.

We've got 35 - 40 this week too. I tend to not ride over about 32 degrees, especially as I'm west facing on a hill, so I cook until sunset.
Yesterday I rode out at about 8pm and it was pleasant in the shade. Can you ride nearer to dusk? It does tend to cool down where I live.

I couldn't hack riding in 36 degrees. I guess everyone is different, but that is a stopper for me. Probably more mental than physical though.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby demi » Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:18 pm

I think our summers in central Texas are comparable to what you are having in Australia right now. We often get in the 100's f, and have runs of 30-45 days in a row when the temp gets 100 or more every day. Personally, I never ride when it's 100 or more, and usually not even at 95.

At the start of summer, I'll ride mornings or evenings to avoid the heat, but as the season drags on, I don't ride in the evenings even if it cools down to 90 because the horses have been in the heat all day and I feel they need to stay quiet. In the morning, they have at least had a bit of a rest from the hot sun so I will ride then.

As the summer continues, I get kind of cranky and I figure the horses do, too. Usually by mid August I give them a couple of weeks off.

We have lots of shade but mine will stay out in the sun grazing if I don't bring them in during the hottest part of the day. We have fans for each stall and good ventilation. If I had a covered arena I might be able to ride all summer because just being out of the sun makes a big difference.

Flight wrote:When I start getting bad tempered because I'm hot and sweaty!! :D ...

I can relate to that!!!

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:00 pm

I would think humidity would be a factor as well. I live in the high mountain desert where it is no problem riding in the high 90's/low 100's as humidity is almost always less than 30%. Breed of horse is also a factor--thin skinned TB's and Arabs are less affected than thicker skinned wbs and ponies. I notice my wb grumbles in the heat (even though he is half TB) and my TB delights in the hot temps--the TB even sunbathes when its 100F out! So once again it's an individual thing and a humidity thing.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby khall » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:34 pm

As SueB says it is the humidity more than the heat that is a problem. I live in middle Georgia, it is hot and humid here so we know how to deal. When temps reach mid 90's with high humidity it is miserable and not worth trying to "work". Shade helps and a breeze helps (used to live and have horses on a pecan orchard, it was so much cooler under the trees!), ride early and then be done by mid morning, horses stay in under a fan until it cools off enough for them to go out. Hose them and scrape before riding and before TO helps.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Brydie » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:39 pm

I think the sun has a huge impact. There was decent cloud cover yesterday evening (including thunder, but no rain!) But it didn't feel too hot at all and Red didn't even really break a sweat. Kept the ride short but that was mainly due to riding bareback as he has a sore in his girth area :( day off today, and supposed to be a bit cooler Wednesday but HOT Thursday. Hoping it doesn't disrupt us too much as he just had a week off due to my monthly week of overtime at work

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:57 pm

Yep, it was quite bearable yesterday evening with the clouds.
We apparently drop down to 7 overnight on Friday! Bring it on :)

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Srhorselady » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:27 am

At the Atlanta Olympics they did several studies and came up with a heat index and recommendations for working horses in the heat. Basically you add the humidity to the temperature and the result is your heat index. I can't remember the exact recommendations, but a heat index of 120 (temp in Farenheit plus humidity) meant walk work only. (I think) They gave several recommendations at various heat indexes for the gaits and intensity of the work out. BTW I live in the desert...high temps but low humidity. If we didn't ride when it was over 100 degrees F we wouldn't ride all summer. I DO try to ride early and be done by 9am.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby tlkidding » Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:51 pm

I go by the heat index described by Srhorselady.

Also, my horse has a heart murmur so I try to be pretty conservative in the heat. Sometimes I'll do a quick school and hose his neck and chest and scrape him on the way back the barn from the arena, strip his tack off, and then hustle back out to the hose.

I'll do a walking trail ride at pretty much any temperature as long as he has decent fitness. For my sake, I've found riding with a sun shirt on helps quite a bit on trail rides and even some during regular schools, as long as there is the slightest breeze.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:35 pm

When it's getting over 95, I try to get up extra early and ride before work.

My little appy would start getting more lazy and behind the leg once temps got into the 90's, which was not a good combo with me getting grumpy when I'm drenched in sweat. Having a shady place to ride would help a lot.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Brydie » Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:45 pm

Just had a Google of the Heat Stress Index. What's suggested is up to 120, proceed as normal. If over 150 consider riding at a different time or lower intensity/time and anything over 180 do not work the horse!

Thanks for letting me know about it, will be very helpful!

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby heddylamar » Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:44 am

I ride in the early morning before work, when the temperature is lower, but humidity is often higher. Generally I'll ride all summer.

When I rode after work, we'd often skip rides because it's just too hot. Summers in the DC area -- 100+ with 80%+ humidity -- are just not pleasant.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Chisamba » Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:02 pm

I used to have a bottle of alcohol and water mixed, and spray the horses to help keep them cool, half way through a ride, when it was very hot. i also tailored my rides in hot weather, depending on the horse. So long as they are sweating you are probably okay, if you are reasonable.

However that said, i have seen two horses die of heat stroke, one at a show and one on a trail ride, fortunately neither was one in my care, but its still a very horrific thing to see, In both cases the horse stopped sweating and the rider did not realize that was a dangerous thing.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Josette » Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:21 pm

Chisamba - what you described is so CRITICAL when riding during extreme/humidity. Riders need to watch for heavy breathing, blowing, sides pumping under stress. Take this into account too when purchasing a new horse or moving to new geographic location that the horse is getting adjusting.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby khall » Sun Jan 24, 2016 7:10 pm

I cannot imagine watching a horse die of heat stroke. I came close to losing one of mine but it was because she had been turned out with a grazing muzzle on in the heat (TO by a barn worker, not normal time) I found the mare breathing heavily and thankfully still sweating. Scared the crap out of me and one reason I switched to easy breath muzzles instead of best friends. The same mare had one summer where I could not ride her in the heat regardless of how early I tried to ride her or late. She pretty much had the summer off that year, has never done it since. She would sweat but would breath heavily very quickly with any work over a walk, I just gave her the summer off.

My horses are pretty acclimatized to the hot summers here and I rarely am not able to ride due to heat/humidity. It is harder on me than them I do believe! Definitely challenges with extreme temps either way, cold or hot. Being a Georgia resident I do better with hot!

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby Ryans Friend » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:51 am

Live in the desert north of Los Angeles and we have pretty steady temps greater than 100 F often running from June-October, although last year it seemed like summer ran from March through early November. On hot days I try to ride early in the morning, if work allows. Otherwise I have to wait for the temp to drop to 95. If I am dying to ride I will go for an easy trail ride and not do arena work. The real challenge here is wind! We live in the wind tunnel of California, it seems. I used to make myself ride in it just to prove I could, and if I have a lesson I will brave the wind. But once it hit 20 mph I sit it out. I know now that my horse and I can manage and it just isn't fun. Hope some cooler times come your way soon!

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby redsoxluvr » Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:00 am

My horse had anhydrosis which was brought on by getting overheated on a warm day. His rider at the time decided to work through a training issue until it was resolved, and he got too hot and stopped sweating. She immediately got off but it was too late. After that whenever it was warm and there was any sort of humidity he would not sweat at all. He was a very fit boy and had no other extenuating health conditions.

Always, always, always err on the side of caution. Any time the heat index is over 120 I will only walk. Anything over 130 and mine don't work.

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Re: Spinoff: When do you not ride because of the heat?

Postby khall » Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:14 pm

redsoxluvr, I have dealt with anhydrosis with several horses here in the humid south. I have found that starting the supplement early really helps, before the temps get high and that acupuncture helps tremendously. I had one cushings horse that I struggled with until he was acupunctured and then really did not have any more issues thankfully! I did have to keep him clipped down several times a year, but as long as he was up under a fan we did good.

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