Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:14 am

Woohoo, mareless! Very exciting update. I wish you all well.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby klark_kent07 » Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:20 pm

Flight, thanks for sharing. It can seem like taking a backwards step when we change things in training but often the leap forward afterwards is so much easier!

Rosie, soooo glad Bliss is feeling better. I love those rides after they have had a break and a fresh and everything just seems so easy.

Mareless- congrats on finding a trainer again! You will love having regular eyes on the ground, the difference when you have someone to remind you of all those little things that you forget about when you ride on your own, is amazing!

I had a great lesson last night with a different coach. A group that I belong to got him up and I've seen him teach and ride previously at bigger events down south so thought I would support our local group. Lesson was great, worked on having Kent a lot more active behind and compressed- which can be tricky with Kent as he likes to sit very high in the neck and shorten when allowed. We worked a lot on having him more together and connected while still maintaining a slightly longer neck but not allowing him to dive. Brought the trot back smaller and quicker then allowed him forward into the contact without allowing him to get bigger. Same in canter, really worked on having him much straighter as well. Lots of outside flexion and quick responses.
Had super trot half pass and the canter half pas was much improved as well. We didn't look at the changes as we both agreed that was something to continue working on with my regular coach at this early stage.
No photos as we were under lights and in the drizzly rain! :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:35 am

Well I'm a bit annoyed at myself after my competition yesterday. I saw the vid and I rode like crap!
In the warm up and while I'm riding the test, it truly feels like my horse is going soooo slow and lazy and I work really hard to keep him going and I don't understand why I can't get the nice feeling I get at home.
Then I watch the vid and see that I'm actually over riding, doing working gaits rather than collected ones. I'm rough and bouncing.
So, what is my brain doing!! ARghhhh. It's like it's sped up so everything else feels slow. I'm not sure if it's the arena? I only have a small one at home, so it feels like it takes forever to go up the CL, longside, diagonal etc.
I still scored 65% but with different comments this time, but unless I can fix this I'm not going to improve. So frustrated with myself.

Here's a pic the BF took in the warm up. I'm patting him so he must have felt forward or something :)
actda2s.jpg (119.01 KiB) Viewed 23949 times

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby klark_kent07 » Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:14 am

Isn't it funny Flight, we can score well but when you aren't happy with the feel of the ride it doesn't matter.
Can you have someone video your warm up and when you stop for a walk break, watch the video. Then adjust from there? Sometimes what we feel and what it looks like aren't the same either! :/

Had a lesson with my regular coach on the weekend and the changes are getting easier!
Still late behind by a stride or two normally but he is getting the idea to do SOMETHING when I apply the aid.
We got one clean change and one that he changed behind first just for something different! :lol:
The right to left has been much easier but the left to right was definitely the better side this time.

We have been working on straightness this week and will have another lesson on Thursday and another play with the changes again before we leave them for a few weeks as I have 2 comps coming up at Elementary- where we don't need changes! :) I will try to get some video of our attempts to share, warts and all, as I learn so much from watching other amateurs work through these things!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:40 am

Well I took a bit of time off after the clinic, had fencing to repair (storm during clinic knocked almost one whole line down) and general farm maitanence to do around here. Worked him just a bit on line these past couple of weeks and some in hand but did not ride until yesterday. Really nice ride on my big guy, today too! Working on CC and WCW, did some trot, halt, RB, trot and a good bit of lateral work both on bending lines and straight and he was right on for me. That trot, halt, RB, trot really powers him up and engages him, amazing how he feels afterward:) His in hand work is so good and has gotten so easy it is fun to work him in hand now! I NEVER thought I would say that, he was a shark to deal with for so long and now he is light and maneuverable and has gotten so flexible. It is amazing to me this big moose of a horse (1400lbs +) can be so light in hand. One big aha moment for me was that I really need to make sure my shoulders are back about 2 in from what I feel comfortable with. That plugs me in a bit better and makes a difference in him, makes me more effective.

My mare is still working more on line and in hand than US right now. Between last weeks weather and so much to do around the farm and family, life is just getting in the way! Ah well, she is moving nicely though. Love how the in hand work really makes a nice riding horse.

I am jealous so many of you get to work with trainers on a more regular basis. I see my trainer only about 4 times a year, the rest I am pretty much on my own. I have toyed with the idea of getting someone over to watch me seat wise, but no one local to work with that I can get anything out of. We are not in big dressage land here.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:24 am

That's a good idea Klark_kent, I might do that next time.

Yes, please share some vid!! I'd love to see what others are doing around the level I am at.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:38 pm

I've had 3 rides since I returned home on Friday. An easy one on Saturday to get my feet wet, so to speak. Yesterday and today were focusing on my seat - sitting back, more specifically. I collapse forward the first couple of rides back.

But assuming we have that mostly sorted out, I am now signed up to ride First 1 in our barn's schooling show this Saturday. This is the first major step in getting ready for the rated show in Oklahoma in 2 weeks.

Cartier is talking it all in stride - whether I am working on First level or my trainer is running him through more advanced work. So that is working out well.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby klark_kent07 » Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:02 am

Ok I'm being brave and sharing some video!
I almost cried when I got off- to actually be doing changes on a horse I've bought on myself, from the moment he left the breakers, is so rewarding for an amateur like me. Of course they aren't perfect but it's only our fourth or fifth attempt at asking for them so I am so happy. First video is a clean change, and even on the aids! Second one is late behind by a stride but pretty much on my aids as well :D Right to left change got a bit wild as Kent decided he knew exactly what we wanted before we'd even asked so we abandoned that and just continued to work on the suppleness in the right canter/counter canter :)
We will have another look at them in my lesson next week before we leave them for a few weeks while I have a few competitions coming up

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:59 am

YAY!!!!!!! Klark_kent that is so awesome! What a great feeling. :) :) :) And of course kent is looking SUPER!!

Good luck with the show capstone - can't wait to hear all about it AND see some pics. ;)

Flight - Do you watch a lot of videos of other riders? I often find that if I've been watching lots of videos of really GOOD riders it always looks awful when I see some video of myself. Also, I'm sure you know this, but you need to watch the video of yourself more than once. ;) The first viewing of a video of myself always makes me go "YUCK!! WHAT was I DOING??" but with subsequent views it's much easier to watch it objectively.

khall - I wish you lived close to me. :) I would LOVE to see you work your horses in hand. I plan to start this with Bliss when I'm too pregnant to ride this summer and it'll be the blind leading the blind to some extent.

Bliss has been going super well. I've been having one great ride after another. I've just been riding for 20-35 minutes or so, but he's staying with me the entire time and is feeling great so I think the shorter more varied rides really work for him. :) I need to get some new video as it's been almost two months since the last one!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:43 pm

Lots of great updates. Well done, you all!

Klark_kent, I am so happy for you. And in fact you have been an inspiration to me to just "get on" with addressing the changes! I figure my horse is less athletic than yours, so I can sit out any funny stuff lol!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby greenholmeshandy » Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:51 pm

Learning to ride is my main one, I feel quite down about my position and general lack of ability. Im putting it to the test literally as going to a dressage completion on Sunday, only a walk trot test so we will see how it goes.
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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:12 pm

Klark_kent that's so cool!! Thanks for sharing vids, it's good to see people learning how to do it, and not just vids of professionals. Although you make it look easy too :D It's so cool bringing horses on yourself. While I get very frustrated with myself, I've started both mine and you do have to look back and think of how well you've done.

Rosie B, yes I watch heaps of others (professionals usually) vids and I see myself and go "oh dear" (actually a lot more colourful language!) Added that I'm no long legged skinnie minnie so I find it hard to keep watching!!
I taught myself some in hand stuff a while ago, and this trainer I"m with does a lot of it, so I'm back into it. So unco! But it is addictive.

I'm back at the start again. I spoke to this trainer I'm doing the working placement with about the feeling of Dingaling being behind my leg. So, I've just learned more about lunging (I hate lunging) to get the horse forward, riding to get the forward and I have to learn not to block with my hands. It's actually really difficult not to grab on and want to get the horse round with my hands. So, we are running around like riding a young horse again!! But hopefully not there for too long, however I feel it is something we will have to frequently revist.

Greenholmeshandy, I hate that feeling! We all get it I'm sure. Good luck on Sunday!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby klark_kent07 » Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:28 pm

Thanks everyone, I'm proud as punch and may have just won gold at the Olympics as far as I'm concerned! :D

piedmontfields, I could share some VERY athletic videos of the right to left change, but I'm just going to keep looking at the nice easy one for now hahaha

Flight, I've spent MANY rides revisiting the forward- Kent is very energy conservative and quite often we have to go back to just focusing on the forward aid and nothing else!

Every single person that posts in these threads inspires me. I feel so privileged to share in your journeys and know that you guys are cheering for me as well.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:27 am

i thought i would add a photo of Deneb in our training goals, i am happy with this moment because despite the worry you can see in her eye, she remained consistent and obedient. I am enjoying riding her which is a big difference from last year, i will try to get a picture of Kimba doing lateral work for her update tomorrow.
deneb trot.jpg
working on relaxation in trot
deneb trot.jpg (196.98 KiB) Viewed 23833 times

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:08 am

Lots going on! Hope I can remember all that I want to respond to.

Deneb looks good.

Thanks for the vids Klark Kent. How exciting to see you're getting the changes. I like that you patted him after both changes.

Flight, I am working on contact issues and staying in front of my leg with Emma. I struggle with not trying to hold her in the round position with my hands because as you pointed out, it blocks the forward. She also has a spooking tendency so I feel the need to keep her somewhat restrained. So I am trying to stay mindful of the fact that she must go forward within the contact...and My hands must have a giving quality WITHIN the contact. Oh yeah, if you don't call the guy your working with a trainer, what do you call him? Just curious.

Greenholmeshandy, I love your pony. You fit him nicely!

I'm glad Bliss is recovering well.

Capstone, yay! (Off thread here, but I liked the blue sparkly brow band)

Khall, 1400 lbs! What kind of horse is he? Good thing you've got him going so well, that's a lot of horse!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:36 am

Emma. Working on contact and staying in front of my legs. The head flipping issue is due, (I think) to her not wanting to go to work. Well, a combination of that and some other things, like her general sensitivity and her desire to be in control. The flipping only started when I started asking for her to stay in front of my legs while on a shorter rein. Because of her issues before I bought her, I hesitated to work her too hard. She may have sensed my hesitation and tried to take advantage of it. Anyway, I worked her harder than usual today which included more canter and keeping her very busy. The George Williams exercise from Dressage Hub on both reins plus spiraling in and our at canter and trot. The head flipping disappeared after 10 minutes.

I don't want to stress her hind legs but it seems she needs this kind of work. Not sure what to do. I may just ride her this hard every third day and not ride her in between to give her time to recover. Tonight, several hours after I rode her, I went to take her out and brush her and she turned her back on me and walked out in her paddock. It isn't like I worked her unreasonably hard. It was only 35 minutes. She was sweaty but not all over, and certainly not dripping. it was very humid, too. The work felt good, and I like how she had to stay focused. Maybe it's time to work with a pro...

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:37 am

Flight wrote: lunging [...] to get the horse forward, riding to get the forward and I have to learn not to block with my hands. It's actually really difficult not to grab on and want to get the horse round with my hands. So, we are running around like riding a young horse again!! But hopefully not there for too long, however I feel it is something we will have to frequently revist.

Flight - I could have written this!!! This is exactly what I am working on with Bliss right now! And we frequently start our rides with him running around like a young horse.

It was super illuminating to me the other night when I did LY in off the wall for 2 strides, then lengthen trot, then LY, then lengthen. It was super obvious that one of the reasons he loses impulsion in the LY is because I am hanging on his face for dear life. :oops: :oops: And when I let go to lengthen he was like "ahhhhhh!" So I've been working on this the past few nights trying to keep the soft forward hand feeling from the lengthen into the LY. Conceptually it's very easy. Making myself let go is super difficult!

Chisamba - Deneb looks super! My she is lovely. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:46 am

demi wrote:The flipping only started when I started asking for her to stay in front of my legs while on a shorter rein.

I'm probably completely misinterpreting what you're doing, but shouldn't the shorter rein come after the horse has developed enough flexibility to be able to work on a shorter rein?

IOW, if keeping a shorter rein is a struggle, or is causing tension, that makes it sound like the horse is not seeking the bit but is resisting being held on too short a rein?

I think the path to a shorter rein, if indeed a shorter rein is even a good idea, is likely flexing, bending, and lateral work.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:09 pm

kande50 wrote:
demi wrote:The flipping only started when I started asking for her to stay in front of my legs while on a shorter rein.

Thanks for the input, Kande. I am trying to find a good balance and I want to be sure I don't err on the side of Emma being worked in an unhealthy way

I'm probably completely misinterpreting what you're doing, but shouldn't the shorter rein come after the horse has developed enough flexibility to be able to work on a shorter rein?

Yes, but here is the problem: she has a history of resisting advanced work (with good reason, I'm sure) but I think she is strong enough and flexible enough now to go at a more advanced level. How do I know whether the resistance (head flipping and spooking) is from me asking too much or just her remembering the past? My plan is to take it slowly by doing this work for short periods and not every day. This should give me information, but it will take some time.

IOW, if keeping a shorter rein is a struggle, or is causing tension, that makes it sound like the horse is not seeking the bit but is resisting being held on too short a rein?

I think because of her past, she may need to go through a bit of resistance. Even horses without a history have to go through a bit of resistance at times. The tricky part for me is that I want the whole thing to be completely resistance free but in reality, I have to settle for some resistance while she works through this.Kinda like me working through my new computer with Windows 10. If I don't struggle through it I'll never learn it. This is where working with the right trainer can be helpful to me. I tend to back off at the slightest resistance where a good trainer will help me work through it. I have to watch Emma VERY carefully to make sure the tension is very brief. This morning she was quite happy to see me and very content. She let me hold her head and caress her before breakfast. I will be very careful

I think the path to a shorter rein, if indeed a shorter rein is even a good idea, is likely flexing, bending, and lateral work.

I agree. Although, I think it is more complex than just flexing, bending, and laterlal work. Sometimes lots more complex, sometimes not so complex. All situations are unique.
I have worked almost 6 months with Emma.I waited this long before i even considered working with a trainer. I have a good trainer in mind, I've worked with him before and I think we're ready...I will keep posting and welcome comments from the posters on this thread.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 6:51 pm

demi wrote:I have worked almost 6 months with Emma.I waited this long before i even considered working with a trainer. I have a good trainer in mind, I've worked with him before and I think we're ready...I will keep posting and welcome comments from the posters on this thread.[/color]

Looking forward to updates.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:22 pm

Rosie, I will try to get some video of in hand work to share. In hand work is a great tool to teach the horse lateral work without the rider on and build flexibility and elasticity. My gelding is pretty far along with lateral work from SI (even on 4 track), HI, HP renvere, RB TOH. I just really enjoy doing in hand work with horses, very up close and personal as opposed to lunging or long lining.

Demi my big guy is an Oldenburg gelding with old G line on bottom side which is where he gets his bulk from. He is not all that tall at 16.2 but is massively built. Dealing with all that mass and getting him more flexible has been a journey for sure. He has more jumping lines than dressage lines so he is powerful but not all that flexible. Neither is his full sister who is still massively built (wears an 81 blanket) but is only 15.2 hh. The trainer I work with teaches in hand work the way NO worked with horses (trainer worked with NO long ago) and I love using this work with my horses.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:52 am

So, i challenged myself to have some images of Kimba doing shoulder in. One reason is to better evaluate myself, and the other to better achieve goals. Sorry for the blurred image and the angle but one of the kids shot them for me.

It is a work in progress.
A bit better angle but less through.
FB_IMG_1461462503957.jpg (76.3 KiB) Viewed 23751 times
Starting shoulder in, too much angle, not enough bend
FB_IMG_1461462510205.jpg (66.1 KiB) Viewed 23751 times

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:57 am

My schooling show was yesterday.

We rode our first First level test - ever!
I didn't go off course (like I had during practice the day before)
The accuracy was good
Our first halt was amazingly straight and square
The medium walk was the best it has been
He was perfectly focused and attentive

The energy level was inconsistent
Bend to the left was a struggle - I naturally twist my shoulders right no matter which way we are going
The connection was not good - I tend to let the reins get too long

Lots to work on before the next show in 2 weeks!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:11 am

khall - I would LOVE to see some video of your work with your guys! After only a few weeks playing with it, I have Bliss doing LY and SI in hand (in walk) but am not quite sure where to go from there.

Capstone - sounds like you had a good show! It is lovely when you feel like you can rely on the horse to stay focused, and I always find that lets me put on the game face and really focus on RIDING. :)

Chisamba - looks like a good start! :)

demi - from your posts here you are clearly a 'thinking' rider and pay very close attention to everything she is telling you. If you feel you are ready to work with a trainer, you are ready. And I know will do right by Emma either way. :) She's a lucky girl.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:47 am

capstone wrote:My schooling show was yesterday.

We rode our first First level test - ever!
I didn't go off course (like I had during practice the day before)
The accuracy was good
Our first halt was amazingly straight and square
The medium walk was the best it has been
He was perfectly focused and attentive

The energy level was inconsistent
Bend to the left was a struggle - I naturally twist my shoulders right no matter which way we are going
The connection was not good - I tend to let the reins get too long

Lots to work on before the next show in 2 weeks!

and here we have the main problem with a pro riding levels above you, its not the horse, and its not the training, its that the horse will do exactly what you tell it to, even if you tell it not quite the right thing. :D . People love to schedule a lesson on my "schoolmaster" and then cannot work out why the horse is going in renvers the whole time, ( for example)

I am sure you will practice hard to overcome your shoulders right. wishing you good progress between now and the show

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:54 am

Rosie B wrote:
Flight wrote: lunging [...] to get the horse forward, riding to get the forward and I have to learn not to block with my hands. It's actually really difficult not to grab on and want to get the horse round with my hands. So, we are running around like riding a young horse again!! But hopefully not there for too long, however I feel it is something we will have to frequently revist.

Flight - I could have written this!!! This is exactly what I am working on with Bliss right now! And we frequently start our rides with him running around like a young horse.

It was super illuminating to me the other night when I did LY in off the wall for 2 strides, then lengthen trot, then LY, then lengthen. It was super obvious that one of the reasons he loses impulsion in the LY is because I am hanging on his face for dear life. :oops: :oops: And when I let go to lengthen he was like "ahhhhhh!" So I've been working on this the past few nights trying to keep the soft forward hand feeling from the lengthen into the LY. Conceptually it's very easy. Making myself let go is super difficult!

Chisamba - Deneb looks super! My she is lovely. :)

thanks Rosie. have you tried a tiny bit of shoulder in to set Bliss up for the lengthening, rather than leg yield? It is easy at times to get too handy in the leg yields, which is why the talk about tempo in the training scale, not losing that as you introduce the lateral work. i have to remind both myself and my students of that, rather a couple of strides in tempo then a lot of strides losing tempo, until you can do both. it is a good reason to alternate the two, lateral to lengthening, i like the exercise you are doing, ( only for me i prefer the shoulder in rather than the leg yield, just personal preference)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:24 am

Thanks Chisamba - I have totally found myself getting too handsy in the leg yeilds, which is exactly why I was riding LY to lengthen rather than SI to lengthen. I was using the freely forward feeling that I get with the lengthen to carry over into the LY and to teach myself that I can LET GO while riding LY. I also have started doing SI to lengthen to SI and I love that exercise for two reasons: 1) to develop more power in the lengthen and 2) to develop more activity in the SI. Both great exercises, but I was using them for completely different purposes. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:00 am

Good work out today. Almost no head flipping. After my last post on the 22nd, I thought I might have figured out the head flipping issue because when I worked her harder (more forward on a short rein with lots of changes in direction and gait) there was almost no head flip. I have been working her every other day, 30-35 minutes (slight change from plan on the 22nd which was to work her every third day). The head flipping seems almost resolved, but after thinking about it, the answer wasn’t just increased work, but that I had to ride better to get the increased work. I now realize that she needs me to be very balanced if I expect more advanced carriage from her. (Duh!)
I’ve had 4 rides now with almost no head flipping. I am happy with the canter work which was potentially a problem. Over the last 4 months I’ve increase the amount of canter from 1-2 20m circles per ride to now being about half of the ride. She seems content and sound. We are now regularly doing 1.) spirals in and out at canter, with thoughts of counter flexion while going to the right, as described by piedmontfields, 2.) the “George Wms. 4 exercises” which is a lot of canter (I love this exercise), and 3.) another canter-trot-canter balance exercise that where I do transitions from quarterline to quarterline, concentrating on keeping her together, straight, and uphill. Today, at the end of the ride, I even asked for a lengthened canter down the long side and got several nice strides.
I plan to continue the every other day program for a while. After a week or so, if the head flipping is really behind us, I will schedule a lesson. I am really looking forward to that.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:44 pm

Demi, its great to read about your progress.

I let some one else ride Kimba today, i do it from time to time so i can see how she looks from the ground and get their assessment of her progress. Her shoulder in has definitely progressed, and she was good with a few strides of lengthening to working trot, without rushing.

It was raining yesterday morning to my plan to take Deneb to my friend to ride was shelved because i did not feel like loading and unloading in the rain. Another day will be fine.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby StraightForward » Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:58 pm

Rosie, so glad to hear that Bliss is back to work!

I've been gone for work for a week, and two things happened while I was gone: a) my HSH training equipment was delivered from Germany (yay!) and b) my filly decided to challenge the boss mare and got a kick in the chest, resulting in about a 3" gash (boo!). It doesn't seem to be bothering her though, so I think tomorrow I'll pick back up with in-hand work. I want to get her a little looser through the back before introducing the side reins and asking her to work in any type of frame though. The vet prescribed cold hosing for the injury, so that is forcing the hosing/bathing thing, and she ought be be a pro with that by end of the week.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Sun May 01, 2016 10:29 pm

Well, a month in the new barn, and I have to say that things are going pretty swimmingly so far.

New trainer has figured out some stuff with Laddie and has us going along the right path, I feel. A lot of work at the moment on getting him to move forward freely (and straight, with his poll up,) and working on collection and extension at all gaits. He is happy and relaxed in his work, doesn't box-walk any more, and everyone loves him. His fitness level (and mine) is improving rapidly.

And today, we went on our first real trail ride. There was really bitter, icy cold wind. The mare that was with us was coming into season and bound and determined to kick his head off, and the lead horse refused to cross a ditch (Laddie, after some hesitation, crossed it like a trooper,) but other than jigging for half the ride, he was a really good boy. We went across open fields, down narrow pathways, past fields of other horses, along roads... The barn is in the midst of an equestrian community of sorts that has established rights of way around almost every property, and put gravel trails beside all the main roads, so that's pretty nice.

More exposure, in warmer weather, without the entire world flapping in a howling gale. is called for!

Our aim as far as showing goes is 2:1 in mid June. There. I put it in writing.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Mon May 02, 2016 12:36 am

Im excited to hear how you like your HSH system. Straightforward

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby StraightForward » Mon May 02, 2016 3:08 am

Chisamba wrote:Im excited to hear how you like your HSH system. Straightforward

Will definitely let you know. As far as the equipment itself, the caveson's noseband and browband are unbelievably padded. I kind of see the point, but hope they will pack down a little. They even provided an extra baggie of stuffing. I was worried that the Full was going to be too large for my filly's more refined head, but it is actually just barely big enough, so I'd say they run small, and Cob would probably be more like Arabian size. Not sure if they have and OS, which it seems most WBs would need. I also got the side reins, overcheck and rein brackets. Those seem to be well made, but I'm not incredibly impressed with the leather. They are fairly simple, so any leather worker could probably make you a copy of everything except the cav.
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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Mon May 02, 2016 6:12 am

Chisamba wrote:
capstone wrote:My schooling show was yesterday.

We rode our first First level test - ever!
I didn't go off course (like I had during practice the day before)
The accuracy was good
Our first halt was amazingly straight and square
The medium walk was the best it has been
He was perfectly focused and attentive

The energy level was inconsistent
Bend to the left was a struggle - I naturally twist my shoulders right no matter which way we are going
The connection was not good - I tend to let the reins get too long

Lots to work on before the next show in 2 weeks!

and here we have the main problem with a pro riding levels above you, its not the horse, and its not the training, its that the horse will do exactly what you tell it to, even if you tell it not quite the right thing. :D . People love to schedule a lesson on my "schoolmaster" and then cannot work out why the horse is going in renvers the whole time, ( for example)

I am sure you will practice hard to overcome your shoulders right. wishing you good progress between now and the show

Yes, when traveling to the left, we are perpetually either in haunches in or shoulder out, so to speak. I get that right leg way too far back. Yesterday my trainer said, "you are trotting, why is your leg back like you're cantering?" :oops:

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Mon May 02, 2016 8:49 am

capstone wrote:Yes, when traveling to the left, we are perpetually either in haunches in or shoulder out, so to speak. I get that right leg way too far back. Yesterday my trainer said, "you are trotting, why is your leg back like you're cantering?" :oops:

This is so me!! So, I'm riding the instructor/trainer's stallion, and he's wanting me to do shoulder in on the left rein. Except I'm doing an awesome counter shoulder in (so a right shoulder in). I'm like "waaahhh, I can't stop him" and the instructor says "put your left shoulder back, no further.... further.... ... further...yeah... further" Hahahaa. I"m so bad at this riding caper :D

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Tue May 03, 2016 3:33 pm

i remember a long time ago there was a magazine called Dressage and CT. I used to get it sent from the USA to south africa to read, and there was a columnist who had a lovely column on training her horse. It seemed that no matter how much she progressed, up the levels, there was always the same problem to overcome,stiffness in the left lane. Then one day her husband took her kayaking. Turns out she could not keep the kayak up, here whole weekend, while everyone was paddling all over, was spent trying to stop flipping the kayak over to the left. When she finally got it, she came back and wrote this heartfelt apology to her horse, it was not HE who was stiff in the left side. After laughing about it for a good half hour, i decided to take up kayaking for the sake of my horse , of course. it helps. i tell my pupils try and kneel on a ball,. you know one of those inflated balls, and then do like adelinde and juggle, best exercise to get you ready for riding, keep your balance and use your hands, lol.


I can do it sitting with my feet firmly on the ground and using one ball ;)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue May 03, 2016 5:05 pm

I can kneel on a ball. I can throw a ball in the air. I can catch a ball. I cannot do all three at the same time. Guaranteed.

Things have gotten off the rails over here. I've sold my house (yay), but haven't yet found a new one in my new city. And Kiwi is getting shipped down to my parents' place today, where she'll eat and sleep and eat some more until I move down in June.

Punchline: I'll be exiting this thread early, and watching from afar. Best of luck, everyone!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Tue May 03, 2016 6:27 pm

Ha chisamba, I could win funniest video I am sure trying to do the ball, balancing, juggling thing!! Very impressed with Adelaide.

I am no slouch at balance and flexibility, I used to be a gymnast many many years ago on the beam and floor, but I am sure this (juggling is not a skill I have attempted) would not be doable for me at this time. Summer goal?

I have not had much time to ride lately, family/vet calls (still dealing with upper respiratory crap on big guy) has been calling me and helping a friend to find a new horse (took road trip to ATL Sunday and saw the cutest palomino ASB chisamba!!) but when I have been able to ride or work the big guy he has been great, mare has had a week + off just do to no time.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Tue May 03, 2016 7:15 pm

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Tue May 03, 2016 9:26 pm

khall wrote:Ha chisamba, I could win funniest video I am sure trying to do the ball, balancing, juggling thing!! Very impressed with Adelaide.

I am no slouch at balance and flexibility, I used to be a gymnast many many years ago on the beam and floor, but I am sure this (juggling is not a skill I have attempted) would not be doable for me at this time. Summer goal?

I have not had much time to ride lately, family/vet calls (still dealing with upper respiratory crap on big guy) has been calling me and helping a friend to find a new horse (took road trip to ATL Sunday and saw the cutest palomino ASB chisamba!!) but when I have been able to ride or work the big guy he has been great, mare has had a week + off just do to no time.

ASB, i am told, come in three types, sweet and hard working, hot and hard working, and hot and crazy, the first two categories are very undervalued as sport horses, the latter category give the first two a bad name ;)

which was the pretty palomino?

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Tue May 03, 2016 9:26 pm

Ponichiwa wrote:I can kneel on a ball. I can throw a ball in the air. I can catch a ball. I cannot do all three at the same time. Guaranteed.

Things have gotten off the rails over here. I've sold my house (yay), but haven't yet found a new one in my new city. And Kiwi is getting shipped down to my parents' place today, where she'll eat and sleep and eat some more until I move down in June.

Punchline: I'll be exiting this thread early, and watching from afar. Best of luck, everyone!

a difficult thing about moving is dealing with the stress of it all, hope you get settled soon

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Tue May 03, 2016 9:27 pm

Ryeissa wrote:Riot is doing great!

we are BOTH more symmetrical! horray! less right bend issues HORRAY!

I bought a new saddle, which also really helps!

I'm enjoying the nice weather and getting out as much as I can. still sorting out my summer plans and goals.

sounds very positive, congratulations

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Tue May 03, 2016 11:52 pm

The ASB was the sweet and hard working type. Very impressed with the little guy. He came out of the stall with ears flopping never bothering to look at a thing. Rider got on him and he was good and I rode him asked a bit more and he tried hard to figure what I wanted out. Ambulance with sirens blasting went by, nada, horse right next to the arena diving through the bushes, nothing (scared me because it was behind us and I did not know what was going on). He has had some not so good training when he was leased but I do think he is worth time and effort to put into. Great feet/legs, good conformation and a pocket pony. He got me when I had gotten off and the rider from barn was leading him back and he stopped right by me and looked into my eyes to make a connection.

I agree with ASBs and sport hoses, I love a good ASB. The rider who is looking has owned a ASB and is riding a aged ASB x gelding right now. Very similar in temperament to this guy.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Wed May 04, 2016 1:35 am

I got "the talk" from my trainer today. It is totally up to me whether I ride him for 6s or 7s (or 8s in the canter). She cannot create and keep the energy for us. His beauty and FEI training will mean nothing in our First Level test if I can't keep him honestly forward and connected.

I know all of this, of course. But it was still a much needed reminder right now. :cry:

Tomorrow will be better.

And yes, I hear you all about the lateral flexibility.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby klark_kent07 » Wed May 04, 2016 5:59 am

I had such a good ride last night! :D
Kent can be quite a lazy horse normally, but can get tense and tight quite easily. I rode under lights last night (nothing new), and he was almost hot! Instead of him becoming tense though, he allowed me to use the energy in a really positive way and we found another gear in all of the work. He was on the verge of bubbling over, but in a really good way. So much fun and if only I could show the judges that work this weekend, we would be unbeatable :)

A really tough day on Monday with one of my trainers top FEI horses being put to sleep while we comforted her, after an unfortunate incident in the paddock :( The whole horrible ordeal made me really stop and appreciate my own horse and focus on the million positives that can be found in each and every ride!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Wed May 04, 2016 2:58 pm

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Wed May 04, 2016 4:01 pm

Ryeissa wrote:If you knew how to do it, wouldn't you already be doing it? Or is this more of a mental understanding?

Makes it sound like the trainer thinks that all one needs to do is make up their mind to do something and then they'll be able to do it?

Only problem with that idea is that someone can make up their mind to concentrate on forward, but then everything else may go to hellinahandbasket. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Wed May 04, 2016 4:03 pm

Ryeissa wrote:If you knew how to do it, wouldn't you already be doing it?

You would think so but not always. I know how and can do it but sometimes only when she is coaching/pushing/prodding almost every stride. Which she can't do in a test, obviously. This is definitely my issue and something I need to be more accountable for. I am comfortable in my comfort zone, which pushes both him and I too little.
Last edited by capstone on Wed May 04, 2016 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Wed May 04, 2016 4:05 pm

kande50 wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:If you knew how to do it, wouldn't you already be doing it? Or is this more of a mental understanding?

Makes it sound like the trainer thinks that all one needs to do is make up their mind to do something and then they'll be able to do it?

Only problem with that idea is that someone can make up their mind to concentrate on forward, but then everything else may go to hellinahandbasket. :)

No, obviously I have not described the situation well.

She knows I know how to do it but she can see that I'm not pushing myself through my insecurities in order to do it. I have a lot of unfounded anxiety. Unfounded in terms of Cartier - baggage from previous experiences.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed May 04, 2016 4:21 pm

capstone wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:If you knew how to do it, wouldn't you already be doing it?

You would think so but not always. I know how and can do it but sometimes only when she is coaching/pushing/prodding almost every stride. Which she can't do in a test, obviously. This is definitely my issue and something I need to be mire accountable for. I am comfortable in my comfort zone, which pushes both him and I too little.

I know where you're coming from. There's a mental commitment to forward that needs to happen before any results are consistent, and that's not always an easy thing to to. For me, it took a conscious effort ("YES, we're going FORWARD, and I LOVE IT", occasionally spoken out loud to the tempo of trot or canter) and several weeks/months worth of reinforcement.

You'll get it. Takes time, takes effort, but as someone on the other side (for now, probably, until I get another horse) it's worth it.

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