Goals and progress... August and September!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby kande50 » Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:25 pm

demi wrote: I get really tempted to ride in the mornings but by the time I get the stalls cleaned I'm dripping wet and the sun is beating down. The good news is that it will cool down sooner than later. And maybe I'll have my Soloshot 3 by then!!

Looking forward to the videos! How about cleaning the stalls after you ride? When it was hot here I went out and fed as soon as I got up, and then only did what I had to do before saddling up, because if I tried to stick to my usual schedule then it was too hot.

I don't think that the breaks from riding are such a bad idea though, because I always get such a burst of energy after I've taken a break, and that's when I'll become inspired to work on something that takes more effort than I'm usually willing to put out.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby khall » Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:22 pm

Sounds like all are moving forward (demi I understand re temps, up until this weekend we have been HOT, mid 90's), flight sorry the competition did not go as well, horses keep us humble!

chisamba how I start the SI to counter SI is in shallow serpentines instead of full on figure 8's (were you on 20 m circles?), so I go down the long side in shallow serpentine SI to counter SI, doing just a few steps of each before changing directions. Figure 8 in SI to counter SI is pretty difficult. To me the only more difficult exercise than counter SI on the circle is renvere on the circle.

My update is: our Mark Russell memorial weekend was an incredible gift to all of us. There was so much positive energy and support and great learning, sharing our love of Mark and his teachings. His wife Hela came down to give us support and help and all our riders and auditors were just fantastic. It was a wonderful learning experience for me, being able to handle so many new horses and observe so many new horses. The OTTB g that I helped my friend find came and oh am I still in love with this horse! He has the best brain and is such a smart guy, just the perfect horse for my friend's next step. She is in love with him as well. He has quite a bit to make over, needed feet attention, teeth attention (horrible dental issues) and still needs to gain weight (hoping he will now he has had a good dental done) and needs to be retrained in his understanding of most everything US, but what a cool horse he is:) My big gelding Rip was good both days. He is great for reminding me not to get too intense, ask softer and you get better results.

So now I am trying to figure out my goals, looking at a clinic in Dec with Jillian Kreinbring, looking at a clinic next year with Bettina Drummond, looking at a schooling show end of Oct with Rip just for kicks.

Good riding all!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:06 pm

Khall, I'm glad the clinic in honor of Mark went so well and you and others were able to share your gifts and learning! Sounds like a very worthy way to honor your teacher. I'll also look forward to hearing about your future learning adventures.

I agree that shallow serpentines is a much more mellow version of si to counter si ion a circle (although I like that for my mare). I, too, find that renvers on the circle kicks our butt in our tough direction. The clue that it kicks our butt: We lose impulsion!!

Lately I have been obsessed with using spiral in/yield out in canter in order to establish thoroughness. Sometimes I just do it for a stride to get the result, other times, it is down to small circle. I do a lot of schooling out in hayfields on what we call "flat" here in eastern Tennessee (aka slope). I do find that if she can do it in the field, I can ask even more in the arena.

Besides my usual dressage clinic . com fun, I have been enjoying watching Pedro Torres videos (working equitation star), especially his dressage work:
If you like Iberian types, this is fun eye candy.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby khall » Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:53 pm

piedmont, Pedro and horse are definitely drool worthy!! Love the horse, love the riding.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:04 pm

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:39 pm

No particular update. Kimba and i are improving on the counter shoulder in, and Deneb is still rebelling against transitions with in the gait. her rebellion sometimes means "rack on". ( you have to know saddlebreds to understand that) but to make up for it, she is very pretty

( yes i am biased)


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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby kande50 » Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:00 am

Chisamba wrote:No particular update. Kimba and i are improving on the counter shoulder in, and Deneb is still rebelling against transitions with in the gait. her rebellion sometimes means "rack on". ( you have to know saddlebreds to understand that) but to make up for it, she is very pretty

( yes i am biased)

She is very pretty. I love Saddlebreds, and regret that I've run out of enough time to get one.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:28 pm

Ryeissa wrote:I'm still here! Riot is doing great, overall. I can now ride WTC in my jump saddle..

Hey that would be no small accomplishment to me! It has been a long time since I've ridden in a slip of a jump saddle :-D Glad all is well. The setting in your photos always looks so nice.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Flight » Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:06 am

Khall, so glad to hear you had a great clinic weekend in honor of Mark and I hope you do find more trainers to complement your training style.

Chisamba, yes Deneb is very pretty! I contemplated buying a saddlebred, but there isn't that many of them around here.

Riot is looking great too.

I had some piccies taken with my big horse. He's going well, and I've been trying really hard to keep my hips up and shoulders back on him to have a more solid position. He's getting stronger, but still a long way to go yet.

He's become stronger in the contact (he used to curl away) but it looks like I could definitely give more with my hands.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Brydie » Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:29 pm

Love seeing everyone's updates and successes! I have been taking a bit of a break from schooling, trying to get back into the right frame of mind. Have entered 3 shows in October, but one is show jumping, one is a derby day and then a dressage show end of October. They're offering Prelim 1.1 & 1.3... honestly I find the 1.1 quite boring so I decided to enter the 1.3 (official) and 2.1 (unofficial). I need to concentrate less on my showing goals, relax and just focus on the basics. At the moment I'm focusing on forward off the leg into a contact. This is the only thing I'm thinking about for the end of September!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Dresseur » Sat Sep 24, 2016 12:30 am

I haven't checked in for a bit, work got stupid crazy and riding had to take a back seat. What we've been doing is the "boring" work, which I find pretty fascinating. The biggest aha was when I realized that the bit of stiffness on the left rein was actually his haunches slipping out, so as long as I think haunches in (we're not actually doing haunches in), he's soft as butter.

I've been doing a lot of trail riding, he loves it, but tires relatively easily on the hilly terrain, so I keep an eye out and make sure to turn back before he gets too tired.

I'm still learning how to deal with all that hair- Cowboy Magic detangler is a god-send and I found a brush on SmartPak that has copper filaments woven into it. He LOVES it. Leans into it, and gets his lip going like crazy lol.

The bit of ring work that I've done was mostly working on my position, especially in the canter, and I'm pretty happy with the changes that I'm making.

We also got a new saddle, he's a wide tree now, and the saddle fitter is coming tomorrow to do an adjustment and reflock. I think we're in pretty good shape for Oct/Nov.

Also, I'll be grooming at Dressage at Devon for my coach. The Andalusian mare that she bred and trained (different owner) will be competing at I-1 amd PSG. It's her first year at this level and her first huge horse show. If you go, cheer Maya on! Her MFS is amazing, I'm hoping that she qualifies to ride it!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby demi » Sat Sep 24, 2016 1:37 am

Lots of pictures! I love it. The shot of Deneb is lovely. I think Chisamba brings out a certain quality in her horses that is appealing to the eye.
And Flight, your boy looks really good,too. Lots of impulsion.
Ryeissa, those are the best pics of Riot that I've seen. Half Arabs are neat horses, and I'm not saying that just because I have two half Arabs. :lol: really.
When I saw that Dressuer had posted links I got all happy for more pictures! Ok, not what I was expecting but fun pics none the less. Have fun Devon!! And give us some reports!

I don't just look at the pictures, though. I like reading about the work everyone is doing and I keep it in mind. Like the SI to counter SI stuff. I have gone through it in my mind.

I am so looking forward to riding again. Kande asked if I could ride in the mornings before I clean stalls but I just don't have the desire. Texas heat has a cumulative effect on me and I'm just worn out. I get inklings that I want to ride but it isn't enough to make me actually do it. I'll be ready to ride again soon, though. I can feel it....

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby khall » Sat Sep 24, 2016 1:41 am

WHEEE Flight, that is a big powerful youngster!

Ugh, hot as He++ here, over 90 with horrid humidity and my poor horses (especially my older gal with early PPID even on prascend) are putting in their winter woolies. The big guy and my 3 yr old least of all, but dang I am over the heat! So I have lunged just a bit (awesome with both Rip and his sister, very engaged and listening, happy happy!) and in hand in the barn aisle with the big fan blowing on us. The gnats are terrible with the humidity, so wimping out riding. Hoping to hop on for short ride tomorrow, we will see. Supposed to be 95 both days over the weekend, sigh. Next week though 80's! We need rain bad, need the hay fields to grow just a bit more for one last cutting.

This summer has been endless, my DH has listened to me whine a good bit. Why I ended up with high powered barn fan to move the air (love it) and he is not running away screaming when I mention a cover for the arena, he he!

Hope all are meeting and exceeding their goals, I am still trying to find mine.

I do have video! Have to down load and figure out how to post though. A friend took it over the weekend, great help to me. BTW $$ solo shot will probably NOT be in my future!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Dresseur » Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:11 am

Lol, ok, here are pics taken over the end of Aug and through Sept.
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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Dresseur » Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:14 am

And one of of my favorite pics...
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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby kande50 » Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:46 am

demi wrote: I'll be ready to ride again soon, though. I can feel it....

I get that, demi. Sometimes I too, just need a vacation from riding, sometimes I just want to take a vacation from riding. When I was still showing I pushed myself to get out there because I knew that shows would be a lot more fun if we stayed in shape for them, but now it's way more about riding when I feel like riding.

It's supposed to cool down considerably this week, which may (or may not) inspire me to ride more. I've been getting a couple rides a week in, and have been working on simple transitions a lot more. I like working on the details now so am trying to get things like bent upward transitions, low latency (immediate) upward transitions, smooth changes of direction, etc..

I had been so happy to just be able to get some of the things I was working on that I hadn't been particularly concerned about quality, but now I'm much more focused on getting what we have more fluent.

Twenty years ago this kind of work would have bored me silly, but now it's exactly what I enjoy the most. :-)

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby kande50 » Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:47 am

Dresseur, you have such enviable posture!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Dresseur » Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:49 am

Thank you, Kande.
I actually have scoliosis and the more I work on my position and making my muscles even, the less pain I have. I wish I had been this focused years ago :)

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby demi » Sat Sep 24, 2016 6:16 pm

Beautiful pictures, Dresseur. I really like the one you posted as your favorite, but I also like the one right under it. I like the energy, the flow, the hind leg, the concentration of horse AND rider. I like the lines of the diagonal legs, and rider's arms to the bit. I like his coat, too! I know he'll get white someday, and that will be fabulous, but for now, we can enjoy the dark.

It's really nice to sit here and look at the most recent pictures on this thread. It's Saturday afternoon, DH and I worked hard on the property all week, and now I am having a beer and sitting on the porch with my chihuahua while I look at horse pics. Nice, huh? I'm not writing about horse training, exactly. This post is more "Obseration Lounge" stuff, but since it has to do with my observations of the horses/riders on this thread, I think it goes here.

My favorite pic in the most recent ones of Bliss, is the second one. I love that picture. Well, the third one is nice, too, where you can see the little bit of slack in the left rein showing his self carriage. But the harmony in that second picture is so pretty.

And Laddie's show pictures. Nice. He's a beautiful horse. The setting, of course, is noteworthy, with the mountains, piney type trees, and the billowing clouds, but it is so much more enhanced because I "know" a bit about the horse and rider. Yeah, this is something to keep watching.

I like Deneb's left ear in the most recent pic. She is checking in with Chisamba. She is working hard, but it is well within her abilities at this point. She is showing controlled power.

It's a pure gift to love horses, isn't it!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby kande50 » Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:31 pm

demi wrote:It's a pure gift to love horses, isn't it!

And that part just keeps getting better. You're going to love your soloshot, because being able to watch your horses move will be so enjoyable for you. I always notice things that need work when I'm watching the videos, but if there weren't any flaws then I'd just take the nice moments for granted, so I view the flaws as "job security".

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:18 pm

Thank you, Demi. Yes, it really is a great gift to have these wonderful animals in our lives.

Well, we've had torrential rain, tornadoes, and it's been freakin' snowing here in the mountains.

I have houseguests. Took my daughter in law over to the barn with me for her first ever riding lesson this morning. She did great. A total natural with great balance and posture. Even cantered a bit on the longe. Oh, the joy of being an athletic 30 year old with no broken parts :) I think I've succeeded in my nefarious plan and got her hooked...

I rode Laddie for the first time since we got back from CO, and he was a total rock star, so light and forward. he does well with a bit of time off from time to time, and he has turned into one of those horses that you can just pick up and get on after a week off without longeing and without worrying about whether you are going to die.

I think we are going to pick up a clinic ride with a Dutch trainer called Judith Pietersen next weekend. It will be useful to have some outside input before we start on winter training.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Flight » Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:19 am

Wowee Dresseur, fabulous photos! I'm gonna have to try a lot harder with my position to catch up LOL!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Brydie » Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:35 am

After watching one of Natasha Althoff's videos from her Dressage Mastery program, starting to see some progress with Red softening his jaw :) he loves to stiffen it to avoid using himself, but yesterday I was able to get get him to soften. Felt really good being able to give my inside rein forward and nothing changing (at canter). Still a long way to go, but finally seeing some progress!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby exvet » Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:32 am

No riding pictures; so, you'll just have to take my word for it..........stinker pony showed Psg last weekend at a schooling show. We managed a 60 under a R judge which really wasn't too shabby considering the depth of the footing. Because of that I will likely wait until next year to show in a recognized show again. Because the weather has finally turned gorgeous and I no longer have to work 3 jobs, I will be throwing into the next goals thread as we move into October...............

Now for the pictures, Junior (Annwylid Dare to Dream) is growing up and out lol. With the break in the weather, I decided that Junior could be re-acquainted with tack and the idea that forward is forward and whoa is whoa on the line. He had done pretty well the last couple of days. Soon I will be introducing him to long lines and hopefully progressing from there. Here he is today..............not too bad for a growing 2 year old..........who is looking likely to stay HALLELUJAH a PONY!!.....



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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Palogal5 » Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:08 pm

Wow! He looks great! I better get with the program with my 2 yr. old. I am waaay behind :)

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby StraightForward » Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:27 pm

Close enough to end of the month for us to do a close-out:

StraightForward wrote:This might be the 2- month period where I mount up. We'll see. Pickle has been making great progress though, and I don't have a bunch of travel interrupting things now, so I'm optimistic that she'll be ready in September.

Meantime, trailering out will be a weekly focus, and we'll continue in-hand work and hopefully figure out half-pass.

Hahahaha... young horses have other plans.

I did get on for about 5 rides towards the end of August. Unfortunately, the fifth ride resulted in me being lawn-darted and getting a nicely sprained ankle. So back to ground work and desensitizing to things on her back such as western saddles and duffel bags. With the sprained ankle, I didn't get her off the property at all, but we have done a couple trailer loading sessions. I had a pair of trainers out this weekend to see her. One specializes in sport horses, but is getting out of dealing with starting horses, so she's working with a cowboy type who uses gentle methods. He happens to train out of a place about a mile from where I board, so he'll be coming out for the next several weeks to get the backing and shenanigans out of the way, then she'll go to the other trainer in January for two or three months.

On the up side, we just about have half-pass figured out in-hand. Haven't gotten there with the HSH ground driving, but she'll do it working at her shoulder with the snaffle. I've also been on her a couple times since the fall, but just mount, pat all over and get off, no actual riding.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 26, 2016 3:54 pm

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:26 pm

Ex-vet, Junior looks great. What a nicely put together pony.

SF, that sounds like an excellent plan. Let some other dude deal with the Shenanigans!

Very elegant, Dresseur.

Can't watch video at work, so I will look at Riot later!

Seems like we have all had a productive couple of months!

I am so happy with how Laddie and I have progressed and become a team this year, and particularly in the past couple of months. He was so guarded, but he seems to have decided at last that I am in fact his human and worthy of his trust.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Rosie B » Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:26 pm

Rye - Riot looks great!! His tempo seems to have slowed yet he has more freedom in the shoulder. Good work!!

Enjoying everyone's updates as always - Mountaineer - congrats on going for it!! Flight - your youngster is looking lovely. And congrats on the good show with Ding!

Dresseur - lovely as always. Your position is droolworthy. :)

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby khall » Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:57 pm

Exvet what a pretty boy he is! Pal I am with you, my 2 yr old does the basics in handling and loading but that is it right now. Been way too hot to do much over the summer with her. I am just now thinking a bit about the starting process, pulled out a saddle pad and let her get used to it. Probably won't do that much until next year as an actual 3 yr old. For one thing the string test says she will grow another 3-4 inches, that is a bunch of growth still to happen. Right now she is actually withers high. Will be interesting my first foray into the baroque world!

A short video clip of my big guy, he was needing a bit of wake up, needed even a bit more here. Getting "life in his feet" can be a bit challenging, we either are a bit sluggish or over the top (at least in his younger years).
https://www.facebook.com/34754646198627 ... =2&theater

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Sue B » Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:40 pm

Rye, Riot is definitely taking on the 2nd level shape, muscling and way of going. Excellent work.

Flight, your big baby looks wonderful. I can see a big difference in your position too.

Exvet, what a handsome fellow your 2yr old is. He has a lot of dad showing through. Beautiful pony.

SF, I often have debated whether or not it is sane for me to back Tio. Fast forward a couple years and, as of now, all has worked out fine but it took lots longer than if I had sent him off for 90 days. I think you have a great plan to get your lovely mare off to a really great start. I am also impressed with all you've accomplished from the ground.

Dresseur, love your pictures as always.

Moutaineer, that was quite the rain storm wasn't it. Rained here 3 solid days and then blew like crazy on Saturday. Fun times.

So, as far as my goals go:
Tio--I can canter him short distances now in the arena without too much drama. I have also taken him through raised cavelletti and a bounce line. So I think I'm doing okay with the kid.
Rudy--I only worked those flying changes that one time and have not gotten around to getting some actual help. When I have time to ride, however, I continue to focus on the basics while upping the ante on the level of his response. For example, in a t-h-t series, I expect him to go directly from collected trot to halt with no short steps or change in balance so to speak, and conversely, I expect him to power up directly into an expressive trot right off the hind quarters, no pulling himself up to the trot with his front end. These are the sorts of things I work on every ride, just focusing on a different gait each time. It will make slipping into 3rd so much easier next year.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:23 pm

thanks, all. feels like we have been going round and round and round the *exact* same moutain for years, but it's nice to see some improvements.
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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby exvet » Tue Sep 27, 2016 4:07 am

Thanks for the compliments on Junior y'all. Khall it was a typical brutal summer here too; but, things have improved immensely just in the last week or two. I'm hoping to be able to get more riding in and maybe even a schooling show or two over the fall/winter. I'm getting antsy on the riding aspect.....love the stinker pony but am starting to 'jones' for really being able to show again......just not going to waste money right not which is all it would be. So I've just been living vicariously through most of you. Hopefully by the time Junior is 4 I will be able to actually get out there and really set some goals.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:36 am

Possibly the last photos of the month. Hill work
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And trot lateral
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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby demi » Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:46 am

Chisamba, nice pictures, and very nice work!

Exvet, thanks for the update pics on Jr. He is beautiful and looks like a perfect partner for you. He will be so much fun to watch as he progresses.

The weather broke and I started working again on Sunday. I have lunged both Emma and Rocky three time each and got on Emma yesterday after i lunged her. Both of them were more than exuberant! and i made a good decision to lunge first. Rocky was so full of it yesterday that I pulled her up after just a few minutes of lunging and tied her to a corner post and let her stand there while i cleaned stalls. 30 minutes later i lunged her again and she started right off with her feisty little atttitude but when I scolded her she settled down and became a model western dressage pony.

I will have some goals for Emma for the next thread and maybe move Rocky over to the cross training thread.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:08 pm

Demi, I had a more exciting ride than I planned last night, too...

So much for my last post! He was looking for something to explode at from the minute I got on. I thought I'd put that busy mind to work sufficiently until we turned a corner and he clipped the arena fence with a hind foot. BOOM!!!

I rode for another 10 rather high octane minutes, just to prove I could, then I got off and lunged until we remembered out manners. I was at the barn alone, and didn't need to take any risks. It's a long way down.

I really ought to go ride later, but I have a trip to the dentist this afternoon and don't know if I'm going to be up to dealing with a case of the stupids after that...

Ah, bright and brisk fall weather and a very fit horse!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby StraightForward » Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:21 pm

Well, now I KNOW I am making the right decision by bringing in pro help. This morning both trainers came over and put the big western saddle on Pickle and put her on the lunge in the round pen with another line through the inside stirrup and tied to the saddle horn. Wow, did she throw a fit when she felt that saddle moving and getting tugged on. They said she could have a second career as a saddle bronc if all else fails. But she worked through it and was softening up towards the end. I wish I'd gotten video though. Yikes. The cowboy is coming back out tomorrow and probably the weekend, then the other trainer will check back in on our progress when she gets back to town next week. She just about got herself in a mess with the fence and scraped up the inside of her hind leg, but luckily it was just superficial and hopefully knocked a bit of sense into her.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby kande50 » Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:24 pm

Moutaineer wrote:....don't know if I'm going to be up to dealing with a case of the stupids after that...

Ah, but just as we get ourselves all geared up for the way they were last time, they're over it. :-)

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Sep 28, 2016 6:41 pm

True that, Kande :)

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby capstone » Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:27 pm

I'm bummed that I have absolutely nothing to report.

I rode today and the last time before that was a month ago. Literally. And both times on my Swiss lesson pony.

I can't wait until I can ride my own horse regularly again.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:59 pm

Same here, Capstone. Between work and a cousin's wedding (in Hawaii, so don't feel too badly for me) I've been out of the saddle for the latter half of September.

We'll get 'em next time.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:29 pm

StraightForward wrote:Well, now I KNOW I am making the right decision by bringing in pro help. This morning both trainers came over and put the big western saddle on Pickle and put her on the lunge in the round pen with another line through the inside stirrup and tied to the saddle horn. Wow, did she throw a fit when she felt that saddle moving and getting tugged on. They said she could have a second career as a saddle bronc if all else fails. But she worked through it and was softening up towards the end. I wish I'd gotten video though. Yikes. The cowboy is coming back out tomorrow and probably the weekend, then the other trainer will check back in on our progress when she gets back to town next week. She just about got herself in a mess with the fence and scraped up the inside of her hind leg, but luckily it was just superficial and hopefully knocked a bit of sense into her.

Moving the saddle while working the horse is a great way to get them used to and over the reaction to weight shifting, sounds like you got some good help.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:30 pm

Moutaineer wrote:Demi, I had a more exciting ride than I planned last night, too...

So much for my last post! He was looking for something to explode at from the minute I got on. I thought I'd put that busy mind to work sufficiently until we turned a corner and he clipped the arena fence with a hind foot. BOOM!!!

I rode for another 10 rather high octane minutes, just to prove I could, then I got off and lunged until we remembered out manners. I was at the barn alone, and didn't need to take any risks. It's a long way down.

I really ought to go ride later, but I have a trip to the dentist this afternoon and don't know if I'm going to be up to dealing with a case of the stupids after that...

Ah, bright and brisk fall weather and a very fit horse!

yes we have had a few higher octane thanks to the fall moments too. I hope next time you ride he is much less then you expect :)

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:32 pm

Khall, the video is quite far away but he does not look sluggish so it looks like you achieved your main objective, glad you had a get together and hope it helped all round

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Brydie » Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:15 am

Well I'm all done for the month!

Goals I set were barely looked at. Got really down after the show and didn't do much schooling until this week. Back to basics!! Stopping lessons with my current instructor (saving up for a trip back home). Will see how we go only following the dressage mastery academy and watching myself back when the solo shot 3 is finally out!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Flight » Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:37 am

Yes, I'm looking forward to the soloshot3 as well. I have a 2 which is still good, but my naughty pony broke my camera controller and ability to zoom etc. I also subscribe to Natasha's vids, not the mastery program, but the accelerator (I think it's called). I think she's funny and I love her enthusiasm but she's a little tough on her horses for me! However, she certainly gets results. How much more is included in the mastery program, Brydie?

Khall, looking good in your vid, doesn't look sluggish there at all and nice and consistent. And Chisamba, nice pics as usual and I like seeing the scenery where people ride and have their horses.

I'm sharing some vid, open to criticism of course and the obvious things to me are to prepare better for downward and upward trans and stop using my hands so much. However, it's funny how improvements creep up on you and your expectations rise without being aware of it. This is my big young horse and he is now so much better balanced at the canter. He can hold himself together much more consistently now, doesn't fall out of canter randomly into a big rangy trot, can actually stay in the arena! (that's always a bonus :) ) and just stay in a nice steady canter. It's hard to know what strangers see and think, but for me, looking back on previous video, he is improving so I'm very happy with him.


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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:37 pm

Flight, I'm commenting mainly because I really like your Norsey! :D I agree that there are tons of improvements from earlier video, which is lovely to see.

I have the sense that you will need to "sit into him" even more to make the transitions more out of the seat. Something that helps me get into my mare's back is sometimes saying to myself "shoulder back, shoulder back" on the rein(s) that needs help ("left shoulder back left shoulder back right shoulder back"). I might do this for 1/4 of a circle or every stride to get my seat across. I also do this to increase the bend as I come into a transition.

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Chisamba » Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:40 pm

I prefer a light seat, so the horse can use its back freely, i say this often, whenever people talk about sitting deeper into their horse, i think perhaps its because i am a heavier rider, and because i had a male rider that i worked for, who was heavy as i am now, who used to use a lot of back and seat and i always had to take care of his horses sore backs. I prefer not to use shoulder imagery, because i have seen people use burlesque like shoulders and not bring their aids to their core or seat. If rider are told to adjust their shoulders often they do not carry the adjustment from their center and it results in a hollow rider back, instead of the more ideal flat back. that said i find myself sometimes sitting more forward that others consider ideal. something i have seen in several riders i admire so it does not bother me too much any more. okay having said that, piedmontfields, i know your advice works really well for many.

Flight, i see your hand moving downward in your half halt on the outside rein, slightly, which i think can be counter productive.

It is funny because, Flight, my latest video is very similar to yours and i found myself comparing the two side by side, ( I envy your lightness of seat and power of your lovely horse). I agree that taking the time to better prepare for your transitions effectively will help you. effectively is my key word, you want to get the horse to give you the correct response to your preparation, if they do not, then add a step, to improve response, before continuing with the transition.

It is easy to give the preparation, and then proceed with the transition, without being sure that your horse has given the correct response to the preparation. Kimba tends to anticipate the upward transition, get a bit short strided and tense, instead of re-balancing and waiting. I will some times put in a small circle, a few steps of shoulder in, or something to modify and specify the response i would like, before going to the transition. just because you prepared, does not mean you have to go ahead with the transition, if the response was not the correct one.

( reminder to myself as much as to you :) )

i do enjoy our training goals threads. thank you to everyone who participates!!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby Brydie » Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:55 pm

Lovely video Flight! The mastery program monthly videos are about an hour or so long, she first talks about whatever we're learning for the month, shows us on one of her horses then usually on a couple more horses with one of her riders. Last month really helped me when she rode Zorro after Montana wasn't quite getting it. She can be a little hard, but wouldn't say any more than the trainers I've worked with (perhaps not working with the right ones). Red is now a lot more softer to the left in our last ride, needs more work on the right, getting into the outside rein more.

I forgot to add (small brag), since the beginning of August I've lost 6kgs! Hit a plateau now, been the same for the last 3 weeks. Red has also lost weight, will get a pic on the weekend!

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Re: Goals and progress... August and September!

Postby khall » Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:25 pm

Lovely video Flight! Your youngster is really getting some good self carriage going. Watch though he is wanting to sit you right going left. That is probably why the W-C trans to the left was sticky, though could not see your seat from that view at that time. I don't see much baroque in him, he looks all WB, build wise. Nice quality horse.

Chisamba, pretty pictures! Love the hill hacking one especially and pretty country you get to ride in.

I'll add some canter video from the other weekend in a bit, have chores to tend to but wanted to chime in re Flight.

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