Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:14 pm

Thank you all for the updates. Alx., I could feel your joy in that video! Awesome. Moutaineer, thanks for the tip on more exercises---those are great. I love the photos, too. Blob, I can't remember if the trailer is yours or shared, but a mini trip (even around the farm or quick in and out) seems reasonable before a show trip. Sue, glad Rudy carried you through the duck explosion. Emi is much the same, but it would involve a quick rotation around instead of a gallop lol.

We are chugging along, building strength. Although yesterday, during a basic trot and canter set workout in the fields, Emi felt suddenly a whole step more fit. She even asked to do some of her canter set in gallop! So we did some galloping, too----it is so adorable when she gallops because she is truly a slow/built for collection not speed type horse. We both had a lot of fun and I've been noticing that her butt is getting serious muscle. I've also been committed to being more systematic about using Masterson work for releases (especially of her neck) to keep her comfy. Plus it's consistently above 80F which is Emi's kind of weather :-)

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:57 pm

Woohoo on the galloping, Piedmont. I know what you mean about the thicker horse thinking she is really going for it. Annabelle is half TB, but she is a thick girl, and she can haul when she's loose, but under saddle, yeah, not that fast.

Kora looks lovely. How nice to get to haul out and ride!

I'm happy to say that Tesla has adjusted to the cows. She even got up to the fence and visited nose-to-nose with them yesterday. She seems overall more content in Annabelle's stall with a 2-mare buffer between her and the bovines, and A doesn't seem to care too much either way, so I think I'll leave them with this arrangement.

Annabelle seems a little sore in her front feet, and I suspect her right stifle as well. She was much happier last night after I moved from the outdoor arena, which they added a bunch of shredded bark to last summer, to the sandier indoor footing. So I'm looking into getting her some Scoot Boots for her front feet. For the stifle, I think she just needs more fitness, so it's trying to walk the line between pushing her when she's sore and not working her enough to get more fit.

For me, I've been really lax about working out; I need to start prioritizing that again. In the saddle, I've been focusing on having a "non-disintegrating seat" which has been more helpful to me than thinking about engaging my core. A really does cause my seat to disintegrate in canter if I'm not aware of it, or if I am, I think I'm being helpful by going into a lighter seat and letting the reins out.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:16 am

SF--I saw the cows when I drove by last week and thought...that ought to be interesting :o .

I have been very pleased with Kyra's work. I am picking up lots of exercises to work on on Karen Rolhf's video classroom while I work out on my rowing machine. The ones I have tried are doing well to improve her straightness. We are still plugging away at the Spanish Walk training and I am reliably getting the leg lift. Now I just need to somehow convince her to reach out so we can someday get a jambette and someday after that an actual Spanish walk ;) . She is pretty handy with her right front which is obviously her dominant leg but the left is coming too.

I am currently working her every-other-day on the day's I am not doing elder care. That works pretty good for both of us old ladies. Thus far my butt is holding up to that and I can actually do a little sitting trot work.

It sounds like everyone is on track and making progress 8-) .

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:00 pm

The updates are a bright spot for me.

Aleuronx, I really enjoyed watching you canter Kora! Such a nice canter she has!

And I also enjoyed the pics of Blob and her ponies! They both look like they are “into” the work.

I feel that Rocky and I are progressing but my Soloshot has become very unreliable so I can’t see the work. I haven’t gone back to my lessons since the pandemic started but now I think I need to start again soon, because I can’t rely on the Soloshot to keep me honest. I had just started to get in a nice groove with the soloshot and I was thinking maybe when I start lessons again, I’d just go once a month instead of once a week. I didn’t realize until I had to stop the lessons how much I had to psyche myself up to hook up the trailer and haul out once a week. Rocky has become a great loader/hauler, but weekly hauling Is stressful for both of us.

Anyway, we are getting in 5-6 rides a week and the work is enjoyable. I’ve been doing strictly arena work for several months and Rocky doesn’t seem to have that need to do at least a weekly trail ride to keep her fresh and happy. The reason I temporarily stopped trail riding was that I wanted to convince Rocky (and myself!) that when I picked up the reins we were going to work. We now have the work routine well established but I’m not sure how to introduce the trail rides again. Whether to let her relax on a longer rein, or to pick up the reins in a “work mode” way...

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Rosie B » Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:54 pm

Aleuronx - had to stop in quickly just to comment on your video. She looks SUPER! What a lovely canter she has. You must be thrilled with her. :D

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:52 pm


It's a friend's trailer. Not having my own trailer, makes getting a horse to re-learn how to trailer a bit more challenging. But my friend has been very, very generous with her time and her equipment. She is also aiming for the show in June, it will be her first recognized dressage show! So, she is planning to go out on Sunday to practice riding in a regulation arena near by (we don't have a dressage arena, just a gigantic oval) and she and her horse have not spent much time in dressage arena. The place is about a 15 minute drive, belongs to a friend of ours, and there are also trails (which MM loves, so i can make it a fun outing). So, it's a good option in that sense. I am VERY nervous about the whole thing, but we will give the field trip a go before I sign us up for the show.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:36 pm

Demi, that is interesting how you shifted your tactics and Rocky is still fresh with just ring work. Good job! When I'm doing hard work in the arena and get a big effort or breakthrough from Emi, it is not that unusual for me to praise her (which she loves) and just walk her out of the arena to an easy cool out hack. I also sometimes give a mini break outside the arena (our huge arena has several gaps/doors) and then walk back in to do one more set of work. That seems to get her very much on point, like "one more thing!"

Blob, fingers crossed! That seems like a good sized test outing.

Susan, it's so great that you are riding and having fun and interesting developments. You are due it all.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:16 pm

So many great updates! It's nice to read "a breath of relief" from the crowd. Being able to ride is definitely key to me being able to maintain some mental stability with all the craziness going on these days. For the last couple of weeks I've continued to work on perfecting the simple changes. I know that when they are seamless no matter what the flying changes will really be doable. I've also started more lateral work in the canter. It was much of our focus/goal in my lesson yesterday. Of course the peel of the onion that was lifted was more mobilization of the shoulders. There was a lot of work on the transitions insisting on staying over the back and lifting through the withers while maintaining a soft rein - no bracing because that will be the enemy of the flying changes/tempi's. The lateral work at the canter was to start letting Junior know that he can lift and mobilize his shoulders in both directions without crashing to the ground. He definitely tried to figure things out and gave some good answers. Now we need more time. I'm going to be traveling for the next two weeks so Junior will get some time to rest, relax and mull over the agenda. We'll see if he remembers everything or gives me the middle pony hoof when I get back. LOL, I need a break from work (everyone is so angry, ugly and down right mean - covid, heat, curfew - makes everyone entitled and ill-tempered save a few) but will miss the big stinker.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:32 pm

Thanks all! It was such a fun day we're doing it again tomorrow :D

This time we'll ride together which will be fun. My friend has a super steady type guy and he was a good influence when we went to regionals together last fall, so should be a nice time.

Kora has beefed up this spring, she's officially 5! I played with removing the mattes half pad as her back has muscled and I think it was making the saddle fit a smidge too tight. I don't have too many data points yet but she feels more soft in the back and willing to lift a bit so I'm thinking that might have done the trick.

She was mega today to ride, very willing and just on. Quite hot for here in the mid 80's so having 'mare weather' always helps. Worked on getting her to reach out more in the trot as she tends to curl. Lots of turns using the outside rein to knock her over. Her tough side is her left and lucky for me even though I'm right handed my left hand is better for riding! So I'm on it for that left side.

For me keeping my dang arms at my sides in the canter transitions. I will not show that part of the video, good grief it was atrocious arm winging in the transitions. But it's good to see it because now I'm on myself for correcting it.

We were allowed more rides from barn management so I'll be able to get her a full workout now which is great for both of us. I'm hoping at some point to make it out for a lesson but want her a titch more solid in the work and me less paralyzed about spending money. It's hard.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:46 pm

I was going to post a couple of video to share but I sent them to a friend first and they did not pass the " good enough to share" test.

I am still trying to get Kimba more comfortable with collection and being able to keep her more elevated in front of the saddle. I felt like we had some progress but probably not enough to boast about.

Caliburn is still inclined to drop upside down in the canter trot transition. He is quite reactive in a spooky but not unsafe way.

With Saiph I have an easy going relaxed walk trot canter and some improvement in developing slight lengthening in trot and canter. I am also working on suppleness to the left. My biggest problem with her is communication. I have difficulty getting her forward into a more collected contact. Probably because we did a lot of hacking as shec recovered from injury and now she thinks that is the good life. !

I worked 90 hours this week because of a coworker who couldn't come in and our company is not allowing subs because of covid. So I am too tired and grumpy for criticism. So no pics or vids.

I ride for love and health. And my experience has been that good riding keeps horses content. I do not compete much anymore. I gave up eventing in the late eighties when I realized you had to be prepared to kill your horse to win. I started seriously in dressage with the firm belief that it made horses better' sounder and happier. But sadly lots of top dressage horses are not happier and sounder. So now I just ride. I dont even know why I'm on a dressage board.

Anyway. Love your horses and love riding. Life is good with horses in it.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Josette » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:30 pm

I've enjoyed reading these updates and useful training tips. I've been slowly getting myself and the 'Silver Pony' back into shape after his long recovery / layup last fall. (His birthday is next week - age 20!) We've been focusing on many of the supple exercises with lots of walk and trot transitions using figures. We are doing some canter too - focus is to keep him relaxed in this gait. He still can get a rare monkey brain moment - but we have a solid bond built on him trusting me. He has come such a long way compared to when I first got him. Now, I enjoy the training challenges and get so much enjoyment from our rides. He has taught me so much and improved my riding skills. What a learning curve!!

Chisamba - your last comments really summarized how I feel about my pony and my joy in riding him.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Srhorselady » Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:39 am

Chisamba, you are on the front line facing daily what most of us are only reading about and seeing/hearing about. Stay strong and do what makes you happy. That is what IS important during these very depressing times. I admire you for what you are doing.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:16 am

I've got Maia cantering jump combinations ... in the dressage saddle :lol: She really needs a jumping saddle!

And Anzia's doing a Jekyll and Hyde. Four days of relaxed, quiet — CALM — walking, then today, she was a whirling dervish. Bucking, rearing, running backwards ... spooking ... that mare /facepalm

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Dresseur » Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:11 pm

Great updates everyone, keep 'em coming!

I had a serious face/palm moment in my lesson yesterday. I've been struggling to get the same steadiness and up through the shoulders feeling that Andrea can produce in Miro. We've been getting close, but I still wasn't happy. The week before, she had me leg yielding him out of circles to make him stand up and stop collapsing into the circle. He was following the rein around and bending, but he wasn't staying up in the shoulder. So all week, I've been muddling over that feeling and in my warm up, for some reason it hit me that if I think of it as "riding the shoulders narrow" I got the feeling and steadiness that I've been looking for. It's kind of an unorthodox way to think of shoulder control, but for whatever reason, when I thought of what I was actually doing, that's what it was.

So why does it work on him? He has extraordinary flexibility in his shoulders - which means that he can bend, but yet still fling his legs out to the side - think of it as him being able to get away with a bit of balancé in the first couple steps of a movement. For instance, the first step in shoulder in - he widens the shoulders, circles - he widens the shoulders. So thinking of keeping his shoulders narrow allowed me to control that tendency, which kept the drive aligned all up through his body and it was just amazing.

The trot work ended up being the best I've felt on it. When we moved into canter, for some reason, that thought went out the window, so when we got to the piri work, I struggled. Andrea reminded me to 1., keep his haunches in and 2., control his shoulders (no duh, right??) and we got some of the best steps I've been able to produce with him. Then in the canter left - usually his "bad" side, I keep the feeling of narrow shoulders and he came up so beautifully and it was light, steady and consistent, which made the changes a breeze.

For the passage work - Andrea has been tapping him a bit behind and really making sure that he stays forward and quick, so she had me experiment with that. She asked me to think of using my back the way I do in an extension, but to only hold with the shoulders so that I don't throttle it back and then to tap in rhythm behind. Again, it was some of the best work that he and I have produced together. He lofted up and for the first time with me, he kept the trot rhythm behind in the passage - so no slowing down, and he started snapping the shoulders/knees up.

In any case, I don't think the shoulder thing is something that would reproduce results on a horse that doesn't do what he does - but it was a huge breakthrough for us!

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:37 pm

Dresseur, sounds like your guy and my guy share shoulder habits! I too have been working on the feeling of narrowing in front to make sure that he's not escaping out the outside shoulder in lateral work or during turns. We're not quite as far along as you and Miro, but already I can feel the progress being made.

Speaking of progress, here's where Queso and I are in the middle of this 8-week challenge:
- Two successful flying changes to both directions: Check
- Canter/walk/canter transitions alternating leads: Check (still work in progress, but they're getting much more fluent)
- Daily 2-3 mi walks with the dogs: check
- Cut back on the alcohol: check. I actually escalated this to counting calories, because it's clear that the quarantine 15 were a real risk. Down 6 lb to date but a long way to go.

I took a couple lessons with Queso to help troubleshoot some of the connection issues I've been having. This horse is very wiggly through the neck but his real power center are the shoulders. To help keep the shoulders from spreading (and thus disengaging the base of his neck and brisket area) we're living "in position" in the canter and doing square turns everywhere. Haunches-in has been exceptionally helpful for this horse, too-- gets him actually using his big hip. It feels like we're knocking on the door of a competent 2nd level now!

I wish I had video, but alas. Queso has a hilariously cute passage! So far it's only been triggered by the young horses yahooing around running the fenceline, but I can turn it off and let it come back. None of his pasturemates found him to be at all impressive or threatening, but he's a legend in his own mind.

And finally-- we're really getting into the heat of summer and we're still 2 weeks away from summer even starting. Nothing but 94+ deg days in the forecast means either I need to become nocturnal or drink all the water in the world.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:08 pm

good to hear everyone's updates. Looks like lots of good work and lots of enjoying the journey.

MM had her first post trailer injury field trip yesterday--with good results! A friend and I went to down the road a few miles to a friend's place (she has a regulation dressage arena and trails). We loaded MM up first. She got up right away, let us close the butt bar without stress and was calm and settled enough to munch hay. We then went to load my friend's gelding. Well, his pasture buddy decided that was the time to go bonkers in pasture. Gelding got distracted and so it ended up taking a long time to get him loaded. MM got a bit stressed with the commotion behind her and the waiting, but I went and stood up front by her head and that settled her down and she went back to eating her hay.

We rode through our test, but I kept the work really light since i wanted to focus the outing on fun stuff--trails!--so that it was a really positive outing for her. So, just warm up, 1 ride through test, and a repeat of one section that was tricky (going from the first change into our second HP both on our harder directions for each). And then went out on the trails, which she loves. Coming back, she hesitated some loading up. Got halfway up, backed off a couple times before loading up and waiting while we got her hooked and butt barred in. So, all in a really successful outing and even if the conditions ended up not being perfect with her trailer mate giving us a hard time in the way up, she handled it well and even when she hesitated going home, it did not take long for her to choose to get on. I am VERY relieved and happy.

On the less exciting end of the spectrum our test was a mess :lol: :oops: :lol:

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:05 pm're on this board for the same reason most of us are. You enjoy the the journey dressage puts us on, competition or no, it's just a wonderful thing that we share with our ponies.

Dresseur, good food for thought; I'll have to investigate next time I ride Rudy.

Great update, Ponichiwa, I am trying to keep up with your goals. So far averaging 3mi/morning plus another mile or two in the evenings (with the dogs, of course) and I have lost a few pounds overall, but not as much as I would like. Still, onward and downward. :)

Blob, congratulations on a successful trial run!

Summer is still elusive around here. We had one or two days in the high 80's followed by several days in the 40's and 50's. I admit, the high winds, cool temps and occasional driving rains have kept my off the horses for a few days. Also, 4H is finally allowing us to have in-person meetings, so I'm back to helping the kids with their puppies one evening a week.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:14 pm

It's been snowing here in Utah. Dampens the spirits somewhat.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:16 pm

Moutaineer wrote:It's been snowing here in Utah. Dampens the spirits somewhat.

On average, you and I are having a pretty decent riding weather kind of day. Individually, not so much.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:00 pm

Talking about the shoulders thing, I've been doing an online clinic with Norsey and it's been really good. The woman who I love having clinics with, has set up an online process where you submit a 10 min video and she goes through it closely in biomechanical detail and then gives you stuff to work on during the week. She has anatomical pics of horse skeletal/muscle/nervous systems and can explain what your horses is doing with these. Gives her the time to explain the theory behind what she is trying to teach you.
I haven't had a clinic from her in a year! But now our COVID stuff is settling down well, she can do another face to face on in July.
Norsey has a huge shoulder and I've been working on stuff to keep him better balanced etc. Just having that extra info on what muscles need to be working etc has helped my concentration and focus on what to feel for. I've really enjoyed it.
I'm not keen on competing any more. Maybe I will when things open up more but not sure if I can be bothered. Enjoying the training this year.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:06 am

Ponichiwa wrote:
Moutaineer wrote:It's been snowing here in Utah. Dampens the spirits somewhat.

On average, you and I are having a pretty decent riding weather kind of day. Individually, not so much.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Hot4Spots » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:14 pm

Sorry to have been AWOL for a while. Just sorta curling up and waiting out the pandemic. I couldn't start my new job due to the shut down, had some issues with EDD which have since resolved so I am financially okay, but new job is in Alameda County (CA), which is starting to relax restrictions, but not enough for me to start work. Anyhoo....

The news on the horse front (to keep this relevant to the topic) has been pretty good. Mark and I are up to about 15-16 minutes of trot, in sets of six laps around the arena, then walk break, rinse repeat, during a 40 minute ride. About 12 days ago, I thought I felt some heat in the area of the splint fracture from January, so I backed off to walk for 4 days or so, light bute (1g a day) for its anti-inflammatory properties. When it felt normal, we started trotting again, and worked back up to 15, then 18 laps. When we get to 20 minutes of trot probably in 2-3 weeks, I think I'll have the vet out to evaluate and see if we can start to ride some of the larger school figures (20 m. circles, serpentines). he's not as steady in the bridle as he was when we were lessoning/showing but that's on me. Since he seems to be staying as sound as he's ever likely to get, I hope to get both our acts more together. Mark has been very well behaved, and I'm debating whether or not to make another attempt at a short trail ride with him.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Hot4Spots » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:49 pm

Sue B wrote:Great ride on both boys yesterday but woke up to THIS. Poor Rudy is not happy. :shock:

Rudy Hives May 2020.jpg

(In case it's not readily apparent, he is one giant hive even including eyes and nose! Nope, don't know what happened.)

A gal at my old barn had this as a continuing issue with her Oldenberg gelding (Hanoverian/Trakhener cross). She finally had to put out the $$$ to have him allergy tested. Once she had determined the primary allergen, she was able to keep attacks to the minimum.

I had my previous horse allergy tested after a punch biopsy revealed only "undifferentiated dermatitis.". He didn't have hives, but lost hair all over his face and parts of his neck and shoulders. The culprit turned out to be molasses. Try to find a horse feed without molasses, other than plain old crimped or rolled oats.

When I had him tested, it only cost $125, but that was over 20 years ago. My friend told me her cost was much higher, but perhaps there are different panels that cost more or less. You could ask your vet what it might cost and see if it's worth doing.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:58 am


the struggle is real, what struggle you may ask, well the struggle to continually get better and not get discouraged. This is true for life as well as riding. For me, often the key is to just relax and accept what is offered in genuine appreciation. Some how i seem to be wired to say yes that was nice but "this" would be better.

So, my new goal for the remainder of this goal thread is to ignore the time line and appreciate the increments. Hell, if Kimba is so anxious about flying changes that it changes where whole attitude to being ridden, take away the anxiety first and let her offer. Its funny because i have two or three horses in training that have progressed marvellously on their changes, only Kimba has not, but i think i have created unneeded anxiety in her about them. So if she gets anxious i ride to reduced the tension and then decide what to do next, I do not actually have to show third this year, that was my goal, but being flexible is part of respect in training, just imho. of course some of the better riders would have had everything done and good and be on to the next thing already.

Now as to Saiph, we are still trying to co ordinate aids. For example i lengthen my leg to prepare for a half halt, if i even slightly go to lengthen my leg on Saiph she stops dead . I add leg for a downward transition, i do not take it away because i ride forward into the downward transition. the other day i was cantering across the diagonal, lengthened my leg and she stopped so sharply i toppled forward and gave a slight shriek. So i do it unconsciously and she responds abruptly. I do not know how long it will take for her to get used to my lighter leg no spur style of riding.

Caliburn meanwhile is a cheerful sweetheart who tried hard but needs a lot of musclular building and i am beginning to use some lateral work to initiate that

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Josette » Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:56 pm

Beautiful pic! Those short stops can really get you sometimes! Been there too - multiple times (tested my butt velcro response) . Totally agree that I've learned that anxiety prevents progress and makes for a negative ride and learning experience. When I can get the mental relaxation and focus then it becomes a positive ride and enjoyable. In our case, the many mental and negative hx took time to over come but we finally turned the corner. :)

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:34 pm

Chisamba--Saiph is really lovely. I know the feeling of the abrupt stops! I often compare riding RP to being a new driver--lots of jerky too fast on the gas and then too sharp on the breaks.

with MM our harder change is the left to right and for too long i've been so focused on just GETTING IT, that I have been really neglectful of the line I'm riding. So, we've gotten in the habit of cutting in when we do that change. In the big giant arena I ride in, it's not that noticeable, but when I ran through 3-3 last weekend in a proper dressage arena, it was VERY noticeable. in 3-1 (what we showed last year), the the harder change comes second and all you have to do is complete the change and then trot at C, so if things get a bit disorganized or the line gets messed up, it's not so obvious/doesn't really hurt the rest of the test. But in 3-3, the harder change comes first and if I don't mind my line, everything just dominos into a mess. So, I've been working on trying to keep us straight. I set up parallel poles for us to keep us straight with the directive that I either change before the poles and make sure I ride through them so that I"m able to get into that first corner, or I change within the poles. We've done one day of that and it was HARD. But we shall continue!

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Thu Jun 11, 2020 1:49 am

Moutaineer wrote:It's been snowing here in Utah. Dampens the spirits somewhat.

Idaho has been on a weather roller coaster too. That same storm was our second in about 3 weeks. 90's to 50's overnight...then back to 90. No snow in Boise proper with the last storm but the ski area above town got 7 inches. The day it was supposed to start raining, I was going to blanket Kyra but damned, it was 70 degrees when I was out there and that is just too warm for a blanket (albeit a light one). However, I got home and listened to the weather and they said temps in the upper 40's with wind and rain. I boogied back out to the barn in the evening and put her blanket on of which I am sure she was happy (it had already dropped 10 degrees just in the time I drove out there and back). She has shelter but is in a larger pen and the shelter is in the back and they feed in the front which means sopping wet horse in 20mph wind while she eats. I would not have built things as such but they did so the blanket gave her a portable shelter for the 2 days is was so raw. She is really hard to handle when she gets that cold.

Despite the weather, I have been getting some rides in and am still really pleased with the work she is giving me. Just working on basics while I work on my weight. I did a round pen liberty session with her on Monday and she was quite cheeky. Just naughty enough that you can laugh at her. She did demonstrate some nice collection in her naughtiness.

Today she got her Legend shot and when I got out there, I was really glad the vet was already coming. A new horse came in Monday evening and was put in the pen next to Kyra. Sometime between Monday afternoon and this morning we surmised she smacked her right eye as she had a small scrape on the eyelid. It was moderately swollen but she was quite squinty in the bright sunshine. The vet stained it and she has a couple dots low on her eyeball. She gave her some Banamine for the swelling and felt it would resolve quickly. She was comfortable with a fully open eye as long as she was in the barn out of the sun. She looked cute as I threw on her fly mask over her bridle while I rode feeling that would make it not quite so bright and she worked quite nicely. I will go out in the AM and check it to make sure we are going in the right direction.

Love all the updates.
from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:09 pm

It was a gorgeous day yesterday AND I had time to ride. :D

Both horses were simply a joy. Tio trotted around like a well-schooled hunter and I even hopped him over a low cross-rail, much to his delight. he cantered off from the jump in a beautiful hunter-type canter. So simple. Rudy was so soft, forward and supple that we just played around with precise but easy hp or fc although he was more than willing. Did a lot of transitions in and out of gaits as well as within the gait and even did short bursts of passage just for grins. Early on, I did work on toh and used someone's "narrow the shoulders" trick (Dresseur I think?). It really helped to tighten up the toh without losing the rhythm, so thank you DDBB. It's funny how some days the horses seem so easy to ride and other days not so much, but any day I can spend on the back of a horse is a good day in my book.

I was "suffering" from a crazy amount of back pain since last weekend, to the point that I got like 3 hours sleep total Sunday night and had to finally break down and take something stronger than ibuprofen Monday night. Still pretty achy yesterday until I started messing with the horses, then the worst of the pain went away. I was able to ride well and sleep well. So weird--I guess this means I am truly a horse addict. :lol:

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:40 pm

Typed out an update the other day and it went poof, did not bother again until now. Love the updates of all

Chisamba I agree with srhorselady, give yourself some grace with all you deal with in your regular job and keeping up riding, training, lessons. I know I admire what you do. I do have to say I snorted when you wrote about Saiph stopping dead from the canter. Yep that's about right with those WBs!! Why as green as grass Joplin is I still am grinning ear to ear riding her, SO different than riding my WBs

Anyway my update: trying a new saddle, have one more week with it. Seems to fit all of my 3 which is good, it's and Adam Ellis pretty saddle nice a wide with a wide channel. A bit different to ride in seat wise, wider twist but not uncomfortable. Also need new leathers and probably girths (billets are longer than on my Black Country Vinici) Beautiful saddle. At this point probably will buy it not sure if I will sell the Black Country or not.

Other update been playing with SW with Joplin and Gaila, OMG they picked it up quickly!! Joplin no surprise can wave those front feet easily, Gaila offers any time you get close to her up front. Love mares. Rip only does that when I am asking for something hard like piaffe, then he offers SW

Anyway, getting hot now. Lots of grass growing lots of rain. Trying to host Cedar acknowledging the pandemic and doing things differently

Happy riding all!!

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:26 am

We had some fun with a little jump grid this morning. I am going to try to jump Annabelle once a week. It wakes her up and gets her working. She is so cute, she gets keen and locks on to these little knee high jumps. :) This beats the heck out of hand walking. Looking forward to my lesson this weekend. Forward and canter are feeling quite a bit better than our lesson three weeks ago.


Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:25 pm

Had a lovely hack and chat with my friend this past Sunday. Kora was again a gem, we rode together did a little school and then hacked some more. Next time we will head out on the trails, I wanted to keep things simple one thing at a time. Just so happy that she loaded/traveled and all around handled the trip like a complete star.

Day after I was feeling ballsy and took her out on the trail at home solo. I've been hand-walking her on this route quite a bit during barn quarantine when we couldn't ride but not ridden yet. I mounted up in the outdoor, checked the brakes a couple times with a few halts and then went straight out! She was good overall minus one splat type spook at a belligerent chipmunk and we had a lovely low key walk.
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For the less good news they started some lessons back up at the barn and oh boy she lost the plot. To be fair it's been very quiet at the barn due to this spread out scheduling (which we continue) and there was just too much for her brain to deal with. Parents standing by the outdoor arena, 2 lesson ponies riding around and instructor howling from the center, in addition to them baling hay out in the field. A bit bug-eyed and tight but we tried to solider through, she's going to have to get through this eventually. The silver lining to this was once she settled enough I did some half-halt work in the trot to almost walk then push forward into trot transitions on a circle. Felt in a walk transition, what if I asked for canter and boom, lovely walk-canter transition! Tried it the other direction (left lead) which is tougher for her but she did get it as well the second attempt cleanly. Big pats and ended with that.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:31 pm

Back at home for almost 2 weeks now, had our second dressage lesson today. I've been dealing with lower back pain so my fitness is deteriorating as I can only ride and stretch. I typically bike and do yoga to help myself stay fit to ride the pony as he has huge gaits. The upside is I don't have the strength to fight him and we were much more relaxed today and had some new feeling and the best canter transitions we've had. We had some instances of big boy trot and did some 15 teardrops that were quite good if I do say so myself. And I felt like I was going to throw up by time we were done so I worked my butt off. He is calm and happy and just super for hacking, walk, trot, canter and a fence or two. I'm very pleased with him all things considered. Now maybe looking for a video show to enter.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:24 pm

I will finally be getting back to lessons this Wednesday, after 3 1/2 months. I feel like we’ve made some good improvement on my own but we’ll see what trainer says!

My biggest current issues with Rocky have been her downhill conformation and her tendency to canter like a cowpony. Those issues are probably related. My own issues have been rein length and keeping my seatbones plugged in. Those issues may also be related. Actually, I think all four issues are probably related.

In the last 3 1/2 months my rein length has changed considerably. 3 1/2 months ago I had to diligently shorten the reins much shorter than both of our comfort zones liked. I had to start every ride right from the beginning with the short rein length and keep it there for the whole ride. After several weeks of this she finally accepted that I was in charge of the rein length. The short rein length helped the canter immensely. Short reins plus cantering the full arena (vs circles) got the canter more uphill and also she started responding to my request for canter quickly and obediently.

But then, watching the canter on video, I noticed that she wasn’t flexing in the hocks at all, and also, even though she felt and looked to be off the forehand, there was still something wrong. So I studied several videos of good trainers cantering young horses (yes, I know Rocky isn’t young but in terms of training she is). Then I tried lengthening the reins by about 1 1/2-2 inches and riding her long and low in canter. It felt good and she was still relatively off the forehand, on good contact, and very willling and responsive to aids for transitions. This is the stage we are at currently.

In addition to canter/ rein length, I have been working on my equitation. Straightforward mentioned a phrase recently that has stuck with me because I think it describes a problem I was having. “DISINTEGRATING SEAT”. I had somehow gotten into the habit of allowing my seatbones to come off. I would make a conscious effort to keep both seatbones on and right where I needed them, but before I was aware of it, one or both seatbones would be too light, and/or out of position. I thought about it while I was watching my vids and indentified several reasons that it was happening. Now I can prevent it from happening but I have to concentrate.

So I am going to talk to trainer before the lesson and let her know these things. I am going to ask that we are allowed to canter full arena only, no circles, and that we canter on the longer rein as long as she stays on contact. This tactic will, I think, give Rocky the time to develop the muscle and coordination to do a more “dressage” type canter. Also I will ask that we stay away from lateral work this time. I am afraid that if I start thinking lateral work too soon, my seat will disintegrate and I won’t even be aware of it. This tactic will, I think, give ME more time to develop and solidify my seat.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Rosie B » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:05 am

Bliss is home finally! Yay! It’s so nice to have him back at my place. He feels amazing too the couple rides I’ve had since he came home. 8-)

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Jun 15, 2020 5:17 pm

yay for Bliss finally coming home! Now all we need are pictures. ;)

Great post Demi. I can't wait to see how your experiment pans out.

Beautiful pictures Alx and SF!

So great news on the home front...I finally got a saddle fitter to come to my place and reflock Rudy's saddle and, of course, let me try out the saddles she was selling. First off, Rudy's back was perfectly symmetrical with palpation and flocking wear, so yay me for riding straight and evenly. Secondly, I tried a Trilogy Debbie out and after a few minutes of trepidation on Rudy's part, he suddenly lifted his back and started blowing softly in the trot. I had to stop and lengthen my stirrups so I could sit in the right part of the saddle, and then I asked for the canter. Rudy was such a happy fellow, so fluid so much jump. After that, I tried a monoflap (I loved it, he HATED it) and then my saddle pre and post flocking (she did a really nice job on it)which he was much happier in again. Votes were tabulated and the winner is...Debbie Trilogy. Yup, I just ordered a new saddle. :D :D :D

Tio had to stand there for a couple hours waiting for his turn to be ridden, but he did so with patience and good humor. By the time I finally got to him, I had to hurry because we had a graduation bbq to attend. Anyways, he was a little stiff on the lunge at first, but quickly transitioned into his flowy hunter gaits with no bucking despite 25mph chilly wind. had a lovely quick walk up and down the road and then right to work in the arena where we were able to accomplish a fairly decent si both directions. He also offered a walk-canter towards the end, so yeah, i took him up on it. Canter is definitely getting stronger and easier to sit.

The Pixio arrived but I haven't had time to even open the package. Lol

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:56 pm

Sue, FYI I use a Trilogy Debbie (short flap) on my mare. She had a similar first reaction to Rudy.

I'm enjoying all of the updates! I'm doing some on-line learning, too, with one of my favorite trainers. The Anja Beran series sounds very interesting! Flight, you seem to be doing quite the deep dive---I bet a lot of insight will come from that.

Lately I have been wishing that I had another horse---not because I don't enjoy mine, but because it is fun to have different characters at different stages of learning. I think it helps me have a patient perspective. But my time does not work for that now!

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:26 pm

^ Queso has a yearling brother for sale!

I know the feeling well, peidmontfields. Currently I'm resisting the urge to buy another one. Do I need one? Absolutely not. But...

In fun and exciting news, Queso offered 2 nearly-clean flying changes last ride. We're still in the reward-any-attempt phase of putting the changes on, and I can feel the clean change in there. I just need to keep riding like a person and not a prawn and we'll get it. He's got a naturally balanced canter to both directions that can happily turn into counter canter without feeling like the change is close, so I've had to bring out my favorite counter-canter-renvers-to-shoulder-in exercise to tease the change out of him. And lo and behold, it works!

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:26 pm

Hot4Spots Glad you got a closer job! EDD has been a godsend in being able to pay the bills. I'm glad you will be closer when you can work. It's worrying people are not so worried anymore and not being careful with masks as cases go up.

I forgot! I won the Hans Moeller Scholarship from CDS! Third year trying and finally got it! It's $1500 for training and such. Originally I was going to use it to go up and train for a week or so with Lilo, but after getting in the AA clinic with her last year, no way. (I took my tense young one. Her solution to every horse was hold the reins way shorter and tighter and go way more forward until they were collected. Almost blew her mind. She doesn't rear and bolt anymore, so she just stopped and puts her head down in frustration. Lilo wanted me to kick her forward, which could have gotten me killed. It took me a long time to fix her after that.)

So, I have the money to get lessons, so I'm using Chelsey Sibley. I've known her about 40 years since she was a kid. She's one of the only people around here I know who has continually brought horses up the level, and I love her mom. She was out a couple of weeks ago, and I know I can get her on the girls and she can ride it and I can see what is going on. I thought I had fixed my one tempis on my older one, Quilla, doing the 15 easily. Apparently she's inconsistent with the right hind, so I've got some help with someone who can give me ideas and I can watch ride it to see what is going on. I'm super happy with her piaffe/passage. I started teaching her Spanish walk on the ground to get her shoulders up more, which took about one whole session before she got it, and then added that to the piaffe. Instead of the speedy, on the ground piaffe, she now gets the slower, up in the shoulder piaffe and stays really even between it and the passage. (The last show I did on Feb. at I-2 I was getting 7's on the transitions, so I'm excited to see what the p/p get now that they're better.)

My young one, Quinn, I put Chelsey on to see what she looks like (and it was really hot and I'm old and don't deal so well anymore.) I was surprised. She always seems like she has a massive neck compared to Quilla. She's changed, apparently, with all of the strength training and piaffe in hand work. She looks like she has a small neck and a MASSIVE butt. It's all muscle, but wow. I guess that's a good thing. The engine is there.

I am not comfortable showing yet, so we'll see what we can improve and see about showing later. Hopefully all of the stupid people won't put us into another shut down of some sort. I'm hoping to start showing under Mike Osinski in August.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Wed Jun 17, 2020 9:38 pm

I’m too old to get another horse but I’d love it if you got one, Piedmont!

SueB, I think you’re going to like your pixio. I like my soloshot but it’s temperamental. It quit working last week, I think because of the tag, so I ordered a new tag and just got it last night. It seems to have fixed it but I won’t know for sure till I test it tomorrow.

Tanga, congratulations. I watched Chelsey show several times and also saw her training at Osierlea a few times. I like how tactful she seems to be. Her horses always looked like they had hair trigger aid response, yet they were relaxed and totally focused on her. I loved to watch her ride.

Today I had my first lesson since the pandemic started. I was feeling stressed prior to the lesson but felt invigorated afterward! The stress was from other things but in my head, I just thought having to haul out to a lesson in the Texas summer was just one more thing...actually, the lesson was at 9 am and out of the sun, so it was quite pleasant. Rocky was very good although she got strong in the bridle when we cantered, but trainer said she saw improvement all over and to keep doing what I’ve been doing. She also gave me a lot of information on how to work with Rocky’s canter. She doesn’t think there is any problem with Rocky’s canter and in fact, said she has a good canter ( she rode her quite often when I first started lessons with her 2 1/2 yrs ago, and she cantered her a lot).

So when Rocky got strong at the canter today it carried over to the trot. So I did a lot of walk trot walk trot transitions . I like that my trainer let me do what I felt was necessary and she even said it was exactly the right thing to do. She didnt pressure me to go back to canter but “talked me through it” while demonstrating what she was saying on the horse she was riding. I was able to watch her and try it on my horse at the same time. I love my trainer!

I’ll hopefully get the soloshot going tomorrow and that will help me to see some of the things we talked about today.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Dresseur » Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:48 pm

Ok, I didn't want to jinx anything, so I kept my mouth shut... but, yesterday Miro and I made it to a show!!! We took him out at 3rd level, test 3 and did TOC 3:3 because I'm trying to qualify for MFS so that I can wrap up my bronze freestyle bar. He hasn't been to a show since he was 3 years old... and I'm still not 100% pain free while riding and have a lot of ground to cover to get back to where I was with core strength, but I couldn't be more happy with how he went and felt. He exceeded all expectations by being a perfect gentleman, exceedingly rideable and just an absolute pro. The feeling he gives in the show ring vs regular schooling is amazing. He just lights up, but not in a bad way.

Our first test, my goal was to just make it through and keep him focused, and we earned a 65% and some change. For the second go, I pushed it and he gave me more and just got better for a 66.7%. He made fans everywhere he went because... handsome, gray horse syndrome lol. There is a ton of room to grow those scores. So now... choreography for MSF and picking music and seeing what shows are actually still happening!

I've included a link to his test. Like I said, lots of room for improvement on both our parts!
And some stills. I'm sad you can't tell my coat is a beautiful burgundy in the pics or vid. :lol:
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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:32 pm

Congratulations Dresseur!!! Beautiful pics and test! His dapples are awesome!

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:50 pm

Dresseur, you must be over-the-moon in love with Miro. Gorgeous pictures and beautiful video. Congratulations!

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:54 pm

Dresseur, it's so exciting to see you and Miro out in the show ring after all you've both been through!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:39 pm

Nice job, Dresseur, especially in the canter work.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:41 am

Still haven't mastered cantering combos, much to everyone's amusement :lol: Neither of the 2 barn-mates who witnessed that disaster are the one who videos everything, darn! OTOH, Maia managed to execute half (one direction) of the trot-canter transitions I asked of her in a mannerly way before devolving into a fire breathing lunatic :roll:
Last edited by heddylamar on Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:55 am

I had one of those smack myself in the forehead rides tonight. Annabelle tends to stiffen up and block when I ask for canter. Suddenly it occurred to me tonight that I should LOOK UP and LIFT MY STERNUM and suddenly she was cantering off quite nicely. Duh.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to get done with work a little early so I can haul her over to another arena. It will be her first off-property ride in 19 months, so it might be interesting.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:42 pm

I lost my focus this morning and feel like I wasted a ride. I had gotten a new tag for the soloshot and was hoping to see some improvement after my lesson Wednesday. But after I got on i noticed the robot wasn’t tracking. I messed around with it but couldn’t get it to track. That threw me off because I have become dependent on it. During the whole ride I kept looking at the thing and wondering what was wrong, and what I could do, and if I should have gotten a Pixio instead of a soloshot and if I should just give up on the soloshot and get a Pixio anyway, and if I had forgotten to fill the pasture water yesterday (I didn’t) and if I was going to be able to catch the feral cat in my barn before she has more kittens (she just had four) and if I was going to miss my Zoom meeting at 9 because I spent so much time trying to get the soloshot to work, and, and, and...

This kind of thing is partly why I progress so slowly. Maybe I can get control over my thinking before I’m 90. Maybe I’ll get out of training level before I’m 95. I’ll try again tomorrow and after I set it up I will just forget it. If it works fine, if not, too bad.

And that’s the news from Lake Wobegone. Thankfully, I just remembered how lucky I am to even have a horse! ;)

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:11 am

Straightforward, I started doing the same with some jumping. I haven't been riding out much over the past few months and getting a bit bored just on the arena. The little horse got the hang of it again quickly, I did used to try and do eventing with him. The big horse... arghh he has totally forgotten! To be fair, he was busy trying to look for the sheep in next doors junk piles the first time through (he just annihilated the jumps) but it might do him some good to get out on some trail rides again to remember where to put his legs.

Took out this jump with his back feet after he landed!
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Aleuronx, that looks like a lovely road to ride along. Dresseur, that's awesome you and Miro competed! Thanks for sharing the vid, how easy he does his changes. He is looking great, looks longer legged/grown taller or something too.
Demi, I totally understand the pain of soloshot watching. I got a refurbished lens and started using mine again. Was great the first few times and then started showing its soloshot colours by being a bit off with tracking occasionally. It's so disruptive to your ride when you have to fiddle with it.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:55 pm

Lovely ride dresseur! M looks great:)
flight are you still doing WE stuff? I'm trying to get that ball rolling, the coronavirus put a hold on it for awhile and now farm maintenance is calling our names. Those jumps pictures are fun, I know it is good cross training.
SF it's easy to forget the little things that can matter so much
demi I hate it when my brain won't shut off, it usually makes me not ride because of the whirling thoughts. At least you got on!

I had one of those rides that makes you want to pinch yourself. I decided after an earlier ride this week I was going to commit to riding Rip one handed for a bit. Not something I've done very much with him, he's just not that easy to ride. Well I went for a ride in the field one handed and was quite frankly stunned. It makes me ride softer and quieter and Rip stepped up with a fabulous soft supple ride that was just a pleasure to have. Lateral work was easy, HP l and r was smooth, trotting half steps down hill was no trouble, going from half steps to medium, check. I did add in a bit of second hand in canter when I was doing some counter bending. I feel this is very important for Rip to do some counter bending and moving laterally in canter, he did it without issue. Very very happy with the big lug.

Did end up with the new saddle but it works best for Joplin, my Vinici is best for Rip and Gaila. The Adam Ellis is a wide saddle hard to believe it fits Joplin perfectly and too big on Rip now! Nice saddle, very pretty and seems to be well made.

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Re: Keep Calm and Canter On: May and June Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:35 pm

Khall, I have been meaning to ask what caused you to get the new saddle? I adore my Vinici, but if there's something else I should consider when it's time for Tesla to get a big girl saddle, I will definitely look. Does the Ellis ride similarly to the Vinici?

First off-property ride went well last night. A was a little tense when I got her off the trailer, so we walked around the grounds for a bit, and I was able to get on without lunging, and had a nice, energetic ride in the indoor arena.

An assistant trainer at the fancy dressage barn across town is starting to offer lessons, so I might book a couple so we can get some experience with that facility, which is where we earned a 38% at training level because she reared in the warmup and was too tense to canter in her test. My instructor will be here twice over the next three weeks, then it looks like she won't be back until end of August, so it will be good to get another set of eyes on us in the meantime.
Keep calm and canter on.

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