Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:08 pm

great to read everyone's updates and see pictures!

Quinta--a new pony is so fun! I hope you'll share more picture of her soon!

Mountaineer--hope Laddie is doing better or that you get some clear answers.

Aleuronx, any updates?

Piedmont, ugh ugh I"m so sorry to hear the news. Will be hoping for a speedy recovery.

I had my first lessons back with my trainer in ages. We haven't been in regular lessons since july/august because of scheduling challenges. And it was a VERY discouraging lesson with MM. Trainer, who I trust and respect, basically told me that he doesn't think MM and I are going to get there with the changes. That we've been working on it for over a year now and should have more progress but that there isn't enough progress. He thinks that that she isn't trying and that with a horse who doesn't try there isn't any point. But I don't think I agree that she's not trying? She's not saying no or blowing off my aid. And honestly if it was her just saying no that might be easier to train/fix. He thinks it could be worth going down a diagnostic route to look at her back, hocks, and stifles in case there is any under lying issue, but that beyond finding some physical barrier he thinks we've hit a wall. I'm feeling very discouraged and defeated. I've struggled with my confidence in my ability to ride the more advanced work. And now it feels that a lot of the work to try to overcome that has been in vain. I'm also honestly not sure how to proceed. I just feel so disappointed that my trainer doesnt' think we can make it.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:12 pm

Vet visit is first thing tomorrow AM, thanks for checking Mountaineer/Blob. Anyone want to place bets on ovaries or ulcers or question mark?

This is a bit of what we're dealing with, gotten worse in the last couple days. I video'd this for the vet but what the hey. Fingers crossed we perhaps get an easy answer tomorrow.

Jingles for us all, a cluster is never good. I hope Laddie gets a positive report tomorrow as well. Ryeissa that's scary, hope barnmates are okay too.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:28 pm

Aleuronx wrote:Vet visit is first thing tomorrow AM, thanks for checking Mountaineer/Blob. Anyone want to place bets on ovaries or ulcers or question mark?

This is a bit of what we're dealing with, gotten worse in the last couple days. I video'd this for the vet but what the hey. Fingers crossed we perhaps get an easy answer tomorrow.

Gosh, that's a pretty clear reaction. At first I wanted to say ulcers, but given that she seems to be reacting to touching along the hind end as well, I'm wondering if it could be ovaries after all....all that to say no real bets here. But I will be curious to hear what the vet says tomorrow and also hope that whatever it is she can get some relief soon!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:51 pm

Aleuronx, have any new geldings come in to the barn? I kept a gelding for a friend for a while last year and both my mares had weird reactions to him. I thought Rocky was lame because she was so stiff behind, and one day while I was talking to my friend as she was on her gelding, Rocky nipped my arm. I was shocked and had no idea why she did it. And Emma was worse. She would scream and run around like a crazy horse, and came into heat in December. Friend had her gelding’s testosterone measured and it was normal. Still it seemed the mares were reacting to him and after he left, they were back to normal. I have a gelding and my mares never reacted to him that way, and we’ve had other geldings living here that weren’t a problem. Just that one.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:20 am

Blob- yep I felt the same way tummy line seemed to point to ulcers but she is clearly in just as much discomfort in the hind end as well. Basically anywhere past the girth line is no-go zone. It was so hard not to mega dose her with Banamine but I don’t want to interfere with vet exam/visit tomorrow.

Funny you say that demi but yes, a boarder brought in a new gelding about ~3 weeks ago. Now you’ve got my wheels turning as this is about when she started to decline. Mind you she’s also off Regumate so it could be possible that the combo of hormonal mess and new gelding has rocked the boat.

I’m very, very curious to see how this ultrasound exam turns out. Will update as soon as I can, unless we are trucking to the clinic.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:25 am

Aleuronx wrote:Blob- yep I felt the same way tummy line seemed to point to ulcers but she is clearly in just as much discomfort in the hind end as well. Basically anywhere past the girth line is no-go zone. It was so hard not to mega dose her with Banamine but I don’t want to interfere with vet exam/visit tomorrow.

Funny you say that demi but yes, a boarder brought in a new gelding about ~3 weeks ago. Now you’ve got my wheels turning as this is about when she started to decline. Mind you she’s also off Regumate so it could be possible that the combo of hormonal mess and new gelding has rocked the boat.

I’m very, very curious to see how this ultrasound exam turns out. Will update as soon as I can, unless we are trucking to the clinic.

my guess would be hormonal, taking her off the regumate and the new gelding, i would guess a huge follicle, maybe even retained

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:37 am

I removed Caliburn and Kimbas shoes for the winter. Usually they stay reasonably sound and i dislike putting snow pads on them, so I may not get a lot of riding in for a few weeks til they harden. I did have to put snow pads on Saiph, because she cannot go shoeless joe. So i will probably be focusing on her for a few weeks. Saiph might be considered a push ride by some here, so the focus has been on being comfortable about forward into contact through the lateral work. I have been alternating medium trot with lateral work for short spurts, to let the medium encourage the lateral and the lateral keep the medium supple.

I have been working on the holiday season decorations at home and at the barn as well, I just never seem to have enough time to do all the things. I do hope that those with sore horses have excellent recovery Lad, Emi and Kora come to mind.

Blob, I do think that you will get your changes, they may just take a bit longer than you wanted. It is a frustrating thing to be stuck on, I really feel your pain because I have been stuck with Kimba at it but she is improving and i have faith that you will too.

I have friends who have been training their horses as long as i have Kimba and they are doing two, and ones, in a row. it can be horrid feeling left in the dust by comparison, but I do think you have to respect the horse you have and give them the time they need. I have never had a horse as stuck on the changes as Kimba is. maybe after her light winter she will come out in the spring all gangbusters.

happy riding everyone.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:50 am

Chisamba wrote:Blob, I do think that you will get your changes, they may just take a bit longer than you wanted. It is a frustrating thing to be stuck on, I really feel your pain because I have been stuck with Kimba at it but she is improving and i have faith that you will too.

I have friends who have been training their horses as long as i have Kimba and they are doing two, and ones, in a row. it can be horrid feeling left in the dust by comparison, but I do think you have to respect the horse you have and give them the time they need. I have never had a horse as stuck on the changes as Kimba is. maybe after her light winter she will come out in the spring all gangbusters.

Thanks, Chisamba. It is hard to be told by someone that knows us well that he thinks we have maxed out where we are. And even though I don't think he's right generally speaking, I also don't have the confidence or skillset to continue this path without an instructor helping me and supporting me.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby quinta » Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:13 am

Thanks to everyone for being excited about the new pone. I'll try and get some pics this week. I've spent the first few days figuring out what she knows. She is very obedient wtc on the longe, has moments of taking the contact in side reins, and is surprisingly balanced at the canter. I've hopped on her a couple of times just to walk at the end of our sessions. All uneventful. Waiting for my trail partner's mare to be sound so that we can get outside. My plan is to do lots of walking trail rides over the winter. Oh, and despite her size, she has a very chonky head and fits none of my cob-sized bridles (visually amplified by being a shaggy head on a fully-clipped body!). :lol:

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:05 am

Blob, I dont believe that either. I think all horses can do changes but some take longer than others. Keep working on everything else and add them in without too much expectations. I never thought Norsey could do it, and I got stuck for a long time on Ding where he'd just do a handstand on one side.
Keep an ear out for any other trainers that might be known to help changes - it's worth getting other ideas. It doesn't hurt to rule out anything physical that could be preventing them from happening.

I had a good lesson with Ding on the weekend. Straight after a nightshift so I was a touch tired but when you are riding and concentrating you forget you haven't slept for a while! Helped me with straightening our changes, our 2x were swinging a fair bit at home but we worked in walk on half passes and piris from each rein and for me to stay balanced. Really slight sort of adjustments, but made a difference. I think on my own I lose the subtleties and try too hard to make them happen.

Jingles to all the horses that are having troubles!!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:20 pm

Blob, I had the same thing said to me on two separate horses. The first time was the first horse I ever tried to put [dressage] flying changes on. It was VERY discouraging; but, I wasn't going to give up and felt that I had nothing to lose to keep at it. My horse did have some hock issues from his past (reining) training; so, treating that did help some. The real key was finding a trainer/instructor who was willing to help me with it. Big, big keys for me were riding a horse that had the changes already established (a friend's schoolmaster) in a couple of clinics and also working on straightness and I mean really working on getting and keeping my horse straight in the canter. He was an Arabian who could be a real noodle, solid into the reins but not willing to ride from behind into both reins equally. I also feel that my trail work on the mountain trails helped him build the strength that he needed too especially after I started treating his hock issues (though they were minor). It was a very long process, as best as I can remember it was at least 2-2.5 years and then overnight I had the changes and my bronze medal. The second one who 'would never learn the changes' was the stinker pony......LOL....by then I knew better ;) I have a library of articles from all sorts of BNTs on various exercises to develop the flying changes. Different ones have worked on different horses. It's really breaking down 'where' in the striding the missing link is and finding the exercise or 'help' to fill that hole even if it's going back to the beginning. That is where I find a trainer gifted with the changes is invaluable.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:15 pm

Thanks, Flight & Exvet--these are encouraging to hear.

Exvet--it's good to hear what helped and also that you were able to get past the hurdle. My current trainer, who I love, may not be the right one for my change journey with MM, but he has offered for me to come ride his I1 horse to practice riding the changes. I will do a bit of an investigation into physical stuff. She doesn't always engage her lumbar--so bodywork and strength training could help. And I suppose at some point xrays of hocks and stifles wouldn't hurt just to make sure.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:54 pm

Blob — have you tried removing yourself from the situation? I know I start doing weird things with my aids when we're not getting something right, and it becomes a self-fulfilling mess. Instead, if I try the movement out on trail — where we have loads of natural forward and softness — it works every time. Sometimes just moving out of the arena to a big field is the magic ingredient.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 3:41 pm

Jingles for everyone and the horses having a hard time right now. I hope everyone comes sound and healthy soon.

Blob, I've never taught changes so I'm not the one to take advice from! But if it were me, I'd be doing what so many others suggested. Get the vet out for a lameness exam and maybe the chiropractor (if that's not already a regular thing.) I would take your trainer up on riding his horse a bit, as that can't hurt and only help you.

I would not give up until I felt I tried every option. I would try another trainer who's good with changes. I don't know if your goal is too specifically teach them yourself (which is a great goal) but I would think about having a trainer put some rides on her if possible. Has your trainer ridden MM? Although if he's doubting her ability, it might make sense to reach out to someone new anyways.

Jingles for you! I have faith in your ability that you will get this worked out!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:05 pm

heddylamar wrote:Blob — have you tried removing yourself from the situation? I know I start doing weird things with my aids when we're not getting something right, and it becomes a self-fulfilling mess. Instead, if I try the movement out on trail — where we have loads of natural forward and softness — it works every time. Sometimes just moving out of the arena to a big field is the magic ingredient.

Yes, we've worked in the field a good bit. But I don't know that it's actually helped remove ME from the situation. And I fully expect I am the biggest problem/variable. But trainer riding her didn't really improve the changes. I might need to find someone else but that would require me sending her away and i am VERY picky about care when I can't be local to check in.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:08 pm

We are struggling mightily with changes, too, Blob. My trainer is pretty renowned for being able to put changes on anything with 4 legs, so I had high hopes it wouldn't take this long.

But the reason it has, is because she has made me go back and fill in the holes in his education (and mine) to get to the point where both me and this giant lumbering noodle of a beast can control his own body and brain well enough to coordinate the whole shebang. And that's been a whole lot of rewarding and interesting un it's own right.

Some horses are natural change machines. Mine is decidedly not.

We were just at the point where Margo was saying that she would get on him for the next few rides and work through it with him before she worked on both of us together, when the latest lameness setback arose. So, I guess we shall see where we are when we get things back together again.

Laddie looked pretty darned good on the lunge yesterday. We will lunge with our fingers crossed for the next couple of days, and if all looks good, get on at the end on the week. Maybe some light at the end of the tunnel? I'm cautiously optimistic.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Dec 14, 2020 5:45 pm

Jingles for Emmi, Kora, Joplin

Blob, you and I are in the same boat, but I know we can get this "barrier" crossed also. I'm not giving up (although I felt like it the other day) and neither should you. My latest plan, since it snowed and all, is to get my friend to hop on and just do the fc any which way she chooses. I know it's my mental block and now his as well. We WILL get through this :D :D :D

Tio went bombing across the pasture yesterday afternoon as the storm was rolling in, no sign of lameness now! I was going to ride him Saturday but gusts to 25mph coupled with 30F high that day discouraged me from taking a chance hopping on him. Rudy and I went roadster trotting down the road for a couple of miles as a warm-up for our work session and then had a very productive work time, so yea!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Dec 14, 2020 6:20 pm

Straightforward, nice video from yesterday. Annabelle’s right lead looks good and you even got countercanter! And simple changes!! Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:01 pm

Yay mountaineer!

Blob ugh I can’t even get Rip to think of changes. He does them no problem out in the field. Watched him do one times while having a prance around. Yet does not compute under saddle. I’ve put changes on TBs that I owned over the years and had not trouble. Rip not so much so I feel your pain.

Take Rip Thursday for recheck. Jingles that he’s better. Lunged Joplin yesterday after farrier came out Saturday and pulled a nail. She was sound. Apparently just a close nail that was bothering her. She’s done this once before. Princess and the pea

Stay warm all! Some of you deal with some god awful weather. Shiver

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:27 pm

Well Kora is ready to be bred tomorrow. :lol: It is a beautiful, normal follicle but it is clearly not doing her much good. No inflammation/edema/cysts or other weird stuff seen, just a lovely large follicle. So even with the shorter daylight hours she is continuing to cycle, first order of business is back on Regumate.

Vet and I chatted while Kora snored. Blood is being overnighted to UC Davis for hormone panel and Cornell for Vit E+Selenium levels as well as Lyme multiplex. While she thinks it is possible that Kora cycling is causing this, both Vet and I are not interesting in band aiding the situation. So blood work to check off boxes seems to be the best next step. Basically to keep me from panic driving her to the hors-pital to get her gastric scoped IMMEDIATELY. And potentially burning a bunch of money in the process but what else is horses?

While we don't have the giant smoking gun that I was more expecting we're taking the careful systematic approach which I am happy with. Test results should hopefully get back to us this week, follicle will do it's thing, Regumate has been ordered and we'll start her back up once it gets here (likely next week). Until then we'll just hang out, maybe some easy lunge work and wait. Waiting is so much easier in the freezing cold winter.

Blob it sounds like you have a good plan, take yourself out of the equation even if just temporarily to get some insight. I'd say changes are the one thing that are a legit 'trick' for some horses. Like others have said find the trainer in your area that everyone says can put changes on a goat or a cow. They're out there. Maybe even a lesson or two might be just the catalyst you need.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:58 pm

Well...had a whole book typed and it went poof.

Everyone for sure has a lot on their plates...good, bad and ugly but we do what horse people do and keep going.

I kick myself for missing almost a week of riding because I couldn't grip the left rein. The weather, for early December, was lovely. The hand/wrist is getting better although I fell again (neither horse related but jeez...getting old isn't nice :P ). The second one wasn't a hard fall and I managed to adjust my hand to land on my knuckles instead of the heel of my hand. I have been wearing a wrist brace around the horse and riding just to minimize those pesky twisting motions. No broken wrists or puppy paws allowed :lol: ).

My last ride was a good one with most of the right lead canter hot mess resolved with me leveling my stirrup leathers :oops: . Just for kicks and giggles and I feel it is a good check for basic self carriage, I warmed her up on a loose rein. She was quite good. Able to stay in a decent rhythm and very relaxed. She had a really nice canter-lope. Further canter work was good and I even threw in a bit of CC. Although she isn't really fit, I feel that asking the occasional more complex balance question doesn't hurt anything. I certainly don't drill her just ask can you try?.... I put on her hoof boots for this ride too. As the arena dries out, the rocks come to the surface and the ride before, I had trouble getting her energy to match mine. That truly isn't asking for a lot but I felt I was really pedaling. She was much better booted and just less concerned with the footing. Maybe some day, I will board at a place that has nice footing although it hasn't happened yet :roll: .

Winter arrived yesterday. We went from beautiful sunny afternoons in the low to mid 40's to wind and snow. Storms appeared to be lined up on the coast so will find myself indoors if I want to work her which means more in-hand and lunging. Again, less than ideal footing (too deep) so riding will be limited as I am not willing to risk a soft tissue injury. We will do what we can do and be happy with it. Most days, she enjoys the attention no matter what we do.
I can put her on her Surefoot pads if nothing else although getting her to stay on them can be a challenge. Per directions, you aren't supposed to force them but she gets distracted by anyone walking by or out of the tack room and if I discuss with her (sternly!) about staying on them, she will and then seems to quite enjoy it as evidenced by lowering her head and licking and chewing. I still think they are making a positive impact on her little muley feet. Her frog looks healthier so we will continue.

Jingles to everyone that needs them and happy riding to everyone else.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:55 am

Ok, Kyra’s mom! We have to quit falling. I fell a couple of days ago getting hay. I blame my ill-fitting barn shoes. Fortunately I had 4 big fluffy flakes of hay in my arms and landed face first in it. I was standing on a rickety pallet and fell off it. I hit my elbow on the concrete and it jammed my arm backwards. I am sore and stiff but ok.

I completed one of my goals for this thread! I videoed T-3 and sent it in to Virtualhorsesport.com for coaching and judging. Ok, I could have done a better test than I sent in, but I had to just make myself DO IT. I think the judging was fair enough, but I was hoping for more training insight. It was just like a regular test with very brief comments and even no comment for some movements. I picked Melissa Creswick because she also judges western dressage and I Rocky is really more of a western horse than a dressage horse. I rushed through the test because, as I said, I was in JUST DO IT mode. I got that comment a couple of times. Plus, I didn’t realize that the serpentine had a coefficient of 2, and there are 2 of them. That is one of our best moves right now but I rushed it and only got 6’s. That wasn’t smart but I did learn from it and will pay attention in the future.

The score was 63.45%. I wasn’t thrilled but it was fair and at least I DID IT!!! My plan is to do it again for the same judge and try to improve. This is good practice for “real” shows. I’d like to do two schooling shows, in February and March and then a recognized show in May.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Dec 15, 2020 1:18 am

Demi--I know Melissa, she's very, very correct, not easy and not a giver of gift scores, so I'd not be too unhappy with that score under the circumstances (She's also very funny, btw.)

I'm glad you got some answers on Kora. Lets hope for a simple solution.

Laddie looked even better today, and was a total gent on the lunge. I was expecting him to be a bit of a loon, seeing as how he doesn't hurt for the first time in weeks, but he just floated happily around. If I can find us a babysitter, I may just get on him tomorrow...

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:22 am

Chisamba wrote:Blob, I do think that you will get your changes, they may just take a bit longer than you wanted. It is a frustrating thing to be stuck on, I really feel your pain because I have been stuck with Kimba at it but she is improving and i have faith that you will too.

Don't lose hope Blob. After about 3 years where I could.not.get the changes right, last week we started getting clean ones without severe kicking up behind. I could write a small essay on what we tried, and how we've puzzled it out for me and my horse, but they're all very different.

Sometimes getting away from a purely dressage trainer can help ( :o ). Good showjumping trainers, IME, tend to be a bit more pragmatic and direct, and can get the basic idea across to a reluctant horse a lot better. So maybe try something a bit out of the box, you don't have much to lose aside from $$$.
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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:02 pm

Aleuronx wrote:Well Kora is ready to be bred tomorrow. :lol: It is a beautiful, normal follicle but it is clearly not doing her much good. No inflammation/edema/cysts or other weird stuff seen, just a lovely large follicle. So even with the shorter daylight hours she is continuing to cycle, first order of business is back on Regumate.

Vet and I chatted while Kora snored. Blood is being overnighted to UC Davis for hormone panel and Cornell for Vit E+Selenium levels as well as Lyme multiplex. While she thinks it is possible that Kora cycling is causing this, both Vet and I are not interesting in band aiding the situation. So blood work to check off boxes seems to be the best next step. Basically to keep me from panic driving her to the hors-pital to get her gastric scoped IMMEDIATELY. And potentially burning a bunch of money in the process but what else is horses?

While we don't have the giant smoking gun that I was more expecting we're taking the careful systematic approach which I am happy with. Test results should hopefully get back to us this week, follicle will do it's thing, Regumate has been ordered and we'll start her back up once it gets here (likely next week). Until then we'll just hang out, maybe some easy lunge work and wait. Waiting is so much easier in the freezing cold winter.

Blob it sounds like you have a good plan, take yourself out of the equation even if just temporarily to get some insight. I'd say changes are the one thing that are a legit 'trick' for some horses. Like others have said find the trainer in your area that everyone says can put changes on a goat or a cow. They're out there. Maybe even a lesson or two might be just the catalyst you need.

totally knew it was a follicle . I recommend you teach her to differentiate between grooming riding and breeding behaviors unless you plan to keep her on hormones for life.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:23 pm

Chisamba wrote:totally knew it was a follicle . I recommend you teach her to differentiate between grooming riding and breeding behaviors unless you plan to keep her on hormones for life.

Any suggestions on what that would look like? I'm all for training and initially was treating it as such when it started as stranger danger of others in the arena but clearly now is in such discomfort. I don't think you can train away pain.

I'm not entirely convinced we are to the bottom of the situation and ulcers and/or other contributing pathology might still be a component that needs to be dealt with. I'm certainly willing to keep her on Regumate if that's what keeps her comfortable, but open to suggestions that might burn a little less in the pocket.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:40 pm

Piedmontfields-- so sorry to hear of Emi's diagnosis! This is a tough time of year to be going into rehab stuff. Every weather change turns my horses into kites. Hoping for the best outcome for you both.

Lots of progress on this thread! Congrats all for the breakthroughs large and small.

As for me and Queso... well, the weeks since Thanksgiving have mostly been full of excuses. Strange pasture injuries, working late on the days where the weather cooperates and getting rained out on days when I can get out of work on time... just gotta limp my way to the end of this work week and then I get some time off.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:11 pm

Glad you got some answers, Aleuronx. I would not have expected a normal healthy follicle to cause so much reaction--but you learn something every day! I'll be curious to hear about the blood panel and how the regumate helps.

Mari--yes, I know dressage riders often think our changes are very different from other disciplines and while in some ways they are different. I think many hunter/jumper trainers put great clean changes on pretty much every horse they ride.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:57 pm

back to riding this week after COVID shut down the barn. Whew! Cold though :(
I seem to not be sure what HP will suck worse. I was the left, then right, then left, than right....I guess it's good there is a change in "sideness" hahahah.

I find myself distracted with COVID stuff, but hoping that things can move forward. It's really hard to enjoy riding when you are wearing a mask and gloves in the barn to not get sick. However, the riding is going well overall till the closure due to COVID infections.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Tue Dec 15, 2020 10:07 pm

Moutaineer wrote:Demi--I know Melissa, she's very, very correct, not easy and not a giver of gift scores, so I'd not be too unhappy with that score under the circumstances (She's also very funny, btw.)


Thanks for the scoop on Melissa Creswick! I feel better knowing she’s very, very correct. She didn’t think my circles were round or 20m, even though I thought they were good! So today I remeasured and reset my letters, and also marked the 5m spaces on the short side and the touch points for my 20m circle around X. I have a short arena and I’ve been too lax about accuracy. I also spray painted all the markers neon orange so they will show up better in future videos.

When I checked out her website I was taken by the pictures of her students! Very high quality riding, even her western students.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed Dec 16, 2020 1:58 am

Aleuronx wrote:
Chisamba wrote:totally knew it was a follicle . I recommend you teach her to differentiate between grooming riding and breeding behaviors unless you plan to keep her on hormones for life.

Any suggestions on what that would look like? I'm all for training and initially was treating it as such when it started as stranger danger of others in the arena but clearly now is in such discomfort. I don't think you can train away pain.

I'm not entirely convinced we are to the bottom of the situation and ulcers and/or other contributing pathology might still be a component that needs to be dealt with. I'm certainly willing to keep her on Regumate if that's what keeps her comfortable, but open to suggestions that might burn a little less in the pocket.

well, how do you correct her generally if she is rude when you are leading her? do you shake the lead rope. give it a tug and say no. it depends on what you have already taught her is undesirable. she knows you are a human and she knows you are not behaving in a mating/ sexual manner so there is absolutely no way kicking is acceptable and you need her to understand that. I do not allow biting or kicking, I am firm about that, but I am sympathetic because hormones can suck.

I love alfalfa if you think ulcers may be a problem.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Wed Dec 16, 2020 3:39 am

So happy with Joplin today!! It was cold (40’s) and windy and she went out and went to work happily. Not a hitch one. She is going to find lateral work so easy compared to my WBs. Definitely saw why the Lusitanos can fight the bulls. Got a bit too strong with a turning aid with my seat and she whipped around handily:). Her TOH are some of the best I’ve ridden on a horse.

In other news my pivo came today. I’m a bit intimidated. Thankfully our DS comes in next week (After neg covid test) so I’ll get him to help. Pivo updated their software recently and it’s causing glitches for many. I’m so not tech savvy all of it scares me a bit.

Jingles I can get it working well!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 5:33 pm

Khalil, Joplin sounds SO cool.

I got my pivo and a new phone to use it. I'm also a little intimidated! I am hoping a friend can help me try it.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby heddylamar » Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:15 pm

I managed to get in a ride this morning — and even run to the feed store — before the slush/rain moved in (we're on the eastern edge of the big snow storm). The entire herd was on edge, and helpfully running laps around the arena.

Maia was doing her best tense giraffe impression, so I figured our ride would be a remedial "no, I'm in charge" discussion. Nope. She was lovely — soft, responsive, and a bit overly energetic, but I'm not complaining! This wasn't the first time Maia's surprised me like this, and I'm hoping it carries over to shows and events, like it did with her grandma.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Dec 17, 2020 4:53 am

I rode... we lived :) (He was a very good boy and felt just great.)

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:25 am

In Tesla's backwards-upside down world, I started teaching her a bit of shoulder-in in the walk in hopes that it will improve her balance so she'll lunge better. :lol: Since she doesn't care for trotting in the small indoor, I figure we can tinker with ground work and some walk work to hopefully lay the foundation for trot and canter later on.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Thu Dec 17, 2020 1:32 pm

StraightForward wrote:In Tesla's backwards-upside down world, I started teaching her a bit of shoulder-in in the walk in hopes that it will improve her balance so she'll lunge better. :lol: Since she doesn't care for trotting in the small indoor, I figure we can tinker with ground work and some walk work to hopefully lay the foundation for trot and canter later on.

I've found walk lateral work to be REALLY helpful for RP. It's helped him get straighter and more balanced. I've started introducing it more in the trot now as well, but I started in the walk quite early on and it made a very big difference right away. His warm-up still includes SI and HI at the walk before we even pick up the trot.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby MsM » Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:04 pm

BO finished the footing in the indoor! Base is nice and level now - base and compacted footing were kind of rolling before. Sand is lovely and soft. Needs to settle in, but the horses are handling it well. I particularly like it for my guy's feet and I feel like I can ask for lengthenings without worrying as much about the concussion.
So of course the weather took a turn and it has been cold and now snowy and my back is unhappy. Still, got in some nice short rides working on him listening to my seat to balance and agreeing that I am in charge! :roll: Definitely a challenge in the colder weather. Didnt see him today as we had about a foot of snow. So I rewatched the video of my one 2020 lesson . It is useful to remind me of what I need to work on and also to boost my spirits as my instructor said such nice things about my horse. :D

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:50 am

20201217_092621_240x240.jpg (44.6 KiB) Viewed 8684 times
what did you have to do to get into your barn this morning?

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:14 am

Not that! Geeze you got hit pretty hard. Lovely to look at but I’m sure a PIA to deal with.

We just have rain and mud.

Trip to vet and Rip is ok to go back to work. There are changes in his airway but we are hoping he can cope. Looks better than last scope but not as good as earlier this year.

We were just cold and damp here. High of 44 at the farm. Never got above 40 where I was. Ick

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:13 am

Chisamba that is insane! I've seen snow about 4 times in my life (I'm in South Africa), and even that was more than enough. I am not friends with the cold :D
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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:10 am

I love snow! But I"m saying that as an Aussie :lol:

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Dec 18, 2020 2:22 pm

blob wrote:
StraightForward wrote:In Tesla's backwards-upside down world, I started teaching her a bit of shoulder-in in the walk in hopes that it will improve her balance so she'll lunge better. :lol: Since she doesn't care for trotting in the small indoor, I figure we can tinker with ground work and some walk work to hopefully lay the foundation for trot and canter later on.

I've found walk lateral work to be REALLY helpful for RP. It's helped him get straighter and more balanced. I've started introducing it more in the trot now as well, but I started in the walk quite early on and it made a very big difference right away. His warm-up still includes SI and HI at the walk before we even pick up the trot.

I have a very similar warm up with Junior. I also do counter-shoulder in at the walk and leg yield to half-passes back and forth just to make sure that I have all buttons engaged and ready before proceeding to trot. I do my best to establish control and getting the desired response of shoulders and haunches as well as straightness (meaning stacking the shoulders in front of the haunches so that one foot in front of the other, while walking, is properly lined up and balanced). It seems to be helping. I am doing better now at keeping him straight down the quarter line at canter which I think comes from this type of warm up.

Our weather is pretty agreeable now after a horrible summer. I took the plunge and sent in my entry fees for a show in January and will be sending off the same for a show in February. I'm only showing second 3.......we'll see if the judges feel we worthy for more ;)

Brandon is finally finding his balance at the trot and has offered a few strides of canter under saddle here and there. I find that keeping things short and sweet has allowed ongoing progress with each ride. He's such 'in your pocket pony' that I need to be careful in reminding myself that he's still a 'young' 3 year old and not over do it. Riding him last of my 3 helps keep me from doing too much with him.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:27 pm

Chisamba, no thanks on that! We rarely get more than 6-8" of snow here, so having to dig out is a rare event.

Khall, glad Rip's scope is looking better than last time. Fingers crossed for continued improvement!

Moutaineer, glad you are back on Laddie as well!

MsM, I am so envious that you have an indoor with great new footing! Ours would be OK if it could get worked more often. The farm tractor is a grouchy old thing, so the arenas just don't get worked as much as needed.

It has warmed back up here, so I was able to ride Annabelle outside, though it was borderline too wet. Should be perfect through the weekend though. She is getting really close to having a C/W transition, and the CC is getting a little easier. Rode Tesla at a walk in the indoor; I think bending and spiraling out is helping some lightbulbs go off for her. My current working hypothesis is that she is used to being very balanced on her own, so even though she feels balanced to me, she stops because she feels disturbed in the balance. Hence, I'm trying to teach her to allow me to apply some bending and sideways aids so I can help her get around corners in a way that feels more comfortable. The past few days, I've done some SI and LY in-hand, then put her on the SureFoot pads and repeat the exercise and then the pads again before getting on. It's amusing to see her sort of testing out the ground with her feet when she walks off the pads. I've also just started teaching her to step her RF forward independently, because that seems to be the one that she gets rooted to the ground back behind her shoulder when she's really stuck.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:28 pm

Yesterday was quite the blizzard and as is typical the meteorologists were a bit off. Forecasted 6-12 inches of snow, try 3 feet+.

snowpup.jpg (170.3 KiB) Viewed 8644 times

Needless to say between the drive into work and back home, cleaning off the truck twice and then having to make above pathway to get the doglet an area to potty getting to the barn was off the cards. Regumate arrived with some quick shipping and I'd like to start Kora on it asap but that will have to be today.

No word yet on lab results, I'm hoping to hear today. With the holidays I'm sure most places are short staffed with people out on vacations etc.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:09 pm

The year I applied to vet school, it snowed 3 feet in one day (rare in this high desert environment), and so my application picture is of me, my cat and my dog standing hip deep in the snow in the midst of the storm. Wish I could remember where I put it, it was a great picture. Oh, and I did get in that year! :lol: Actually, it snowed so much that they delayed the opening of UI post-Christmas break because kids couldn't get up north from down my way! I love the snow, I wish we had more where I now I live.

No, haven't ridden since the weekend but I'm looking forward to riding this weekend (can't today due to office Christmas party). Tio is STILL sound which makes me very happy. I noticed Kyra Kyrklund's book on the shelf this week and re-read it. Going to try some things out of it on Rudy and Tio.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:16 pm

sorry I can't resist one more non horse photo.
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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:15 pm


Decided to go for a play in the snow as we are not doing anything of note. Bummed we couldn't be riding as the footing underneath this puffy light snow was perfect, but we both had a blast doing a fun lunge.

Still no lab results back, boo. Barn manager said she was back to pressing herself on the barn at feed time so a complete hormonal mess. First dose of Regumate in her feed last night.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:42 am

Piedmontfields...I guess I missed the entry regarding Emi's diagnosis. Many jingles coming your way.

Still kind of inconsistent getting to the barn. However, I made it yesterday and gave her a quick lunge and worked on w-t transitions. It was 50 degrees today and sort of sunny so I went out again today and got a nice ride in before it rains again tomorrow. The arena was pretty wet so we stuck mostly to the rail and mostly to walk. When we did trot, we trotted the side then back to walk for the corner, back to trot, walk the corner...etc. I am always ready to throw in a bunch of transitions if nothing else. She had a nice energetic trot and the last couple sides I asked for shoulder fore and they were nice. With the new saddle, she seems more willing to move into the right rein (going left) and feels much more consistent. I stuck her on her Surefoot pads but that was short and sweet. It was way too close to feeding time for her to stand still :P .

Alexronx...I had a mare that had similar 'episodes'. It took me about 3 months to realize it was cyclic. She wasn't too witchy to me on the ground but she tried to savage her pasture mate more than once. She was clearly becoming unrideable (balking, kicking at the leg, very tense) during her heat cycle then she would go out of heat and boom, sweet cooperative mare was back. I took her in for a repro exam in September and she was initially diagnosed with a persistent follicle. They gave her a shot to make her ovulate and then I took her back again in December. That ovary was still about 3x normal size. It was pretty clear that she was in pain when she was in heat and that made her very grouchy. I ended up having her spayed and it did solve the problem. On the affected ovary, she had a solid tumor...not one of the granulosa cell type so it wasn't an issue of hormones. I am sure when she formed a follicle on that ovary she hurt like hell. That was eons ago and spaying is a much simpler procedure thanks to the endoscopes they can use now. If you don't plan on breeding, it may be an option to using hormones all the time. Jingles you can get her figured out.

Hope everyone has dug out of the snow. So far real winter has passed us by down in the valley and despite the mud on a white horse, I prefer it that way.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:49 am

That snow looks so beautiful in the video! Aleuronx, is that a Shiba?
LOL I like your covid conscious snowman Chisamba.

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