Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

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Kyra's Mom
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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:19 pm

Good discussion. I recently tried baby trot with Kyra after I tweaked my back. I was tired of walking and bigger trot and canter aggravated my back.
She actually can do it pretty well NOW. Earlier in her life, she did not know how to relax and let her joints sink and just wanted to go fast. Now I can get a fair baby trot although it does demand a lot more attention from me about my posture and aiding to keep her slow but in front of the leg. The exercise I was doing was doing baby trot on the sides of the square, coming back to walk and doing a TOF or TOH at the corner, right back into baby trot. Rinse and repeat at each corner.

Lately, she hasn't had much work. STILL waiting to close on my Mom's house. Now supposed to be next week. Lordy, between all the holidays since the contract was written (11/15) and the appraiser was late to the party which means none of the loan work could be done it seems to be dragging out. My Mom of course is very anxious and I have to live with her :lol: ! We got an update today and a firm closing date (3rd one) so hopefully next month I can not be waiting every day just in case we close...

I have tried to keep Kyra engaged at least a couple times a week. She is out in a large pen and can move 24/7 so much better than if she was stall bound half or most of the day. I mostly put her in the indoor to move around on ground that isn't muddy or rutty. The other day, she must have had a kink and bucked about 10 times (at liberty ;) ). Christmas Eve, I actually managed a short ride in the indoor. Mostly walking because of the footing but I set up 3 poles and walked her over the poles doing some kind of exercise (TOF, TOH or LY) on either side. I did find our 20m circle in the middle that isn't as deep and had a few nice trot circles each way. She was quite energetic. Usually indoors, it is hard to motivate her of going around in circles, only seeing walls (it is a fairly small indoor). So that is probably what the rest of the winter will look like. The winter temps are holding in the 20's at night and 30's during the day so all in all, not too bad. As long as it doesn't get really cold, we can keep up like this.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:11 am

I didn’t exactly get to the baby trot today but came very close. From the start of the ride, she was evading my half halts so that’s what I worked on. I was concentrating on directing each stride in preparation for the baby trot, and that allowed me to see where things were falling apart in the half halt. The weather was overcast but not raining so I set up the soloshot. Unfortunately, soloshot lost the gps mid ride and the best part of the ride was lost. Still, I was able to get enough vid to help me see what I was feeling. I experimented with using a LOT stronger leg which allowed me to relax my arms, wrists and hands. It wasn’t a continuous strong leg, only intermittently when she would brace against my hands. When she brace against my hands, I used strong legs so I could really relax my arms and hands so she wouldn’t have anything to brace against. I could see on the vid that I was able to keep my hands a lot stiller and more following when I really squeezed her with my legs. It helped me feel the timing for the half halt better. I made her work 10 minutes past her usual quitting time and had the best half halts ever by the end of the ride.

When watching today’s ride, I thought that my original feeling (before I started taking lessons) of riding with a higher hand on Rocky might have been for a good reason. It may have to do with my own conformation. I have the feeling that my solar plexus is ineffective with my hands held low. When I can engage my solar plexus, I have much better control of my seat, and consequently better control of my hands. I’ll experiment a little with that tomorrow although it’s supposed to rain all day so I won’t have the video.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:57 am

I didn’t explain the solar plexus thing right. It isn’t that I can’t engage it when my hands are low, but that it doesn’t have the same effect. When my hands are low, if I brace my back, I can’t feel the connection between my seat and hands nearly as well as if my hand are a little higher. That might be my own conformation combined with my horse’s particular conformation.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:51 pm

Hope everyone had or is having a lovely holiday. I'm in the middle of 2 weeks off work, which means lots and lots of saddle time. Evidently I was good this year because I got a great present:

I've got flying changes on Queso, y'all!

No photographic evidence, but here's the (slightly dirty) little genius himself:

So glad to be closing out 2020. Bring on the new year!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Dec 30, 2020 3:17 pm

Wow, changes for The Cheese, what a great way to end the year!

demi wrote:I didn’t explain the solar plexus thing right. It isn’t that I can’t engage it when my hands are low, but that it doesn’t have the same effect. When my hands are low, if I brace my back, I can’t feel the connection between my seat and hands nearly as well as if my hand are a little higher. That might be my own conformation combined with my horse’s particular conformation.

I think I know what you mean. There is a sweet spot that is most effective, and it makes sense that it's not the same for everyone, because we all have "levers" of different combinations of lengths. Riding with too low a hand for your personal conformation seems to lead to riding with a more backward hand and tendency to tip forward from my observations.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:27 am

Yay for Queso! (And you, Pochinawa :))

I was supposed to have this week off, but an INCREDIBLY needy client put paid to that. Oh well, just think of the money, ha ha.

Demi, I'm finding this trot stuff really highlights whether the half halt is working or not. Laddie and I had a conversation about that yesterday as he was more inclined to just very sweetly and gently blow me off and do his own thing. No, no, no! We have to get off the forehand and that requires rocking back and folding those hind legs underneath you, my boy! So, today, I was looking forward to seeing if the lesson had stuck.

It's been brutally cold here the last couple of days, but this afternoon, I gritted my teeth, changed into my fleece breeches and multiple layers of warm clothing, persuaded the truck that it really was going to start, and headed out to the barn, only to find my little town in total chaos and the freeway closed in both directions due to a speeding, fully loaded double propane tanker rolling rather spectacularly off the on-ramp and springing a leak. So I turned round and came home again, waah. There's always something, but I'm guessing the driver was having a worse day than I am.

Lesson day tomorrow, so we'll see how things go there.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Thu Dec 31, 2020 2:11 am

blob wrote:Me/general:
Ride tests! Any tests! Just practice riding some sequence of something
Remember to exercise when I can't ride
Remember to ride even when it's cold and dark
poles, poles, poles

Test out shoes and decide what I want to do
Practice self-loading
Continue work on getting a more honest back to front connection
Work on more forward, marching walk into the hand from the start

Trot sholder-in
More sideways in trot LY
Continue confirming w-c-w, but don't forget how to do t-c-t
more uphill balance in trot lengthening

Well, I guess it's just about the end of the period and the year. This was not the most productive two months riding wise. I had an injury that kept me out of the saddle some, work was very hectic, holidays, wedding, etc.

General/me goals were pretty much a complete failure. So, will likely roll them over to 2021.

MM I worked on all the goals, just not as much as I would have liked. We're a couple weeks into hind shoes and there is some difference, just not sure if it's a worthy enough difference. I might give it another cycle or so to see.

RP actually did reasonably well with his goals. All aspects still a WIP. But we were able to do some real work in all areas.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:38 am

Last edited by Chisamba on Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:26 am

My question is, can you release slightly in that moment of the first photo for the horse to stay in that collection but without that strong contact? Allow that gullet more open and a softer contact. This is something I've been taught with the more classical teachers to encourage self carriage. When you release, yes they tend to lose it. So you half halt again and ask for the collection and then release your fingers and see if they can hold it on their own. The other thing when you start wanting collection (and the horse can give it) is using a curb bit. Then you can get better releases of the bit, than with a snaffle.

Well it's our last day of 2020. I was going to video me attempting an inter 1 as what was my goal but a friend suggested a trail ride on her lovely property instead so I did that :D
I'll make it next year!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Thu Dec 31, 2020 2:30 pm

Well my goals were:

For Brandon it was to be riding solo in the arena by mid November. Well I did so on Sunday and did again today. He really is a level headed guy for an obnoxious youngster. By the end of December I hope to have him ready to go out on the trails.

For Junior, well, I just received my new saddle today. It's a Prestige X D1D Zero with the extra short panels. Our maiden voyage seemed to go well. It definitely fits within Junior's minimal back real estate. So the hope is that this saddle allows me to ride better, stay out of Junior's way and truly get him over the back and into both reins with more mobility and control over the shoulders. By the end of December I hope to be making my plans to compete third level next year. We shall see.

For Ace - just keep riding off into the sunset. We had a really nice, peaceful ride out in the desert.

As for me, I hope to improve my alignment and stop collapsing on my right side. That's it.......just one focus

So as most of you know Brandon has gone out on the trails 3 times now and will be going out again today. I rode him in the arena for a short bit yesterday and he was quieter in the mouth; so, he's clocking along as I had hoped.

Junior and I are still breaking in the new saddle and I still like it as does he. I'm already seeing improvement in his musculature through his lower back/loin. I've entered a show in January which we'll be riding Second 3 all 3 days of the show. That will help me determine if we can start working on the changes again in earnest. I know he still can do them clean ;)

And of course Ace, is Ace about as perfect of a trail mount that I can imagine.

I'm going to be sooooooo happy to say good bye to 2020. Here's to the new year. Happy New Year y'all and wishing better things for all!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Thu Dec 31, 2020 8:15 pm

StraightForward wrote:Wow, changes for The Cheese, what a great way to end the year!

demi wrote:I didn’t explain the solar plexus thing right. It isn’t that I can’t engage it when my hands are low, but that it doesn’t have the same effect. When my hands are low, if I brace my back, I can’t feel the connection between my seat and hands nearly as well as if my hand are a little higher. That might be my own conformation combined with my horse’s particular conformation.

I think I know what you mean. There is a sweet spot that is most effective, and it makes sense that it's not the same for everyone, because we all have "levers" of different combinations of lengths. Riding with too low a hand for your personal conformation seems to lead to riding with a more backward hand and tendency to tip forward from my observations.

Yes, this feels like exactly what’s happening to me. More backward hand and tipping forward.
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Pic was from Tuesday when I lengthened my reins a little but still made myself keep my hands low. It’s been raining a lot here (yay!) for the last two days so I havent been able t experiment with raising my hands a little.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Thu Dec 31, 2020 8:20 pm

Moutaineer wrote:...
Demi, I'm finding this trot stuff really highlights whether the half halt is working or not. Laddie and I had a conversation about that yesterday as he was more inclined to just very sweetly and gently blow me off and do his own thing. No, no, no! We have to get off the forehand and that requires rocking back and folding those hind legs underneath you, my boy! So, today, I was looking forward to seeing if the lesson had stuck.


This whole paragraph sounds very familiar!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:57 pm

Happy new year all! Looking forward to a better 2021

Stay safe all

Rain the next 3 days. More mudd:(

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:11 pm

First, congrats to the "little" cheese Queso + Ponichiwa, master changes trainer :-)

I'm glad to hear the reflections and progress from everyone. I agree with SF that our personal conformation has a lot more impact on the position decisions we need to make for effectiveness. I have a long torso and it is just plain easier for someone made like me to sit down, in and a little back while descending my shoulders when I need to make a strong half half halt. With my delicate mare, usually just a hint of this is enough before I release (or she will slam on the brakes).

Speaking of which, my mare was cleared for tack walking so we did our first session today. She was foot perfect and seemed extremely happy to have at least some of her old job back. And I can't tell you how happy I was to be on her and feel her walking well. We are working back towards small pen turnout, too. Fingers crossed! I appreciate all the good wishes and jingles from the board.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:42 pm

Aleuronx wrote:Goals:
Grow the front end :lol:
1 lesson (maybe 2?) before trainer leaves for Florida
Hack until snowed in!
Experiment with some new trot pole configurations

It's a bit weird to say that these goals were met even though I stopped riding Kora shortly after Thanksgiving. Kora did grow a bit up front, we made it out to a double header lesson sessions, some hacking and did a couple of trot pole setups until the wheels well and truly fell off the bus.

It's interesting to be able to go back having a written record as I wonder if part of her severe growth spurt and wonky feeling was really just the Lyme infection we are dealing with now. No matter now just thought provoking.

We are 3 days into Minocycline treatment and I'm now having to empty out 40 capsules/per day dosage for the barn girls as she has figured out how to spit them out of her feed ration. I knew her eating them whole was too good to be true and they are too dang expensive to be spat out on the ground!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:58 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Since I'm horseless, it's all about me!

I hoping to ride at least 3 times a week right now. Ideally more but since I'm riding friend's horses, I will take what I can.

Get some lunge lessons and continue to tune up my seat!

Continue the horse shopping. Ideally I will take a weekend trip in November.

I will be thrilled if I have a horse by February. I really hope it is sooner but I'm absolutely in no rush. I really want to get the right partner.

Didn't do super great with my goals but made steps for some of them. I wasn't able to ride 3 days every week but at least once a week and sometimes 3 days. It's hard with my situation but any saddle time is better than nothing.

I am trying so hard to find lunge lessons. I had a bunch of offers from some Eventers but they all were having surgery from injuries lol. And I tried to schedule a Dressage lesson with the L grad/Silver medalist but with COVID our schedules didn't line up. Trying to try out a video critique if I figure out my pivo!

I also met another trainer who seemed like a great fit and like she was really excited to work with me but I haven't been able to get her to schedule. Might just be the holidays.

I did take a hunter jumper lesson today! Actually had a blast. I won't convert but it's fun being out if my element and on a horse!

Still horse shopping. That's going very slowly.

Happy New Year! I'm living through all of you and your wonderful updates.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:12 am

Not a good update, I'm afraid. Laddie was quite lame at the trot today. Damn. Fingers crossed he's just tweaked himself in the snow and ice, but I'm feeling pretty gloomy about it.

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:18 am

Mountaineer, so sorry. I too hope it's just a tweak from the ice.

Positive vibes sent your way!

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Re: Putting 2020 in Hindsight: November-December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:50 am

Oh dang, jingles for Laddie!

StraightForward wrote:Annabelle:
I have a clinic next weekend, and then my instructor will be in town the following weekend. After that, I'm thinking I'll give her a couple weeks off from riding, and then keep her workload a little lighter through December. Planning to start long lining her once a week or so. I'm sure I'll get plenty of homework after the clinic and lessons, guessing it will all be around suppleness and straightness.

Tesla - Just ride consistently and focus on getting her reliably forward. Cantering will be dependent on what the weather does to the outdoor since the indoor is pretty small for a big green bean.

Me - keep up the running and work on my core, which I think will need to get a little stronger to get Annabelle to the next level.

Well, I kept running, so that's something!

Annabelle did well in the clinic, and has been steadily improving. She never did get her break because the weather has been mostly good, and my regular instructor has been here a few times as well. I wanted to take lessons as much as possible never knowing when covid might bring it to a screeching halt. Well, she did get three days off this week since she apparently whacked her nose on something and it's now swollen right where the noseband goes. I did finally long line today, so that was maybe 2x in 2 months. She is muscling up so much that she is outgrowing her blankets, and I can see the difference in pics from August and December. The lateral work is improving, and collection is almost within reach.

Tesla - I had adjust my approach with her a few times. We have cantered under saddle just a little, but it had the feel of an uncoordinated giraffe, and she tended to want to canter left lead going to the right, so not much came of that. The big thing though, we got past a certain point of diceyness with the riding where I feel much more confident when I'm in the saddle and feel like I can *ride* her a bit, rather than just praying everything goes OK. :lol: Now we're having another go at lunging, and having some success with double-lunging combined with in-hand work and SureFoot pads to get her thinking of her balance. Seeing how genuinely difficult she finds cantering to the right, I'm convinced that working on it from the ground first is the right way to go. We also haven't made it off property since we went backwards a bit on trailer loading and are revisiting that.
Keep calm and canter on.

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