September - October goals and progress

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Sep 17, 2021 9:58 pm

The last few days have been difficult and stressful, I thank you all for your kind thoughts.

The old man went with dignity and peace, which is the best one can expect. His half leasor drove down from Jackson to be with us yesterday morning. I'd noticed the day before that his sclera were starting to look decidedly yellow, so I think things were shutting down and it reallt was time. It was a beautiful, clesr, sunny morning and we stuffed him full of apples and carrots and fresh grass. He was happy. I am at peace about it, if a little teary.

On a much happier note, I've just got back from my first ride at the new barn on Potters. Nearly everyone has gone to Regionals in Santa Fe, so it was just me and my best buddy from way back, who I am so happy to be riding with again, if briefly before she heads back to AZ for the winter.

He was just super, calm as can be, obedient, responsive and all around fun. I'm sure the lack of tension and stress in the barn has a lot to do with it, and the nice footing. We even went for a "trail ride" around the property after, and he was as good as gold. I'm excited about being there and the progress we can make, and it was just so nice to actually have a fun and positive experience at the barn.

Exvet, it should be a good clinic. You wouldn't think they'd have to tell people to dress respectfully for a no doubt expensive ride with an O judge, but I can tell you I have seen some things at clinics that were eyewateringly inappropriate--usually rich kids on expensive imports who thought they were being cool :) Usually only on day one... a take down from the likes of Lilo or Gary Rockwell will sober you up pretty quick, I think!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:03 pm

Thanks y'all.

I'm right there with you Ryeissa; but, all-in-all it's turning out to be one of the less expensive clinics that I've at to apply we'll see ;)

LSP - Brandon is bearing full weight on it; so, I'm not panicking yet. It's still pretty swollen and of course he's getting very bored in the stall. So gland to read about your progress and fun with Lynx. I have a plethora of anatomic girths and 'additional' girths such as string one for the think skin, etc. I have found that the right girth can make a huge difference.

Chisamba - congrats on Saiph's second test! and actually the first. Survival is always underrated.

I hope to ride tomorrow morning and expand on our lesson today. It's finally starting to cool off here so who knows what we might be able to accomplish.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:34 pm

exvet wrote:I'm right there with you Ryeissa; but, all-in-all it's turning out to be one of the less expensive clinics that I've at to apply we'll see ;)

:D I have a pinto so any clinic or show is a lot of work to get that white sparkly white....! He has a love of getting dirty so that doesn't help.

Have fun!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:11 am

Chisamba, well done sticking with it when things went off the rails, and for the great score on the other test!

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote: We're kind of dealing with a saddle fit stuff... I also almost wonder if he needs a different girth is it seems like the girth is pulling the billets in a funky way, no matter what saddle. And I'm still trying to find a good quality but economical saddle pad for schooling if anybody has any suggestions. So far I haven't found one that I'm enjoying but that could be more of the girth issues.

They aren't cheap up front, but the LeMiueux pads are worth it, IMO. When I finally bought one, I thought "wow, it's like this was designed by someone who has actually used a saddle pad!" I have tried the Woof brand that look similar, but they are not as well made.

And yeah, girths... they can make a big difference and what works best varies by saddle. In the anatomical realm, LeMieux does a good job with their girth design as well; that's what I've been using on Annabelle. On the cheaper end, lots of people like the Ovation crescent-shaped neoprene girth for resolving fit issues.

Glad Lynx is doing well for you!

Got SoleGuard into Tesla's feet and finally got back on her last night for a few minutes. Heading out now for hopefully a "real" ride.

Annabelle's fetlock is looking funky right where there are several layers of ligament and tendon, so although she seems happy in her work and looks sound, I'm going to give her some time off until I can have the vet check it out next Thursday. Fingers crossed that it's not the start of something serious.

I think I'm done riding the Shire; I need to get back to working out more regularly and I've done about what I can do with him on a 2-day a week schedule. It's definitely been interesting, and the owner says he is more enjoyable to ride now, so win, win.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby khall » Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:31 am

Mountaineer I’m glad everything went well with Walker. He and Gallie my old mare are kicking up some dust across the bridge

I ended up putting Gallie down today. She was just so painful on her front feet even on 2 g if bute. I just wound not put her through continuous foot pain at her age. I was grateful for our landscaper with his excavator and my good vet friend who was willing to come put her down for me after driving home from Jacksonville. She had a soft spot for Gallie who was the first trotting horse she learned dressage with. Things could not have gone smoother.

Jingle we can stay mostly rain free the next two days!

All while riding and hosting a Cedar clinic. I rode twice today both Gaila and Joplin who are showing their advancement to Cedar. Joplin is just beyond a star.

Exvet have fun at your clinic!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:49 am

I'm sorry, Khall.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:34 am

i am sorry Khall.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:56 pm

sorry for you losses this week. It's so tough. As you guys know I was there in late 2010. sending lots of good wishes

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:53 pm

I'm sorry, khall. You did the right thing. Hugs.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby blob » Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:02 pm

Oh Khall and Mountaineer--I am so sorry that both of you had to say goodbye. Even when the decision is clearly the right one, it is never an easy thing. Sending you both hugs.

Exvet--excited to hear about the clinic--hope it's a great experience.
Chisamba--congrats on the show--sounds like the partnership with Saiph is really improving, proven both by surviving the difficult test and for having a really stellar second test!

Work has been very busy so there has not been much riding time, which is a shame because RP and I really need to get our butt in gear for regionals. I've signed up for t-3 practice on friday, championship class at training level on saturday, 1-3 on sunday with hopes of getting one my qualifying scores for 2022. I think the biggest challenge will be on me--can I keep my cool and ride the test without extra nerves in my championship class?

MM has been doing really well. She is starting to feel very powerful in the trot work, in a way that I didn't think she'd ever feel. It's really exciting. It's not necessarily in extended work, but just our basic working trot and our lateral work. It feels like even if I am driving the same MPH, my car just got a bigger engine. Now I just need to get that same feeling in the canter. Tomorrow the plan is to work on some of the collected canter exercises from the canter thread and just try to get a bit more control in that collected canter. I also need to get back to trying to jump some bigger jumps with her. I've been good about doing jumping days, but bad about doing anything bigger than a 1-1.5'. And so i'm not REALLY getting the physical benefits of jumping because MM does not really need to power off or use her back to just hop over a little cross rail.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:58 pm

I too am very sorry for your loss khall. So many losses for everyone. I too am facing the same very soon. My big dog (mutt) is really showing his age. I fostered and then adopted him in 2009. Between his heart and his arthritis, I can tell that we're declining quickly. He still has good days and wants to participate (though can't last long). It's tough and the worst part is that I will be the one sending him on his way. I adopted him due to his fear aggression issues. He's come so far and I will not have him muzzled in the end. I also cannot ask someone else to put themselves in danger (I don't think he'll bite but you can't ever be sure with his history). I will have my daughter hold him. He trusts us and then we'll say our good byes. It just sucks and I know each and every one of you know this. He's also been too good of a friend to allow to suffer once his medications can no longer keep him comfortable. They've all been tough but I think this one will force me to schedule it on a day I don't have to work.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Anne » Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:46 am

Looking forward to exvet's clinic report, and commiserations to khall and mountaineer for their loss.

I would appreciate some constructive critique of our canter (we have no access to in person instruction). Connor (OTTB) has a
lovely canter, but I have always struggled a bit with my position. I think I tend to tilt forward and hunch slightly, so ideas/images to fix this would be

Note we are both a bit rusty with canter work, in fact, Connor's not had much work over the last 8 months, and this session (video link below) was probably only our 4th or 5th canter session this year. I have also lost some confidence, and you may notice in the video I'm using a neck strap. He has a tendency to 'launch'/leap into canter sometimes, so it helps my confidence, but maybe hinders freedom of my outside hand.

OK, (deep breath), here is the link:

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:21 pm

Lovely horse and rider. I think both of you just need more strength and stabilization. I think you handle his need to lift off rather well. I'm no expert but it appears to me that you're not stable in your saddle. It's not glaring but it appears to me that it may not be the best fit for you and perhaps not the horse either. It's too hard to tell (at least for me) without being able to palpate his rib cage but the length seems to go right to or just a hair beyond his last rib. I think your position would be perfect if you had a steadier base of support - a still but of course breathing lower leg. If at all possible I would work to fix that first and in the mean time work more with Connor in hand so that he can feel comfortable and build strength over his top line. He appears to be a really good egg ;)

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:30 pm

Ann, I also think you look great and echo Exvet that you might be able to find a little more feeling of support from below. If you pause the video when the inside front leg is on the ground, your hip angle is very open (necessary because this is that non-photogenic moment when the withers are dropping), and then when he jumps up in the next phase of the stride I think you could keep your torso just a touch more vertical and the hip angle just a bit more open by thinking of scooching your pelvis towards the pommel and keeping your thigh on with the kneecaps pointing more downwards (I like to think of my kneecaps pointing towards the ground in front of me - they aren't but the image helps). In that moment of jump, you can even lighten your seat a hair and bring your upper body forward in one piece so that you're moving up/forward with the saddle rather than getting lifted and pushed forward by the cantle/seat. This is really subtle and not visibly separating you from the saddle, but IME, allows being more in the "driver's seat" in the canter where it is more possible to influence the gait. You really both look good, and I would not have known how little you both have been cantering. Connor looks really fun!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Sep 19, 2021 8:12 pm

I think you guys look great, to be honest. It's a very nice picture.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:22 pm

Still not riding, or seeing my horse....I keep saying "this week" but it's not happening. I did just quit my job though, and got my second shot.
Anyone know how to get MOJO back after the year from hell? Significant health issues make me very anxious to start back. My iron is super low and that is scary. Not dangerous or anything (I can safely drive, etc) I just don't feel very confident or ready.
When I did get on for 15 mins it was very good. No concerns over my horse or the barn. I am very fortunate. In a way I like not having the stress of daily riding right now. That sounds bad since it's literally the ONE thing in my life that is good right now. I don't like bringing this version of me to the barn.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby MsM » Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:38 pm

Hoping to make some progress this Fall! Through some networking and help from BO, finally found an instructor who will come to the barn. Had an actual lesson last week. :D Although her GPS let her down and it took her a while to find us, we had a productive lesson. She seems to think Alfie is about at the level I believed - which is nice to have confirmed. Her approach seems compatible and of course she was impressed with what my little guy could do. Was not surprised with the corrections she made and it was so nice to ride under knowledgeable eyes. Will have another lesson in a week or so.
Still havent taken him off property. I can buy arena time at a nearby stable and pay to haul there, but the arena is away from any other horses and I dont think being alone would help him have a good experience. There is only one more schooling show that I know of this Fall, so naturally is is the week I have a medical procedure! I wish there was a nearby clinic for his first outing.

So my goals are to work on collecting his walk with the instructor to get those turns on the haunches (He has a big walk for a little guy!) And to use the help of the instructor to continue to activate those hind legs and get him sitting more. Better walk-canter-walk. Develop those lengthenings into mediums. Plenty to work on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:25 am

Anne, I think you guys look great. I'm working on the same thing so no advice here but you guys look like a great team!

Ryeissa, for me, I just back off and do groundwork/bonding stuff when I feel that way. Hang in there.

MsM, the lesson sounds great! I hope it keeps going well for you guys.

Lynx was good for our lesson with the eventer today. We were supposed to do canter poles but I told her I was feeling nervous/frustrated with my position so we basically did a "flat work" lesson. It was good! She does like me to be in a light half seat in the canter which feels odd to me but I understand her reasoning.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:29 am

Much to work on,so frustrating how any time I take even though the littlest break from riding every bad habit comes roaring back. But I'm enjoying Lynx a lot! He's super sweet. A little behind the leg right now but he mentally tries hard and I think we will get over that soon.
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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:30 am

His hard side (right stifle.) And of course my hard side too. :lol:

I hope with all these lessons I can get my position back on track! So pleased with Lynx though!! He is weak but he's trying.
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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby blob » Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:20 pm

Rye-- sometimes we do need a break. I took 6 months off riding a few years back. At the time I was leasing (didn't own), so that made it easier. But I truly think I needed the time to sort out whatever was going on and to start truly missing riding.

Give yourself the time you need to get yourself feeling good again. Sometimes horses make it possible to get through the hard stuff, other times it's an added responsibility that can feel exhausting.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:15 pm

Rye, it sounds like you need a well deserved vacation and chance to recoup from life in general. I had to do something of the same when I was in the middle of my divorce. It sounds like some of your mojo may be linked to your low iron too. Let you body and mind heal. You'll find your way back and in a way that is cathartic for you.

Brandon is still on stall rest but his hind fetlock is starting to look like a fetlock again. I've been schooling Junior in the arena and then taking him out on the trails (same day) which between that and the weather cooling off a little has really helped his stamina and willingness to step up to the plate. In my arena work I've been doing all sorts of cavalletti exercises. I've continued my longish warm ups with Junior really working on suppling him at the walk with the use of lateral work; but, I also have been doing a lot more turn on the forehand and the haunches as well as some additional exercises known to help loosen the back. It seems to be helping because our flying changes the last two days were really forward with a big jump and nice hind leg separation. It seems that if I simply canter down the quarter line focusing on keeping him very straight and then aid him to bend his rib cage appropriately for the change (think a little leg yield in the counter canter) while I simultaneously take more on the new outside rein, he's able to give me the bigger change when I give the canter aid for the new lead. Gee who would have thought right? Actually it really was an old Kottas article I read on the changes that got us away from changes on the figure eight or diagonals and focusing on trying them on the long side just off the track. Since such seems to be working, I think we're going to stick with that exercise a bit longer in order to try to get them confirmed.

It was too funny though while I was tacking up Junior and after I set up the series of cavalletis, Ace who I leave out in the arena while I ride (because his only real interest is eating) decided to work himself through the cavallettis. He didn't move or knock a single one down LOL and looked pretty cadenced. So when it was his turn to be ridden we did a bit of flat work using the ground poles and cavallettis. It is too bad he doesn't really like dressage because he's such a nice mover. Oh well, you can't have everything and his job as main trail pony is pretty secure.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:36 pm

thanks everyone.... I've enjoyed all the updates!

My goals for this period (horsey and non-horsey)
-eat healthier and cook real food- I have been gluten free for awhile but have to still find the right program that is dairy free and gluten free
-keep taking iron and vitamins
-I quit my job last week so that was huge
-review lesson videos and notes to get motivated
-limit social media/news
- don't buy more saddle pads :)
-work out/take walks
-Find a new job
-work on my online class

My horse is being ridden by my good friend so that helps. He just finished his adequan doses and gets a saddle check later this fall.
His blankets are ready to go for winter. Keep selling things that I don't need and organize my gear.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:56 pm

Great videos and photos Anne and Lips. You should definitely take Lynx to the clinic, Lips. It doesn’t sound like you’ll get much personal benefit riding your sister-in-law’s horse, so take Lynx and get some good building blocks for the next stages of his training.

I am impressed every time you share video of Connor. He is so level headed, and such a nice mover. Have you tried sitting back on your pockets and opening your hips? That directs my knees down, as SF suggests, and softens my lower back so I move more in sync with the horse v. against.

I’m sorry to hear about Walker and Gallie. Too much sadness lately. We had to euthanize one of our beloved guinea pigs, and two days later a sweet, semi-feral barn kitten (momma is now neutered, as are the two surviving sibs).

Have you tried building off a GF vegan diet, Ryeissa? Obviously ignore the vegan part if that’s not of interest.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:25 pm

Heddylamar I'm definitely starting to think that way about the clinic. I would need to borrow a saddle though as I really don't think mine is working. I've been borrowing various ones for lessons right now. Saddle fitter comes on the 14th and that can't come soon enough.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 20, 2021 4:20 pm

heddylamar wrote:Have you tried building off a GF vegan diet, Ryeissa? Obviously ignore the vegan part if that’s not of interest.

Yeah, that is exactly what I am doing. I eat meat so I can easily add that in. Vegan recipes seem to be better at using vegetables in new ways.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 20, 2021 4:30 pm

here is an older video before I took my break. Not really looking for comments but just sharing the progress.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:08 pm

Rye, I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm still working on my mojo too after hurting myself this spring and realizing that I am far from immortal, but it's getting better. And I am getting out of Dodge for 3 weeks starting next week, which will be immensely helpful as a reset button after the last few months. You sound rather depressed. It might be worth a conversation with your doctor, maybe?

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 20, 2021 5:19 pm

Moutaineer wrote:Rye, I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm still working on my mojo too after hurting myself this spring and realizing that I am far from immortal, but it's getting better. And I am getting out of Dodge for 3 weeks starting next week, which will be immensely helpful as a reset button after the last few months. You sound rather depressed. It might be worth a conversation with your doctor, maybe?

I'm sure I am depressed, have been to the dr a lot. The anxiety is the worst right now. thanks for your ideas!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:01 pm

Ryeissa, you are a very lovely rider with a nice horse. I think there is no problem taking some time to recharge but I do hope you can find joy in ridingg again someday. Actually I would say I know that you will, and you will come back better than ever!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby khall » Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:11 pm

:twisted: by Rye I hope you feel better soon. 2020/2021 has certainly been difficult to keep an even keel with.

Well I could not be more happy with my two mares in the Cedar clinic!! Both Joplin and Gaila stepped up their game. Cedar is such a wonderful instructor to learn from. Things we worked on Joplin was lateral movements in a slower trot. She’s a bit of a powerhouse and is learning to tame it a bit. Stretching in walk and trot and our canter. Getting it a bit slower and more together. She’s got a huge stride that she is learning to steady up now. Joplin is quite fancy in her canter with lots of elevation up front. Exciting to feel the changes. Her work ethic is beyond stellar. We also did one lesson of in hand piaffe. She’s picking it up quickly. I do need to add that I’ve found the right bit/bridle combination for Joplin. She’s in a myler wide barrel comfort snaffle and a mickelmen bridle. Much better in the mouth and contact!

Gaila we worked on managing the power she has found. Too easy to try to contain her with the bridle but Cedar really helped me find the self carriage in the power. Worked on left HP yielding to the outside rein to help the HP. Slowing the medium trot a bit and her canter which is also quite big and powerful. She was able to do a bit of HI at the canter:) ... 22881/?d=n
Last edited by khall on Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:57 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Shirrine » Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:49 am

My goal is to get to a comp. 4 out of 4 cancelled and won't get out prob til Nov thanks to lockdowns.
Right now with Lewyn we are working on swing and engagement which are coming along. Started half steps last week.
My not yet 5yo Jess is so sweet but I am stepping up 5 inches and 3 times the stride and just happy to be able to get to know her and relax.
I might even get to ride this week after a week of terrible wind and snow. Yes in Australia we get snow.

Horses are meant to enjoy, so enjoy

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Anne » Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:55 am

Rye, no advice, just cyber hugs and kia kaha ('stay strong').
LSP, I hope you take Lynx to the clinic, lovely photos, he looks like a lot of fun.
Khall, Joplin looks super!

I appreciate everyone's comments on my canter video. Exvet, you could well be right re. the saddle - every saddle I've tried seems to settle a few inches further back than I'd like, he seems to have a long wither or something.... no saddle fitter available, so we battle on as we can. It's the tail end of a cold wet winter here, and Connor's not carrying as much weight as I'd like, so for sure I'd like to build his topline too. I like your phrase 'base of support', and SF, yes, I think that kneecaps down will help (I also keep stopping the video and picking apart what I'm doing... ). I think I need more sternum up, shoulder blades and kneecaps down, and yes Heddy, sit towards my back pockets a little.

Rain forecast here for the next few days so might not ride for a bit, but will try to put into practise all the above, and try to get updated video before the end of this session.

I worked on some lateral work in walk yesterday : SI/CSI on the circle are coming along nicely; haunches in/out have been harder, but yesterday we did a SI to HP 'zig-zag' from long side to centre line (starting in SI, change to HP a few steps, back to SI etc etc), and he picked that up really well! To the right was much harder, but to the left was quite fluent. I'm happy with his effort, he is such a good boy and tries to work things out, though he can get quite expressive (tail, ears) when he doesn't understand, or finds it hard going.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:12 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Ryeissa, you are a very lovely rider with a nice horse. I think there is no problem taking some time to recharge but I do hope you can find joy in ridingg again someday. Actually I would say I know that you will, and you will come back better than ever!

awwww thanks. My iron was so low that I it really made it hard to keep going. I feel better each week.
I had my exit interview for my job and my last day is Oct 1. Its really interesting how a really bad boss can affect all areas of one's life, but I stayed strong. I was being threatened with termination since Feb, so having that removed from my psyche is good.
Anyways, I'm doing some thinking about how I want to get back to riding and build my strength. I could only do 15 mins and it made me sad. I can also do more groundwork.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Thu Sep 23, 2021 6:15 pm

Well Annabelle is out of commission for at least 2-3 weeks. Somehow bruised her annular ligament. The vet mentioned the possibility of carpal tunnel surgery, so fingers crossed that wrapping, cold hosing and Banamine will do the trick. I'm somewhat relieved because I knew there was a possibility that the swelling could be secondary to a pathology like navicular changes.

In the meantime I will be focusing on getting Tesla off campus and getting myself back in the groove of working out and eating right.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Thu Sep 23, 2021 6:52 pm

Major job drama is putting my goals this term on hold. Just can't get my feet underneath me this year.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Sep 23, 2021 11:42 pm

Best wishes Ryeissa, Straightforward and Ponichiwa. Life is full of curve balls sometimes.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Sep 24, 2021 12:59 am

Well, darn, SF. If it's not one thing, it's another! Ponichiwa, I hope you get the work situation sorted out. It's all a bit much when it gets in the way of the important stuff like riding.

So, with this barn move (such a lovely place! I had my lesson today outside in the early fall sunshine surrounded by trees and mountains with music playing in the background. It's like dressage heaven!) I'm doing something I've never done before and go into full training.

I'm so fortunate to have this opportunity to ride with this really good, experienced, kind but exacting trainer who brings out the best in me.

So for now, 4 days a week, either I get a lesson or my trainer rides. It's a big commitment, both time-wise and financially, but I'm tired of working away diligently but never quite getting there, and frankly, "time's winged chariots are hurrying near" as far as getting anywhere with dressage goes for me, and now I've got this very capable horse, I feel the need to get stuck in and take it seriously.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:58 am

Things that suck: job drama sucks, depression sucks, saying goodbye to beloved oldsters sucks, dealing with lameness sucks. My good thoughts to everyone dealing with such.

Things that don't suck, having a clinic to go to, being able to ride, show, progress and have a job. to those of us not appreciating such normal things, let's enjoy life.

I am struggling a bit with lack of barn help. My long time working student who became my assistant barn manager joined the army, airborne and us learning to jump our of planes. phew! Go girl! but I drive around and see hiring signs everywhere, and some businesses even lowering the hiring age to 14, so I guess I am not alone . So I do a two person job, and try to ride all my horses. My son has been helping out but he us back at his own job and college so I am back on the grindstone. It's particularly difficult on those days I work overnight. yes I'm being a bit of a moaned. At least the thinner fitter me is managing the physical. DS did stop by two days to help replace a broken fence post and boards. also the other day I was in the ditch up to my navel in slop pulling moss and broken branches out of the drain to reduce flooding in my field when the hay guys pulled up to drop hay. They leaped into the ditch and we cleared it in no time. thank goodness because today we had another gully washing storm. In the morning I will know if the stream is still flowing or if it's flooding my pasture again.

meanwhile I got my brush hog on solo. yay me, and cut my fields. I took off my tractor tire, took it to Tire King, got a new one, and put it back on, Yay me. And this weekend Andrea is coming to whip my riding back in to shape. I noticed at my.last show that I am moving my torso in an unforgivable way in flying changes. no wonder I am struggling with straight line chsnged. wtf, self!!!

so hopefully I will get an earful.

I had the very stressful experience of asking someone to leave the barn. I was so overwhelmed by the decision, but in hindsight it was the right thing for me to do.

so that's my update. I suppose in there you might have cleverly detected that I am working on straight line flying changes. lol.

I enjoy having this thread to read in the middle of the night when I have down time from work.

My intention is to appreciate more and complain less. because that makes me happier in my daily journey.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:02 am

You are a total Badass, Chisamba! I am in awe!

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:38 am

Amazing Chisamba, I don't know how you do it all!

Ponichiwa, I hope work calms down so you can spend more time with your blonde boy.

Just found out that there's a Gary Rockwell clinic here next week. Auditing will give me something to look forward to between the wrapping and cold hosing!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:31 pm

Mountaineer, yay!!! You so deserve this. I'm excited to see how far you and Potters go.

Chisamba, that was a lovely post and great way to look at things. Thank you for sharing.

Straightforward, enjoy Gary Rockwell!

I had cancel my jumping lesson (at jumper barn) on Thursday because I pulled a muscle or something in my back, ugh. I'm feeling a lot better although I don't think it's 100%. I do have a dressage lesson today on my boy. I think I will ask to really focus on getting him really in front of the leg. It's a little chillier here so maybe that won't be a problem.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby exvet » Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:26 pm

That's wonderful news Mountaineer!

Straightforward I would really enjoy seeing Gary as a clinician. I've shown under him and always received constructive comments that I could actually use.

Chisamba - I've been there and my body is definitely telling the tale. Hope you're able to find decent help soon; but, I know everyone here is looking for help too.

LSP - I think that's a great plan for Lynx. Though the weather may give him more inspiration, taking advantage of it so that he gets a real black and white message that in front of the leg is what's expected, always, will pay off for you in the long run.

I rode Brandon for the first time in two weeks yesterday. The swelling in his fetlock finally subsided. He actually did pretty well. Plan to take him out on the trails today. Junior is definitely getting the idea to wait and give the flying change when I ask for it. He seems to be more intent on paying attention to my inside seat bone and inside leg for the fc..............thoughts on where I may have that come back to haunt me down the road?

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:47 pm

Thinking of you all with recent losses. Glad you were able to help your loved animals into the next realm. Fingers crossed for all healing and dealing!

I'm excited for you all with intensified training/clinic/learning opportunities! I do miss that, even as I really don't have the time or horse for it right now. Emi is continuing her work to get stronger, week by week. We're 10 months post-injury now :-0 .

I'm continuing in work hell of a sort. While some people have too few jobs, I still have too many! I'm down from 3 to 2 large roles, but I really need to get this back to one role that is a better combo of demands for my interests. I have a plan and support, but it will likely take some time to execute. Hopefully, I will not break down from exhaustion before then :-p . I think this situation has occurred due to over-competence (mine)....

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:18 pm

send one of those jobs to me piedmontfields :) good luck.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Sep 24, 2021 6:16 pm

There are so many jobs out there, Rye. In the midst of this intense period, recruitment of me (and my DH) has also been at an all-time high. Crazy times.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:55 am

exvet, my first grand prix trainer taught the FC with inside leg as the asking leg and the.outsude leg simply to.keep.the haunches straight. was never a problem. when I came to.the USA everyone taught outside leg, so I switched ( like driving.on the other side of the road)
Last edited by Chisamba on Sun Sep 26, 2021 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Sep 25, 2021 5:10 am

Glad Brandon is doing better Exvet.

Lynx was fantastic for our lesson with the Dressage trainer today. We started with the goal of getting him more in front of the leg and it really was accomplished today. He started off pokey as usual. But after setting the boundaries, we asked for a lengthened trot across the diagonal and I got a trot that I was not expecting!! I nearly got left behind for a stride. :o

We worked on spiral in and out at the trot (idea of leg yield), serpentines around the spooky jumps, riding a square, lengthened trot and simple canter work.

He's so smart. We are only asking little pieces of everything and not asking for too long of any one thing.

I do feel like I'm riding just crappy though. I'm not sure if it's the saddles or what. Maybe just so much new at once.

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Sat Sep 25, 2021 3:17 pm

Hope everyone is doing well. Finally a report.

It's been interesting. Starting second half today and it''s still very hot. It's been in the mid 90's the whole time, which kind of sucks. When I came in in my truck Tuesday wi no AC, I was so dehydrated I was really losing it. Thursday after riding  I was pretty dehydrated and in bad shape Friday morning, so been working on every trick to get enough water in and keep going, so am very tired, but haven't gotten that bad again. 

The internet is super super slow at the hotel, so after 36 hours non stop,  have three videos loaded. They are nice, though. My friend is here from Germany to help with her son so he's videoing them all. 

The judging is super tough/low. A couple of judges one little bobble at all gets a 5. It' OK though.

Thursday I did an I-2 WU class that was kind  a throwaway and not ort best and did really well with 62 and 2nd.
Then we did a GP FS class which I thought was pretty nice at almost 66% with 8th place.   Some interesting judging in that the judges were very close in scores, except the lower judge went up 4/5 % on a few "names" putting them way up. The sound system here is a mess and my music was so low you couldn't hear some of it in parts.
I was pretty happy with Quinn PSG, but the judges apparently really don't like her. 59% I get to show under the one who really hates her twice Saturday.

Friday I was exhausted and had no sleep so was in bad shape. I did a pretty "eh" I-2 class and was fine with 60% and 7th on Quilla.
Then I rode the GP class of my life and Quilla was so good and got a 61% and got 3rd, almost 2nd. (The winner has a bazillion dollar horse.) 
Quinn has settled and been good hanging in the stall and warmed up well for her I-1 FS. She was a little tight in that big arena, but ok. I DID sound check the music, and then went in, halted, and the music was up about 5 notches higher than I checked and she basically bolted forward. It just kept literally shaking the rafters and was not good. I apologized to the judges. I think it was a gift I got 61% and ended up 8th. I actually beat someone, so I can't imagine what disaster they had. 

Today, Saturday, I have both freestyle rides, and he swore and promised he'd fix the music and sound, but it could be another disaster. I also have an I-1 ride with Quinn with the judge that hates her and an I-2 with Quilla. So let's see!

I may be able to get the good GP uploaded by tonight or not. 

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Re: September - October goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:06 pm

Thanks for the report Tanga! It sounds like you're making the best of some tough conditions and holding your own with the competition!
Keep calm and canter on.

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