Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby goldhorse » Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:29 am

Exvet, I would be ecstatic with 65s. And I'm excited to see what you do with your Morgan.
Lipsmacker, I ask myself "What's the worst thing that can happen?" Then once I answer that and I'm ok with it, I go do the task.
Mountaineer, so sorry about your shoulder. Been there. Not fun. And your remodel on top of it. Ugh!!!
And now my tail of woe: Horse and I were doing great but then he starting getting more and more unsound over the last month. I booked a vet appointment but cancelled since we were going to have a massive rainstorm and I didn't want to drive. Now he's at 6 weeks and OMG, his feet are a mess. I don't know why I didn't think it was his feet earlier. It's always his feet. New farrier (barn farrier) and in 2 trimmings, he has made my horse unable to walk under saddle. So I have fired him and am desperately trying to get in with another guy.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:55 am

Moutaineer wrote:Silly woman.. It's always easy to be snotty about other people's scores if you never actually get out there and walk the walk.

(There's a prolific poster on CoTH who seems to think that unless you are scoring in the 70s you aren't doing it right. I've never seen a show report from her, however...)

65% is a more than respectable score for those of us that aren't Charlotte Dujardin.

So congratulations and good on you, exvet!

Thank you! I have always remembered that as long as you love what you ride and ride what you love the goals that matter are the ones you set. I have heard the same for the last 30 years of competing. I for a short time bred holsteiners because I had drunk the kool aid. I have nothing against warmbloods and have owned a couple of really nice ones; but, my heart is elsewhere and as long as they bring it to the plate and try...I am good.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:57 am

demi wrote:Thanks for posting the vids, exvet. Congrats. You absolutely should be proud!! Just my own 2 pennies, but I think Jr. is more than a 65% horse. These most recent scores may have been 65ish (and that is admirable!) but when you were riding in the clinic with Lilo, you had him moving like a high 60’s even low 70’s horse. The engine that could is already worth his weight in gold, but I really really think we are seeing just the fringes of what your partnership will be. I’m looking forward to watching you. Yeah, I’m in the fan club!

I do appreciate your support and agree that Junior has more in there. I am not nervous at shows but I do feel the pressure to make it happen. Somehow I need to do a better job of getting Junior to relax. I did do better today but part of that was because we were both exhausted. I hope in two weeks I can work more on getting Junior over the back and responsive to my aids without ramping up the tension. It is such a juggling act.......

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Nov 08, 2021 12:49 pm

Just throwing in this clinic report with Jeremy Steinberg from the weekend so I don't forget. Quick pros and cons, he was very kind and positive with a woman's Conn/TB cross that was absolutely losing the plot in a screaming, sweaty mess, unfortunately he was utilizing a head set for riders so it was impossible to hear the lessons unless you were sitting next to him which tending to Kora by the trailer didn't allow me to do. So unfortunately I really only got the gist of my lesson and bits and pieces from watching that I could parse.

I did the standard meet and greet who we are, experience and current pain points (struggling with the hind legs overpowering front more in canter but easier managed in trot).

Trot: Using the upward half halt to keep the poll up but insisting that she carry it so setting the high/low limits and then leaving her be. I want to say it was Gallop from the old UDBB days that used the upward half halt or talked of it? Once we got a good balance he wanted her slow but quicker off the ground. Using the leg and whip aids to figure out how to get 'that' trot while not letting her pounce out the front or drop out behind. It was interesting to work through. After the canter work we again worked the trot in this higher balance an almost medium trot to hard halt thinking sliding stop. This was to get her to tuck the hiney under and really sit. Kora was so good to take the pressure of this exercise as it was difficult.

Canter: In the canter again it was using the upward half halt to really insist that she manage herself up in that space, just one momentary stride up and then gently bump with the leg to push her up and out that space. From there we did some walk-canter-walk transitions to just enough canter in that uphill state that she could manage and then a solid walk transition downward to drill those hind legs under and front end up. This was also a bit pressure cooker exercise but we calmly worked through any oops and didn't make a big deal of it.

I'd say overall he was easy to understand and shared some good work/exercises that clearly improved the horse (at least mine). He can get a little over-wordy for me but I'm a work type of yep, I get it let's do the next thing. At the end of our lesson he lamented not having us back the next day but gave some suggestions to work haunches in and half steps which was kind of him. A bit glad I didn't sign up for another day as between him and Janet the week before Kora's hind legs had well and truly fallen off the next day.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 2:21 pm

Aleuronx, glad you had another good clinic ride! Sounds like you and Kora got excellent exercises from both Janet and Jeremy.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:40 pm

Kyra's mom: the new place sounds lovely and an indoor with deep footing is far from ideal. Jealous of all the amazing trails you have!

Anne: great to hear about Fergal's continued progress, I'd love to keep seeing pictures too!

MSM: sounds like great change progress! Change work can make some of them quite animated and excited. But sounds like you both handled it well!
Mountaineer: gosh, that sounds super painful. Keep us posted on what the doctor says!

Chisamba: yikes, glad your hay distributor was able and willing to replace the hay!

ExVet: Congrats!! Those are great scores and lovely rides--thank you for sharing. The problem with so many of the horses that extravagant movers is that they score very high in low levels, but they're not necessarily always the most rideable or easy to collect and so those very high scores don't last. I would so much rather a horse that is trainable and correct and I would gladly take a 65% any day!

Aleuronx: thank you for the clinic report! Sounds like a good experience and also a lot of hard work. How frustrating and silly that they had no way of broadcasting what he was saying for those watching. Part of the fun of a clinic is learning from/watching other rides.

SF: how were lessons yesterday with the girls? Glad to hear there was some good progress with T's canter.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:02 pm

Exvet congratulations! Great scores and really good rides. You have every right to be proud of yourself and Junior. I’m stunned that your trainer would throw shade of any sorts. Talk about a back handed compliment

Aleuronx sounds like it was a good clinic with some helpful but demanding work

Good luck blob! Safe travels to KY!!

Well we had a very successful WE clinic and lots of fun with one small blip. We held it out in one of my hay fields to have more room to maneuver and have some nice canter lines. All there really did so well with good improvement all the way around.

Joplin was very good both days after working through a bit of sillies riding in a field she’s never been in and having a bit of spookiness at a few obstacles leading to a busted lip on Sunday. The livestock pen I used a small round bale for the inner circle and while she was a bit looky Saturday never spooked until Sunday we were warming up she had a hard stop fling her head up and went backwards a few steps knocking me in the mouth. One fat lip later we ended up with a lovely smooth round. Was surprising because she’s not really a hard spooker. I did not venture with canter that day just did not feel up to the challenge. But I’ve left the course up for practice as long as the weather is not too wet until January when we will burn the field off. So I should get some canter time out there

Best was watching my long time friend find his jam. He had a terrible fall 10 years ago and had some fear associated with it. While he does not still ride that horse he was reluctant to canter very much with the APhA g he has now. Rock though is such a steady eddy with a lovely canter and has given him confidence to canter and push himself in WE. He even cantered one handed with the garrocha pole in the figure 8 doing a change of lead through trot and depositing the pole in the barrel while cantering. We were all cheering!

I plan on continuing to host these WE lessons. It is a perfect match with dressage training requiring good dressage work for smooth rounds.

Now for Cedar in 10 days!

Happy riding all!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:50 pm

Jingles for Moutaineer and her sore shoulder! May you heal quickly so you don't miss out on your upcoming clinic.

Safe and happy travels for Blob and RP. Oh and weather jingles that you don't get poured on!

So far I'm on day 3 of a stoopid migraine, wishing my head would just.stop.hurting!, lol. Anyway, Saturday was too wet and rainy to ride (by the time I got off work) but I did get a ride in Sunday. Rudy declared he was not going to be forward cuz 40's is too cold for good dressaging. It took a solid 20 minutes (after the warmup ride out and about) to get him warmed up enough, and then he just softened, lifted his back and off we went! Sometimes.... Tio was, as usual, very cheeky in the cool breezy weather. Had to lunge in side-reins so he wouldn't rip the lunge line completely out of my hands with his antics. Under saddle, however, he was surprisingly well behaved and very willing. I mainly worked on varying ly from absolutely straight to having some bend, as well as varying the steepness of the angle. Started in the walk and progressed to the trot, both directions, all over the arena. Also did some cavalletti work.

Exvet, congratulations on your excellent scores!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:30 pm

blob wrote:SF: how were lessons yesterday with the girls? Glad to hear there was some good progress with T's canter.

Sadly A came out slightly lame today so we had to call off the lesson. Probably just a bit sore from doing a little too much yesterday. :( But I'm feeling much better about Tesla after our lesson yesterday and looking forward to keeping the momentum up.

Aleuronx, thanks for the clinic report. Too bad the other lessons weren't easier to listen in on. I really appreciate when the audio is accommodating to auditors.

Sue, sorry for the migraine, hope you are feeling better soon!

Khall, the WE clinic sounds super fun. I haven't seen anything like that offered around here (or maybe it's in western circles I'm not plugged into).

Blob, good luck with everything related to nationals. Very excited for you!

Chisamba, I forgot to answer your question about bits the other day. I'm still using the cheaper cyprium bits. I would like lighter titanium bits, but not fully sold on the mouthpiece design of the Fager bits. At least not enough to experiment, given their high price. I have a simple mullen weymouth and single jointed bradoon currently, and will probably try to get by with those for a while.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:05 pm

Ugh, Sue B. Migraines are just the worst. I went through a period in my mid 20's with them--just so thoroughly miserable and at the time rather terrifying as I hadn't experienced them before. They pretty much went away as suddenly as they showed up and I haven't (fingers crossed) had one since.

Blob, rooting for you! Hope everything goes according to plan, and keep us all posted!

Khall, that's the Potters spook. Sure stops the leaning forward habit quite quickly. I hope your face heals fast.

I'm just really achey today, rather than suffering from acute shooting pains, so I guess that's a good thing. I went down and watched my trainer ride Potters at lunchtime. Poetry in motion. I can't say enough good things about how good they look together.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Nov 08, 2021 11:46 pm

Screenshot (144).png
Screenshot (144).png (233.42 KiB) Viewed 6190 times

Relaxing with trainer!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:00 pm

Potters looks great! Quite classy and refined.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Tue Nov 09, 2021 1:01 pm

Very handsome Moutaineer, Potters looks very in-tuned.

Goldhorse, so sorry to learn about your horse's feet. We all know how vital a competent farrier is for our horses. Hope you find one who is able to straighten out your horse's feet soon.

khall, it seems that all of a sudden Brandon has become a bit more on the spook/looky side too. I'm guessing it's because we've started deer season and suspect there's a few mule deer hanging out that I just haven't seen but he hears and smells. Then there is also the BLM mustang still on the loose and I know he follows us when we trail ride. Fortunately for me I haven't had any mishaps but it does keep the velcro tested ;) Hope your lip heals quickly.

Straightforward sorry to read about A being a bit off but you're likely right about the cause which really is part of the strengthening process. I find it's this kind of thing which will likely mean I'll always have at least two horses - if one is out of commission you usually have the other to focus on; but of course I've been in those times too when they both try to kill themselves or do something to keep me out of the saddle. Fortunately over the years that hasn't happened too often. Sounds like Tesla is stepping up to the plate.

Sue B I know that migraines are no fun. I often get them if I have several days of high risk surgeries in a row even if they all do well under anesthesia, stress induced maybe? I used to get them more often though when I lived in KC. I often thought they might be weather related because they seemed to coincide with some of our massive storm fronts going through the area........the frequency of getting them have lessened since moving to the desert. Hope you get relief from them soon.

The horses got a day off yesterday. I don't know if I'll get off work with enough time to work Junior tonight but that is the goal.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby chantal » Tue Nov 09, 2021 2:56 pm

Looks like lots of forward progress, no pun intended.
Blob, wishing you the best!

exvet-I am so loving watching Junior progress. You two look great and the hard work shows. To the naysayers, I say "Talk to the hoof!" Many people do not wear green well. I too love all different kinds of horses and figuring them out, so much fun, and so good for the horses and for us.

SF-hoping A is okay. Tesla looks sharp with her clip.

Aleuronx-sounds like you two are doing well, yay!

Anne-nice work, Fergal is a nice looking horse.

Moutaineer-hope you are okay. Beautiful pic of Potters and you.

Mikey is getting some stall rest,paddock time, and hand-grazing and we'll recheck him in 2 weeks. Minor suspensory issue that should heal 100%. I'm having a blast with Sylvester and Bear and getting a few lessons in with their respective instructors. I'm getting to work on 2nd level stuff with Sylvester and doing a lot of work on myself which I'm excited to be able to take back to Mikey. And Bear, the black draft mix, is just a blast to ride. I hack him and get to poles lessons on him sometimes. Feeling very lucky, and tired.

Goals: Get MIkey to 100% and back to riding, hoping it will be shorter rather than longer. Not allowing Sylvester to hang on my left arm (which really hurts it) in the canter work. Slowing down the cadence in my mediums. Getting Bear to open his throat latch and to reach. Getting all my guys forward off my leg and forward from the beginning of each ride (makes life so much easier). Granted, they need the conditioning to be able to hold it. It's coming.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Nov 09, 2021 11:45 pm

Chantal, that. sadly, is not me :) That's the wonderful Margo, my trainer, who had another lovely ride on Potters today. After which I hung around waiting for my farrier to show up. He didn't. Neither did the vet. (Trying to get blood drawn for an allergy test, the poor boy is hivey again.) So I'm irritated. I wasted half the afternoon and it's cold and wet out there which made my shoulder grumble.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:11 am

Jingles for all critters and riders that need it.

Well, it would rain buckets now that I have Kyra moved and that means she is stuck in her stall. However, she truly seems to like it. She has only been stalled rarely for 24-48hrs here and there for a clinic, show or illness. I figured by now, I would be peeling her out of the barn rafters. She seems very chill. It was way wet today so I understand the reasoning for the stall. Steve, one of the owners was trying to get the water to drain out of the pens so they can go back out tomorrow. We got 1.3 inches today :shock: and it didn’t even rain all day. Our YEARLY average is only 12-13 inches. We have already had a 24hr storm that dumped well over an inch just a few days ago. We do need the precipitation but not all at once :P . It might be a long winter.

Anyway, I knew I needed to get up there and get her out of her stall. Only one arena (of 3) was open and I was going to lunge her. No…way too wet. So, I thought I would saddle her up and walk the roads around the farm. That was fine until she caught wind of the goats (they have 2 and she hasn’t seen them yet) but she sure smelled them. So, we went back to said wet arena and walked and walked and walked. She wasn’t punching through the base but I thought walking was sufficient. I requested everything…leg yield, rein back, SI, half pass, TOF and TOH on the square. She was a little tense and very vocal as she can’t see her new BFF from the arena but she stayed in the game and considering she had been in her stall all day, I was pleased. The owner is pretty regimented and I have to remember to clear things through her. I was used to part care and the owner let us do pretty much whatever like shavings for bedding as long as it didn’t affect fencing. Of course, I had to buy whatever I wanted. Full care is a new experience for both of us.

Oh, Sunday, I figured I would hand walk her up the hill to check out the trail situation. Oh yeah :roll: . I only made it about 1/3 of the way. My back/SI issue is affecting my right hip and walking uphill was NOT the thing to do. Not to mention the huffing and puffing on my part. I am pathetic in the fitness department. That first haul is fairly steep and I know I will need to get Kyra in better shape too. Us flatlanders :lol: .

Despite the rain and only getting 2 rides so far, it is so nice to have consistent footing. I was getting really tentative with her in the crappy footing at the other barn, not wanting her to hurt something. It may be a long winter without an indoor but I am excited to actually be able to ride and train at a higher level.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Nov 10, 2021 3:50 am

Chantel, fingers crossed for Mikey!! But at least you have some other horse buddies to ride and it sounds like you're really enjoying that right now :)

Mountaineer, arg!! What a frustrating day. I've certainly been three but only with the farrier, never a vet. That's not cool.

Kyra's mom- sounds like the you guys are settling in pretty well!! That sounds like a pretty productive ride actually even if it was just the walk.

Lynx's eye so far is doing okay. Cleaning it is a pain of course. But I sent my vet a photo and she thought it looked good so far. Yesterday I just did ground work (he was pretty frisky in the evening!) But today I did a light ride. There was a few poles set out so we walked and trotted over those, worked on spiraling in and out in a circle, worked on keeping his left shoulder when going right.

I decided that for the schooling show, I'm going to ride the same test twice as I just don't think I can memorize two tests for the first show. But the dressage trainer is a little worried with him memorizing the test. So I'm not going to ride it anymore on him. Just practice elements of it. Which of course is pretty easy it's basically just 20 m circles, change the direction and free walk lol.
I am going to ride the test one more time on a school horse though as I thought that would be good.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Wed Nov 10, 2021 1:18 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:
I decided that for the schooling show, I'm going to ride the same test twice as I just don't think I can memorize two tests for the first show. But the dressage trainer is a little worried with him memorizing the test. So I'm not going to ride it anymore on him. Just practice elements of it. Which of course is pretty easy it's basically just 20 m circles, change the direction and free walk lol.
I am going to ride the test one more time on a school horse though as I thought that would be good.

You just never know. I have had two horses who would definitely memorize tests which became problematic. My Bey Shah gelding would memorize tests and have issues if I didn't ride what he thought was the correct test. He was extremely smart and knew it all LOL. My stallion Resi also was one who would memorize tests he liked, though he wasn't as dramatic as my Arab gelding if we 'went of course' [in his opinion]. He preferred tests that used a lot of lateral movements so I would use 'that anticipation' to supple him more and have it work to my advantage - ie if he anticipated a shoulder in I would just do the correct movement in shoulder fore. Most of the time it worked, decreasing the tension and argument that had it been my Arab he would have with me in public LOL.

I've been riding Junior at the shows doing mostly Second level test 3 for the last year. He's proven though that while I do think he 'recognizes' the sequence of movements that he doesn't get too upset if I throw in something new. I do think it's because I rarely school the full test 'at home' and if I don't like something when schooling the test, I will immediately address the issue with 'new' exercises until I get the bend I want or the engagement I want, etc. I tend to try to follow the goal of 'perfect' practice as opposed to just running through the test for the purpose of memorization. I can do that off the horse. Monty was also one who could have cared less about 'which' test we were riding and he knew most of them. Some things that helped was to school more than one test and I would often vary where I would halt (just had to remember where it 'really' was supposed to be for the show) and, where there were medium gaits, I would alter/vary where the transitions would be so that he didn't anticipate and stayed on my seat. Again the challenge was me being able to remember the correct placement of the transitions for the show.

I'll be honest though when I was showing 4 horses at a time, all different levels, I would have a reader just to take the pressure off of myself. This included intro. I usually 'knew' the test but it helped ease my mind. It also helped me to focus on truly memorizing the FEI tests where you can't have a reader. So, the point is if you feel like a reader would help, use one. There's no difference in the score or shame whether you use one or not; but, there is if you make an error. I was lucky in that my instructors have never minded reading tests or could easily 'volunteer' someone happy to do so. I also had a daughter who realized the advantage of reading my tests because it wouldn't be long before she would be riding it too.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:44 pm

Exvet, trainers think he definitely will recognize the test although I'm not sure that he would get upset about it doing something different than he thought. He's a pretty straightforward guy and not very emotional. But he does try hard so I think as long as we still made him feel confident he would be okay.

As far as having a reader, when I was first running through the test which I really didn't know, I had a hard time hearing my trainer. I don't have the greatest hearing so she thought it might be actually more distracting for me. Now I have it memorized though, So maybe a reader would be more helpful. Or maybe I need someone with a more shrill voice to read ha ha.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:45 pm

I get really bad performance anxiety. So even though I have the test memorize having a reader as extra insurance it's not a bad idea. I seriously think I'm getting a bout of stomach ulcers (truly) from being stressed about the show. Lol I keep reminding myself that it's Intro on a 4 year old in a schooling show at my home barn. It just feels like it's a good way to disappoint a lot of people in one day. But I'm going to just strive to do my best just get in there and ride.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:50 pm

LSP, having a reader will do a lot to calm your nerves, highly recommend. Rudy memorizes tests very quickly but it's not a problem unless I try to go off course, lol. Really the only time he got upset is when I pulled up out of a canter lengthening because I thought the judge blew the whistle. Turns out the sound I heard was from another arena! Oh well. Judge and I had a good chuckle but Rudy was not pleased.

Rain, rain, rain...NOT complaining. My migraine will let up when the weather settles and right now it's not too bad. The horses are muddy and very goofy. I hope to ride this afternoon though. My arena has excellent drainage.

Kyra's mom, congratulations on finally having some little hills to go up and down. It will do wonders for both of you! :D You'll be surprised how quickly you adapt to no indoor too.

Forgot to add...Moutaineer, Potters is gorgeous!!!!!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:28 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:I get really bad performance anxiety. So even though I have the test memorize having a reader as extra insurance it's not a bad idea. I seriously think I'm getting a bout of stomach ulcers (truly) from being stressed about the show. Lol I keep reminding myself that it's Intro on a 4 year old in a schooling show at my home barn. It just feels like it's a good way to disappoint a lot of people in one day. But I'm going to just strive to do my best just get in there and ride.

same. I think one you do it a few times you will feel better. I don't think anyone REALLLLLY cares about the outcome though- I try to remind myself of that too. My horse has a history of some bad warmups so I have some baggage that made me have show nerves when I didn't initally. Also, I found it HARDER to ride at my home barn as "everyone knew about it". When I went away to a show no one knew about it was actually easier. Weird, but I never said I was normal.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:42 pm

Ryeissa, I can see that showing away from home might be better for some! Honestly I feel like everyone at the barn is so down to earth and supportive that I'm not too worried about that. I just don't want to let the trainers down that are working so hard to help me ha ha. We've had a few pep talks and my big goals to seriously just try to have fun and make it fun for Lynx too. Hopefully throughout the year it gets easier and more fun. If not I might take a different approach and stick to ride a tests or something.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Nov 10, 2021 6:51 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Ryeissa, I can see that showing away from home might be better for some! Honestly I feel like everyone at the barn is so down to earth and supportive that I'm not too worried about that. I just don't want to let the trainers down that are working so hard to help me ha ha. We've had a few pep talks and my big goals to seriously just try to have fun and make it fun for Lynx too. Hopefully throughout the year it gets easier and more fun. If not I might take a different approach and stick to ride a tests or something.

when is the show? good luck and have fun!
My barn is super supportive too, but that didn't help me LOL. but I was also riding second level and its super hard. :lol:

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Nov 10, 2021 9:36 pm

Ryeissa wrote:
Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Ryeissa, I can see that showing away from home might be better for some! Honestly I feel like everyone at the barn is so down to earth and supportive that I'm not too worried about that. I just don't want to let the trainers down that are working so hard to help me ha ha. We've had a few pep talks and my big goals to seriously just try to have fun and make it fun for Lynx too. Hopefully throughout the year it gets easier and more fun. If not I might take a different approach and stick to ride a tests or something.

when is the show? good luck and have fun!
My barn is super supportive too, but that didn't help me LOL. but I was also riding second level and its super hard. :lol:

It's the 20th. Thank you!! See the funny thing is I think the fact that it is only intro is making me even more nervous. Super simple so even more embarrassing if I really screw up ha ha. But I'm reminding myself that this is just the very beginning and hopefully it will only go up from here :)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Wed Nov 10, 2021 10:45 pm

LS--the horse recognizing the test is also not ALWAYS a bad thing. It is of course an issue in cases like Exvet shared where her horse would have issues if he thought you were doing the wrong thing. But sometimes, knowing what's coming next can reassure an anxious horse or really not mean anything.

One trainer of mine was very big into 'don't ride your tests fully, your horse will memorize them' and so I didn't. I rode movements but I didn't ride the test much. And guess what happened? I didn't learn how to ride tests properly. There is a big different between riding a movement and riding a string of movements that have to happen at a precise time. Even if you're not running through/practicing your test--do practice riding tests--start to finish.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:04 pm

agree w/blob. Any test is hard to do in front of people on a horse. I think anyone who shows at any level gives you major credit for getting out there!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:29 pm

LSP, you won't disappoint anyone.Any trainer worth their salt knows how things can go, especially with young horses. They'll be there to root for you and support you if things go off plan. I do like to ride the test pattern in walk while I visualize the actual movements and transitions. It helps to cement it in my brain without "programming" the horse. Try to have fun!

Just got this pic my instructor snapped from our Sunday lesson. Yep, I think A just got a little sore with the new degree of hind leg activity. She looked close to fine on the lunge this morning, so I think she'll be back to work tomorrow.
FB_IMG_1636584734800.jpg (70.17 KiB) Viewed 6004 times
Last edited by StraightForward on Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:17 am

Wow! SF! Annabelle looks super.

We’re all rooting for you LSP! This will be a good experience for you and Lynx. You’ve already scored high in my book just by entering!

My mare, Rocky (Coco’s Bey Rocket) is by a Bey Shah grandson. She is smart but I’ve ridden T3 at home more times than I can count and she doesn’t seem to mind if I change things. I understand what Blob is saying about the difference between just doing the movements vs stringing them together in a test. I’ve only shown a handful of times, but in the last year or so I’ve started riding tests on a regular basis at home. It has made a big improvement in my training. It’s a different thought process. Strangely, I get nervous just riding a test at home in front of the Pivo. I am slowly getting over that but I have still have to psych myself out every time I video a test.

Good luck Blob and RP! We’re rooting for you, too!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:47 am

Thank you guys! I think I will stick with doing the same test twice. I agree that I don't think it will be an issue for Lynx- especially at this stage. It will help me feel much I think to have a chance at the same test twice. So I'll probably ride better which is best for Lynx too.

Wow, Straightforward! That photo of you guys is stunning! Such engagement!!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:52 am

Demi, I can see it being an improvement for anyone's riding. That's part of why I'm jumping in and doing this... I will really be good for me as a rider. Hopefully I can enjoy it as well lol.

Thank you all for such encouragement.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Anne » Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:06 am

Wow SF, you and Annabelle look super. I love the way the light has caught the muscling on her rump.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:32 am

About test riding:

I used to take a lot of trouble to avoid anticipation in tests by not riding the same test to often. I was taught the facts of life rather sarcastically and abruptly by a top rider who said " ride a test on every horse every day. how else do you expect to get better at test riding. As for horses anticipating, of course they will anticipate. You are a trainer, your job is not to avoid anticipation, but to train the horse to use anticipation in a positive way".

I have now learned that anticipation is only bad if is allowed to believe that by anticipating it can circumvent the aids. what I mean by this is if the horse knows it canter at C, and pucks up the canter at C, it has successfully ignored your aids to canter. right now both of my girls want to throw in the flying changes and ignore the need to accept the aids to do so. this is a failure of training, so I have to fix my failing, and teach them to anticipate waiting for the aid.

anyway, ride a test every day. how else do you expect to get better at test riding. if we don't we may over ride, ride the test but not the horse, ride the horse but not the test. fear anticipation instead of using anticipation in a positive way. not parse the arena correctly, not practice being ready for each movement ( because we are usually good at doing each movement well when ready, but not always ready for each movement immediately)

so, ride the test, the entire test, ride it so many times you teach the correct kind if anticipation. I wish I was brilliant enough to have understood this through the years when I showed consistently.

About pictures and video, Potters looks fab. so elegant, I feel like his muscling has improved over his early picture.

Annabel is looking buff!!

Junior and Exvet, you are an admirable pair that are an example of what I would like to emulate.

about Injuries: khall I hope your lip feels better. Moutaineer, take care of that shoulder. everyone rehabbing horses, jingles to them.

As to riding, in the absence of any shows on the horizon I have been hunter pacing, trailering to ride with friends. and taking gallops on mowed corn fields and the beach. I am still really snowed under at the barn. still understaffed. what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. lol.

I do want to give a teeny bit of life advise in case some one needs to hear it. cultivate good friendships. even if you feel like you are always the one creating the link. Good friends are worth every effort. that moment when your friend may be most scarce in your life might be that moment they need you most.

Yes Thanksgiving is coming and I thank you all for the ddbb community.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:27 pm

Thank you for the wise words, Chisamba.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:45 pm

Really nice engagement SF. Definitely like the muscle development she's got going on there.

Thank you Chisamba, that's one of the nicest compliments I've received. Hopefully we'll continue to do well next weekend.

I lunged Junior over jumps this morning and then got on and rode. I think by doing a few grids and gymnastic type exercises over fences without a rider is really helping him to stretch over and loosen/relax his top line. After a bit of warm up under saddle I got to work on transitions into and out of the canter - between trot, walk and then progressing to doing a fair amount of counter canter. Today was the first time on Junior I felt like I was finally able to balance and rate his canter while in the counter canter both directions. I then decided to test his suppleness in the canter by doing half-passes. I started in trot first and of course those were relatively effortless. I was happy to find that his half passes in the canter were far less laborious then our attempts have been in the past. He still isn't engaging voluntarily as much as I would like with his left hind but it's a lot better. :)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:20 am

I'm happy with how the muscles are developing Chisamba. Glad someone else can see it too! He is a very elegant mover now his feet don't hurt.

I've spent quite a bit of time this week watching rides--there's usually one or two other people riding when Potters is going. There are some fancy pants horses in this barn, and I have to say that as I watch them all go, I think mine is one of the nicest, and certainly the best suited for me :)

I'm going to try getting back in the saddle again tomorrow.

LSP, you two are dipping your toes in the water to see how it feels. Your one and only job is to make it a pleasant experience for Lynx, and to hell with everyone else. Whatever happens, you will learn something, and if your trainer is watching, they will learn something too. (Most everyone else is far too busy worrying about their own stuff to notice what other people are doing.)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:34 am

100% agree on what Mountaineer said LSP. Go enjoy your horse and have a fab time. SF, wowza on that pic of Annabell! Mountaineer too, I'm not a chestnut fan in general but Potters is a looker for sure. Sounds like a fun time Chisamba, it's nice to get out the arena with buds.

Blob hope everything is going well for you at Finals!! Cheering you on from here!

Mixed bag, I ended up not doing the schooling show as it was the day after the Jeremy Steinberg clinic and I just feel like Kora was a bit cooked. It was the right decision but ho-hum on that for the year.

Sandwiched a trip out to horsepital to get her teeth done today. Got the blessing to move to an annual schedule now that her baby teeth are done and mouth looks good. I'm looking forward to that savings next year!

Got a bit of a hair and since it was close by to the coast and early enough in the day instead of zipping her home we went to see the ocean. First time for Kora and we just walked around inhand as I didn't want to throw a bit in her mouth just after having teeth done. She was a bit wild eyed at first but genuine and did manage to get her feet wet. Still figuring out the waves but a good girl for first exposure.

She did find out that the water isn't so tasty...
Saltwater.jpg (103.92 KiB) Viewed 5904 times

Beach day.jpg
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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Anne » Fri Nov 12, 2021 4:09 am

Great reports everyone, and I'm enjoying the photos. To add one of my own, here's Fergal, his first ride in the arena, and we managed to trot. OK, it's a pretty pokey trot, but going for safety first here! Also a nice square halt, with his 'babysitter' in the background.

f.trot.right.arena.jpg (56.34 KiB) Viewed 5889 times

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:54 pm

Aleuronx and Anne, love the photos!! Good times all around!

I had a few great rides on Lynx so far this week. Tuesday I focused on getting him forward (always), spiraling in and out on a circle with a special focus on his outside shoulder. Then we did a little bit of transition work and practice doing a figure over a pole that was set up in the arena. It was a fabulous ride and we had another boarder compliment us which is always really sweet.

Thursday I went and had a lesson with the trainer I was taking a few lessons with in the spring. I just think occasionally riding a school horse or schoolmaster is really beneficial for me. She helped me run through my Intro test again although it was too windy to go on the actual dressage arena so we may do with how we could in the indoor arena. I got a few extra pointers from her which is good.

Today I had a Dressage lesson in Lynx with A (the barns Dressage trainer.) I started off by asking if we could do a little bit of in hand work with the bridle before we started. I just wanted to clarify that what I've been doing on my ground work days is correct. It was and we had some of the best turn on the haunches and forehand ever in hand. And then we played a little bit with shoulder fore on the ground too and he really was starting to understand that. So then that felt like a good place to hop on. We didn't practice my test but we did practice just the elements of it. The biggest thing will be not overriding during the test I think. I think I want to do more than I need to. I feel like I will be having this lovely ride and then I start doing a pattern and overriding and then things get a little bit too stiff. That being said, there was some really good elements to my ride today. The last few weeks I've been struggling with the right lead. Originally thought it was lynx struggling but I think it was actually me. Apparently when tracking right, I like to bring my outside shoulder too far back and my inside shoulder too far forward. As you can imagine that does not help a baby horse pick up the canter. Well we had been trying different things to do I started overthinking and it wasn't helping so this time we simply worked on just ask for a simple canter but make sure that I know where my shoulder is. And voila picked it up on the correct lead right away.

Then we ended with some shoulder fore at the walk. He really is understanding it and I was pretty delighted because it's such a distinct feeling when you get the lateral work correct, imo. I was honestly a little bit shocked to get such a nice shoulder fore right off the bat but of course we prepared him on the ground too.

Now, I'm heading out for my daughter's lesson. She gets to ride her favorite horse and it's a really special horse. She's not a lesson horse because she's so sensitive. My daughter got to ride her a few weeks ago and absolutely loved her so she's really excited that they are letting her ride her again tonight. Good Friday!!!

I hope you all have a great weekend and I really hope we get a report from Blob soon!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Nov 13, 2021 1:58 am

BLOB, where are you? How's it going?

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:11 am

I had a good ride this morning. Not too sore afterwards so I think I'm going to do the Melissa Cresswick clinic next week.

However, he really is more spooky and reactive with me than he is with Margo. I've explained to him that it's tough luck, he has to deal with my fumbling around as well as her perfect precision, and if he wants to continue to eat he'd better get over himself :)

Having said that, we got some really nice work today once he settled and relaxed over his back and stopped spooking at shadows. He was giving me that truly "elastic connection" in the trot which is such an addictive feeling. The day I get that from him in the canter I think I will throw a party.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:09 am

Congrats Moutaineer. I do so hear you on the elastic connection at the canter. That is our nemesis. I realized that with Junior, I've finally have had to let him know that it's time to 'suck it up buttercup' to the requirements I'm asking for second/third level. I don't want to ride him into the ground but on the other hand he is capable of the requirements......poor guy. Have fun at your clinic. I've always appreciated Cresswick as a judge.

I too want to know how it's going Blob. You have a peanut gallery rooting for you.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:51 am

Everyone is working so hard :D . All the chestnut beasts (Moutaineer, SF and Anne) look fabulous 8-) . Kyra is just a brown smudge. She loves to roll on turnout and the dirt there kind of stains her coat. It brushes off fine but the color sticks. That is OK…she needs to be a horse. It has been too warm to blanket.

Kyra continue to do well at the new barn. Unfortunately with our monsoon rains, their runs off the stalls turned into lakes. To avoid ruining them completely, they shut them in their stalls. Well, I wasn’t anticipating that. So, being it is only money, I added turnout to her menu. I just can’t reliably get there everyday and she isn’t going to be standing in a stall all day. Actually, the turnout fee is quite reasonable. Hopefully the runs will dry out but they are really wet and lower temps are coming so am doubtful they will dry out any time soon. However, that said her highness seems to think she is owed a stall and wonders why she hasn’t had one before. She seems very calm, is eating well and seems to be doing well other than a little stocking up. It is pretty amazing all the horses at this barn are chill and calm. It is nice just to actually have time to ride ;) . I do spend a lot of time warming her up and usually hand walk her after I untack her for good measure.

Due to said monsoons, we have also only had access to one arena but the footing has been good. I can tell she is not fighting the footing as she was at the other barn. I am still just doing basics and trying to get some base of fitness on her. She seems much more committed to forward than she was at the other barn. Yesterday, she was concerned because her new BFF was out of the barn but we managed. She was mostly just noisy with a small increase in tension. She is going to have to figure it out.


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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:03 pm

Susan, sounds like Kyra is adapting to her new surroundings very well. You and I both know how important good footing is to the well-being and maintenance of our beasts. I was thinking just about that 'topic' as I was legging Junior up out on the trails yesterday. He was really opening up and giving me some fabulous extended trot out on the softer sandier sections of some of the trails I frequent. Today will be Brandon's turn and he's going to be expected to canter the same area. I'm from the old school cross country track and field-type training from the very old PC days; but, I find it still works to get them fit and help build bone on those still laying it down (like Brandon).

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sun Nov 14, 2021 6:26 pm

Yes exvet, I finally couldn’t take anymore of the very substandard footing. She has survived a lot of years of it and I just couldn’t force the issue any longer unless we just wanted to walk for the foreseeable future. Now, she has lost a lot of free movement due to the weather conditions but so hard to find a barn that has ALL the big things…footing, food and movement. Land around here is disappearing so fast it is hard to even FIND a barn.


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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:19 pm

I concur, Blob cannot wait to hear how it's gone!

Susan completely agree that footing is such a crucial piece. When the barn replaced/upgraded the indoor footing it was such a huge improvement especially when we're stuck in there for months and months over the winter. Glad Kyra is settling in better than expected.

Been an up and down (weird?) weekend. Had a great lesson on Saturday w/trainer. Between the clinics and doing my homework I've now got Kora sitting ALOT in the canter. And of course as is with horses you go too much in one direction and then have to go back. So we're sitting almost too much for her hind legs to handle and sticking the front legs too close to the hind. No matter, now we leg yield in half-passy way to open up the front again and get happy, sitty, forward and straight canter for 2 strides until we lose it or she does the most beautiful oops flying change ever and I grin like a child.

Trot we got the thumbs up and we'll go back next saturday to get some more homework before they all leave us for Florida. Not bitter about winter here at all. :lol:

The down or weird of today, because horses. Kora just seemed all out of sorts from the get go of tacking her up, got her to settle with groundwork before I got on and made it through the warmup before some barn mates left out the fields for a trail ride. Enter Kora losing the plot, entirely. We salvaged some sanity back after a long walk but only some. Decided to quit on that ahead moment and before mates returned through the fields. Wise decision as even back in the barn when they returned Kora was eyes on stalks. Horses, man.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:51 am

How old is Kora now?

I've spent a chunk of the weekend watching a clinic with Sarah Geikie. Really a good teacher. Lots to digest and think about, (and it forced me to sit still and do nothing silly to my shoulder :)) She's definitely in the "would like to ride with" group. Kind but relentless.

One little nugget I came away with... "don't always be telling him what he's doing wrong, teach him how to do it right." (Or words to that effect!)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:37 am

Aleuronx, what a problem to have! Sounds like you guys are on a really good path.

Mountaineer, I've heard great things about Sarah Geikie. I wanted to do one of her video critiques but I don't think she offers that anymore.

Lynx was fabulous today. We rode in the indoor, even though it was beautiful out and my motto is always ride out when you can. But he had been spooky in there the last two days so I wanted to use my lesson time to continue to work through it. Especially since the show will be inside. His biggest thing is just demanding his focus. He likes to really look around sometimes lol.

We also did our first shoulder in! Not my first one but the first as a pair. Just a few steps but felt great. He's very smart.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:06 pm

So nice to read everyone's updates and see the pictures! Made it home from Kentucky late last night and wanted to share a bit of a show report:

Overall it was a wonderful experience--so many nice people, overall a well run show, and such a good learning experience for me and RP to be at such a big show with so much atmosphere.
Weather was not on our side and temps were very cold and we had wind and pockets of very cold rain. But thankfully between rides and horse duties there was food, vendors, FEI tests, and freestyles in the Alltech (heated indoor) to help pass the time.

On Friday I rode a 1-3 test in the open show. It was our second time riding the test (first was at regionals). They were using the Rolex arena which was quite spooky--they'd set up tents for judges, which were flapping in the wind and the grandstand was also a bit overwhelming. RP was tense and looky, but tired very hard to listen as best as he could. We had some challenges in the left canter loop and then I ended up forgetting about my 15 meter circle, so also went off course. All and all it was not our best test, but good enough for our second qualifying score for 2022 regionals at a 62.5 and some encouraging comments from the judge (Jodi Lees).

Saturday I did a practice t-3 in the open show, again in the scary Rolex. RP was a bit more prepared for the tents, it was a test we know better, and my coach was now on the ground to school us through warm-up. It resulted in a 71.5 and a third place in a big class. Most of the riders in that class were ones that would be also in my championship class, so it was a nice bit of a confidence boost.

Sunday was our championship class and I was very, very nervous. It was the coldest day yet, windy, and started raining just in time for my ride! RP was a very good boy through it all and we warmed up well for the most part. He was leaning on my left leg some, so we worked on trying to make sure he was really moving off it esp during changes of bend. During our test wind was heavy and so RP was a bit extra forward/hot and I struggled a bit to find the balance between getting him off the left leg without letting him dart around. And as a result our connection was not as steady as it usually is. The three judges were Gary Rockwell, Kristi Wysocki, and Janet Foy. I hadn't ridden for any of them before. Rockwell and Wysocki gave me 68.6 and 68.2, which had us 11th and 10th in the class. But Foy gave us a 65.3 and had us 28th in the class. So that pulled us down to a 67.4 and 17th out of the 38 rides her competed. All and all I'm proud of the placing and of the ride considering everything. But it was disappointing that one score was lower than the others. It was interesting because Rockwell and Wysocki scored similarly throughout the class. And sometimes Foy was close to them but other times she was much higher or lower. In one ride Rockwell and Wysocki gave a 62 and 63 and Foy gave a 71! Foy's comments were mostly about needing to use corners more. I did get some very encouraging comments from Rockwell about RP: "a very, very nice pony--light and easy moving. Could be more consistent in contact". So that was a nice highlight.

Overall, it was a great experience and a real honor to be there. And I am so proud of RP for handling the weather and atmosphere so well. He has come such a long way. I will share pictures once I get them!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:43 pm

Great show report Blob! Some great scores under challenging conditions. Very gratifying to be holding your own at that level of competition, well done!
Keep calm and canter on.

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