Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:40 pm

This is a very interesting discussion to me as I attempt to carefully peel back the layers of the onion that is Potters and work out how to resolve his more puzzling behaviors.

One of which I could use some brainstorming with!

We can (finally) WTC very happily around the whole ring on the rail in both directions, with the exception of RL canter through one particular corner, which brings on a Potters spook fest. The other 3 corners, no issue. We can canter 10 and 20 meter circles on the right lead with no issue in the center of the arena. We can cut off about 15 feet of the arena and not have an issue. He'll walk on a loose rein, or collected, through that corner, and trot through that corner (this took a bit of determined work to start with but is now an entirely relaxed experience,) and will canter through it on the left lead without a care in the world.

So is it pain, anxiety, or resistance, or a combination of any of these things?

Is he sensing me anticipating an issue and taking advantage? But if he is, why? How does he profit from it?

Is my anticipation of an issue causing me to tighten up and cause him anxiety, which then provokes a meltdown?

Is my tightening up causing him physical pain?

Did something happen in that corner at a canter in the past that is causing him anxiety?

Does he have an advanced sense of humor and just enjoys playing with my head? (I know, anthropomorphism at it's finest...)

(My gut feeling is to focus on what we can do for now, building our trust and confidence in each other, and just ignore/avoid the problem for a couple of weeks until we both forget about it, then organically move back into it without making an issue out of it (stealth cornering...))

Thoughts? I don't think this derails the discussion, just gives an example to work with.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:56 pm

so in theory, if you make notes.
behavior, spooking on R lead in corner.

antecedent. happy in connection
trotted through corner
walked through corner
only does it when you ride. does it with everyone.

( I'm inventing, you need to scribble it down)

behavior. giant spook, minor spook tipped head etc

consequence. lifted head, evaded connection. changed tempo, changed rhythm.

after a few you might see a pattern emerge.

what do I actually do? I restore normal asap and carry on as if nothing changed. most often the quickest solution because it minimizes consequence.

I would enjoy reading other analysis too

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:57 pm

Mountaineer a technique that is very good for spooky areas is don’t work in that corner but whenever you take a break go hang out there. Rest spot only

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:01 pm

Mountaineer, I think your plan doesn't sound like a bad one. And if you revisit it after a week or two and it's still there maybe you approach it a different way.

I had a great lesson on Lynx today after a few days away on a short vacation. It was a dressage lesson and the dressage trainer said he looked so much stronger than even the week before. We played a little more with just short amounts of sitting trot, and I thought we both felt good with it. I always prefer to sit as it's easier for me mechanics with. It just makes more sense to me to be able to connect with the horse. That being said of course he's very young So only short amounts when he fills up to it.

May also played with some uberstreichen. He didn't change at all during that which was good. Our canter transitions were great as well.

He is in a much different stage which brings new strength and new challenges. At times during the ride he would get behind the vertical which he hasn't done so much with me. The trainer said it's not anything I'm doing It's kind of just a stage but she said we really need to make sure it doesn't become a thing and always encourage him to come out to the bit and not hide behind. It definitely was a distinct feeling though of him evading and curling and being actually through.

And the leg yields, for the first time ever I had a horse that was running through instead of me having to gather up the energy. Like I said new challenges!! Part of it was because he thinks he really understands what we're asking now so he wants to take over. And part of it the trainer pointed out was he was maybe getting a little tired he was at the same time he was wanting to really get on the forehand and then of course go btv.

Any insight on this would be great. Right now I'm not too worried about it but definitely want to be conscious and encourage him to really seek the bit. I'm considering changing up his bit anyway.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Flight » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:40 pm

Chisamba, never delete your posts! It may feel like people are challenging your responses, but for me looking in I get so much out of the discussion. I totally agree that behaviour is communication and this has been an awesome turn around in my view on training.

Mountaineer, I'd like to hear the analysis of the spook corner. Interesting that it's only in canter. I had an echidna snuffling around in one corner and that caused hysterics for a couple of weeks. But that was in all paces.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Dec 09, 2021 11:17 pm

Yes, Chisamba, I need to do a better analysis, I think.

Trainer riding today. I will ask her for more specifics about what she is experiencing as well. She's been a bit vague, which makes me think it isn't just with me (or is it that it is just with me, and she doesn't want to make me feel bad? Not realizing that actually it would make me feel better?)

Snowing heavily for the first time this season. I promised DH when I moved to this barn that I wouldn't take any chances on winter driving--it's a particularly wind-blown, steep and accident-prone piece of road between here and there and he was concerned.

Khall, he'll stand there quite happily until time eternal.

Flight, a snuffling echidna might be a legit cause for concern--but darn it, they are so cute! (So interesting that Australia has all those unique animals.)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Srhorselady » Thu Dec 09, 2021 11:30 pm

Mountaineer, just to add a possibility to your analysis. I assume you’ve had Potters eyesight checked in both eyes? Since it is only on one lead and only in the canter….what looks different going that direction in that corner? Does light reflect differently especially when moving faster, ie in canter? Is their a motion, movement, etc from a door, window etc? How about shadows? Have you tried spiraling slowly from the center out close but not into that corner? Etc

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:50 am

Srhorselady wrote:Mountaineer, just to add a possibility to your analysis. I assume you’ve had Potters eyesight checked in both eyes? Since it is only on one lead and only in the canter….what looks different going that direction in that corner? Does light reflect differently especially when moving faster, ie in canter? Is their a motion, movement, etc from a door, window etc? How about shadows? Have you tried spiraling slowly from the center out close but not into that corner? Etc

That is what I was wondering. Speed + reflections, shadows, etc. Was also wondering if you can canter a 20m circle at that end of the arena. I'm thinking of Temple Grandin writing about how she would get down at cow eye level to look at livestock handling facilities and look at where they would be scared by a shadow or a wet area on the floor, remembering that different species register color and contrast differently than we do. My super solid little appy, Maya would spook on one end of the arena I haul out to when the arena lights were on. The wall on that end is kind of a white plastic that would reflect light a little and she did not like it. Annabelle tends to be much spookier when she is going to the right. My theory is that she prefers to weight her right side, and therefore that is the side she is prone to flee towards. So when we're going right, she is seeing more on the left side that she begins to feel insecure and wants to run away. Putting her in haunches in seems to help with it for whatever reason.

Tesla has had a few days off of riding as it's been too wet for turnout and I prefer to stay in one piece. Prior to that I played with a little sitting trot on her with good results, but oy, I need to get my core strength back! The last couple rides on Annabelle have been tough after a super ride last Friday. Yesterday I lunged her and she was a wild child so I am feeling pretty comfortable that she is not lame/foot sore. I was down for the count today after getting a covid booster yesterday, but hoping to be back at it tomorrow as I have a lesson scheduled this weekend.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:15 am

Mountaineer since Potters is ok standing walking and trotting through the corner have you tried making a transition from canter to walk or trot before the scary part (well before) then back to canter after the scary part then gradually shortening the time in the new gait? Of similar concept that you are thinking of employing with cutting some of the arena.

Don’t forget to breath too!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Dec 10, 2021 5:52 am

His eyesight was checked in his PPE, but I've also considered whether there's a floatie or something going on in that left eye that didn't show up. He's no remotely spooky to handle on the ground, however. If this persists, I will get it looked at, though. There is a good veterinary ophthalmologist in town.

We'll have below freezing temps and snow cascading off the roof tomorrow which will provide yet another source of distraction, I'm sure! And they pressure washed the walls in there the other day, which will have made things different again.

I need to do that, Khall. I think it might help him realize it's not going to eat him. (and breathing would probably help, too, I was thinking about singing through it, but don't want to traumatize the poor beast.)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Fri Dec 10, 2021 2:34 pm

Following the behavior as communication conversation-- hard to disagree with it, but there is a bit of a difference in how you address behaviors depending on the cause. The spooking-in-the-corner example is a good one: depending on what's causing the spook (if even there is anything, because horses are horses), the "right" reaction could be:
- vetcheck ASAP! Eyes and/or outside hind/stifle/hip could be causing a twinge.
- Work in the rest of the arena; rest in the corner: rehabituate and make the corner a more inviting place to be
- Use as big half-halt practice: channel that sideways and out-of-connection energy to upward/carrying energy (this actually worked wonders on my very spooky Dutch harness horse gelding. Started with a spookmaster, ended with really reliable passage).

I do think that there's a bit of an adrenaline rush that accompanies spooking, which can feel rewarding to some thrill-seeking horses. But it's possible that I'm anthropomorphizing.

Queso and I keep trucking along. Have been spending the last week or so improving the separation between the two hind legs in the canter in both space and tempo (i.e. longer strides and also more distinct rhythm). It's helping the engagement tons, but is hard work! So the poor little guy and I are going to take it easy today and tomorrow with wandering around the property on trails and resume the body building work next week.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:08 pm

interesting discussion--I have been reading and following along.

One of the things I always strive for in a relationship with a horse is getting better at understanding what my horses are communicating to me via their behaviors. Like Junior, RP needs his teeth done more often than the average horse to stay comfortable. But in the beginning I wanted to say 'well, it can't be his teeth, they were just done a few months ago!'. Now, I know that certain behaviors pretty much always mean he needs a float even if it's only been 3-6 months since the last one. As a result the behavior has also gotten less extreme. Is this because I'm catching it faster? Or is it because RP has come to trust that he is being listened to? Or a combination of both? Either way, as annoying as it is to have his teeth done 2-3 times a year, I am grateful for this refined communication making it possible for me to give him what he needs.

MM is more challenging because in general she is a more stoic horse. So it can be harder to fully understand her communications. Even though I have had her for longer and our communication should be more evolved. Her default behavior is pretty much always the same and can be communicating any number of things. Also because she is in general more stoic when it comes to physical things I just have to be proactive. She's not going to have loud behaviors to say the saddle fit is off--I just have to check. She's not going to have loud behaviors to say her teeth need to be done--I just have to check.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:10 pm

Queso and I keep trucking along. Have been spending the last week or so improving the separation between the two hind legs in the canter in both space and tempo (i.e. longer strides and also more distinct rhythm). It's helping the engagement tons, but is hard work!

How are you doing this?

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:41 pm

About a month ago I finally sent in another T3 test to virtual horse sport and had it coached by Lisa Schmidt. One of her comments was: canter needs more jump and elasticity, for more clear 3 beat rhythm. Also, canter needs more scope, especially a to the right. Also, canter needs more freedom. When I asked if her canter could be improved she essentially said yes:

Any horse can be made better from dressage gymnastics and basics. Sometimes asking for the movements which are from collected gaits, help improve carrying on the hindquarters. Schooling shoulder ins, travers, renvers at trot and canter can improve strength and balance.”

Anyway, I’ve been working away at legyeilds and today I’m going to Pivo them. I have done LY’s and other lateral work with Rocky haphazardly for a long time. Now however, I am doing it systematically, for precision and correctness.

About my virtual test, I wanted to get Melissa Creswick again so I could compare to the first time she judged that test, but apparently she was unavailable. I was happy with Lisa Schmidt anyway. The score was improved from the last time (63.4something to 65.83). While 2 tests aren’t enough to draw much conclusion from, the comments I got from both judges were right on, and very helpful. I am tentatively planning on doing this regularly. I am hoping we’ll go through First MUCH quicker than Training. The things in First (T and C lengthenings, LY’s, shallow canter loops) are already much better after having spent a year just trying to improve Training level. I’ve tried everything from First recently, even the booger lengthenings, and have been excited about how she was doing them. I’ve mentally learned all 3 First tests and now I need to start riding them (and videoing) in complete form.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:46 pm

As usual, lots of interesting discussion here when I finally come by to catch up! I'm another one of the rest/easy work near scary things---once we establish basic trust that the scary thing is not literally going to eat us. I have a sensitive, fairly spooky mare and it does not work to push her into scary space. It does work to respect her reaction (however briefly; could be a transition or shoulder in away from the scary thing or voice encouragement of "you can do it" + back to work transition). The next encounter, after I've shown her I "got her back" is always much better. For people used to making a horse approach the scary thing or just power through it, my way seems weak. However, I've learned that with a fearful horse who needs clear leadership, she needs to see that I'm paying attention and that I truly have the situation in hand.

Demi, FWIW on canter development, I was struck by how much taking more time getting Emi's trot stronger (with lateral work at walk and then trot) helped us then get back to a good canter in our rehab process. We actually couldn't just canter to get there. Emi is not a horse who wants to be on her forehand in canter---I think it is actually uncomfortable for her. Some horses are "happy" to run away on the forehand in canter. For Emi the stronger she is (with that good trot work basis), the more she can truly carry a good balance in canter--and feel comfortable cantering and being adjusted at the canter.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:48 pm

piedmontfields wrote:Demi, FWIW on canter development, I was struck by how much taking more time getting Emi's trot stronger (with lateral work at walk and then trot) helped us then get back to a good canter in our rehab process. We actually couldn't just canter to get there. Emi is not a horse who wants to be on her forehand in canter---I think it is actually uncomfortable for her. Some horses are "happy" to run away on the forehand in canter. For Emi the stronger she is (with that good trot work basis), the more she can truly carry a good balance in canter--and feel comfortable cantering and being adjusted at the canter.

I find this to be true of Brandon's canter as well. It's funny in a way because I've ridden so many of 'one type' for so long that he presents a very different feel though one familiar from my long ago past. He likes to 'hit the bit' and GO like in my breezing/exercising days; but he's not flat at all. He is very, very up in front and using his hind end. He tires quickly because of this so he isn't able to sustain a canter much more than a 20-meter circle or perhaps once all the way around my arena. Fortunately for me he is this way because otherwise I think we'd have more issues that would prove difficult for me to manage. I am finding that the more balancing and suppling work I spend and use in the trot, his canter gets closer and closer to being correct as opposed to just baby green wavering between being balanced or simply falling off the edge. He's caught on very quickly that I won't let him just run and throw himself into the canter........and I don't think it's just 'my' training at work here but his natural tendencies to prefer to be more lifted in front. Thank goodness he's so far been very easy to keep up and open which is more where I like to have them for a long time before insisting that they really start to come through in more of a down and round way like I see so many insist imo too early.

Demi, congrats on the progress. I am finding that for Junior now that I'm focusing on getting more collection in the canter, his elasticity is improving. I am doing more and more lateral work at the canter which is really helping especially when I focus and demand total control of the shoulders. In an odd way it is helping with my right rein issue - though for me I have to make visual adjustments and need to be careful not to look down too much. I have a lesson on him tomorrow with my friend and then next Friday I get to ride with our coach in a clinic; so, my goal is for her to see improvement since the state championships - ie, like we are demonstrating more of the skills that a third level horse should possess.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:46 pm

This morning brought 'cold' temps that we haven't seen in over a year, low 40s. The sun came out and it was absolutely gorgeous. I rode Brandon in our arena and despite the cool temps and the fact that my 'wealthy' neighbor had men on the roof and downing poles to hang lights as well as two crews putting up bouncy type houses, and other blow-up stuff for today's birthday party for her son, Brandon went to work like a real trooper. We listened and watched as the generators and blowers took to their jobs and the huge green and red 'castle' grew to what looked like two stories. He wasn't even intrigued. I then took Junior out on a trail ride alone, just the two of us. We trotted and cantered most of the 4 miles. I was surprised though pleased with his lack of tension, solid tempo that wasn't rushed. His back was soft and he was forward, consistently throughout the ride no matter the lead, diagonal, etc. The connection was really nice and we worked on elasticity that he freely gave. We really enjoyed our ride and time together. NOW if I can only recreate that in the arena, and yes, I realize that the onus is all on me.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Dec 11, 2021 9:55 pm

Demi, That sounds like the test went really well and you got useful comments which is the best! You're making me think about trying these virtual shows too!

Today I did a hunter jumper show. I nearly had a panic attack before going in but we put in a good round doing the pile of poles hunters and equitation. We came away with the first place ribbon at what was a surprisingly decent size show turnout. The equitation the trainer accidentally forgot to tell me about one pole so I missed out on that class but I thought it went just as well if not better! Lynx got a tiny bit tight in the warm up as the atmosphere was much more than what we were used too but when we both started showing he really seemed to enjoy himself! And I was told that throughout the spectator stands we were getting tons of compliments from people so that's always sweet.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sat Dec 11, 2021 10:09 pm

Aww exvet I had a smile from just reading that. That feeling of Junior just trucking along really came across, here's to getting it in the ring!

Well done LSP and Demi!

We've had a quiet rest week of NQR left hind, thinking she just did a minor tweak. We're in the nasty muddy/frozen rutty ground part of winter so it's not surprising. A little equioxx/robaxin and she's come right on the lunge after a few days. I'm not crazed about it because I'm saddle-less at the moment anyway! Saddle fitter came on tuesday and yup Kora's back has changed drastically from April and even a bit since she saw her in August. Saddle is with her for tree adjustment, we're grounded until it returns so for once the timing works.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:17 pm

Thanks for the encouraging comments, everyone!

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:Demi, That sounds like the test went really well and you got useful comments which is the best! You're making me think about trying these virtual shows too!

Thanks, LSP!

The thing that I personally find most helpful about Virtualhorsesport.com is that you can ride a test and have it scored and coached by one of several USEF judges. There are several judges with high ratings to choose from. An experienced judge has an eye that can quickly zero in on where improvements can be made, and they know just how to communicate it without confusing the issue by a lot of “extra” explanation. Certainly “real” shows are helpful in training but my area only has one rated two- day show a year and for most others I’d have to travel at least 3 hours each way. I don’t find that very enjoyable. We have several schooling shows but for the effort, I’d rather do virtual with a rated judge than a “real” schooling show with a learner judge (and I am NOT criticizing learner judges, it’s just a different experience). Again, a lot depends on your individual needs. Schooling shows are great for preparing for rated shows. I will also add that riding a test in front of a video camera still brings on the nerves! Each time I record a test though, I get less nervous. Oh, and I have to memorize tests because I don’t have anyone to read for me. Memorizing helps me in day to day training because it gives my riding a flow and a focus that I don’t always have on my own. And just one more thing, when getting coaching versus competing on Virtualhorsesport.com, you don’t have to set the camera to include the whole arena, in other words, you can use the zoom lens on your camera.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Dec 12, 2021 3:39 am

I don't want to jinx anything, but Tesla has been on the loading dose of GutX for a week, and she has been quite happy the last two days. We didn't do much today because it was cold and blustery, but she doesn't feel as stuck when we start trotting, and stepped out of her few stall outs pretty easily and without argument. She was up at the front of the stall ready to come out today, rather than peeking at me through the stall door from her pen. I have everything crossed that the trend continues!

I also had a nice ride on Annabelle tonight. The outdoor footing is OK for Tesla right now, but I think it was too uneven for Annabelle as she's a chunky monkey on smallish feet that punch right through the soft spots. We rode indoors and did lots of lateral work. Getting some nice T/C transitions using LY head to the wall, then a touch of renvers before the transition. Lessons were canceled this weekend due to road conditions, but hopefully my instructor will make it down next weekend, as she's heading back to California soon. We're supposed to be seeing some colder temps next week, so the outdoor will probably freeze and everyone will be vying for the indoor, so I'll be getting up at the crack of doom to go out and try to get something done with the girls before work on the week days.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Sun Dec 12, 2021 3:50 am

Im going to post a vid of one of our leg-yields from yesterday. They felt better they day before, but I didnt video that day. I have been working the leg-yields for the last few days in a row and I think by yesterday she was tired. I’m also posting another vid from yesterday and watching it gave me a clue that she really was tired. In the second vid I had started to feel her hind legs trailing and asked her to step under. She tried but she just couldn’t fold them anymore. I gave her today off and will either give her tomorrow off, or just go on a non-working trail ride (as in no hills).



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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:53 pm

demi--Just some feedback on the leg yield. She seemed very willing, But I think you could make it even a little easier by pulling your inside elbow back and thinking about shifting your weight to the outside hip each step.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:47 am

I was wondering how the GutX was going, SF. I've been contemplating it for Potters, but I wonder if it will freeze in our uninsulated feed room, which would be a PITA.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Dec 13, 2021 2:09 am

Demi, you guys always impress me!

SF, glad the GUTX might be helping! I've wondered.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Dec 13, 2021 2:28 am

Tanga wrote:demi--Just some feedback on the leg yield. She seemed very willing, But I think you could make it even a little easier by pulling your inside elbow back and thinking about shifting your weight to the outside hip each step.

Thanks, Tanga. That’s an interesting thought. Ive been so focused on my inside leg that I havent even thought about my outside hip. I’ll think about it and try it tomorrow. Also, I am getting the inside flexion with my hand, and maybe bringing the inside elbow back would be better….hmmmm..

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Dec 13, 2021 2:29 am

Awww, thanks LSP.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Dec 13, 2021 2:31 am

Hope the new diet helps Potters, and the gutX helps Tesla. These horses!!!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:22 am

Moutaineer wrote:I was wondering how the GutX was going, SF. I've been contemplating it for Potters, but I wonder if it will freeze in our uninsulated feed room, which would be a PITA.

It might be OK. The stuff is pretty viscous. Maybe in super cold temps it would be a problem, but I don't think it will freeze right at 30f.

Demi, nice video. The little kick in the second video made me laugh. Annabelle does the same when she's had enough.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:58 am

demi wrote:
Tanga wrote:demi--Just some feedback on the leg yield. She seemed very willing, But I think you could make it even a little easier by pulling your inside elbow back and thinking about shifting your weight to the outside hip each step.

Thanks, Tanga. That’s an interesting thought. Ive been so focused on my inside leg that I havent even thought about my outside hip. I’ll think about it and try it tomorrow. Also, I am getting the inside flexion with my hand, and maybe bringing the inside elbow back would be better….hmmmm..

Yes. When you focus on the inside leg, sometimes you end up weighting the inside. The inside hand/shoulder back and what I think of schooching over in time with the trot helps the horse move towards the weight. Personally, I have had a huge issue wit overbending to the inside, so I also need to think of using my outside rein to keep straightness /

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Dec 13, 2021 4:14 am

Tanga, great tips, I think I'll use them as well!!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:21 pm

"I have had a huge issue wit overbending to the inside, so I also need to think of using my outside rein to keep straightness " to quote Tanga.

I agree with this, I think it's so common. if you focus too.much on inside bend the outside shoulder leads and you do not get the desired crossing over behind.

it is what makes lateral work complicated. its the interaction of three corresponding aids. inside flexion, inside leg and outside rein. it's much too complicated to add a fourth. most people have trouble doing 3vthings well. and you cannot just make one automatic because the amount of aid each time differs for every stride, never mind every time.

and on top of that first priority is tempo, so while the rider is considering inside leg, horses response. inside flexion, horses response,, outside rein and weight horses response they also have to monitor loss of tempo. then you have instructors who claim that you can only affect the horse if you add the leg in the exact moment the horses hoof leaves the ground.

( I subscribe that you add the aid based on the horses response, because if you add an aid and do not get the response and you cease the aid ( because the horse puts its foot down) you are actually teaching the horse to slam its foot down to avoid the aid.

my theory is you add the least amount if aid to get the correct response. so if I add the inside leg, horse does not go sideways, increase inside leg til horse responds. most of the time the flexion, degree of cross over and tempo are all governed by the outside rein. outside rein too long, horse overheads, outside rein too short, not enough flexion . outside rein too heavy, loss of tempo. that's why you hear so much about inside leg to outside rein. BUT the inside rein has to.maintain connection because ultimately reaching to the inside rein creates length of neck and room for the stride behind.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Dec 13, 2021 2:07 pm

demi wrote:
Queso and I keep trucking along. Have been spending the last week or so improving the separation between the two hind legs in the canter in both space and tempo (i.e. longer strides and also more distinct rhythm). It's helping the engagement tons, but is hard work!

How are you doing this?

You've gotten some great advice upthread and from the judges' feedback. What I'll add is that my QH benefits from exercises that the warmbloods I've ridden in the past didn't (and vice versa). E.g.: we can counter canter all day but it will just make the canter quicker.

What has helped the most lately, in order of "easier" to harder:

Controversial to some, but LY in the canter in SF positioning. Needing to cross the inside hind over the outside links the "you have to have more time between these two footfalls" idea to the horse. Can encourage the horse to lean on the outside shoulder (which is why I'd recommend shoulder-fore positioning)-- so watch out for that.

Counter canter down the long side. Develop renvers to the arena (effectively haunches-in to the direction of the lead). Change flexion but not angle to the center of the arena (shoulder-in positioning, relative to the arena, haunches-out relative to the lead). Maintain same tempo regardless of bend and flexion. Has a tendency to want to get quick here but if you can keep the tempo the same, you'll start seeing big steps behind (vs close and tight). Repeat as necessary, but give a nice big walk break after (this is hard work!).

Ride a large square (> 40m x 40m if you can get it) in the canter. In the corners, quarter-pirouette feeling (really get the outside hind tucked underneath the center of gravity). Leave the corner in medium canter but keep the same tempo as the quarter-pirouette-y corner. Rinse, repeat.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:20 pm

Thank you , Ponichiwa, for the well described exercises! It’s especially helpful to hear it from you because dressage on a QH sometimes requires a little different approach. I’ve saved your post for future reference.

At this point, I feel I could start with exercise #1. I appreciate the shoulder-fore recommendation as Rocky does have a tendency to balance on the shoulders when things get difficult for her. I will do the exercise in small chunks at first, just 2-3 LY steps at a time. And I will video my attempts as having a visual of my own actual attempts is very informative…

Exercise #2 is a long way away for us as I am only just starting CC with the “shallow loop” movement from test First 3.

My gut feeling is that exercise #3 is one we may be able to do sooner than #2 but I will try it first in the pasture where I can make a little larger than 40m square.

Thanks again!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Dec 13, 2021 4:22 pm

Demi-- I don't know if the walk is a strength for your horse or not, but if so: I get a lot of value out of turn on the haunches and halfpass within the walk. You can practice the hind-end control in both tempo and positioning in a gait without the stress/tension of suspension, which helps A LOT in the canter work. So even when I'm cooling off in the walk, I tend to do quite a bit of turns on the haunches or halfpass to keep that "outside hind stepping under" idea fresh in Queso's mind.

If your horse is tense in the walk, disregard the above as it can add tension to an already fragile gait.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:49 pm

Great discussion as always! Demi you and Rocky look fantastic! Exvet, i'm glad you and Junior got to have some "alone" time where you could play out on the trails. The horses always come back so refreshed after a hack day like that. Jingles for Aleuronx's Kora. AND congratulations, Lipsmacker on your show!! SF, jingles that GutX continues to help extinguish Tesla's "issues" and that Annabelle stays sound this winter. :)

I didn't ride but I am thrilled to announce that for the first year, Tio had his shoes pulled and has NOT gotten sore feet nor any abscesses even with the on/off winter weather wreaking havoc with the ground (ice, mud, lumps, soft spots etc) as usual.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:45 am

Sue B wrote:
I didn't ride but I am thrilled to announce that for the first year, Tio had his shoes pulled and has NOT gotten sore feet nor any abscesses even with the on/off winter weather wreaking havoc with the ground (ice, mud, lumps, soft spots etc) as usual.

Now that's a reason to party. Popping the cork now!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:00 pm

Great to see the updates and the discussion.

Curious to hear how the GutX continues to go, SF--I see ads for it constantly but don't know anyone else who has tried it yet.

MM and I have had some better sessions but still something is not quite right when I am riding her. She is a bit more responsive, but right now it feels like she is very reluctant to move forward into contact. However, when I lunge her, double lunge, or long line her, this isn't a problem and she comes through in my hand, so I am inclined to think that it's not something phyiscal going on with her. But I do have the bodyworker coming out this week, so let's see what she thinks. In the mean time, I think I will do as much ground work as possible to ensure I am building strength and consistency in going forward into my hand.

RP is doing well, I have been focused on lots of transitions to build that strength hoping lots of transitions between gaits will help get us better at the transitions within gaits. Recently I started playing with w-c-w with alternating leads along the rail to make sure my aids and his response to those aids are clear and precise. I also need to spend some time on the canter loops in 1-3. At the last show I got the comment from the judge that I had too much bend in my loop, so I need to practice riding him straighter. One thing that I have found interesting is that while lateral work at the trot is still a bit of a struggle, lateral work at the canter is quite easy. So, I think he does understand lateral aids, we are justt not quite able to string things together at the trot.

I didn't think I was going to get any lessons in this month, but there's a chance I might be able to squeeze in a spot this weekend. I just need to decide which horse to take. I am definitely feeling like I need more help with MM at the moment, but I'm also wondering if I need a bit more time working her on the ground and making sure there isn't something else going on before I take her for a lesson.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:11 pm

Flight wrote:Chisamba, never delete your posts! It may feel like people are challenging your responses, but for me looking in I get so much out of the discussion. I totally agree that behaviour is communication and this has been an awesome turn around in my view on training.

Right, this is just a discussion....Of course I'm challenging them only in the sense that I didn't fully agree. And that is ok....we are all bringing our own unique views. I'm not challenging you personally. You come from a animal behavior standpoint (as in studying behavior in great detail) and I'm a professional massage therapist for horses (ie very focused on physical motivations, restrictions, muscle cues) so we have slightly different focus in our POV but in the end we consider all the factors. that might explain my reasoning.

Also, We've had a history of miscommunication back to 2007, so it is what it is and I've moved on..... we all want what is best for our horses.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Dec 14, 2021 9:33 pm

Blob, I hope you get MM figured out! But I'm glad RP is going so well for you.
Sue B, yay for no sore feet on Tio!! That is always great after pulling shoes near winter time.

Lynx had Sunday mostly off (just did light groundwork)since the show was Saturday. And he had yesterday off as I was too busy to make it out.

I rode today and he was a bit of a baby. Which I suppose is fair! Just a bit distracted and wanting to spook a little bit at things that we had already walked past 20 times. Lol He also seems to be getting a little funny in the contact the last week. He has moments of feeling great and then moments of wanting to curl BTV or just straight up leaning and wanting to be on the forehand. I saw that he looks like he's trying to lose one of his front caps So that might be why. I was thinking of having my vet out to check teeth anyways.

Apparently we are going to get winds up to 75 mile per hour tomorrow. The barn is trying to prepare the best they can. I hope everything is okay. Obviously there will be no barn time tomorrow...

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:02 pm

I had a lovely day, sort of. I managed to get some christmas decorations up at the barn, which is very cheeful and makes me happy. The horses are all coming along, we have been dealing with mud, so scratches and i have been doing extra feet cleaning and foot maintenance on every single horse. ( there are 18 in my care) it has also been cold overnight and then unseasonably warm during the day, so its blanket on, blanket off, blanket on. Despite that the horses are doing well with riding. Maybe being a bit tired is not the worst thing, i am a bit more laid back about riding and it is having a positive effect. Cali is actually beginning to collect in canter, and take less then a full circle to come back from medium to collection. doing it within a stride is not yet achieved. I am still fluffing around with the idea of putting Saiph in a double. I have her in a bridoon with the loose caveson nose band, as opposed to the figure of eight we had all year. I cannot decide if to ride her with just the weymouth for a few rides and then both, or to just leap directly to two. I have done it either way in the past. anyone else do the weymouth similar to a pelham before going to both?

Kimba and I have mostly been having fun, hacking around, playing with harder schooling, but genuinely playing with it. My friend says she looks like a fine porcelain carousel horse. I love all the horses, but Kimba is a special one.

Day of the horse came and went, and Khall remarked that she used it to remember and celebrate past horses . That is a nice thought. I hope you all enjoyed day of the horse

anyway to finish my day, i ran out of gas, while i was walking to the barn, my phone which was in an inside pocket of my vest, jumped out and swam away under the road into the culvert. I have a smart watch and i tried to track it down but the blue tooth abruptly died, and so i assume my phone did too, somewhere in the water under the road. Its a fairly serious loss, because it is the reciever for my blood glucose monitor which in turn controls my insulin pump, so i guess i will have to try and replace that tonight. what a waste of money.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:05 am

Oh, Chisamba! How annoying! And such a waste of time and money.

Really windy here the last couple of days. Makes for aseriously clangy bangy indoor arena. I rode yesterday, kept it short and positive, and no-one died.

Today trainer rode and for once I actually got to sit and watch, which is very helpful for me, and it's good for him to be reminded of what he can do. He was a really good boy despite the racket going on, with one giant and legitimate spook at a huge lump of ice crashing off the arena roof, but he went straight back to work. He's a bit tense with her in "the corner" but she worked through it and he was fine, so it's me, of course.

Watching him being ridden I can see how much top line and hind end muscle he is developing--still a lot more to go, but he's looking so much better. We'll see how the new diet works out for him. With that in mind, she played with a little bit of passage and piaffe today for a few moments. You can see he's not strong enough yet to sustain it, but the correct mechanics are there for both of them, which is kind of exciting.

So, all in all an inspiring little session, watching my horse do wonderful things well.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Wed Dec 15, 2021 5:28 am

Sounds like good reports from all! Sue B that’s awesome Tio can go barefoot. I tried with Rip when I quit riding him and he got foot sore. I had to put front shoes back on. Georgia clay and all the rain we had this summer was hard on all their feet.

Chisamba thanks for the kudos re day of the horse. I know we’ve all had many go before that put us on our paths it is good to acknowledge them for as you say they are our greatest teachers.

LSP ah baby brain! It happens even to the best of them.

Mountaineer what fun to watch Potters dance! I find it amusing though you are trying to put weight and muscle on Potters while mine are perpetually on a diet! Soaked hay forage based diet:). I can say now that the grass is gone Joplin and Gaila have lost a few pounds! It’s hard caring for easy keepers in the south where the grass grows like weeds.

Joplin is still just a blast. Working on her trot HP today and had some lovely moments. She was funny the medium trot got her kind of revved up so she was kind of full of herself for Joplin which just meant she would step into canter when I was asking for medium trot or get big and floaty trot where I can feel and my friend could see the passage she has in her. I did end up getting some lovely medium trot as well. She’s just such an overachiever I have to be clear in what I am asking. I also got some lovely active piaffe in hand. Just a few then left it alone.

Last week was such a rainy week could not get too much done. DH and I also went out of town celebrating our 29 th wedding anniversary so the weekend was a get away from the farm overnight:). We got some of the weather that hit KY but ours was just rain. Thankfully Cedar missed the worst of it as well though it came close. Damaged the local airport to them. Heartbreaking for KY
Last edited by khall on Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:08 am

So sorry about the phone Chisamba...to an otherwise good day :? .

Well, winter appears to have finally arrived. We had an inch of wet snow today. Most melted today but it is supposed to freeze hard tonight. Buggers.
I knew there would be no indoor. Now I am trying to dream up exercises to do in her stall and the barn aisle. I want to try using my Theragun on her...especially her right hind where she kicked the fence. She is still swollen...sound but swollen and I thought the vibration might mobilze some of that fluid. I will certainly start on a larger muscle mass where I won't get kicked in the head ;) . I can also do her SureFoot pads.

Today, I hiked her up the hill and turned her out in a paddock that was still snowy and she got a couple good rolling sessions without turning into a mudball. Then we went to the soggy arena and I did a bunch of in-hand work with her at the walk on the lunge line. I just kept requesting different stuff like stepping across with the hinds, then stepping across with the fronts, leg yields on a single line. She read my body language right most of the time. It was kind of fun. Then I arranged the line as a long rein and we did some more LY, some SI and I asked for half steps a couple times. Then we went to the driveway and worked on her Spanish walk and we finished up with 3 sets of backing 10 steps up an incline. I have noticed her right stifle being a little 'hitchy' again. I was afraid of that with so much stall time hence the backing up exercise. We will do that daily as long as it isn't icy. Once she has access to her run, which at this point looks a long way off, I think she will strengthen that back up. She has about an 8 inch step up into her stall which should strengthen things up. I also plan on hitting the trails/hills in the spring when things dry out. Alas, right now her run is a pond and soon an ice skating rink and they are shut out of currently.

I have gotten some nice rides in prior to today. I am still amazed at her transition from being out 24/7 to being primarily stall bound. She does get daily turnout but I have noticed when I turn her out, she tends to just stand at the gate. Silly girl, really seems to like her little box. This barn is really calm and all the horses seem content which I think helps a lot.

Now if I could just get my left hip straightened out. My PCP was going to give me a referral to an ortho surgeon. Just waiting for that to get lined out. I really don't think it is the joint. I am thinking bursitis but it is going on 3 months and we need to figure it out. I would like to walk pain free for at least a couple days? Am I asking too much? I don't think so ;) .

Happy riding all.


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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Dec 15, 2021 5:09 pm

Chisamba, thanks for sharing the lovely post, but bummer about the phone. I hate wasting money It's just a thing with me so I feel your pain. It's not even about not having enough money it's just the act of wasting it that gets me! Or same with materials too. But that's life...

Khall, I'm glad Joplin is going so well. She always sounds like such a fun ride!! And yep, baby days happen. Of course I had an idea in my head of some things I wanted to work on and we kind of had to abandon that. I'm not sure if I ever fully got them where I wanted him at the end of the ride but we worked on transitions which is never a bad thing.

We had a gusty morning but right now it's quiet... They say it might circle back around but we will see. Either way it's the trainer's day to ride him. Although I did let her know that if it was too windy and not safe to ride today to of course not worry about it.

Kyra's mom, I am contemplating asking for one of those massage guns for both me and Lynx for Christmas. I'm curious if he might really enjoy it as I think he gets a little tight in his hind end.
I sure hope you can get your hip figured out. That's no fun and it is truly a hard area to be having issues.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Dec 16, 2021 1:01 am

To follow on the WB vs. QH/Iberian/short back types: Thanks, Ponichiwa. I, too, am a total fan of "leg yield"/plié at the canter for separating the hinds and changing the SI understanding in the horse. Also love simple walk pirouettes and walk shoulder in /travers / half pass as a relative of this work.

I will add that when my uphill horse does not feel uphill, I totally tap on top of the butt for a reaction. My mare is kind enough to simply buck/protest/perform---so proceed with caution in your situation! :-)

In general, for my dear short-backed mare, I'm always thinking about curving extra into a direction and releasing into freedom and more length over her frame. This is our routine warm up, in mild ways, and our work in more direct ways. I think bend/compress/release a lot. I feel like Rocky (Demi's mare) has some echoes of this.

p.s. Chiasamba, I love how you describe Kimba. It is truly how I feel physically and emotionally about Emi!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:25 pm

Piedmont, I enjoyed your post. I too, liked Chisamba’s description of how she feels about Kimba. And I also much appreciate your realationship with Emi. A unique aspect of this board is that we’ve been able to “get to know” the horses over a period of time. Lately, I’ve been looking for Susan’s posts because I’m so enjoying Kyra’s response to stall life. I wouldn’t enjoy her accounts the way I do if I hadn’t known so much about the mare and her person! Of course, I like reading the accounts of all or the horses and their people on this board.

Oh, and I think you’re right about how Rocky’s work routine goes. There is a lot of compressing, then asking, then releasing. A LOT of release in the form of stretching head and neck out and down, just for a few strides. I’ve only recently realized that she can actually bend both ways quite well when I set her up for it. That surprised me because of her short back. The problem comes when sh has to bend and keep her hind legs under at the same time. Keeping the hind legs well and consistently under is where I feel she needs the release often. Even in a leg yield where there is only flexion but no bend, she still needs a release afterwards.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:34 am

I too love this board for simply the sheer pleasure of being able to appreciate the relationships we each have with our respective horses. I talk to so many people who just don't 'get' the connection and relationship that develops between a human and horse. I had to put down my 13-year-old dog last weekend. It was tough; and it helped to have so many who understood my loss. My coming 16-year-old JRT is the last of a an 'era' so-to-speak and his time isn't too far off. I bring this up because for so many of us who keep our horses well into old age (and for those of us who sell them to friends so we can still be close) the relationship between human and horse I think is similar but different for the one reason that horses often live longer. So many of us have or will have had our horses for 20, 25, 30 years......geesh the inevitable loss is well, unfathomable. I've had to put down one of my heart horses and that was so difficult; but, as always it was the kindest gift I could extend at the time. This board allows us to really feel the connection others have with their horses so when there is a loss it's more than palpable..........as a vet who has long time close clients, it's similar to when I have to help one of theirs over the rainbow bridge. It's hard but it's an honor in so many ways. I apologize for the grim topic; but it highlights the best part of horse ownership..... I honestly feel honored to be in the [virtual] presence of those who truly understand the bond that we each develop with our horse. We may agree to disagree on specific training topics et al but in the end, I'm truly honored and I admire each and every one of you for your love and enthusiasm you have for the relationship with your equine partners. This board inspires far beyond the scope of dressage. Happy Holidays!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:00 am

Agree, Exvet. Its been a tough couple of years in my horse world. I've lost two, rehomed one, and retired one who were all hugely important parts of my life, for a long period of time, and while, yes, life goes on, I'm still mourning each one of them. Most people just don't get that. You folks do.

And for that, much thanks.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:06 pm

I too feel immense gratitude for you all and for you sharing your journey with your equine partner(s). While there are training principles and approaches that we all work with, I love that we also have unique experiences and appreciations of what we learn along the way.

I've been meaning to write that Susan's Kyra's enjoyment of her new digs reminds me so much of Emi! Emi is happy in turnout but she is also very pleased about having an excellent stall with kind staff attending and with interesting neighbors and a view. When I first moved her to this rather posh place ~5-6 years ago, she basically hopped off the trailer, took a quick look around and said "this is my kind of place." Mares---they know what they want!! :lol:

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