Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:00 pm

What SF said, Blob!

You should be very proud of yourself and RP for getting out there and doing it AND getting respectable scores.

Was Foy at C? It's such a different view than the side view.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:16 pm

Blob, from what I know and have seen from Gary Rockwell, I would hold his comments very highly!! Congratulations!! Sounds like a tough show but you still did so well!! I hope we get some photos?

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:42 pm

Holy Cow! Well done Blob (and RP). You should be very proud of yourself and your pony. As Moutaineer said, sometimes it depends on where the judge is sitting what scores you get. Also, at least at the clinic, Gary Rockwell was equally attentive to and complementary of the GRP's, so less about flashy gaits than some. I haven't shown under Janet Foy in a long time, but I do recall liking that she used the whole scale of numbers when she judged.

I rode this weekend again. Both boys were on fire Saturday, with Rudy not even making it off the property before powering up. It took a about 1.5 miles of trotting before he finally settled down a bit. Bear in mind, he rarely misbehaves, and he was not misbehaving Saturday...just very vocal and very tense. So my quick ride down the road turned into a 45 minute or so adventure through desert and farm ground. Back in the sandbox, he was still forward, but now also soft and supple. A real joy to ride. Tio never made it off the property despite my lunging him prior to getting on. he was just too "on-the-muscle" for me to feel safe going down the road. Otoh, he eventually gave me some good work in the arena and DID NOT buck, spin or spook even once. I consider that ann absolute win. Both boys were considerably more mellow on Sunday as it was warmer and not windy. Tio got to ride out in the field across the way on a long rein in the walk, which he really enjoyed. It was a great warm-up and he remained supple in his back throughout our arena work. This allowed me to not only work on the canter some more, but I was also able to work on trot lengthenings and t-h-t.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:52 pm

Moutaineer wrote:Was Foy at C? It's such a different view than the side view.

She was at H. C and H booths were right next to each other (H was on the short side, not on the long side). Rockwell was at E. Wysocki and C. I think I must have just been doing/not doing some of the things she is very particular about. I do wish I got more comments from her to help clarify, but it is ok! That is why we have multiple judges for championship classes. I did find it interesting that she seemed to be the outlier in many of the tests.

It definitely was not the best test we've ridden this year. But still one I am proud of--especially proud of how well he listened. A lot of the showing learning curve for me is still managing nerves and finding the right balance of how much to push within a test, knowing there is risk. For example, do I put on more leg to get the better connection even though he is feeling hotter and maybe I will lose some relaxation? I erred on conservative, but as we show more, I will learn how to manage all of this better! There were some very talented horses and riders there so I am honored that we were there and that RP was received well. He got between 7-7.5 on gaits from all the judges and while I don't doubt there were 8 and 9 movers in attendance, it definitely didn't feel like any judge didn't think he was capable.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:05 pm

Congrats Blob on what sounds like a mostly fun and successful trip!! It can always be a mixed bag of weather in November but good on ya for going out there and doing it.

I'm trying to remember my auditing of the L Program years ago but I vaguely remember discussion of difficult judging spots and H rings the bell as one of them. You're not quite straight on for anything but set on an angle for the entire test. And yep, that's why multiple judges for championship classed. But well done you!!

Moutaineer, Kora is a 6 yr old. Very much in the teetering moment of having to do 'hard work' in the transition from baby riding to grown up. It's all part of the process and I know I will have a very fun and nice 8-9 yr old at the end of it. At least I keep telling myself that. (No more baby horses, no more baby horses...)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:17 pm

YAY!! Blob and RP. I think it’s so exciting that you’re showing AND doing well at the national level. Thanks for sharing your experience. As I was reading your description about the blustery weather and scary arena I felt my stomach flip! Even the 6 hour drive to and from adds to the stress, but it sounds like you and pony are figuring it out. Again, YAY!! (And, of course, don’t forget posting pics when you’ve unwound a bit!)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Nov 15, 2021 6:29 pm

https://www.facebook.com/113430362040/p ... /?sfnsn=mo Blob, is that you and RP lunging? What a trot!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:52 pm

I was tracking your scores and hoped you would score as well in the championship as you did in the regular class.

In my experience with Foy she has certain criteria that affect her scoring so it is possible that you simply did not ride as accurately as she would like. for example she likes a rider to show a difference between how they cut the corner when riding a 20 m circle versus using the corner when riding on the rail.

I hope you enjoyed the experience. did you visit any of the exhibits while at the Park?

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:00 pm

Lipsmackerpony88 wrote:https://www.facebook.com/113430362040/posts/10157938389982041/?sfnsn=mo Blob, is that you and RP lunging? What a trot!

Yes, that's us! Laughing because I am wearing 7 million layers :lol: . RP is very recognizable though!

Chisamba wrote:I was tracking your scores and hoped you would score as well in the championship as you did in the regular class.

In my experience with Foy she has certain criteria that affect her scoring so it is possible that you simply did not ride as accurately as she would like. for example she likes a rider to show a difference between how they cut the corner when riding a 20 m circle versus using the corner when riding on the rail.

I hope you enjoyed the experience. did you visit any of the exhibits while at the Park?

Thanks, Chisamba--yes I think corners were definitely a factor with her scoring. And admittedly, my nerves did interfere with me riding my most accurate test in terms of figures. No one else commented on geometry, but normally I try to think about it very actively and I got in there went just a bit blank instead of thinking about my circle points. Honestly, I could have gotten last place in the class and still felt honored and happy to be there. So, while it wasn't our best test or highest score of the season, I am happy and proud and glad that it was a fairly clean test.

I signed up for the show photographer, so once proofs are out I will share.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Tue Nov 16, 2021 5:07 am

Wow, Blob, you did what most of us only dream about and on a pony who is, well, a gamble (said in the most respectful of ways). You and your pony stepped up to the plate and delivered. Those are more than decent scores. You should be proud. I can't wait for the pictures. Congratulations and revel in an experience that most of us would come close to selling our souls to say we did.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Anne » Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:23 am

Congrats Blob and RP! What an awesome comment from Rockwell.

I got both my boys worked today, after a few days off due to inclement weather (thunderstorms, rain, wind, NZ in spring!). I'm getting more confident with Fergal in the arena (which still feels BIG after the round pen...). He's very crooked, and falls in strongly on the right rein, and wants to travel 1/4s in on the left rein. So I'm just focusing on big circles with correct bend (easier said than done...), and some turns and straights (big rectangles). He's really trying to work out what I want, and handling the 'pressure' very well. He kicked a bit of arena sand onto a metal letter-marker today and did a fairly big spook, but I managed to pull him up, circle, and go straight back to work. Yay! Of course he gave that letter the stink-eye each time we went near it after that, it was clearly not to be trusted....

Connor has had a week off (weather, mainly), and was fresh today. Just did some big forward 20m trot circles until he finally stopped gawking and started listening. Then a few transitions and some 'small' energetic trot, then down to walk for shoulder-in. Honestly, I was a bit mentally done after working Fergal, so it was a short session, but something at least.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:29 pm

Anne, I find it mentally very difficult to ride two horses in a row, so I'm always impressed by people who can handle that switch of gears!

I'm hiding in my office in a state of exhaustion today after 2 days of riding with Melissa Cresswick. What a good clinician! Not for the thinner of skin, I would have to say, but very insightful and helpful and very, very funny.

My dear husband comes and videos my clinic rides for me, which is incredibly helpful. I always sit and watch the first day's ride that evening, so I know where I am before we go back. I haven't seen much video of me riding Potters, so this was particularly worthwhile and frankly a bit horrifying.

Day 1, we were having a particular problem with forward in the trot. You know what it's like--"feels OK to me, is she asking me to get over-tempo?" but on video, oh, my--were we wading through treacle? Her comment is that because my hips are tight I'm blocking him with my thighs and asking him to slow down, which he is obligingly doing, even while I'm kicking the crap out of him trying to get him to go forward. So back to posting trot most of the time for us while I work on that.

The other issue that became entirely apparent is that I have got into the habit of way too much inside rein and neck bend in order to diffuse the spook tendency. Of course, this totally screws up the lateral work. She was all over me about that, and actually seeing it on video I could see how much of a correction I needed to get him actually on the outside rein.

At least I was sitting up straight, God Help Me...

He was a spooky beast at every possible opportunity on day 1. A bit disgusted that someone was taking away his easy life, I think :) However, watching the video, I could see that there was nothing particularly unmanageable about what he was doing and that if I'm on the ball, I can ride through the shenanigans and they stop.

Day 2 was much more fun for both of us :) I went in with a spirit of determination and rode "forward and straight." She had me pretty much drop my inside rein in the shoulder in and that worked like magic getting him to stay in the correct angle---and posting the trot got him to give up on his passage evasion.

Getting him truly forward made it much easier to be more precise with my aids, and he was a much happier camper with someone other than him being in charge.

We've struggled with right lead canter--both picking it up and staying on the right lead rather than FC at every possible opportunity. Picking it up should be straightforward, but when he thinks he's worked hard enough, he pulls all kinds of stuff rather than pick up that canter until you get the aid absolutely precisely perfect. So she got to see that he has a very nice passage, and that the piaffe (we haven't found THAT button before) is in there... Fortunately she thought it was hilarious (seriously, she and my trainer are cackling hysterically in the background of the video...) When we finally did get the stars aligned and a decent depart, we could get half way round a circle before he started to play around with unasked for changes, a couple of tempis, you name it...

But, she nailed it. As soon as I got light in my seat, he'd change. And he's quite adept at subtly shifting you from one seatbone to the other. So if I focused on sitting down and keeping him under my seat, we succeeded.

So she had us work on canter half pass to flying change, which was, I have to say, really fun :)

As she said, it's a bit like buying a fancy new car with a lot of buttons that you don't know what to do with. Everything at this point is an experiment, nothing is wrong, and my response to what I get should be a neutral--"Oh how interesting, how did I get that? Can I replicate it?" rather than "You aren't doing what I wanted you to do, how embarrassing, I can't do that, I can't ride."

She absolutely loved him. Told me to relax and enjoy my diamond and have fun learning all that he could teach me.

And not a single spook on day 2...

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:19 pm

Good job everyone with the showing! I think going to Nationals is never going to happen for me. It's just so far out of my expense range. It's so fun to be able to do.

I am done for awhile here, and it's actually almost like winter. I will post some videos from the show a few weeks back when I finally get them up. I wanted to work on my position and be able to ride with a whip. (Quilla is very overreactive to just holding it.) I did. Creeky made a comment that my position was much better, and rode Quilla with a whip, which sort of worked and sorta didn't. Every score was over 60%, so I guess that's good. I'm just dying that I get these stunning passage/piaffe at home, and in the ring it's wibbly wobbly passage and super speedy piaffe! Sigh. That's my project now is work on my position and keep that in the ring and get that p/p in the ring!

Mountaineer, I am working on the same thing as you with myself! I get too tight in the back and want to work too much! I am carrying the whip now so I can work on being relaxed and following there and not get into the over leg/hip thing and mess them up, but cue more with the whip.we'll see how that works. I also do the same thing with the left rein. I way overbend in trying to fix the slight haunches in, so I am working on straight, straight, straight, no matter what it feels like. I'm hoping a couple of months sitting much more still and following and straight will fix some of it.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:02 am

Sounds like a productive clinic Moutaineer. We're kind of winding down here Tanga after this weekends show......well until January.

The trailer is packed. Junior is bathed. We load and head out tomorrow morning. I'm not going to have anyone with me this weekend so I hope I can find a 'willing' spectator to video my rides on my phone, at least the championship class. We'll see. I understand that there is going to be a two star (I think) event this weekend at the same venue and we'll be 'sharing' rings. That might mean I'll have more people I can beg LOL. So glad that Junior isn't the type to care about much. Monty would be a basket case.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:08 pm

Nice report, Mountaineer! Thanks.

Rocky is also adept at shifting me from one seatbone to the other and it took me years to figure out what was going on. Some green horses that I’ve had (like a couple of OTTB’s) gave me a really nice feel of my seatbones from the first time I rode them. But Rocky’s short back, and downhill conformation made it very difficult to even feel my seatbones. When I finally got her level enough to even find my seatbones was when she started to shift me. Then, I had to figure how I was allowing her to shift me. Ive been concentrating on equal weight on both seatbones for several months now. I had to quit lateral work for a while. Now I focus on keeping both of her hind legs stepping under…every.step. And equal contact on both reins. Unless, of course, Im asking for something with a specific seat bone or rein. And that’s what makes it hard because riders have to slightly change those things ALL the time, including every time we go around a corner! And then go back to equal.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:20 pm

I've been reading along, Mountaineer- what a great clinic. I hear you on how eye opening video is! So useful though.

Good luck Exvet!!

Tanga, sounds like you have great homework to work on for winter.

Our first show went so well. Lynx didn't bat an eye. He kind of acted like "Hmm, there sure is a lot of people at the barn today. Oh well!"

Just a smidge underpowered for the tests. But now I know I can ask for more in the warm up. But I got lots of 7's and a few 6's so I'm happy. In the first test, I forgot a circle. I remembered during the free walk. Lol dang. The second test I had a reader which helped.

Overall I was accurate and Lynx was very behaved.

Tomorrow we are doing pole work. Looking forward to it.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby goldhorse » Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:11 am

Great job LSP! Glad it went so well and was a big confidence boost. Got to love a QH!
My update. Went to the vet clinic and horse has very thin soles from the new farrier trying to correct the previous farrier's f'up. No laminitic changes in the last 3 years so that is super good news. No soft tissue injuries. New farrier nailed his angles. Vet and vet clinic farrier said that my horse is "a farrier's nightmare" so I'm elated that new farrier did a good job. Horsie is in hoof boots with some foam pads until he grows more sole. I trotted him 1 lap today and he was so much sounder!!! Now I just have to be patient. Shoes and pads may be in his future.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Nov 21, 2021 4:35 am

goldhorse wrote:Great job LSP! Glad it went so well and was a big confidence boost. Got to love a QH!
My update. Went to the vet clinic and horse has very thin soles from the new farrier trying to correct the previous farrier's f'up. No laminitic changes in the last 3 years so that is super good news. No soft tissue injuries. New farrier nailed his angles. Vet and vet clinic farrier said that my horse is "a farrier's nightmare" so I'm elated that new farrier did a good job. Horsie is in hoof boots with some foam pads until he grows more sole. I trotted him 1 lap today and he was so much sounder!!! Now I just have to be patient. Shoes and pads may be in his future.

Thank you! It was such a good experience.

Regarding the thin soles, Lynx got foot sore this summer (CO hard ground) and was a bit then soled too. The last time the vet saw him she estimated that you know had like 20 mm of foot on the front and that I needed to take him off the extra hoof supplement!

Best of luck, glad your horse is already feeling a bit better with boots.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:36 pm

Great to hear that your show went so well, LSP! You were certainly prepared and it sounds like a perfect first experience for a new partnership!

Exvet, hope you are having a good weekend as well!

Demi, once again, I think we are having parallel experiences with our two mares. I got Annabelle's double bridle put back together and had a nice ride yesterday. I was able to get her forward and over the back in canter without having to brace to keep her from getting too long or catapulting me out of the saddle. Much easier to sit and work on the finer points of position and aids! My instructor is here next weekend, so I'll probably do one of our lessons in the double and see what pointers she has for us.

Tesla the last couple days has been - very Tesla. She is not stalling out as long at the beginning of the ride, but instead interspersing it with better work throughout the ride. Yesterday just when I was ready to quit, we would do at T/W transition and then she would totally stall and block out my aids, so we would have to go back up to trot and reinstall the "yes ma'am" until she agreed to T/W and continue forward somewhat on the bit. At this rate we should be ready for training level in about 2025. :lol:
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:13 am

SF, I have to work on consistent contact all the time with Rocky. It’s much better than a year ago, but still a WIP. I tried a Pelham on her a few months ago but I only used it a couple of times because she curled right from the start with it. It had short shanks, a double jointed snaffle with a bean, and I kept the curb chain loose enough to fit two fingers under it. She did stay up and off the forehand much easier. It doesn’t sound like you have that issue with Annabelle. Quite possibly Rocky curls easily with the Pelham because she’s half Arab and is more sensitive than her full QH dam.

All that being said, I trail rode her for several years in a western bit that I grew up calling a “Tom Thumb”. It has a broken mouthpiece, short shanks, and a curb strap. I always rode with the reins in one hand, shortish by western standards, but a little loop. When I started taking dressage lessons 3ish years ago, I eventually started trail riding in my dressage saddle/bridle. So today, I decided to go back to the western tack for my trail ride to see how she responded to that bit. I was surprised! She went in her “dressage frame” nicely off the forehand. I held the reins western style just like I did several years ago with her, but still, she carried herself nicely. There was not what can be described as a dressage contact on the bit, but her carriage felt very comfy to ride. I gave her the same half halts with my seat as I do in the dressage tack in the arena. I did our usual hill work at a walk. She remained up and off the forehand for about four trips up the hill and then got tired and started curling and trying to go on the forehand. I asked her to step under with my seat at every step and did two more times up the hill.

So… my new plan is to go back to trail work in the western tack and see if I can increase the number of times up the hill before she gets tired. We are both more relaxed in the western tack so this might be a very good thing. I had gotten into a mindset that all trail rides needed to be working trail rides and that isn’t necessarily bad. But until today, I didnt realize how much I missed the way we used to relax out on the trail. It felt so right sitting in that saddle and I think Rocky picked up on my enjoyment.

I have to keep in mind that part of the reason the trail ride was so nice today is that the weather was perfect. Whether trail or arena, riding in 70 degrees, with sun and a light breeze is so different than riding in 98 degrees with the sun beating down on us….

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:23 pm

Demi, I have a couple of tom thumb bits that I still use. I do find that there is a lighter carriage up front but not one that I can 'ride into' like my dressage bit. My guys are very responsive to it; but I don't find the type of energy going to it and recycling it to the back end.

So, the weekend wasn't my worst but it was a bit of a bust. We came in 3rd out of 8 in the Championship. Junior wasn't as 'on' as he was two weekends ago. He was very obedient but a bit cranky. My combined score was a 62 and change. One judge gave me 65+ and the other judge gave me 60+. Per my coach, also an 'S' judge, I rode in front of a 'warmblood' snob for my judge at C. I'm not so sure that was true though. She simply nailed me for my weaknesses and wasn't as generous for my strengths - Junior and I continue to battle our straightness issue and I for the life of me cannot get him to supple on the right rein. I'm able to fake it enough to get him to give me decent transitions; but it shows up everywhere else. I rode 2nd 3 twice in front of the same two and the scores were pretty much the same both times. On Sunday Junior was 'over it'. He didn't act out or become difficult to ride from a behavior/safety standpoint; but, while I felt I had him over the back in the warm up, good enough to give me a clean change in each direction.......he became the cranky, very resistant evil pony the very moment we went down the center line in our last test. Throughout the whole weekend, I was trying to 'force him' into yielding to the right rein and by third level one he decided to give me the middle hoof to it all. Just like a couple of times at home (and in my lessons) his ponytude at its worst translates to some of the most interesting types of canters, that isn't canter, in an attempt to evade that rein. This is what he did in the test on Sunday - not pure and uneven but not 'lame' just refusing to step through to the rein and starting to hop and climb. The judges both saw it and commented on how unhappy he was. I've had a few come to Jesus' moments with him leading up to the last two shows trying to pick this scab and my success has been the ability to ride the counter canter both directions more balanced and complete serpentines in both directions correctly; but, we're not totally there in terms of getting him elastic to that rein and supple to that rein. When we got home and I turned him out he trotted and cantered and through in flying changes that were all very correct and very sound.......so I know this is a classic rein lame issue that I still have to figure out how to correct.

The good news for me is that I think I'm close to the pinnacle of the problem and more importantly I have a plan. I'm going to save my money and not show Junior until spring (that means sitting out on 3 recognized shows) and step up the game in our training. He changes are so good, now, when he's not resisting the rein.....but I can't call them confirmed until I can get him to supple to the right rein and accept my requests to be more elastic in the canter.....this is a strength issue as well as a ponytude problem. I'm hoping that jumping will help with some of this. I'm also hoping that a change in my hand position is going to make some difference as well.

Brandon is able to canter 20-meter circles that actually look geometrically like a circle now so I will be taking him to lessons, alternating with Junior. That will also give Junior at least some 'break'.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:38 pm

Exvet my pony who is built a lot like yours and showing second does exactly the same thing. What "fixes" it for me is chiro as he is usually needing an adjustment in c5 and also a break from collection to do long and low for a week. I also need to make sure the shoulder blade isn't tipping over at all laterally.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Nov 22, 2021 2:16 pm

Had a great ride on Queso yesterday. One of those fairytale golden-glow, I-don't-trust-that-this-is-real-type rides.

I've been a stickler about executing transitions in the right balance for several weeks now, which Queso didn't love ("This is hard!" - Q). But it appears to have paid off-- really light W/C/W and T/W/T or T/halt/T transitions all over the place yesterday. And really easy and cadenced lateral work. Had to cut it short and go for a trail ride before the magic wore off!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby blob » Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:28 pm

congrats, LS sounds like a great first show experience!
Ponichiwa--wow, love those kinds of rides! Really exciting.
Mountaineer--sounds like a great and useful clinic.
Exvet--sounds like a good plan and all and all still a good score at third. I wonder if lunging work might also help get Junior through the right rein?

One of the pastures at my barn has opened up, which means some out of the ring riding. It's not huge space but there is a slight uphill. It's good for getting MM out of the arena boredom and good for starting to do some baby hill work with RP to get his butt strength up. Goal for Dec is to do some real strength building work with RP: poles, hills, transitions. And some precision work with MM: transitions and finding balance between quick responses and quiet aids.

As promised, here are some pictures from finals:
Dash 2.jpg
Dash 2.jpg (52.04 KiB) Viewed 6399 times
dash 4.jpg
dash 4.jpg (51.75 KiB) Viewed 6399 times
dash 1.jpg
dash 1.jpg (34.2 KiB) Viewed 6399 times

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Mon Nov 22, 2021 5:46 pm

Exvet, those are still very good scores at third level to be proud of. I know all your hard work will pay off and you will be even better by spring!

Ponichiwa, I love those rides! I'm glad it's going so well with Queso!

Blob, wow! What gorgeous photos. What an experience in such a good job you did. I hope you are framing a few of these!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:05 pm

Super photos Blob! Yes, some framing in order here!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:40 pm

I've been so happy with how my horse is going! :) happy thanksgiving!
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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Tanga » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:46 pm

Nice photos, blob! That's what I like to see that shows quality work--that separation of the hind leg. What a cutie face.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:47 pm

great pics! :)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:22 pm

Sweet,Blob! Really nice action and you both look very athletic. I also liked your smile in the last photo!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:24 pm

Nice pic of Riot, Ryeissa. He’s a cutie! Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:05 am

Exvet I hope you can work the kinks out with Junior.
Blob lovely pics!
Rye glad Riot is doing well
Mountaineer sounds like your clinic was very productive and those higher trained horses can be humbling but what a problem to have! Passage piaffe FCs!
SF sounds like Annabelle is stepping up. I hope you can make a break through with Tesla. I have with Gaila who now has a go button that I never expected!

My update is that we had a fabulous last clinic of the year with Cedar. My two mares are really stepping up to the plate. Cedar gave me some other techniques to deal with Gaila’s new found power in the trot steeper SI angle and really concentrating on keeping her on my seat. Challenging her with different transitions:) and in the canter I just had to lift her up and out a bit to remind her not to lean and me not holding onto her.

Joplin similar work but a bit easier because she does not lean on the hand. Tweaking TOH HP a bit slower in the lateral work so she can find her balance easier. Her canter because she has so much animation we both are having to figure it out. I’ve got to sit better to help her balance which can be tricky on that big animated canter. She’s such a lovely worker bee though it’s a pleasure riding her.

Both of my girls have stepped up with their in hand piaffe work with Joplin getting up to 5 steps easily. Cedar said I can play with it just a bit every time I work her she’s taking the pressure very very well. Gaila too has stepped up. It’s not as natural for her but she still made some wonderful postural changes that was exciting to see. Very very happy with my girls

A bit of video from the last day I hope this works

https://www.facebook.com/10000086155357 ... 83061/?d=n

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:16 pm

I wish those were my scores at third. I rode second 3 on Saturday, once for the championships and once in the open show. Unfortunately my third level ride was a 55% which was appropriate for the refusals I got from Junior.

Blob - I have been lunging Junior weekly with the right-side rein shorter on the outside and driving him into it. He does produce a very lovely collected canter as a result. By doing this I do believe I was successful in getting him to allow me to ride the counter canter in the left lead without popping flying changes; but, he is still refusing to allow me to collect him any further with that rein whether I try to drive him into it or heaven forbid I pull back out of desperation.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:58 pm

never mind.
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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:07 pm

Ryeissa, glad it's going well! Riot is adorable!!

Khall, Joplin is so cute!! What a pair you guys are. Looks like it's going well.

Trainers are out of town this week so no lessons but I'll still be working Lynx. I am hoping to really focus on my position. I've gotten tight in my thigh which starts drawing my leg up. Part of this I need to insist that he's in front of my leg. So that's always the mission too. And I need to work on knowing where my shoulders are and keeping them level. And then of course carrying my hand so that I have a nice bend in my elbows! So much to work on, again. I've fixed all this before so I hope that I can do it again. I'm having more challenges physically with my body outside of riding too but I'm confident that I can get a handle on this. I do need to make a doctor's appointment because I am having a tingling sensation in my right glute area quite a lot.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:40 pm

Great photos Blob, you're obviously doing a fantastic job with RP and I know he has not been a walk in the park.

Exvet, I hope you get the right rein thing figured out. It sounds frustrating, but I know you have the skills and tools to get it sorted out.

The big news here is: THE ARENA LIGHTS ARE INSTALLED!! I really wasn't sure it was ever going to happen, but I went out on Sunday afternoon and they were up on the poles. Last night I rode A under the lights in a freshly groomed arena. What a treat. She wasn't spooky at all. Often the footing is OK through much of the winter, and light is the limiting factor squeezing us all into the 60x120 indoor, so this is going to make winter so much easier.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:46 pm

Khall, Joplin is a very attractive mare!! Thanks for posting the vid. The canter is great but I wanted to see more trot! She’s going to be enjoyable to watch as she progresses. She looks like a big girl. How tall is she?

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:52 pm

Thanks Demi! I’ll try to post some trot video. Joplin is only 15.2 and a bit but is a large bodied girl. Comes from her dam and grand dam that I owned. That hip is from her TB grand dam. Joplin is the nicest horse I’ve bred and trained so far. Sooo tempted to breed her! Though would be embryo transfer

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:15 am

A little clip of my very first canter HP/flying changes :)


and some trot


And just to prove it's not all wine and roses with an over-achiever with a sense of humor...

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:17 am

Joplin's a good-looking gal--a nice chunky horse! What is her breeding?

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby khall » Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:51 am

Mountaineer love love the video of you and Potters! Yeah pinch yourself you got such a deal!

Joplin is home bred out of my Han/TB mare I bred by Saphiro a Lusitano stallion. He’s a cremello so I knew I would get a buckskin. So she is 3rd generation mare line that I’ve owned.

Saphiro. http://www.jcandalusians.com/new/wp-con ... t-700w.jpg

I’ll see if I can upload videos to YouTube. Got a good bit of her trot work the third day. None of the piaffe or SW in hand.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:55 am

I've just learned how to edit video, so I added a couple of other bits to the last post :) Sorry to bombard!

She is nice Khall. So nice that you get to have the generational continuity!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Anne » Wed Nov 24, 2021 5:44 am

love your videos Mountaineer, Potters looks like loads of fun :-)

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby mari » Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:10 am

So many awesome updates and pictures and videos. You guys are very inspiring!
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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby 3horse » Wed Nov 24, 2021 1:37 pm

I'm a long time lurker of this board and UDBB and am no where near the level of y'all, but I feel motivated to share my (hopefully) progress as I start my dressage journey with quite the project. I come from a primarily western background (reining, working cows, ranch riding stuff, lots of trail riding and some endurance riding) but have been taking dressage and jumping lessons on a school horse for the last few years while rehabbing my young horse from a DDFT injury. After three years of rehab and not being able to keep him sound, I was given an 8-year-old Arabian gelding with kissing spines, canter issues, and head tossing issues (because I need another rehab project!). He had surgery July 15th (removed one DSP and ligament snip in three spots).

The rehab process has been slow as I have also has to deal with some behavioral and spooking issues, had to redo my arena footing, and I have a pesky full time job that requires evening meetings several times a month (I am a municipal clerk). He has improved greatly, and, today, I plan to get on his back for the first time since May (I have only ever trail ridden him a couple times prior to his KS diagnosis). The canter issues (unable to hold a lead and/or swapping behind) and head tossing are still there. I'm pretty sure the head tossing is/has become behavioral because it is improving with clicker training.

Anyway, my goals through the end of the year are to ride him 5-10 minutes at the end of each groundwork/lunging session 3-4 times a week, slowing increase the amount of time and begin to introduce a little trot. Personal fitness goals are to get back into regular pilates/yoga workouts (I highly recommend the Dressage Rider Training program!).

Here is a headshot of the handsome fella, Stormy (he came with the name and apparently was named because he his afraid of storms......)
headshot sm.JPG
headshot sm.JPG (161.94 KiB) Viewed 6154 times

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby exvet » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:42 pm

3horse Stormy obviously has that classic beauty of his breed. Absolutely love his eye. Do you know who is sire and dam are? Just curious having been owned by a few Arabians in my past.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby 3horse » Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:49 pm

Thanks, exvet! He is Straight Egyptian (sire is Scapa and dam is Lady Sexton). He has good bone and is a good size at probably about 15.1 hands. He was never registered. I'll probably pursue DNA testing and get him registered even though I'm not sure if I'll ever do breed shows.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby StraightForward » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:04 pm

Welcome 3horse! That does sound like a project, but that you have the patience and are taking a good approach. I have friends here that do Arabian sporthorse. My retired 17 hand quarterhorse lives at there place and looks like quite the odball amongst the refined Arabians!

Moutaineer, great to see videos of Potters in action. He looks like a lot of fun!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:49 pm

Mountaineer, So lovely to see a video of you and Potters. What a gorgeous pair!! He seems like a really good guy too.

Welcome 3horse. Beautiful Arabian you have! A bit of a project but like straightforward said you sound like you are ready for it!

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Re: Dig out the winter gear and finish strong: November/December Goals and Progress

Postby demi » Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:10 pm

Nice videos, Mountaineer! You fit him perfectly. Elegance!

Welcome 3horse. Your horse is beautiful! I am partial to Arabs. My DH and I shared a grey purebred gelding for many years. We had him until he was 28 years old and he was a character until the day he died. He came from a loving home and although he wasn’t trained, he didn’t have any bad habits. He was a clown and a puppy dog and we have lots of stories about his antics. I’ll enjoy watching your guy progress.

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