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Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:02 am
by Flight
Did some flying changes today. Ding was good, did them on my aids and not going too crazy about them. Except, our L to R ones, I'm beginning to wonder if it's something not quite right with his stifle or hock or something? Today he had 3 moments that felt like a catchy stifle on his R side, you know when they feel like they collapse a bit behind? And I don't understand how he can be so easy on one side and wild on the other?
Thoughts before I go spend $$ on vets/radiographs??

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:35 pm
by Moutaineer
Well, our ring disappeared under 17" of snow yesterday... May be a while before we get back to regular work!

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:02 am
by Rosie B
That's a good load, Mountaineer! We just got about 2 inches so I am still planning to ride tomorrow morning.

Flight, I can't offer you any advice about the changes but it looks like they're coming!

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:25 am
by Moutaineer
It's amazing, Rosie B. It's like Mother Nature specifically targeted the barn area to dump on. We only had about 9" at home, in the mountains, where it's supposed to be...

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:36 am
by Niki
Some nice changes there Flight - see what you mean about the difference each way though. My first though would be to see if anyone else could ride and maybe?? That could hopefully rule out something your doing and/or try a course of bute and see if there is any difference - that might help with the pain indicator.

Been a extremely busy month for us. We have finally moved to our new place :) Yay. Still not unpacked though. Had long work days and then moving in the evenings/cleaning the rental/putting up sheds etc. I'm on xmas holidays from friday so will be able to get into unpacking the house next week.

Given all that Bess has had very light work the last few weeks...once or twice a week only. Since we've moved i've managed a bareback tonk around and one "proper" ride where i'm thinking to put the arena. She was looky but no tension and was naturally forward. The canter work in-particular was great with the extra natural impulsion. The last lesson/ride i had before we moved we tried changes again with a few success's so hopefully in the coming weeks i can play with it and see what develops.

Ponies first day - cows in the paddock behind were no problem bu the little dexter heifer next door was fascinating.


First ride :) couldn't help myself and found a log to help me up. Old man Bobby (the brown) is the boss and wasn't amused.

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:25 am
by klark_kent07
Trainer is really happy with Kent and said he is definitely understanding the change aid better.
She rode him mon, tues, wed this week and is away today (Thursday) so I'll ride him this afternoon. Then she will ride him again Friday and I'll get some video hopefully to share! :D
Hopefully next week I'll get to have a play with the changes in my lesson so will try to get some video of that too!

Flight, can you take your stirrups away when you work on the changes? Just to eliminate any crookedness from you before you go any further? Otherwise, I agree with getting your trainer to hop on and have a feel :) He's so cute though, I love his attitude towards work!

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:56 pm
by Brydie
Flight - thank you for suggesting 'think posh'! It seems to help a lot more than just thinking 'look up'. Love your videos of Ding!

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:47 pm
by klark_kent07
Watched trainer ride Kent on Friday, he's such a clever pony! Really awesome to see some glimpses of what the future holds for us. Trainer is playing with the working canter pirouette and Kent has a few strides of really collected canter that has so much sit and jump. He can't sustain it for any longer than that at the moment but it's lovely!
The changes are much more on the aid now, in only a few short rides, so that is very cool as well. I have some video to share but of course I didn't go and get the Ipad out of the car until the last few changes and I only videoed a late one! But you can see that it is when the trainer asked, just a stride late behind. She is more than happy with this at this stage, he isn't late all of the time and has only been doing the changes for a few rides now. She is keeping the canter very forward in this as the previous ride he was anticipating the change and sucking back (his default move!).

(This is my very good friend and trainer riding Kent, we ride together regularly and this is her arena and home so she isn't dressed for video!)

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:24 am
by bailey
They both look lovely to me, congrats!

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:45 pm
by Rosie B
Kent is looking super! Wow, what a canter he has!

I had a lesson today with my friend. We worked on developing power through the very basic exercises. It was a great lesson. :) I got a couple pics:

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:43 am
by klark_kent07
Thanks Rosie and Bailey, he does have a big canter and it has taken a while for him to get strong in the pace. He is always very balanced just needs to get stronger!
Bliss is looking awesome, he has really matured and looks like a grown up horse now :)
I'm really looking forward to riding again, I know it was only a week and half that my trainer was riding Kent for but it feels like forever when you are used to riding 6 days a week!

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:18 pm
by Flight
Klark_kent, he is so nice!! Even if that was a late one in your vid, it doesn't look like they are hard for him to do.

Rosie you two always look good. Lovely pics :)

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:33 pm
by Sue B
Oh my gosh you guys! Y'all are doing so great with your horse, it is so much fun to be able to share the journey.

(I haven't ridden in like 10 days or something--gotta get out there and just DO IT!)

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 5:51 pm
by Ponichiwa
Well. Kiwi has had the last 2 weeks off. I returned from vacation just in time to see the first real cold snap (thanks for that, weather), so I imagine things will be fun when we go out to ride this evening.

This month, I'll be getting her (and myself) back in shape. And that means ton of canter/trot/canter transitions.

How is everyone feeling after the holidays? My work pants suggest maybe I should have exercised a bit more moderation.

Re: Goals Thread...

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:16 pm
by Rosie B
LOL Ponichiwa! My work pants aren't complaining, but that's only because I wore my 'roomier' pants today. ;)