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Book- school exercises for flatwork and jumping

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:00 pm
by Grandiose
Older book, early 1990's by Eleanor Ross. It has some very interesting exercises for a lone rider or up to eight riders.

Re: Book- school exercises for flatwork and jumping

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:05 am
by demi
I'm not familiar with this book but would be interested if you want to explain some of the flatwork exercises!

Re: Book- school exercises for flatwork and jumping

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:16 am
by Grandiose
My favorite so far is for 2 to 6 riders. At the trot, enter at A and split 1 by 1, intermittently riders go left and right to create 3 serpentines. Between F/B and K/E is the first serpentine. Pass left to left and at C stay on the rail until you are back to A. You can either restart the serpentine from A or stay on the rail and begin at C.

Things to watch for are riders not keeping pace, losing their place by not making good corners, and making the serpentine a diagonal line instead of directly across the arena.

Because it's just the 2 of us we can also change the serpentine to circles fairly easily.

I'm hoping that these exercises will help my horse focus on our task and not worry about the other horse/rider.