Some piaffe video from today

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Some piaffe video from today

Postby Amado » Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:30 pm

I managed to get somebody to take a quick three videos on my phone of some piaffe work today, and these are the only three passes we did (so they are cold with no schooling before besides WTC). I do not feel like it is our "best" work, but I have a question, so I am sharing it! They are in order - the first and third pass lost the connection big time coming out. And I remember over-riding with my seat on the first pass, then quieting it and it getting a little better. Here's what I'm wondering, after watching Carl Hester talk about having the piaffe work always move forward ground-wise when you are schooling it (so not too much on the spot). I felt like I was moving forward in the first one especially, but I'm wondering if it was actually TOO ground covering. The one that felt more on the spot to me (third pass, when I drop my whip hand to activate his hind end a little) I'm wondering if that is what I should be trying for - if that is forward moving enough. What do you think?

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Re: Some piaffe video from today

Postby Kathy Johnson » Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:59 pm

Really beautiful work. Your thinking seems sound. Yes, the tempo was unclear in the first pass, I was not sure which trot you were coming in from, so more like half steps, which is fine. It is harder to keep the forward aspect of the piaffe when you are bringing him down from trot to piaffe. The idea of forward, even at this level doesn't always mean covering more ground. Second pass was my favorite, because I judge the quality of the piaffe not in judging terms (how much forward, counting steps, etc.) but in the quality of that comes after. In other words, I use piaffe for training collection, not as the apex of collection. The tempo in the second pass was steady and the transition out better.

What I really look for is "sit" and it is the sit that allows the piaffe to stay in place. Shortening of the steps in the piaffe keeps the horse more and more in place, but I want that lowering of the haunches to cause it. Be careful that you are not holding him back in the piaffe to stay in place.

I believe that may be what is causes him to hollow his back and throw his head in the upward transition.

Focus on the quality of the trot or walk coming in to the piaffe. While in piaffe, focus on the inside leg to outside rein connection. Then, in the transition out of piaffe, really push him into the outside rein. You are pussyfooting around before and after piaffe. Instead, amplify the gaits, add cadence and show better transitions. I would occasionally come out of piaffe into medium trot, even posting. How are you going to get the transition to passage if you don't ask him to thrust?

All much easier said than done, but you have almost got this, and I'd love to see another video where you've cleaned it up.
Last edited by Kathy Johnson on Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Some piaffe video from today

Postby digihorse » Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:04 pm

I think the first was better for moving forward. I would say, that my impression is that the horse does not believe there is "trot" in the Piaffe. i.e. I would trot out and stretch a bit... ask him to seek the hand. He tends to drop the base of the neck, which is why he gets stuck on the way out. One would want to correct that before going out, or let him out before he gets to that point. There are other thoughts I would have, but as you do the Piaffe with a crotch seat versus holding the horse with an engaged seat(which is how I was taught/ride it) , I don't know specifically how to translate that information to be useful to you. The steps are nice... you definitely have the idea with the horse... Have you done work coming back from a trot and then a few steps and out? Not more than 5-6 and out into a bold trot? and then back into 5-6 steps and then out again?

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Re: Some piaffe video from today

Postby Amado » Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:31 am

I've been working this mostly from the walk, but do sometimes go in and out of the trot. Was starting to try to get some passage steps out of this (he has to be much more fired up than he was in this video to get that) I haven't had very many lessons on piaffe, (and none on passage) and had mostly read to lighten the seat a little for the piaffe work, but I am open to all suggestions, and would be interested in hearing about holding him in it with an engaged seat. I taught him this on the long lines, and then in hand first (I'll try to get some recent video) - and have very slowly made the transition to under saddle. (very slowly because we've pretty much been learning it together!)

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Re: Some piaffe video from today

Postby Flight » Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:26 am

No help from me except wow awesome!!!! Looks great :D
I've started teaching my guy half steps so you vid is actually very helpful for me to see. Thanks!

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Re: Some piaffe video from today

Postby ElaPe » Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:30 pm

I think the first one seems to be the best.

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Re: Some piaffe video from today

Postby demi » Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:56 pm

No help from me either but I second Flight's "wow awesome!!!"

Just from an amateur's viewpoint, I liked the second one best. It looked very harmonious and you and Rico seemed to be tuned in to each other.

Thanks for sharing that.

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