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First time using a double

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:28 pm
by PhoenixRising
I just have to share with people who understand.
I rode in a double for the first time this weekend and nailed it! The horse is obviously used to the double, I am the one who isn't. I now have permission to use the double any time I want when I'm riding him (which will be frequent, he's very in your hand in the snaffle and it hurts my shoulders).
In other news my lessons have been going great! I posted awhile back on UDBB about working on the sitting trot and changing the way I ride. I'd never had very formal dressage instruction, though I've ridden my entire life. I had a very western seat and was supple up and down in the pelvis instead of my pelvis moving forward as if to move between my hands (hope that makes sense).
I've been working mostly on my seat and suppleness for the last few months, and now am beginning to start work on stability.
I feel like my riding has progressed leaps and bounds more in the last year than it has in a very long time. The trainer from germany at our barn who I really look up to (but who I personally can't afford to learn from) said "looks good" to me this weekend. My inner child squealed with joy.

Re: First time using a double

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:54 am
by lorilu
IMO you should work on getting him off your hands in the snaffle.

Re: First time using a double

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:08 pm
by Flight
I rode my older horse in a double and it was like having super powered steering! I had to be so so careful with what my hands were doing! Pretty cool isn't it :)
It's also great when you feel that you're improving, enjoy it!