New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

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New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby StraightForward » Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:19 pm

I'm taking a little time to just regroup and figure out where I want things to go next year. Having two ridable horses is a new and unusual thing for me, and I've been going full steam ahead for the most part. Sometimes it's not the best thing for me or the horses, I think. Overall I've learned a ton this year, and just need to let it all sink in, so I'm not sad that we were a little less focused this fall, and plan to take a little more "zen" approach over the next two months. That should help ease my typical frustrations when the weather, footing and arena access are limited this time of year.

So for January-February, I'm putting myself at the top of the goals list:
  • Start going to the gym 2x a week to get back in my core/strength training routine (I've had my covid booster and will go at low traffic times of day)
  • Run 3x a week when it's not icy
  • Walk at lunch
  • Daily Feldenkrais sessions
  • Clean eating 90% of the time

  • In-hand work, get a solid SI both directions. Start towards half steps
  • Double lunging, continue to improve the right lead
  • Riding W/T in the indoor once the snow is off the roof (she hates when the barn makes noises)
  • Hauling out if/when weather and my work schedule allow

  • IH work towards half steps
  • Longitudinal suppleness - staying active with the hind leg and basculing to the bit
  • W/C/W transitions
  • Adjustability in the trot
  • Staying IFL in the lateral work
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Fri Dec 31, 2021 6:03 pm

How did we get here so soon? I have to go back and review/close-out my Nov-Dec goals before I even think about this thread. These particular threads really help keep me motivated. Thanks for all the participation!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:25 pm

I love that you're on top of the goals, SF! I am taking your lead:

Workout at home 2x a week
Find better work/life balance boundaries--stop checking email after 7pm
Figure out PIVO and film myself riding 2x a month
Get back to waking up early

Keep working on building an elastic leg to hand connection at the walk
Practice cantering the square
Jumping/poles 1x a week
Groundwork 1x a week
Master the raised walk poles

Keep working on walk-trot transitions
Keep working on w-c-w transitions including changing up leads
trot poles 1x a week
Play with changes
Get in at least 1 lesson
Ride through 1-3 at least 2x

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:04 am

The next two months will undoubtedly be full of weather frustrations. We seem to be in for a snowy and cold winter.

I'm learning to take a deep breath and take advantage of the fact that if, like today, the roads are too bad to make it sensibly to the barn, my trainer will ride him, and he will be fine without me, especially now the barn is "under new management," so I shouldn't have to worry about the care aspect so much. (In fact, he probably prefers it, and it certainly gets me a nicely schooled horse to learn on!)

There will be plenty of warm and sunny days in the future.

When we do ride, we will be working on me. When I get it right, he gets it right, so there we go... I feel like I'm learning to ride all over again, after 54 years in the saddle.

And I need to do the lose 5lbs, drink less alcohol and more water, go to bed earlier and stop making cake routine, as well.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:27 am

I'm with Moutaineer re: the weather frustrations however, I don't have a trainer to work on things but right now have to get the horse well first.

Goal #1 is to get her over her virus. Then resume under saddle walking for a couple weeks to allow her respiratory tract to completely heal.

Goal #2 is for me. I REALLY need to lose some pounds. I think I will explore WW. I think that will work best when I have to cook for my Mom. She expects me to eat the same things as her but her food choices just aren't going to help me. I think WW will work with some minor menu alterations for me. I killed my left hip and left knee trying to hand walk her in 8 inches of snow today. I do have an appt with an orthopod but not until the end of January. I am pretty sure I have gluteal tendonitis and/or hip bursitis (yeah for internet diagnosis) but there is a real hodgepodge of what exercises work for what so I think I will wait for an actual hands on appt to deal with the issue. I am pretty limited in what exercise I tolerate until I get that sorted out. Luckily...riding the horse doesn't bother things much at all so I hope I get her well and can get back to riding.


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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Sat Jan 01, 2022 3:55 pm

I had already pretty much decided where my focus would be for this year after the last show and that would be leave second level behind and focus on training Junior to accept the demands of a higher level without becoming so tense with his can do/must do attitude. Of course, quality of gaits will always be on my check off list, but I think now too I will be more focused on relaxation and forward NOT being mutually exclusive. With the last few lessons, I feel we have really broken through my physical barrier and he's realizing that avoidance of the right rein is futile. I don't plan to show him until April which gives me a good bit of time to work through all of this cohesively.

My goal with Brandon really is just to make him a solid training level horse and hopefully get him out to a show or two - schooling or recognized doesn't really matter to me. He's pretty much just your typical cheeky young gelding who seems to be the most textbook type I've owned in quite a while. We'll see if that continues to hold true.

Ace - well my goal there is just to keep him happy as I continue to be grateful for such a steady eddie. I do owe my daughter-in-law a few lessons; and I think Ace will be content with some of his new duties.

For me, I have some career changes I hope to make and that will likely cause me to have to either get more creative with finding my riding time or slowing things down a bit. I do hope to get back to running at some point but in the meantime will make sure I keep up on my regular workout routine. The aches and pain have been getting worse, but I keep telling myself if I keep moving and keep my weight down, I should be slowing the progression of my arthritis as much as is possible.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:08 pm

Happy New Year all! I'm happy to be here, I really enjoy watching/hearing about everyone's journey.

I have a new 5 to 10 year goal. I've actually had this on my radar for years but didn't think I could do it. But I at least can make steps to get there. I want to to go through the L program. I have wanted to do this ever since I was a working student for an Event trainer who went through the L program. I know it's expensive and lots of work. And my reasoning for doing it is mostly just education of course.

Alright now to goals for THIS year:
Lynx: continue to strengthen him and get him more supple, more straight. I want to take him on a trail ride when weather allows (now we have snow.) We also have lots of fun things planned at the barn, including Dressage clinics, shows, a working equation clinic, cavaletti clinic, and more. I'm really interested in trying one of those obstacle clinics just to continue getting Lynx to be really confident. There's also talk about doing a cow clinic with my sister-in-law. Oh and show training level. Also toying with doing 1 rated show this summer. Gulp.

For me: really work on my position. It seems like it's getting worse which is perplexing, I think I need to go to PT to figure out my body. I also need to work on my confidence in myself. Doing poles work and shows has brought out a bit of nerves. I also need to just relax a bit and have fun.

In the next month: we have a saddle coming for a jump saddle. Other than that, we will continue two lessons a week. I do want to "play" more though. And give Lynx a lighter work load the next month or two.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Tanga » Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:24 am

Lipsmacker--Totally do the L program. Always a good education! Hopefully you can find one near you to keep down the expenses. I did it I think 30 years ago now (!) and it felt expensive then.

My goals: I am going to find a way to drop some weight and get my belly smaller. (Apparently the eating better, doing a hard Zoom class 5 days a week, hiking step muddy hills to get horses, and riding two five days a week isn't enough!) Stay QUIET and have great position when I show.

Quilla: Actually show her amazing p/p at a SHOW and fix those ones. I think I am going to redo her music for the freestyle.

Quinn: Supple, supple supple, while being stronger and quieter and happier in everything.

I think I'll have to stay at the same levels because Quilla can't go up, and though Quinn can do ones no problem, she doesn't have nearly the ability right now to do the rest at I-2 and G, and no sense in showing two horses at those levels.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jan 02, 2022 4:25 am

Even auditing the L program is really worthwhile. I wasn't in the position to actually participate last time there was one sensibly close, but I did audit 5he first three sessions and learned a ton.

Gosh, Sandy Howard was one of the instructors... shows how long ago it was!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Jan 02, 2022 4:51 pm

I'm glad to hear such good things about the L program. I have heard great things from others as well. In fact I'm not sure if I've really heard bad thing about the program other than the expense. It's my understanding that they do it in different locations every year so I'll have to watch and see when it will be near enough to me to go.

I was supposed to have a lesson this morning but it is 8° right now. Lynx is a yak and probably would love it. But I have terrible circulation in my hands and even with the best winter gloves kind of struggle at these temps, to the point of tears. Plus the horses have not been able to get turned out the last two days, with first the extreme winds/fires and then 8 inches of snow and below zero temps. So it would be wise to lunge my youngster!

I'm hoping to get out this afternoon and at least lunge or if it's warm enough hop on.

Edited to add that Lynx lives in an 31' long outdoor pen with a shelter, So while he has been in he's not in a stall at least.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:05 pm

Another vote for the L program for a good basic education. But if you don't want to be a judge, see if auditing is possible as a way to save $. I did so ~20 years ago and learned a ton.

As is the case with horses, I had a great ride yesterday and today Emi presented with one swollen but not very sensitive hind leg. Our weather has been miserably wet and I know she is not moving normally in her turnout---but this was a bit beyond general stocking up. I walked her, cold hosed her and wrapped her for the night---which is now turning cold and snowy instead of 60s-70s and balmy. We shall see what tomorrow brings! (and I will wrangle the vet on my first day back in the office in the new year)

Horses! Goals TBD :-)

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jan 02, 2022 11:34 pm

Ridiculously cold here today, same as LSP. Not riding in that! Yes, I have goals, but I do this for fun, not to torture myself.

So, I drove down to see Laddie in his retirement home. Fat and sassy, rugged up to the eyeballs and eating like a horse.

Not sound on that front foot, though. I guess we will see where he is by the spring, but I'm not really expecting him to magically come right.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:46 am

Unusually cold here, too. I didnt ride today either but it was a scheduled day off so it worked out. Tomorrow will be a little warmer and I plan to ride even if I have to bundle up.

I reviewed my Nov-Dec goals/progress and feel pretty good about it. I didnt have specific goals at the the start but added them as I went along. I averaged 4.88 rides a week for the whole period. I did my work-out with weights program 5 days a week, upper body MWF and lower Tu and Thu for the whole period. Kept my wine consumption to drinking with guests/family only for the whole period (we have had limited guests and family since covid started so there was only one five day period that I drank wine (and Baily’s)during the NovDec goals period. I am feeling fitter than I have for the last few years but I still need to loose some fat (like 10-15 lbs worth).

So, goals this time:

ME: -Intermittant fasting MWF 16/8
-Continue 5 days a week workout with weights
-No alcohol unless we have company or a scheduled “wine FaceTime” with my mom.
-in general, increase my fitness

Rocky: -continue riding 5 days a week, (2X trail and 3X arena)
-continue working on her canter stride with legyeild at canter
-work on trot lengthenings.
-video First level test 1
-in general, increase her fitness

My trail days evolved over the last period. I am riding her in western tack on a longish rein but Ive increased the work she does. She marches right along and we do “the hill” 2-3 times per ride. The footing is varied so she has to pick her feet up over the rocky areas and wind through a lot of trees and smaller hills.

Im torn about starting lessons back this period. I still feel that we both need to be fitter and more advanced in order to benefit from my current trainer.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:26 am

Hey Toto, I thought I wasn't supposed to be in Kansas anymore! Woke up to ice on the water troughs that I had to break through with a shovel. The manure was frozen to the ground.......yeah, guys, I know I can already hear the violins playing. Well Junior is still eating and thus doing okay but still has snot and the occasional cough. Brandon started coughing yesterday so it looks like between weather and URI my three are getting at least 7-10 days off. Not the best way to start the New Year or the new round of goals but what's going to be is going to be. Hope all had fun ringing in the new year.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Anne » Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:04 am

Well, in contrast to all you suffering in the cold, we have had the hottest days of summer so far (~28 celcius, ~= 83 F)... it is kind of de-motivating as well, especially as we are not used to the heat after a cold, wet, windy spring!

Goals for Connor:
- calm canter transitions. He's got a lovely canter, but getting into it can sometimes be hairy! I think part of it is just his understanding of the aid, so goal for me is clarity of aids, and part of this is building my confidence to give the aid, and insist on it happening (neck strap and jumping saddle which puts me in a nice balance help here!).

Goals for Fergal:
- load on the float (trailer), and shut the rear door. He's still very very tense about being in that enclosed space, so to achieve this goal, I think I need to just keep working on calmness in confined spaces, and general acceptance of 'doing stuff' - stepping over things, turning in a smaller space, going through a narrow gap calmly.
- keep working on girthing up with no bucking...
[no riding goals, though if saddling up goes well I might hop on].

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:18 pm

Happy 2022, everyone!

We've gotten a taste of both Anne's and Mountaineer/LSP's weather in the last week. Queso is not a fan of the recent chill despite his multi-layer blanket approach (looks a bit like the kid in A Christmas Story) after the last 2 weeks of mid-80s temperatures with very high humidity. Would be nice if we got winter average temperatures in a lower-variance kind of way, but at least the frost looks pretty this morning.

Goals for us this round:
- Suppleness through the whole horse (instead of the v. wiggles) even on a shorter rein. We're inching our way towards a consistent uphill balance but each new ratchet up of the neck/shoulders introduces tension (borne from the fact that it's really hard work, guys).
- Clean up the changes-- they're on the aids about 75% of the time and clean about 75% of the time, but they're not both on the aids and clean. Which is what we'll be touching on intermittently this cycle.
- Re-introduce half-steps and use to power up our "passagey" trot. Some horses don't need a whole lot of gait-building to get big scores, but Q is not one of those horses.

- Walk 18 mi/week with the dogs
- School Q 4x/week, weather permitting
- Track calories
- Saddle fitting end of Jan

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:58 pm

Im not sure we’re in Texas anymore, Toto! On Saturday it was 80 and dropped to 18 that night. I was feeling great about having re-worked my barn plumbing last year and I had running water yesterday morning. I had my trusty plumber change all the exposed pipe from copper to Pex and then I wrapped it all with heat tape and insulation….this morning it was frozen. Hopefully the Pex pipe will come through and not break like copper…

After hauling water from the house this morning I was feeling sorry for myself and decided to change my intermittent fasting goals :roll: . Instead of 16/8 on MWF I’m going to do it on Sat and Sun. Those are non-exercise, non-riding days and it will be easier to deny myself my fav meal of the day, breakfast.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby chantal » Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:37 pm

Happy New Year!! Upward and onward, and forward :D

Goals, work on my eating and yoga to help me be able to ride 2 horses for the time being. The cold is not kind to my RA and getting away from the holidays and unhealthy foods will help too. Trying to continue fitting in mountain biking in with the hubby and dog a day or 2 a week. Helps with my cardio and quads for poles and jumping.

Mikey is on the mend and we are walking under saddle so there that is. Don't know how long this will take but we are optimistic and I will update.

Sylvester, I am riding 3-4 days a week and am working on lateral work and collection and lengthenings. I am working on having him not pull on me, and me on him. My elbows and biceps and triceps tell on him/me, ugh. I am trying to be very aware. Transitions transitions transitions and no pulling. He is very responsive to my leg now and I've learned how to have him jump into the trot and canter very quietly and without me moving all around, wow, this has been years in coming. Lots of little (big?) changes going on, more to come I'm sure. I am working on keeping my hands low and together and not pulling on the inside rein. I do think the list could go on and on.

I'm so excited to bring all the things I'm learning back to Mikey when we get back to work.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:02 pm

Chantel, when Sylvester "pulls" engage your core and soften your elbows. Took me forever to learn that.

I have given up on goals with the ponies. They are all doing very well, but Rudy has informed me that there will be no riding until the wind stops blowing and we get up into the 20's. Tio said he'd be ok with the upper teens but he would prefer no wind as well. Rabbit just says "feed me!" :lol: Meanwhile, I am happy that we now have enough snow that I can cross country ski out my front door. The dogs and I are loving the workout although only Nigel (the lab) doesn't seem to get too cold. Pete, the rat terrier, wears 2 coats which keep his body warm but do nothing for his feet. Ripley complains mostly about her feet, but when she comes in from our workout she goes straight to the wood stove to curl up for a bit. As longs as I'm moving, the cold doesn't seem to bother me too much lately, so yay!

I guess my goal is to ride eventually and enjoy the snow while we have it! :D

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby goldhorse » Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:24 pm

Happy New Year Everyone!

My hairy yak Morgan is back to work now after 2 farrier cycles. I'm cantering again and it's no longer a fear fest with me just sitting there and more of a struggle to keep him from breaking and start to influence his canter.
Goals for me:
Get back to my exercise routine which lapsed over the holidays. Row for 30 minutes 3x week. Do some weight lifting 3x week. Continue cycling through the Dressage Rider Training program. I'm currently doing DRT4 for the second time. Keep on with my "Activate Your Seat" bungee program. That is something that I found on Facebook and has been good at improving hip flexibility and addressing some later instabilities.
Diet: Quit drinking so much. That is my major source of useless calories. So I am going dry for as long as I can manage.

Goals for riding:
Start showing recognized this year. I did some schooling shows last year at Intro and did super well. So now on to Training Level. First show is at the end of this month and I have to figure out all these memberships. Can anyone tell me why I would want to join USDF if my GMO (California) gets me a group membership? Are there some awards that you can only get with a USDF membership? Like I would qualify for anything :lol:

Last big goal;
Think positive thoughts. Stop with the negativity about my riding ability.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:51 am

GH, there are some things that you can only do with Participating Membership, like Regional Champs and All Breeds awards.

I'm in the opposite boat--our GMO has sunk so far into the mire of uselessness that I've just got USDF PM and haven't bothered to re-up with the GMO this year. Pretty sad, and part of me believes I should "go help sort it out, and not complain from the outside" but frankly, I'd rather poke needles in my eyes.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Tue Jan 04, 2022 3:28 pm

You should be able to do regionals with the group membership from your GMO! I'm not sure about all breeds. But my understanding is that you should be able to do all awards.

I tend to just do the USDF membership rather than the GMO because most of the things my GMO offers don't really make sense for me.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Aleuronx » Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:33 pm

These two months are the toughest in New England. Cold/ice/snow and just generally no fun to be horse owners so I'm keeping goals light and realistic.

I've had some highs and lows already and it's only the 5th! High of a really fantastic ride where I did our first legit trot half pass on the diagonal. I don't think Kora knew what we were doing so just went with it, lol. Low of barn manager and worker testing positive for Covid, so barn is closed to protect the skeleton crew to feed and care for the horses. They are vaccinated and mild cases but barn closure when it's relatively warm of 35F out is hard to swallow. A first world grumpy rant.

Section Goals:
Ride when not weathering/freezing temps
Truck out to large arena rental 6x
Ride w/Trainer in clinics if/when she comes up from Florida
Ride the horse you have underneath you, whether that's halt-halts and going around nicely or touching upon lateral work/gait improvement

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Jan 05, 2022 5:57 pm

blob wrote:You should be able to do regionals with the group membership from your GMO! I'm not sure about all breeds. But my understanding is that you should be able to do all awards.

I looked it up. Participating Membership required for Regional Championship qualification and participation, and for All Breeds, and for just about everything else except the Regional Schooling Show Awards Program and the Dressage Seat Medal program. I didn't look at the breeder's programs.

You are also going to need USDF registration for your horse, and USEF and USDF membership/registration for you and your horse if oyu are going to participate in recognized shows.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Wed Jan 05, 2022 9:55 pm

I had a nice trail ride today. Not to rub it in haha but it was 70 degrees, sunny, and no wind. A cold front is coming this evening and tomorrow is predicted to be low 50’s going down to the 20’s at night and high winds. Tomorrow will be a good arena day. I’ll charge up the Pivo and video. I have to hang a bag of rocks on the tripod when it’s really windy so it doesn’t blow over. Rocky does the occcasional Arab spook which I can handle, but if the Pivo suddenly came flying at us I may not survive!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:36 pm

Right now I have no goals except to find my foster dog a home or rescue and survive some major family stress right now. I have no business getting on a horse at this time so I will just continue to read and enjoy y’all’s (lol Deep South strikes again!) successes.

One nice thing not eating from stress I’m losing weight!

I do have a WE clinic scheduled this month. Weather permitting. I hope I can still feel right enough emotionally to host it. Remains to be seen

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:41 pm

Well, I have two sick horses at home, though Junior is on the mend. He no longer has any nasal discharge. His coughing seems to be mostly gone though I got on him today and he coughed once when I was riding and then after our ride which was short, he coughed in the crossties. I'll probably stick to trail riding him for the next week since that's not too demanding. Brandon has clear nasal discharge and is a coughing machine. No riding for him. So far Ace is asymptomatic. It's soooooo much fun living right next door to a huge reining operation. They not only hit all the big competitions (like the one last month in Vegas) but they are the ones that organize and put them on, so we have huge rigs loading and unloading numerous horses all the time. Of course, they have to pull up right next to my fence where the three amigos are hanging out to watch every move.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:54 am

Exvet, I have a horse with a nasty dry cough, and no one has been in or out for weeks, and no neighbours! I did have an emergency vet visit for a colic and who knows what was on his shoes. Lol. Might be a complete coincidence. I am hoping it doesn't flare through the barn. Hope your amigos return to good health.

Khall, I hope you find calmness in your stress. That calm that comes from inner peace despite external stimulus. I find riding detoxifies my stress.

Some of you have such organized goals and I am in awe. I feel a bit like driftwood this year. I gained a bit of weight . First-time in 2 years I actually gained. I am trying to put a break on that sense of " I might as well eat what I want I'm just a fat pig anyway" self defeating behavior.

I. So tired of Covid. Yes I know everyone is dealing with it.

OK. Horses. I pulled kimba and caliburns shoes for the ice part if winter. Kimba is sound and as energetic as ever. Cali is tender.

My water to the barn sprung a leak. Plumbers couldn't fix it,, bolts sheared, water off so I have been forced to carry buckets of water from a remote source to 18 horses. Of course it's sub freezing temp so that's work. Everything hurts. My muscles and my brain.

My group home is in quarantine due to covid. Of course I have to work , so it's shower, ppe and hope I don't bring it home or to the barn.

Riding does actually help my sore brain so thank God for horses.

Other laments, sick dog who after Dr and emergency vet visits us on the mend, yay.

I lost a lamb, it happens but it makes me sad.

Gosh I am so depressing. Sorry for the vent. I'm going back to sleep before my night shift.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Kyras_Mom » Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:47 am

Aw, Chisamba...some days are tougher...hope some sleep helps. It seems lately has been hard on the pets. I lost my best cat late last month. She had some respiratory compromise (asthma vs cancer?) She just didn't respond to treatment and was spending way too much effort and energy moving air. She wasn't young but I wasn't ready for her to be gone either :? :cry: .

Kyra seems to be on the mend though. The snot is disappearing but she is still doing some dry coughing. She never had a fever so I call it a horsie cold. I took her out today on the lunge and managed a couple trot circles each way through the sloppy snow and that got her coughing. So yep, still just some walking. We have had a bunch of snow...very cold then warmer and more snow and now warmer still so 6 inches of slop. Kyra is stocking up a lot...between the virus, standing so much and...kicking at the gelding next door and walloping the nice 3 inch steel pipe fence :roll: (they had access to their runs for a couple days while it was cold) . Walking takes most of it down (what places you can find that are walk-able). It was warm today and supposed to be warm tomorrow (by winter standards) then it is supposed to get back into the teens at night. That is going to leave lots of nice ice.
Ugh...winter. Goal...back to riding as soon as conditions allow. She should be over her 'cold' by then

One thing that has been a little mystifying to me is that Kyra is shedding vigorously. I was like :?: :?: :?: . The days had barely started getting longer then it struck me...they leave the lights on in the barn during business hours which is at least 12hrs/day. Maybe she won't still look like a yak in May this year.

Still trying to kick myself into some weight loss. I am just not able to do much exercise right now with my sore hip (Dr appt late Jan). I need to ditch a lot of the carbs which is hard but I have to do it. In addition to losing a bunch of the carbs, I am going to do intermittent fasting. Finding that 16:8 should work most days. I think that will help too. I did it quite a while ago but it worked. I did 2 days fast, 5 days eating but am going to try the 16hrs fast, 8 hrs eating this time. I would get pretty cranky on those 2 days. Today was pretty easy so I hope that will be sustainable.

Happy riding for those that can.


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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby heddylamar » Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:13 am

That all sounds stressful, Chisamba. (((Hugs)))

I'm mostly recovered from my bout with COVID. I was isolating, masking, plus running air purifiers, exhaust fans, and open windows — you get the idea — but DH still caught it too. Fortunately, based on the spouse's experience, it seems to have been the omicron variety. I'm still struggling, but I have fairly severe asthma. It is getting better, but far slower than I'd like.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:59 am

January is such a tough month. Survival mode til Spring.

One of our kids is stuck in Australia with Covid. Hes not feeling very well but will be OK. I just hope his employer is benevolent about his prolonged absence.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:09 pm

Oh gosh, I hope all the sick horses, animals, and humans are on the mend soon.

Weather here has been erratic. Lots of rain, days as warm as 70 and then sudden cold snaps. Yesterday midday was 64 and sunny and then rain came for a couple hours and overnight/this morning temps are in the 20s. So, hoping the horses are remembering to drink well.

Work has also been a bit crazy so riding time in general has been slim. But I did have a very good ride on MM to kick off the new year. I'm trying really hard to insist on a high bar of basics, which can be challenging. I'm hoping this weekend I can do a gymnastics day with her. But let's see what the weather brings...

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby khall » Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:33 pm

Chisamba oh goodness you’ve got so much in your plate! I’m glad you can find peace riding. I usually do just not right now. Partly from the stress and partly from having to clean up the mess of a family member. Because of the mess I’m having to seek emergency guardianship over my mom and have hired an attorney who I go to see Monday. This guardianship is all new to me and I’m having to negotiate all of the hoops to jump through in order to protect my mom. It’s tearing my family apart.

Henry my foster dog (as does my animals in general) is bringing me lots of joy! He’s my first full hound and first coonhound and he just makes me laugh. He’s like a naughty little boy whose mischievous and getting into everything but it is done with such humor and full of life and joy I just cannot get mad at him. One day he was loose in the barn and my boarder/friend was there helping me clean stalls. We had all the dogs loose to play. She had left her brush kit out from cleaning her mare up and Henry found it. He had it turned over and slinging brushes etc around with such joyful abandon we were just having a good laugh. I had to leash him so she could pick it up because he was intent on “ helping” her. Omg we both were just in stitches. I’m smiling now just thinking of the big goober.

Susan and Exvet I hope all of your ponies mend quickly and get back to full health asap

Mountaineer chisamba too and all of you who deal with frozen cold winters. You have my full sympathy. I just cannot imagine having to deal with frozen winters

Heddy I hope your family gets healthy soon. I’m with chisamba on this. I’m so tired of Covid and always always worrying. Mom has big our biggest concern from the outset. Her age and her Pre existing lung condition leaves her vulnerable even vaccinated and boostered. And my great niece who is about to turn one.

Blob yes our weather is so weird!! I have Bermuda hay fields greening up and growing! Dang it. My horses don’t need the bit of grass that’s popping up! I count on winters to help slim my guys down which they had and now they are putting weight back on and when I really am not able to work them much right now. Grr

Well I had hoped 2022 would be a better year than 2020 and 2021. So far it’s shaping up here to be even worse

Let’s all go hug our horses and animals now and have some wine

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:41 pm

khall wrote:
Let’s all go hug our horses and animals now and have some wine

Great idea Khall! This made me laugh. And I especially enjoyed reading about Henry and the brushes. I’m sorry you’re under such stress right now.

Heddylamar I’m glad to hear you’re getting over the covid. I’m still uneasy about the pandemic because we don’t really know what we’re dealing with.

Glad the snotty horses are getting better. I was wondering if the crazy weather had their resistance down. But then Kyra was exposed to a new group of horses and Jr has the horse business activity right next door so probably to be expected. Just glad they’re on the mend

Chisamba, I hope you’re feeling better after some sleep. On top of your already grueling schedule, having pipes break and having to haul water is the pits. 18 horses drink a lot of water! Hopefully you can get it fixed quickly.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Fri Jan 07, 2022 3:12 pm

Thanks for all the well wishes for our beasts. Demi, unfortunately I know where this is coming from. I had hoped it was more of a cold especially since my horses were vaccinated not that long ago; but it's not unlike covid in that the vaccines aren't 100% effective for these respiratory illnesses. I could hear two horses coughing A LOT along the side of the barn that is closest to my barn. My barn has been closed for so long to outside horses that I believe it's reminiscent of when my kids went into daycare. The first several months were horrible for the whole family but we eventually became immune to most of what was going around and then by grade school my kids never got sick or brought anything home. I'm just thanking my lucky stars (knock on wood) that it's not strangles. Phoenix is a hot bed for it, and I've had two acquaintances almost lose their horses to Bastard strangles in the past 6 months, something I haven't had to deal with since my professional stints in Kentucky and Ohio, also hot beds for it.

Chisamba I can feel your fatigue. Take care of yourself, as best as you can.

It is finally a bit warmer and brighter today. I think it will be a good day just to head out on the trail and enjoy the scenery.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Sue B » Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:12 pm

SO our beautiful snow turned to nasty slush which is frozen every morning and chewing up the horses' feet; yet somehow, no one is even sore footed, not even Tio!!! We had a reprieve from single digits this week but apparently the thermometer is headed back down. Last single digits, the tank heater started acting up (turns out it was the cord it was plugged into) and it kept tripping the breaker so that the horses' water and out camper kept freezing up hard over night. Finally got it all sorted out so horses have nice, unfrozen water which they are not drinking because they got out of the habit of coming to the trough. I surmise they are eating snow? Manure looks fine, no one is sick or off feed so I'm just going to assume all is well. (It could also be that ds filled the tank shortly before I checked it.) I used the cow dog to check for stray voltage by letting her run up to the trough and jump up against it to get a drink. :lol: Anyway, still no riding and now all my gates are drifted in; ds said he would dig them out before heading off to school though.

Jingles for all the horses out there with respiratory viruses. may they recover quickly and fully. NO STRANGLES!

Chisamba, I feel your pain with hauling water and I hope you find a solution very, very soon. Riding is most definitely a mental lifesaver, as many husbands can attest to. Or at least mine can. :P

Khall, jingles to you and your family. May the lawyer help you help your mom. Fraught times.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby StraightForward » Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:47 am

I'm sorry to hear of all the stress and illness going around. Not a great way to start a year.

I managed to haul Annabelle out yesterday and she was a maniac on the lunge line but eventually settled down enough that I could ride. However, after her bolting and airs above ground, I didn't want to do too much. Once she got her second wind though, we got some really active canter and uphill W/C transitions. She still had tension so she wasn't quite as soft over the back as I would have liked, but it's nice to know the strength is in there. Certainly need to make a point of hauling her out a little more frequently so she's not totally crackers if and when we try to show this year.

Also rode Tesla for a few minutes tonight in the indoor. She was quite good for only the second time in the indoor this year, and first ride in about two weeks. I've been doing some in-hand work with her and I think having her step up into the rein when I have access to her hindquarters is starting to get the message across. I can see that half steps won't take long to develop for her.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby exvet » Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:48 pm

Glad you were able to accomplish some productive time on both of yours StraightForward. I got Junior out on the trail yesterday and it turned out more productive than anticipated. I went with the idea that it was just going to be a leisurely, 'no ask' ride. Well, he absolutely loved our time out and I got to work on relaxation, raising of the withers and more medium trot than I thought was in him. The only 'ask/demand' I made the whole time was relaxation and softness over the back all the way to the jaw. Everything else he gave freely to the point that I had to insist he take breaks. It seems he's mostly recovered from his respiratory illness though he did have that nagging cough in the very beginning. When we got back I worked with some piaffe in hand just to 'entrench' the idea that he can lift his withers, lower his hind end and keep the poll at the highest point without closing too much in front but also not trying to lift his poll higher in order to get the withers up......I think he's understanding how it all works together, cycling the energy in the correct direction.

Brandon got the day off, still coughing this morning too. Since I promised my daughter-in-law riding lessons I decided I better practice Ace's dope on a rope skills. He was so good. I even captured the attention of the reining folks next door. Working under saddle Ace presents as a very different horse quite different from the 'Indian nag' they see every day :)

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:37 pm

Healing thoughts to all who need them! I understand the COVID weariness, but then I think about how lucky we are in the US and some other placesto have vaccines and for people like me protective options to combine with a vaccine (monoclonal antibodies). What about the rest of the world's people?

In horse matters, Emi's hind fetlock swelling went done nice (she probably hit it on something) and she is feeling good. My main goal for this period is to find the sweet spot of enough work but not too much work for her at this stage of life/continued strengthening post injury. Some of that is weather dependent (if it's cold, it helps her to have light exercise) and some of that me is being mindful of not doing too much, as she is so willing. For those tack walking in the cold and wind, I've been there this week and I'm thinking of you!

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby StraightForward » Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:12 pm

Exvet, glad Junior is recovering and feeling so good that he's offering things you didn't even know he had! That is a sure sign that all the hard work is paying off.

Piedmont, glad Emi's fetlock is improving. It's extra worrisome when they're already rehabbing from a long-term injury.

I just started a new thread in the rider fitness forum for anyone who would like to join. I'm feeling like a lump and signed up for the Dressage Rider Training program to hopefully get myself in gear since Covid keeps crashing my gym plans.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby heddylamar » Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:34 pm

piedmontfields wrote:Healing thoughts to all who need them! I understand the COVID weariness, but then I think about how lucky we are in the US and some other placesto have vaccines and for people like me protective options to combine with a vaccine (monoclonal antibodies). What about the rest of the world's people?

Our health care system is dreadful, but we do have a lot of resources ... if you can get them OR pay.

My doctor suggested antibodies for me, but I declined. There's a shortage and other people who are worse off. We know that if I get any sort of lung infection in the winter, it will linger for months and months, and several rounds of steroids. It's no big surprise that COVID is proving no different. But, the steroids (and time) work, so I have another prescription to fill if it gets worse.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sat Jan 08, 2022 4:36 pm

I'm so sorry for everyone with sick horses and any humans who are sick or just worn down.

I have a vet appointment for Lynx next week. He's been consistently a little sore on his right shoulder/Wither area according to Chiropractor/massage therapist. Not horrifically sore but still... Not thinking it's saddle related for multiple reasons. Curious if it's coming from feet still. He also was a little stiff in his right stifle last night. It could be because he has had the majority of 3 weeks off with just one ride a week and light groundwork when I could. Not sure but I want to make sure we are on the right path. He's such a good boy and he never says no or seems unhappy. But I want to make sure that he's not being stoic and that anything bothering him always gets taken care of.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:06 am

Heddy, I hear your perspective. FWIW, I have zero shame getting what the lottery of birth, class and genetics gave me: access to good care for a rare disease requiring me to suppress my immune system (via rx) to be a functioning member of society. Me taking prophylactic measures is totally okay in my POV. I understand that not all agree (if I did not work for a living with other people of dubious public health practices, I might think differently). Also, I don't have COVID, haven't been infected and am trying to continue to avoid that so I can continue to be a "productive member of society"! :lol:

Spent the day scouting a trout river today (hiking) while the horse got her trim. Good deal on a sunny southern winter day which started in the teens F and ended close to 50 F.

p.s. Pending one's experience with steroidal treatment, it may or may not be important to avoid that.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:32 pm

It's still complicated at the barn but on Saturday 4 of my friends and riders made it easier. We decided to take a hack out in the snow. Kimba had an unusual bucking and bolting fest, but it was more amusing than dangerous. We had a lovely ride. It was cold but sunny. For those on Facebook. ... 346648634/

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:05 pm

Great pics in the snow Chisamba, bolting non-withstanding. Jingles to those in struggle, may the tides begin to turn for the better.

Things have been tricky at the barn. They've been open and then closed as a day to day thing so it's kinda played with my 'normal' barn schedule. Fingers crossed the barn workers are recovering from Covid and back at it soon. At the expense of sounding like a complete 1st world problem, it's been tough to ride then not and be at mercy at that AND the winter weather/temperature at the same time. But the horses are being cared for so I'm trying not to be a complete brat.

Spent my 2 working type rides attempting to diagnosis the best way to address Kora's tendency to pull herself along with the left shoulder front and right hind out. She bulges/leads with that left front and while I can manage it going left with my inside leg I haven't figured out the most consistent/best way to address it going right. Especially in a small indoor where going off the track makes it even more small. When I do get it balanced and underneath I can feel my hip points both even and straight with that wow trot feeling. It's cool, but not consistent on how to get there. Something to ponder and tinker with for the winter.

Today we just walk hacked as the barn was closed yesterday and I was tired of having a circular of Monday rides. Touched upon halts and reinback a bit and think I will incorporate a walk ride in her weekly routine for the winter. We are staring down negative temps coming up for the next couple days so it will be pat, check blankets, treats and then back in the truck.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby demi » Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:43 am

I fondly remember my youthful days riding in the snow. Thanks for the pics, Chisamba! The pic of Kimba reminds me of my flea bitten arab gelding from years ago. He was a California native and never saw the snow but he loved the ocean and was the best trail horse in the world!

Rocky had the weekend off and tomorrow is a trail day. Im appreciating trail days more than I use to. I doubt we could keep up with Jr and exvet (although it would be fun to try!) but we’re in a different age group and I’m good with that ;)

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby MsM » Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:00 am

My biggest accomplishment recently has been surviving the holidays! I get a lot of anxiety around them because a lot of bad stuff has happened in that time frame. Not this year. :D
I gave Alfie some time off. We had been on and off anyway due to weather, farrier, teeth etc. But I decided to deliberately give him 10 days or so as a break. Just started short rides again and it has been - interesting. He is actually a lot better than he used to be when he turned into a deranged dragon in the winter. He was bouncy and snorty but mostly listened. Silly me thought we could work on him listening to my back and seat today. Ended up being happy he finally listened to anything

My goals in the winter are usually to confirm what he knows and not lose too much condition. I will have to decide in the Spring if I want to play with changes again. If I think I will really get to a show this year I may choose not deal with them until a bit later to avoid upset and volunteering. :roll:

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Tanga » Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:30 am

Whoop, whoop! I just got a saddle! I finally found that Albion a few years back for $350, but it is literally coming apart--seam rips on both sides of the seat and the bottom is detaching from the top. I check out all of the saddles on sites every day. I just found this locally on craigslist! 18" Albion for $450, like new, with leathers and the stirrups with rubber at the bottom so they bend, another new set of leathers, a saddle rack, a saddle cover, a nice bridle with bit, and a bridle carrier. I drove over, sat on it on the rack, and love it! Can't wait to try it out tomorrow. Feels cushier and deeper than the one I have now and it's wider, so it might be fitting the girls better.

I've gotten all my best saddle deals on craigslist. My sponsors (leasors) ride the older mare in a Klimke I got off craigslist for $250.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:58 am

Wow Tanga, that is savvy shopping
Last edited by Chisamba on Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Year, New Goals - January-February 2022

Postby blob » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:46 am

Great finds, Tanga! Love the pictures, chisamba--i adore horses who's bucks and bolts are more humorous than dangerous.
Aleuronx--i have the same issue with MM. I find doing traverse can be helpful, so can ToH and doing lots of changes of lateral positioning and/or bend--like going from SI to renvers or traverse.

I had a lesson with RP after ages. We worked on 3 things:
1. Trot lengthening: we did a lot of SI to few lengthen. But we just really haven't found that gear yet. I'll keep playing with the SI to lengthen excercise but I sort of feel like there is an unlock somewhere I haven't found yet.
2. Introducing ToH: we did some HI on a circle and worked on spiraling that in and out. And then moved to a square--focusing on quarter turns in the corner. He did really well with these exercises and as long as I remember to keep that inside leg on, I do think we'll figure these out fairly quickly.
3. Canter-walk-canter: was great to get some eyes on the ground with these. Trainer thought they are going well, but he worked with me on getting the downward transitions a bit more distinct behind. Right now the transitions are prompt, but he sort of does a half step shuffle behind once he's already walking in front. Trainer said this is fine and ok for now, but that I can help get more clarity by giving a half halt right after the transitions to steady him.

One of the most useful things i get from lessons is the reminder of when things are ok as a stage of training and when I need to raise the bar, expect more.

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