Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

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Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:48 am

Well here we are heading into a new year!

This one has me thinking a little more with recent big improvements with Miss T, and moving Miss A on to a new home. I am still regrouping and trying to figure out the new routine. Of course nothing is very routine in winter when we never know the weather and arena situation anyway.

Today was lovely - sunny, no wind, upper 40's. Yesterday I moved Obie to his new place that is just three miles from home and barely out of the way between main barn and home. I popped by today and he had already been allowed to go out with his new her "The Needys" comprised mostly of seniors and a couple younger horses that can't hold their own in the bigger herd pasture. He seemed quite happy, and the pasture is about three acres by my estimation, so I feel much better about having him there than somewhat isolated in an individual pen/paddock.

With the great weather, I took the opportunity to get some baseline video for the year.

I could have been riding with more energy, I think.

Goals this period:

Keep working through hoof trimming and kinesiotaping videos/content
Lose 5#
Add a fourth day of working out, preferably a weekend run
30 day Feldenkrais challenge staring January 2nd.
Lauren Sprieser Ride iQ sitting trot lesson at least once a week.

All the haunches in work
Connection with energy
Haul out once a week
Go to the winter jumping shows if it's not too frigid
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 01, 2024 1:15 pm

Saiph. Thoroughly assess her potential, If I have to hit spur and thump her to get what I want, then I am hating the ride. I'm so not a whip and spur and hold rider. I've seen very successful riders who are. Me, otoh, I'm too lazy for that. I hate it. I've always felt balance and self carriage are my happy land even though I am not a French light rider at all. And I ride to be happy first. And successful second. I'm not driven like exvet and StraightForward. I admire that about them.

Too much information?

So January and February are to assess my ability with Saiph.

Kimba, Flei and Honey. Ride as regularly as possible with natural progression.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 01, 2024 1:44 pm

The next two months is going to be all about balance and forward for me. My last few lessons have been more focused in establishing the horses' balance correctly appropriate for the level. I have been working a lot on transitions within each gait and lots of bending lines. I have two instructors in my head constantly - one insisting that I ask for proper bending and then when I think it's enough, ask for more. I'm trying to exaggerate the amount of bend on a 20 meter, 15 meter, 10 meter circle (so bend for a 15 on a 20 and so on) so that I have the appropriate amount of bend easily at the shows or in terms of movements like half pass zig zag, pirouettes etc. The other instructor I keep hearing while I ride is 'don't accept the trot he wants to give you - ask for bigger, then smaller, then bigger, then smaller BUT when you ask for big keep the balance and ask for engagement - sit and push up and off. This is the mantra I keep repeating at both trot and canter. As a result I have been seeing improvement which I hope to build on over the next two months.

All that to say I'm improving on the quality of the gaits first and foremost as my focus. Keep it simple.

I do hope to be able to work out more over the next two months and take Brandon to the recognized show in February. I'm holding off on Junior until we can complete a fourth level test with ease. I've earned high 50s and low 60s at 4-1 in the past because his trot work is so good; but, now I want to take that into the mid 60s. As always time will tell.

BTW Chisamba, in my last lesson I threw in the counter canter -trot transitions on the 20-meter circle for my instructor to watch and she absolutely loves the exercise and thanked me (you) for reminding her of its benefits. So I do plan to continue with working on the balance of the canter and the trot using the transitions in such a way. Also Molly is all about not working too hard when riding - spare the whip, spare the spur yet keep the horse reactive and forward with just the breath and seat. Unfortunately that is a wee bit harder for me to do with a PONY (Junior) but am managing it with the energizer bunny (Brandon).

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:34 pm

Chisamba wrote:Saiph. Thoroughly assess her potential, If I have to hit spur and thump her to get what I want, then I am hating the ride. I'm so not a whip and spur and hold rider. I've seen very successful riders who are. Me, otoh, I'm too lazy for that. I hate it. I've always felt balance and self carriage are my happy land even

Chisamba, that was how I was feeling with Annabelle. I had to drive to hard to connect her enough to keep up the progression. It was not enjoyable for either of us. I do have to get after T at the beginning of most rides, but once her engine is stoked, there is enough horsepower without constant driving/nagging, and she seems to get rather chuffed with herself doing the powered-up work.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby khall » Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:14 pm

January and February I have lowered expectations depending on the weather ( looking at lots of rain with no indoor unless I can find somewhere to haul to)

I do have a clinic with Cedar scheduled in February if I can fill it. A couple of regular riders are out so we will see.

Here is what I had indicated to Cedar I wanted to work on this winter with Joplin
Introduce the double
Lots of trot canter trot CC transitions (it’s a focus Cedar has for helping set up for FCs Exvet:)
Caveletti under saddle
LY/HP canter work
More piaffe US which is going well so far!
CW focus I hope

Prepare for new foal!!!
Have some barn repairs this month and fence repairs too. Have 2 months to go. Seen the little one kicking and moving now. Gaila is quite round bellied but in fabulous shape. Not bagging yet which is good. Expect it last month if pregnancy. Get my foaling stuff together. Naval dip ivermectin etc

A friend has a foal due next month. We hope to let them be weaning buddies later this year.

Me continue with weight loss and Pilates. 20 more pounds to go.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:26 pm

You are all awesome

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:44 pm

I've been doing a lot of periodic introspection - gotta take it in chunks or I'd lose my mind questioning every life choice I've ever made - thanks to a nice 2-week break from work. Upside: absolutely jazzed about the 2024 show season. Downside: I have to go back to work tomorrow.

The goals this time around are pretty much the same as they always are:
- Improved connection in the trot work. Lots of schooling transitions in the movements (in and out of shoulder in, haunches in, renvers, half pass, medium/collection, etc.)
- Step up the quality of the flying changes: at least 5x changes/ride, schooling from counter-canter shoulder-fore to renvers
- At least a 6 for walk pirouettes. Speaking of, anyone have any good walk pirouette exercises for a pirouette that sticks?

Dijon (oh BTW I bought another Queso-relative; he's a chubby little palomino weanling)
- Work up to 10min/day halter work
- Get a blanket on him

- Lose 5 lb, again. Somehow undid all the progress I made Jan - August last year in the last quarter. So here we go again.
- Walk, ride, bike, or yoga every day. Bonus points for 2x activities.
- Take down the Christmas tree and decorations before February

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:55 pm

Ponichiwa wrote:Dijon (oh BTW I bought another Queso-relative; he's a chubby little palomino weanling)
- Work up to 10min/day halter work
- Get a blanket on him

Ahem. We need pics of Mr. Mustard stat!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby chantal » Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:46 am

StraightForward wrote:
Ponichiwa wrote:Dijon (oh BTW I bought another Queso-relative; he's a chubby little palomino weanling)
- Work up to 10min/day halter work
- Get a blanket on him

Ahem. We need pics of Mr. Mustard stat!

Cuz, YES!!! Pics or it didn't happen!

So I looked at shows and actual tests today. 2-1 and 2-2 it is working towards 3-1. Changes aren't here yet but working towards them.

My goals are very similar to exvets. Changes within the gaits with emphasis on bending and up in the withers. Responsiveness is key. I have also been working on transitions on a long rein and those are so rewarding and he is happy doing them. The long rein is his reward for collected work right now.

Still playing with jumping and want to get back out to do baby XC at some point. So good for our brains.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby mari » Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:20 pm

Myself: Up my protein intake and get into a strength-training routine. I am lean and semi-fit, but would like to build a bit of muscle this year as a project. T

Riding: Continue with the theme of more. More bending, more suppleness, more sideways, more fitness (canter canter canter), more accuracy (for test riding). And keep working on making the trot nicer and bigger and rounder and the canter smaller and more rideable.
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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby blob » Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:47 pm

Blance work, life, riding--try not to get burned out. Set boundaries!
Start using walking treadmill again--2-3x a week
Cook 2-3 times a week
Keep a riding log/journal to track progress and plan ahead
Video tape rides
Work on position

Maintain fitness
Do more jumping--including at least one other lesson
Work on getting a true collected and true extended canter back
Sprinkle in plenty of fun days--trails, bridleless work, liberty work, etc

Lunge 1x a week
Continue targeted strength training/rehab
Work on straightness and correct bend
Work on sharpness of moving laterally off the leg and keeping a clear trot in the lateral work (esp SI)
play with CC

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby khall » Tue Jan 02, 2024 5:14 pm

Definitely need picks of the new addition ponichiwa! As for exercise to help improve walk p this is what. Cedar had me do start turn just do 2/3 steps then continue straight in HI really asking for big step with outside hind then short turn 2/3 steps straight again rinse and repeat. Really want the steps to be clear and fluid which the HI helps.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Aleuronx » Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:41 pm

Giving myself grace, these next two months are typically the worst for winter horse riding. IE, get what you can and call it a day. I also have 2 work trips already scheduled and have accepted that this might finally bring on a dance with covid in the aftermath of either. Fingers crossed I'm wrong.

Horse-wise my winter mantra is my horse is still in there. Spring will come and all will fall back into place. We tread water (snow, lol) for now.

Section goals:
Feel accomplished in 2 lessons with trainer in January when she comes up to clinic.
Address the bend, not just what she gives me but what I ask for.
Canter piro / flying changes: on days when she feels good and canter is accessible, otherwise just work on canter quality.
Hack once a week.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:05 am

Breathe, breathe better.

Ride, ride better.

Combine the two.

And in the mean time, work to solidify the truly glorious feeling of "between the seat and the hand" that has appeared over my last couple of rides, as if with choirs of angels singing, like a true Christmas miracle!

(To do this at all gaits successfully will involve my actually sitting down on my right butt cheek and relaxing my inner thigh in the right lead canter, which showed up as an interesting little missing link today. There's always something :))

I could do with losing 5lbs, too.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:15 pm

Update: check one goal off the list thanks to the power of treats:

I don't have any good conformation shots of DJ Fancy Mustard - mostly have been focusing on getting him used to people, as he spent his first 6 months of life out on a ranch with minimal handling. But he is getting a) much friendlier, and b) thick like a little tank:

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby heddylamar » Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:07 pm

Squeee!!! I love how plump and fluffy babies are! Soooo cute!! I need another baby horse <3

In good news: no visible separation of the bone! I have a new "scar on the bone" (whatever that means), and can't do anything weight bearing, or fall/impact risk for the next 6-9 weeks. Please explain how that is going to work? Lol. Plus the ortho took away the plaster half brace, so I have no okay-ish protection at the barn :roll: I'm away for the next 14 days — on a hiking trip — so that's going to have to be good enough. After that, I'm going back to riding ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby chantal » Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:14 pm

Ponichiwa, to quote heddylamar, "Squeee!!!" Thank you for the pics, he's adorable and looks smashing in blue plaid (pronounced played).

heddylamar-uh, yikes. horsewomen, amiright? Drs hate us. Take care of yourself!

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:08 am

Ooooh... so cute, Ponichiwa!

And, yeah, Heddy. Wrap that wrist in vetwrap or something! Glad no break though. Enjoy your trip.

Today I found my right butt cheek at the canter. The left one, however... Who knows? Maybe by the end of the week, I'll find them both in the course of a single ride. You never know.

The weather is starting to change here. It got cold, cloudy and windy this afternoon. I know we need the snow, but it's been so pleasant not having to deal with it so far this winter.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:14 am

Such a cutie! Consider your photo tax paid (but of course we want to see more whenever :mrgreen: ).

Heddy, glad it's not as bad as it might have been. Perhaps some bubble wrap for you!

Moutaineer, it seems like there is a joke in there somewhere about (not) being able to find your ass with both hands, lol. I'm sure you will!

Just trimmed T tonight and then taped her back and brachiocephalic. She was unusually touchy on her back, but seemed happy with the tape once I put it on. Hoping it's not soreness related to the recent saddle adjustment, but I think I'm going to give her the rest of the week off from riding. We could stand to do some lunging and long-lining anyway.

Yes, it is attempting to snow here now. It's going to be slippery in the morning, so I'm glad I can work from home and cruise into the office later in the morning.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:38 am

So, for funsies in my lesson today we played with a bit of piaffe and passage under saddle.

It's the first time I've ever ridden either one properly, on a horse that is truly coming over his back. It was tons of fun and the boy was very proud of himself. We were just planning on playing with half steps, but he wanted to do more.

He's offered them both as an evasion out of tension and with a dropped back and tight neck before, but today he approached the whole thing with a confident and calm demeanor and a "look at me" attitude.

It's been a really good week.

Oh, and my Rid'up safety stirrups arrived so I rode in them today. Love them. Love the weight of them, the broad footbeds with the slight squish under the footplate, and I feel comfortable that they would come apart in an accident without being flimsy. Worth every penny.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby blob » Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:49 am

Moutaineer wrote:
Oh, and my Rid'up safety stirrups arrived so I rode in them today. Love them. Love the weight of them, the broad footbeds with the slight squish under the footplate, and I feel comfortable that they would come apart in an accident without being flimsy. Worth every penny.

when you say you like the weight--do you find them light or heavy?

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:20 am

Heavy enough to be where you want them to be without being excessively so. So, not light, but not overly weighty. If that makes any after dinner and 2 glasses of wine on a Friday night sense...

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:21 am

And they don't look wierd. I got the black on black and they just don't stand out at all.

I got mine from Redpost Equestrian in the UK. They had a decent price and aren't sketchy.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby exvet » Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:48 pm

Cute guy Ponichiwa. Congrats! I rode both boys in the frigid temps yesterday and they were both good. Junior is really loving the cooler (colder) weather and finding energy and forward I never knew he had..........we attempted and being a true Southerner (superstitious) I'm not going to say it out loud or write it; but, they were good :) I've been working Brandon as if he were a second level horse and I believe he is now third level walk (LOL, no seriously he is), second level trot and first level canter. I'm hoping as we build his strength the second level canter won't take too long to find itself. Not too surprising and true to my history I think we'll be able to pull off second level test 1 just on his trot work. The cooler (colder) weather has helped expedite his understanding of medium gaits especially when it comes to the 'walk' back home. We had snow the other night, all melted the next day but we're supposed to get more tonight; so, riding may be curtailed unless the roads aren't too bad and I can get them down to the covered arena by riding or trailer. Making the most of every day I have the time to ride since I now have real weather to deal with other than disgusting heat.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby chantal » Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:41 pm

We had an interesting lesson with my instructor's instructor yesterday as my instructor is in FL for 3 months. Trotting into the new year is totally appropriate. All beginning with, well I don't like your sitting trot. Maybe not what she said exactly but what I heard and I knew part of what she didn't like. The gist of it being I allow his movement go out the front, right through the contact and I can't sit/sit stiffly in the resulting trot. Slow it down, bring up the withers, keep him on the contact, lift in my diaphragm and keep my legs relaxed unless we need to correct something, and KEEP HIM IN THE CONTACT (repeated for emphasis). Much of that also worked in our work on canter lengthenings for 4-5 strides then back to collected canter. I tend to ride a smidge too forward in my body at times which lifts my seatbones off him. She had me lean back a smidge to correct my position and use that to keep the contact better as well. He is so light in the contact, a number of reasons for this, and I need to insist on a decent contact, especially at the trot. The resulting work was some of the best we've done. We got a very good Med canter just off my seat, he came back and I worked on keeping the gaits (trot and canter) with my seat (need continued work on this), and we got to work on his second trot for a few circles. Fun!!

I am so sore in my abs and back today, but in a good muscular way. Phew!

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby blob » Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:30 pm

It's a helpful reminder for me, Exvet, to ride the horse you want and not necessarily the horse you have. I think this is why without a regular trainer set up, i often stall out/spend forever at a level for no real reason. it's usually not about not being able to do the movements for the next level, but not having the impulsion, collection, and carriage needed to be successful moving up. But you only get those things if you ride those things. Even with canter issues not entirely behind us, I probably need to start riding RP like a second, or even third level horse. There is no reason he can't do it in the trot and walk.

Having said that, I've had some good canter days lately with RP, including yesterday when his right lead canter truly felt back to how it used to be. I've been throwing the back on track sheet on him while I ride MM and I do notice a difference on the days when I use it v. when I don't. This makes me think there is a muscle tightness component to everything that's going on. The vet comes back end of the month for more chiro, I might bring it up to her and see what she thinks.

Tis the season for rain in mud over here. And i think i am dealing with a bit of low sunlight depression, as my motivation for everything is low and i'd be pretty happy to spend the day in bed. Hoping I snap out of it soon.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:54 pm

Glad you have had some forward progression with RP on the canter, Blob. I'm sorry that I don't remember but have you tried PEMF therapy or taping? Molly swears by it; but, some of the research I did on PEMF wasn't all that impressive (peer-reviewed articles).

We have had almost 3 inches of snow so horses were in all day yesterday. Looks like today might be a repeat and then I work tomorrow. Not much riding here at least for now. The sun is supposed to be out in full force but with frigid temps so not sure how much melting we'll get.

At least I've had the opportunity to catch up on some of the JJ Tate videos and work out more. That's where my ab soreness is coming from for now LOL.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:21 pm

exvet wrote:Glad you have had some forward progression with RP on the canter, Blob. I'm sorry that I don't remember but have you tried PEMF therapy or taping? Molly swears by it; but, some of the research I did on PEMF wasn't all that impressive (peer-reviewed articles).

Tesla absolutely loves the taping. She sees the tape come out and gets really quiet and stands stock-still waiting for me to put it on her. :lol: Earlier this week I taped her brachiocephalus and I've noticed that her underneck looks much softer than it ever has (not that it was bad to begin with) and she is letting me get into the base of her neck with the Posture Prep curry more than she was before.

Blob, I use an Equilibrium back pad a lot, and I see they've now come out with one that has heat too. Might be something RP would like.

I actually have not ridden yet this year. I decided to give T some time off because she has had some spots where she is really touchy. With her hamstrings I have it down to one small spot on the right rear now, and she seems better in her back (I just pulled the taping I put on Monday). Last night I lunged her lightly and she was actually going out on the circle and really arcing her neck F/D/O better than I've ever seen, actually over the topline and poking her nose out instead of curling. She couldn't hold it, but I could see she was testing it and it felt good. This week I might just try warming up with that, and then doing some light riding with walk lateral work. We're in for cold weather, so we'll be stuck indoors and I don't mind keeping it easy. Hopefully I can get her adjusted again in the next week or so as well.

I guess I am feeling optimistic though, because I did my SafeSport training and paid my USEF/USDF membership fees yesterday. ;)
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby blob » Mon Jan 08, 2024 3:07 pm

exvet wrote:Glad you have had some forward progression with RP on the canter, Blob. I'm sorry that I don't remember but have you tried PEMF therapy or taping? Molly swears by it; but, some of the research I did on PEMF wasn't all that impressive (peer-reviewed articles).

I have not done either before. Like you, I've been a bit skeptical of what I've read/heard about PEMF. The hype on it and the beamer blanket both seem to really be fueled by those making money from it directly. The body worker I use does taping, I believe. I haven't asked her to tape either of mine, but I will ask her about it next time she is out.

I still believe the base issue is in the SI, but the only solve is to really correctly build strength and I do think he gets tense in his lumbar and disengages there, making it hard to build the proper strength and balance. So, if keep the muscles warmed up and loose helps to get more productive/correct work than I am all for it.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 08, 2024 3:33 pm

Blob, let me know if you pursue the taping and if so, what you think. As stated in the past Brandon is straighter than desired from the stifles down and has intermittently fixated stifles. He's been doing much better with all the hill work, backing, etc; however, one of my instructors noticed that when he poops or in the beginning with canter he prefers to leave his hind legs out behind and not rotate his pelvis properly. Teaching him rein back has helped and notice that more so when I make it a point to 'warm up' with rein back either under saddle or in hand before really getting to the harder stuff. Also, I've been advised to push his haunches out or do something that prevents him from losing the hind end and getting stiff when pooping under saddle. So getting him to engage the hind end is hard for us both but I've noticed his connection is improving the more I insist on a more collected canter. I also do a lot of leg yield at the canter to help loosen his back. My point is that his stifle issue causes him naturally to brace in the back and I believe affect his SI. It's really noticeable if I let him go around 'like a Morgan' as opposed to using his back. When I am successful in getting him to roll over his back, not only does his movement improve and he becomes 'easier to ride' but I see it helps all of his mechanical 'problems'. It's truthfully physical therapy for my energizer bunny and I have to be diligent. Trouble is my aging back isn't as 'excited' to ride a true back mover as it once I take NSAIDs and get on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 08, 2024 3:55 pm

blob wrote:
exvet wrote:Glad you have had some forward progression with RP on the canter, Blob. I'm sorry that I don't remember but have you tried PEMF therapy or taping? Molly swears by it; but, some of the research I did on PEMF wasn't all that impressive (peer-reviewed articles).

I have not done either before. Like you, I've been a bit skeptical of what I've read/heard about PEMF. The hype on it and the beamer blanket both seem to really be fueled by those making money from it directly. The body worker I use does taping, I believe. I haven't asked her to tape either of mine, but I will ask her about it next time she is out.

I still believe the base issue is in the SI, but the only solve is to really correctly build strength and I do think he gets tense in his lumbar and disengages there, making it hard to build the proper strength and balance. So, if keep the muscles warmed up and loose helps to get more productive/correct work than I am all for it.

The SI taping is one of the easiest. Your bodyworker should be able to show you, or you can learn from YouTube. The nice thing is you're not going to hurt anything, it is just more or less effective depending on your application. The joint/tendon support tapings tend to be a little trickier.

I've taped my own SI and it helps a lot with soreness, so I'm a believer.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:07 pm

I had an ex racehorse in training worn obvious pain from the SI. Owner did taping, chiro, acupunctire, prmf, steroids . All kinds of inhand stretching and rehab. And the overall result is an expensive pasture ornament.

I hope RP has a more optimistic outcome.

Exvet i struggle a bit with pain too. Doing barn chores, riding et al. I'm allergic to nsaids so that doesn't help. This winter in really struggling with seasonal depression. Unlike the other optimists i haven t renewed my memberships or safe sport yet.

I'm going home to see my mom in feb and I'll make plans for after that.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 08, 2024 11:17 pm

I"m hoping I'll be back riding by the end of Feb! Stupid back is taking a while to heal, but it's giving me time to slowly pack up the house and we will be moving in 4 weeks.
I had to buy a new saddle for Norsey. Saddle fitting is so frustrating, different opinions from saddle fitter etc. Anyway, I decided to get a pretty one this time, since I don't do straight dressage. Found one 2nd hand and it's hardly been used. Now I just want to have a ride in it! I've ridden in the same style before but you know when you have something new and you just want to use it!

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby khall » Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:56 am

Ugh. Need jingles for Gaila. She’s just over 7 weeks away from her due date and she started to bag up slightly. Way too early for that. So hauled her in and US shows early stages of placentitis so now she’s on SMZs and equioxx to keep her from foaling too soon. Cross your fingers treatment works and that she can hold out at least until 2/16 330. I’ve dealt with placentitis before back in ‘08 and ‘09. Red bag delivery is always a concern with placentitis. So it will be weekly USs now or sooner if she progresses anymore.

Thankfully got the barn repairs done so now to work on getting the foaling stall set up. Just want her to hold on

Rode Joplin today. Playing with caveletti under saddle. She’s powerful. And CC to HP. Need the CC to engage and balance her a bit for canter HP.
Stay warm all and stay safe. Some crazy weather moving through this next week or so. T storms here and heavy rain

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby exvet » Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:23 pm

khall wrote:Ugh. Need jingles for Gaila. She’s just over 7 weeks away from her due date and she started to bag up slightly. Way too early for that. So hauled her in and US shows early stages of placentitis so now she’s on SMZs and equioxx to keep her from foaling too soon. Cross your fingers treatment works and that she can hold out at least until 2/16 330. I’ve dealt with placentitis before back in ‘08 and ‘09. Red bag delivery is always a concern with placentitis. So it will be weekly USs now or sooner if she progresses anymore.

Thankfully got the barn repairs done so now to work on getting the foaling stall set up. Just want her to hold on

Rode Joplin today. Playing with caveletti under saddle. She’s powerful. And CC to HP. Need the CC to engage and balance her a bit for canter HP.
Stay warm all and stay safe. Some crazy weather moving through this next week or so. T storms here and heavy rain

Jingles and fingers crossed for Gaila. I go back and forth between missing the breeding aspect of things until I read posts like this. Sounds like there's a very good chance you caught it in time.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:28 pm

Jingling for Gaila and foal!

Last night I rode T for the fist time this year. Started out with some lunging working on getting the good stretch and then walking over a string of 8 poles and backing up in hand. Her back was still a bit touchy on the right - saddler told me to use a shim on the right and bodyworker told me not to. I'd had just a piece of thin yoga pad in the length of the right side, and then another thin felt up at the front, so I compromised and pulled the full length shim out. I kept it light, but we had a nice ride and were able to continue some of the good stretching and it felt like she was starting to let go and bend more through the rib cage. LY started out funky to the right, but worked itself out after a few reps. Right lead canter felt pretty good, and she was stepping into the contact. At the end she had enough juice in her trot that we played with a little bit of half steps bordering in piaffe and she seemed quite proud of herself. So nice that she is grown and we can take a week off and then hop on for a nice ride with no shenanigans. It's going to be cold with snow on and off all week, so probably no chances of hauling out. We'll be making due with easier sessions like this at home, I think.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Aleuronx » Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:03 pm

Jingles for you khall, Gaila and the foal. Just wanted to pop on quick to say thinking of you and positive vibes for the meds to turn things around.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:07 pm

Jingles for Gaila and foal!!

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby blob » Tue Jan 09, 2024 6:35 pm

Oh no, Khall! I will be sending jingles your way for mama and foal. Please keep us posted on how she seems to be doing with the medication.

We got very heavy rain overnight and the first part of today (I'm sure, Khall did too). And we're expecting more on Friday. So I might be looking at a very wet arena and not much productive riding over the next few days. I will give them both today off and maybe tomorrow I can do a walk-only hack. I do think RP benefits mentally and physically even from just a good walkabout. MM probably doesn't need it, so it'll be more for me. Lately on days when we're just hacking, i've been taking her out without her bridle, which has been fun.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby chantal » Tue Jan 09, 2024 9:31 pm

Jingles for Gaila and foal!

Went to the barn, got all my stuff ready, got Mikey, and then decided it was too icky to ride. Too wet and too windy to go up the indoor. And he was soaked anywhere not covered by his blanket. So glad I put the new blanket on, the old one was no longer waterproof even though it was freshly waterproofed and washed as it is every year. What a gross day!

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jan 11, 2024 12:28 am

More jingles for you Khall!

Snowy and very cold here today. I had a good ride yesterday before all this started. Potters was a bit up because of the cold but held it all together very well and we had a productive session. I'm really happy with how the connection is developing for me. We will see what tomorrow brings. I'm not risking life and limb on icy snowy roads.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby exvet » Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:40 pm

Well I wouldn't say that the ponies enjoy the snow but they're dealing with it just fine. Finally was able to get some work done with all the horses yesterday and it looks even better for riding today. I rode Junior down to the arena on Friday and ran into some of the boarders at the barn who were trying to get their horses out just to see the sunlight. Two of them, fairly new to the facility, looked at Junior and exclaimed they'd never seen a horse with so much hair. I introduced them to the Welsh Cob breed and then explained that he was foaled in Arizona LOL. His first real winter has made him really grow his coat and feathers :)

I was prepared for Brandon to give me a 'bit of a ride' yesterday but he was good. His connection in the canter is getting better but with the colder weather and all (several people using the covered arena) his mouthiness/nerves have returned. Still, we had some good moments. So glad to have access to the covered arena when it's needed. Good character building opportunity for Brandon before the show in a couple of weeks.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:22 pm

I cannot explain how irritated i get when i write a thoughtful update. Hit post and it disappears.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby exvet » Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:49 pm

Chisamba wrote:I cannot explain how irritated i get when i write a thoughtful update. Hit post and it disappears.

You don't need to because I've had it happen to me a few times too.

Rode both boys today in the outdoor arena. Both were very good. We just worked on the basics. Brandon's walk to canter transitions are becoming consistently good. Now I just need to build up more back end/engagement to be able to work towards the other direction. He is also really getting the hang of lengthening/medium especially off my seat. Junior was a wee bit behind the leg at the trot though he gives me mediums and the like whenever I ask for THEM. His canter, however, was nice and forward. I dunno but maybe the Welsh Cob who is bred to trot until the cows come home is starting to prefer to canter under saddle now.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Quelah » Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:19 am

Strongest jingles for Gaila!

Chisamba I had that happen to be a couple of times on the old board, super irritating when it was a looong post. I learned to at least highlight and copy to my clipboard before I hit send, really long posts (Freeway stuff) I'd compose in word then cut and paste.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby mari » Mon Jan 15, 2024 7:38 am

Chisamba wrote:I cannot explain how irritated i get when i write a thoughtful update. Hit post and it disappears.

That's why when I write anything longer than a sentence I write it in Word first. Very annoying!
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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:07 pm

I think January might just be a write-off. We have about a foot of snow on the ground, and more coming Wednesday. At some point that stuff will start sliding off the indoor, then I have work travel at the end of the month. Oh well.

Right now I'm researching saddles. Hopefully in February I can trial something. The Vinici isn't a bad fit for T - it was just fitted to her before Christmas, but after three rides in a row, the next day the bodyworker found sore areas in the middle of her back, right where she would lift her back up under my seat. Last night I poked around and she was totally non-reactive, so at least it seems to be a temporary thing. Need to address it as we start climbing up past first level though. Aviar is at the top of my list to try if I can get in touch with the rep who travels out this way, and I'm considering trying an EQ Saddle Science as well.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jan 16, 2024 2:27 am

The barn got dumped on over the weekend. 21" of snow on the ground, and high winds. And yes, SF, all that has got to slide off the arena roof... and it's going to be zero tomorrow, heavy rain or snow again on Wednesday and be 45 degrees by the end of the week. Blech. Apart from the slop and the roofalanches, it's classic colic weather, too.

I don't think much more useful than getting some exercise is going to happen until all this settles down. It's hard to complain when the winter weather has been so stellar up to now, though.

However, having said that, I had a useful ride this morning. First time I've been on since last Tuesday, what with life and stuff. I was pleased with how our new-found connection is helping with the shoulder-in, which has always been a bit of a problem (too much angle, too little angle, too much bend, not enough bend, wah!) So I will be very happy if this change in our way of going allows me to develop the greater consistency we need.

I'm enjoying how I can get and keep a much better read on where his brain is going, too, and so far, cut any shenanigans off before they get going.

And I have to say, it really is nice to be riding in a bright, clean well-lit arena with good mirrors and excellent footing and new windows that don't rattle and moan in the wind. Makes a difference from the gloom and misery of last winter--and we don't have some guy with anger management issues working on the deck and mirrors while we are trying to ride!

So, I'm happy with January so far. If that's all we get, it's still good.

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby khall » Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:26 am

Winter is hitting many with a vengeance this week. No snow for us but cold temperatures for us southerners who don’t do cold weather!! Rain mixed in with maybe a day or two of lovely weather. Today was glorious

And I had very good news on the Gaila front. US shows marked improvement of the placentitis. No more on trips to vet unless things change for the worse. Poor Gaila is so large they have to pop the sides to keep from squeezing her belly! Active foal and already in position. At 298 days. Vet says at least 315 but right now her bag is looking much deflated so looks like she will hold out a bit longer ( unless she one of those maidens who drops the foal unexpectedly) 2/2 she’s 315 I’m hoping to go until 330 2/17. Would be neat if she goes on joplin’s b day 2/13. She stays on antibiotics until she foals. Can come off equioxx 315.

Exvet I hear you on the stress of breeding. I seriously thought after Joplin was born I would never breed again that end of pregnancy and foaling out of Joplin was extremely stressful. But I really wanted another Saphiro offspring and he’s now retired so only frozen is available and it’s difficult to find his progeny. There was one 3 year old available when I looked. Full Lusitano lovely gelding for $35,000. I won’t spend that kind of money for a horse. DH would have a heart attack!

Still keep jingling! Now for uneventful foaling:)

Riding Joplin as much as I can. Saddle should be here by first week of February in time for Cedar clinic. Joplin is enjoying the caveletti under saddle. Looking forward to more daylight!

Stay warm for all who are facing challenging winter weather and happy riding when you can!

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Re: Trotting on to 2024 - Goals, Progress and More (Jan-Feb)

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:32 pm

We had our second lesson with Stephan Cheret. I’m one of those riders that had taken advantage of as many teachers as I can, over about 50 years. From SRS, to Somme, to Germany and England and when I was with long listed the South African Olympic hopefuls and all the national clinics were made available. And here in the USA, anders Lindgren ( who I loved) maryall Barnett, and galop and everyone around and about. ( west, Florida, east coast) . How the hell did I go all these years and only find stephan now? Lol.

Anyway, I need to take my time with Saiph, the anxiety queen. Some of you may be familiar with this but…more supple through the rib cage, hind end more available and responsive, and more power into the contact before we are ready for the FEI levels.

Kimba, much more willing responsive and rideable, but her canter is limiting. This is where Stephan and I differ. I believe the willing temperament outshines the physical abilities. But we shall see.

I haven’t wasted my money presenting Flei or honey yet but when they are more established in their laterals I shall.

Stephan is of course evaluating compared to his much higher dollar horses, so I am not expecting glowing evaluation.

The photos are Saiph showing pretty decent bend and engagement behind, I think.
And Kimba showing nice diagonal parallels I think.
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Last edited by Chisamba on Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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