Saudi Arabia and Iran - is this going to be bad?

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Saudi Arabia and Iran - is this going to be bad?

Postby Tabby » Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:37 am

I'm guessing that it probably is but I'm not sure exactly how at this point. The Saudi's seem to be awful in many, many ways. From a human rights perspective, they are terrible. I don't know why we deal with them at all, other than the oil but even that doesn't make a lot of sense since we have our own oil. Iran has been the bad guy for most of my life but other than the hostage situation in the 70's, I don't really know what else they've done - at least not recently. This current situation is looking very, very bad and I strongly fear that we are on the wrong side of this. I think the US is the same as us - we've been selling them arms and armoured vehicles for some dog-knows-what reason (likely greed) for a number of years now and probably look like a close ally from the perspective of the rest of the world. I don't think anything good will come from this latest conflict. My friend is travelling to Dubai later this week and I'm a little worried about her. Fortunately, she also has a Polish passport so maybe she'll be ok.

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Re: Saudi Arabia and Iran - is this going to be bad?

Postby Spiritpaws » Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:09 am

It sure is a mess over there. I don't understand the Sunni and Shiite conflict from a religious perspective. And why Saudi Arabia choose NOW to execute this Shiite cleric, is just beyond me. The Arab countries are supposed to gather the end of January to start working on a peace solution in Syria. What led the Saudis to think this is the perfect time to set off a powder keg from neighboring countries with big Shiite populations?

The Saudi government is barbaric, there is no question, and they have allowed the spread of very violent factions of Islam like Al Queda. And they have made the same mistake our own government and culture has made which is to disenfranchise large swarths of people. In the US it is not religious as much (although one could argue the prejudice against American muslims is rising) as it is the color of the skin. There is plenty of injustice on this side of the pond.

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