Who rides an older horse

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Who rides an older horse

Postby Avola » Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:31 am

And what do you do with him?
I have four, count them four, horses living at home.
Dexter, the best minded OTTB evah, has an old track injury which has been bothering him on and off since I had him. He's 18 this year ad being bothered more often than not so any kind of training program is out because I never know when he's going to be off on that leg. He enjoys being ridden when he feels good and is a complete joy to ride.
Fahrvegnugen (Nugen for short) is sound but has a major case of PTSD which pops up at the most unexpected (an inopportune) times. Basically, he's completely unsuitable for anything other than VERY low pressure situations, as when the PTSD kicks it is not pretty to say the least.
Satinka, the MFT mare, was supposed to be DH's trail horse and did a fine job of it until he decided he's done riding. She's a sweetie but her gait does not agree with my back so she's pretty much a sweet pasture ornament.
Which leaves Harley. Who will be 24 in two weeks. Who, fingers, toes, and anything crossable crossed, is sound and enjoys doing things. I trail ride him once a week and trailer him to the local arena once a week and, of the four, he's the one in the best shape. We did endurance for years until I retired him from that at 18. Been there, done that kinda guy, has been with me all his life and we most definitely have a rapport. Harley was not supposed to but, because Dexter's old injury is acting up, is going to be my partner in two pretty intensive clinics coming up this month. Am I being selfish and asking too much or is it OK?
I guess I'm second guessing myself as to what is best for my horse's welfare. Again, he seems to be enjoying himself but am I asking too much of him?

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Re: Who rides an older horse

Postby Kelo » Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:08 pm

I have a 16yo and a 23yo.

My 16yo is still in full swing, and knock on wood hopefully can stay so for many more years. The 23yo is permanently NQR; he's just sliiiiiiightly off, no matter what we do. I started a thread about him in the Cross Training - I found the Six Feet on the Ground program, which has been a boon to us as a way to do something and make us both happy at a level his body can handle.

I think it's good for them to keep going at whatever level they can. I don't know how much they enjoy work per se, but I do know how they act when they haven't been worked in a week -- exercise is good for their bodies and their minds. I think you, the horse and your vet are the best bet in figuring out if something is too much for any given horse at any given time.

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Re: Who rides an older horse

Postby Mareless » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:44 pm

I had three until December, when I had to put down the 26yo due to neurological problems in her hind end. I had my last ride on her (albeit a trail ride) about 8 months before that. She loved to be worked, as long as it wasn't too taxing on her joints, and if she hadn't gotten so unsteady in her hindquarters--and therefore unsafe--I probably could have ridden her right up until the end.

The two horses remaining are 32 and 17. The 32yo also loves attention and likes to be ridden now and again at a walk. He's been mostly retired for a few years, was mainly my kids' horse and the youngest one didn't have much time for riding most of high school due to her involvement in cheer, drama, choir and FFA. I tried trotting him a few months ago and thought he was going to keel over in a heart attack--literally, he was huffing and just seemed to be struggling so badly to trot--but he feels like he could walk forever. He's great for leading my grandkids (ages almost 4, and 21 months) around on.

The 17yo is now my 'dressage' horse--originally he was for my two daughters to ride--now that the girls are both in college and I put down the 'real' dressage horse (the 26yo).

I think as long as they aren't having issues with lameness, or developing snarky "'oh no, not you again!" attitudes (which could indicate pain from being ridden), keep riding and working them as usual.

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Re: Who rides an older horse

Postby Avola » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:53 pm

Thanks! I don't believe one of the clinics is going to be too much at all and in fact I was planning on taking Harley there anyway. It's a one day indoor trail course thing which I'm pretty sure will be just fine. The other is going to be a whole 'nother story but I have ridden with the clinician a number of times before and I'm pretty sure he won't think I'm wasting his time if I ask him to take it easy with us once I explain the situation, hopefully.

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Re: Who rides an older horse

Postby orono » Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:00 am

It really depends on the clinician, in general I'd say a horse who is trail ridden once a week, and schooled in an arena once a week isn't 'clinic fit' regardless of age. But if your clinician in understanding, and you can play with things without it becoming strenuous then go for it. I'd be ready to 'eat' the cost of the 2nd day if I felt he had done enough after day 1.

(I'm not riding an older horse at the moment, my 28 year old went into full retirement 3 years ago)

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Re: Who rides an older horse

Postby VBOpie » Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:49 am

I just retired (literally two weeks ago) my 20 year old horse due to kissing spines and arthritic changes in his back. He looks absolutely sound on the ground, but he will not move when anyone mounts him. Personally,I don't consider 20 old (although I know, traditionally, that is how that age is classified). In fact, the equine dentist was telling me that the age classification for geriatric horses was increased from 18 yrs. to 21 yrs. Before that, we worked three to four times a week on basic school figures or lessoning. Now that he is retired, I'm sharing the ride with my friend on a 26 yr. old appendix gelding. On her rides, she takes him for long walks in the fields. I work on basic dressage on my ride.

I'd like to have something to continue to do with my 20 yr. old. The vet said I could long line him. I will have to look into that six legs on the ground program, too.

What else are people doing with their older horses?

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Re: Who rides an older horse

Postby Srhorselady » Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:38 am

Freckles is a 29 year old OTT who became a jumper at 7. He didn't quite make it to Grand Prix but did well in the mini prixs. Then he was leased for 2 years by a junior who won the Southern Ca Equitation Championship on him. He has always been an athlete. He was retired to pasture at 17 until his owner, my uncle, had to go into assisted living, and I hauled him home to Az and started him in dressage at 19. He is now 29 and can still do most of the 3rd level movements. He loves lateral work. He is ridden 3 times a week, but he tells us how intense and for how long. This horse loves to work and nickers to go out whenever I get the halter for any of the horses. I believe very strongly that all horses should continue to work as long as they are physically able. Being kept fit is so important for their quality of life.

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