Who is the horse of the month for September?

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Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby Chancellor » Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:57 pm

We will have to wait to hear from Rockabilly. Don't forget to refresh your browser

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby PaulaO » Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:24 pm

Hi Billy! You certainly are a good looking fellow!

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby Rockabilly » Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:26 pm

"He was my north, my south, my east, my west
My working week and my Sunday rest
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song"

I have started at the end instead of the beginning. I think because it is all still so fresh for me. I knew Billy and I were very close, but I didn't understand the depth of our relationship until he got sick and I would move heaven and earth to save him.

In 1990 a friend and I wanted to take lessons at Jim Graham's Meadow Run Farm. I had just seen an ad in the Chronicle of the Horse about a horse who was at Jim's barn. I just had to see this horse because in the picture he was jumping something big and there was a list below the picture of some of his accomplishments. Plus he was very expensive. At that time I didn't know horses cost so much. We finally found the farm after wandering around the countryside and Jim's Dad was in the office. Jim and everyone else was off at a show. I asked his Dad could I see that expensive horse you have? He said, sure he's down there on the left. So we walked down there and saw this big, dark, roman nosed horse. I took one look at him and said who'd buy you? You're the ugliest horse I have ever seen. Billy was loaned to the USET and was trained by Jack LeGoff who developed a certain respect for Billy. He said Billy had a mind of his own and that was true. I always felt Billy would think about things. I need to add Billy was a New Zealand Thoroughbred and was first cousins to Mark Todd's Charisma.

Time goes on and I actually get to ride this horse and what a ride he was! We got along so well that the assistant I was taking lessons from said I ought to buy Rockabilly. Someone else also wanted him, but I was first. My husband was working in Chicago and I called to tell him about Rockabilly and he said if he is a good horse just buy him. I said okay, but he is big, dark with no markings. He has a roman nose and a thin tail. My husband was finally able to come see him and watch me ride. When he got to the barn I was grooming Billy in the hallway and looked just like a piece of satin. My husband took one look and said Good Grief that is what a horse is supposed to look like. From your description I was expecting a mule.

Billy started working his way into my heart. Before much longer the assistant left and I started taking lessons with Jim. It was a world I never knew existed.

Billy and Jim taught me how to ride, really ride. Some years pass and I bring Billy home to my barn. When I first knew Billy he had an attitude. He was very standoffish. My husband always said what Billy needed was his name on a stall door. That was true, that was what Billy needed.

Before I knew it Billy was in his 20's and we slowed down on the lessons. I loved and I think Billy did too riding on my farm. So many adventures that lead me to my favorite Billy story. In 2002 or 2003 I was riding Billy early one morning on the farm. We were quite a ways from the barn and we were cantering. Before I knew what was happening Billy fell with me. I don't know why. Maybe the grass was slick or something. I hit the ground so hard a blade of grass embedded itself between the sole of my boot and the leather top. I couldn't get up, but Billy got up, shook himself and started walking very quietly toward my house. He walked past the barn. He didn't stop and nibble grass. He walked straight to my house and stood in the driveway waiting for someone to come out and see him there. Someone did see him and went looking for me. I broke my left leg in the fall and even today I am grateful it was me and not Billy.

In late December, 2007 Billy foundered catastrophically. He was 27. We took him to an equine hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. Billy stayed in the equine hospital from January, 2008 to August, 2008. Everyone had to do their part to save Billy's life.......Billy, me, the vet and the farrier. Also the lovely young women who took daily care of Billy. Billy came home in August, 2008 and for 5.5 I devoted my life to taking care of Billy and doing the very best for him that I could. Every night I would tell him that God never made a better horse and how much I loved him. After the passed away I realized I had been saying goodbye to him every night. I realized the barn had been set up for his comfort and happiness. One morning in August, 2013 when I walked to the barn I didn't see Billy's head over the gate. I thought well maybe he is in the corner, but as I got closer I could see Billy laying down in his run-in and I knew something was not right. I came close to Billy and I could see he had passed away. In that moment the earth stopped spinning. He looked like he was sleeping. He was as shiny and glossy as ever with no sign of struggle. His vet said he thought this was Billy's last gift to me and I couldn't see it at the time, but now I am beginning to believe it.

Oh, I have so many Billy stories, but I'll leave the rest for now. Thank You for reading.

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby fergusnc » Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:52 pm

I have never forgotten what your vet said about Billy's passing and as terrifying as it is to think about it, I pray for a similar passing for all the beloved horses who have crossed my path and/or stayed with me on "my" road. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ that Billy boy...even having never met him.

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby Chisamba » Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:53 pm

Thank you for sharing the joy Billy gave you again.

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby TeresaA » Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:12 pm

I don't know that I would have understood how much one horse could mean to a person until I had mine. Billy was a beautiful horse and I admire the dedication that you had for him.

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby M&M » Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:01 pm

When I saw that Billy was the horse of the month, I had to take a few days before I could come back and read his story. I don't think the intensity of your care for him will ever leave me. What I never knew about Billy is that he was such a star on the big stage!

I also never knew the story about your broken leg. They are all stars in our lives, and they are all the best horse in the world, but some of them - well, all animals were created special, but some are more special than others.

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby LeoApp » Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:09 pm

Oh Tricia - I am sure you cried as you wrote this. It certainly made me cry. He was the horse of a lifetime. There will never be another horse like him and that is how it should be.

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby Sue B » Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:12 pm

Beautiful pictures of Billy too! Thank you for sharing.

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Re: Who is the horse of the month for September?

Postby Flight » Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:01 am

That's a great story, thank you for sharing.

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