Anyone in Texas with special need kids in public schools?

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Anyone in Texas with special need kids in public schools?

Postby bits » Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:26 am

If so, have you noticed how impossible it is to get these kids tested?

If so, here's why. The TEA set a cap of 8.5% on the number of special needs kids it would provide services to. The national average is 13%.

I belong to a FB group to stop the STAAR test. I'll never let my son take that test again. After this article was posted the stories came pouring out. It suddenly all made sense as to why getting services (what is supposed to be a law) has been so hard if not impossible. The stories being posted there are aweful. And I thought we had it bad.

My son has dyslexia, add a few other learning disabilities and needs some minor accommodations. When we first moved here, the school tried to take them away. Told me their person who had 3 days of training to determine if he had dyslexia would have to determine if he had dyslexia or not. I went crazy woman on them. We had a report written by two psychologists with PHDs do our evaluation and the other school had no problems giving him a 504 based on need. And every year we go through a song and dance about accommodations. This year we had to hire private tutors and an education attorney to represent my son during his 504 meetings. I got tired of playing their games when I knew my son clearly needed help.

Anyway, read what the Houston Chronicle uncovered. There are no words. This is a national disgrace. Pass this to anyone you know who has a child in Texas schools. The word must get out.

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Re: Anyone in Texas with special need kids in public schools?

Postby Rhianon » Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:30 am

We're an intelligent species in so many ways. So why do we so often fail to care for our young?

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