Does this annoy you????

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Does this annoy you????

Postby Hayburner » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:16 pm

Kind of a rant here -

People that talk LOUD !!!

I don't know if it's because I have lived alone for the last 5 years - but, when people talk LOUD - it makes me CRAZY ! I truly cannot stand it.....

It seems these same loud people - also, talk endlessly about's like they are just trying to burn time and try to engage me and others in totally useless questions.

Why am I posting this now ?? Because two LOUD people are standing next to my office door talking loud, deep and about nothing! Just engaging in conversation to burn work time.....UGH.......I just want to say SHUT UP !!

I do think it bothers me so much because I have such peace and quiet at home - even at the barn if I'm riding and people come in the ring yacking away - I get a bit annoyed.

Does anyone else find this annoying???? or is it just me???? LOL

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Cookie » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:40 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: LOL

The loud thing doesn't get under my skin as much as people who talk endlessly about nothing and it distracts my work. I get very anxious when they want to stop in the hallway and talk because I'm busy and I have things I have to get done. There are a few people at my work who apparently don't have enough to do because if I see them in the hallway they just want to stop and talk about nothing and I'm like :? :roll: :evil: because I. have. work. to. do. :lol: Sometimes I feel like a grumpy ogre for not wanting to stop and talk. :oops: :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol:
AKA LaurieB :mrgreen:

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Canyon » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:41 pm

Yes, that would bother me.

Maybe it's time for some noise-cancelling headphones. Have you seen this ad? :lol:

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby SnowHorse » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:52 pm


It seems that people don't use their "normal" conversation volume any more, but they crank it up half way between that and yelling for their lives.

We didn't have a TV for almost 20 years, and after we recently got one (it's *really* for watching movies and Netflix, as we used to do that on a 14" laptop, LOL), the volume people are using when speaking to each other (talk shows and such, where they're right next to each other) is way too loud, as if their message wasn't going to go through unless they're really loud about it. Ughhh.

THEN, there are the people who have a very loud voice to start with, and who like to tell many stories. So there you are, eating out, and from far across the room you can hear the whole life story of this guy who never learned to adjust his voice to a little more intimate setting, where NOT EVERYONE needs or wants to hear him.................... :|

And yeah, it's generally quiet in my house. The fridge is usually the loudest sound here and it bothers me...LOL
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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Mareless » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:57 pm

YES!! Oh my gosh, yes! I'm one of those people who can get overloaded by too many voices, too much noise, at one time. For instance, it drives me crazy when I will have music on, and DH will turn the TV on too, without turning off the music first. So much conflicting sound going on that I can't enjoy either one.

If someone talks loud because they have a hearing problem, I can (somewhat) overlook that. At least for twenty minutes or a half hour, then I just have to leave the room.

But for those who are just plain loud for no good reason, ARGH! DH has a friend like this, who was over at our house for most of Saturday. I went away for three hours. I stayed inside if they were outside, and vice versa, at least until it got dark outside. Then I ended up going to the second floor of the house to my bedroom, shutting the door, and turning the radio on just so that I could tone down that voice enough that I could read. I had tried reading in a separate room on the same floor of the house, but after re-reading the same half a page for close to 20 minutes and still not being able to focus on the words, I 'fled' to the upstairs.

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby PaulaO » Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:36 pm

I mentally scream STFU. So many people talk so loudly and most of it is just blather. Hayburner, go into the hallway and tell the people "you know, I can hear every word you say." Or ask them to move their conversation elsewhere. We quiet people need to be assertive.

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Rockabilly » Mon Oct 24, 2016 8:06 pm

If you're quiet and live in a quiet peaceful atmosphere I can see why this is so annoying. This from a person who hasn't watched television with the sound on for about 25 years. I never hear the voices, but one time I did hear the Kardashians voices and it was like fingernails on a chalk board.

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Hayburner » Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:17 am

PaulaO. That's what I'm internally saying too! Lol. I'm afraid one of these days I'm going to just scream it out! I have been known to get up and close my office door, just to get away from their noise!

There are actually people at work and the barn that I try to avoid because of how loud they are. But, it never fails they find me and I cringe. As for the chatterboxes, I try to give one word answers or look super busy when I see them coming my way.
It's not that I can't be chatty, but I hope others don't see me as one of those goes off endlessly about nothing :lol:
It's not that are not generally nice people, they just make me crazy.

The one girl at work has 4 kids so I blame her loudness on trying to talk over her kids. I have had to tell her shhhh, bring it down a few notches, especially first thing in the morning.

Snowhorse, how did you live without a tv?

Rockabilly why did you not have the volume up on the tv?

At home I usually have the tv on just noise, the radio -no way! Radio is fine in my car, but not at home.

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Rockabilly » Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:30 am

Rockabilly why did you not have the volume up on the tv?

Because I can't stand the noise.

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Astral » Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:54 am

Everything annoys me lately, and I don't particularly enjoy interacting with humanity at the moment, so yes, it would annoy me :lol:

The nature of my job has changed over the past few months, and I'm now in the main office for part of the week, instead of being alone, in my own office, listening to my classical radio station and the occasional nonsense on the street outside. The main office is open concept... so you hear everyone's conversations, phone calls, eating (mouth noises is a separate rant, though), sniffling, whatever. It's hard for me to not tell people to use their "inside voices." But, on the other hand, I don't hear well, so I know that sometimes I have a hard time regulating my voice, so I'm sure I annoy people too!

But I also just want quiet most of the time - I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't have a TV, although I do listen to the radio and to music. Just not all the time. I don't WANT background noise. I work in the city, and I'm most markedly NOT a city person - so I hear enough noise all day.

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Quelah » Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:58 am

Loudly. You are loud, you speak loudly.

OMG my mother just took over my body and spoke through me. My apologies!

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby myleetlepony » Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:11 am

Yes, and I am stuck in a room with one for 12hrs every work shift. Somehow that loud talker always attracts other loud talkers into the room and the conversation can go on for hours! I've been known to leave and go for a break in the basement.

I think my job has made me super sensative to noise over the years. My job is to listen to a primary radio talk channel and also listen in the background to various other channels. It's actually somewhat difficult to be in public places where people are talking in general because I have a trained tendancy to "scan" conversations. I have to mentally turn it off now. I can no longer tolerate low level background noise for very long because it becomes stressful.

Alone time in the car with the radio off and the windows up is stress relief. I suppose that's the upside of an hour commute home.

Loud TV and music makes me feel very stressed, although strangely, movie theaters don't bother me.

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby Hayburner » Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:49 pm

Well, when I get old and hard of hearing I'll probably be Thankful for those LOUD people! I'll also probably become one.... LOL

For now, I'll just have to suffer through...

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby PaulaO » Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:47 pm

I must confess, most everything annoys me.... There are days when I wish I was hard of hearing. But then I wouldn't hear my Ariel nicker for me.

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Re: Does this annoy you????

Postby SnowHorse » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:07 pm

Hayburner wrote:
Snowhorse, how did you live without a tv?

How? Very easily...LOL :)

If one has internet, you can get all the news from there, and outside of that there's nothing on TV that one can't live without. It's just a complete waste of time. I got better things to do, I think :)

I can see how Rockabilly would have the TV on but no sound - it's the sound that annoys me most. I would never want people whom I don't personally know speak loudly in my house early in the morning - and that's exactly what the faces on the screen are.

We also only have radios in the vehicles, there isn't a single one in the house.
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