Working like freeking crazy

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Working like freeking crazy

Postby boots-aregard » Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:07 pm

Just an update from me, just because we want new posts every so often.

I'm working like crazy getting a house ready to rent. We've shoehorned in a kitchen remodel into the 30 days between renters, and anxiety levels are off the scale. Plus the departing renters didn't dress the yard after their dogs, so I'm on poop patrol. I can't believe how awful some people can be! Someone actually threw a piece of dog crap onto the roof of the house. I have a photo (in case they contest my charges). What pigs. I'm well rid of them.

I got a call last night from the former renters, and she went *off* on me. In Cal, you are supposed to return the deposit (minus costs) within 21 days and she obviously suspected I was going to keep all of it. I don't really know why she distrusts me so much, other than the fact I actually expected them to pay for things they broke during their tenancy (two windows). I was trying to save them money-- My plan was to take a window from the back of the house and put it in the broken window in the garage (same size). I'm having all new windows put in the house (retrofit dual paned) but not the garage (where the broken single pane is). But the new windows haven't arrived yet, so I haven't made the switch yet. So she goes bonkers on me on the phone last night and interrupts me every sentence, and insists they don't have to pay for the broken window, so finally I hung up on her. But I did put together her statement last night, minus the costs, and sent the rest under a dated time stamp of Oct 21. It was surreal.

Anyway, I had to physically transport 40 bags of mulch up stairs to the back yard (house is at the base of a hillside, so the yard is terraced) by hand these past two days, and that's a workout. I was really chuffed that I could do it and not be more than just tired/sore (since I'm officially old now). Skeletal structure still in good shape, CHECK! I'm trying to put the 3rd tier of the yard under blackout and mulch to keep the weed-trees from re-germinating, so I had a heck of a lot of new saplings to clear first.

Garage door came, and it was the wrong door. Guy had it half installed before we discovered the error, so that'll have to be redone. I can't believe how inefficient the big box stores are about these kinds of things, and my heart is in my throat about the windows not having arrived yet. Yikes. I am communicating with the new renters and really really really hope they are better people than the last. They seem to be very happy that all this new stuff is happening, but I'm terrified the window install won't happen until after they've moved in, which can sour the relationship.

It'll be a cute little place when all the work is complete. But right now, money is flying out the door, and I'm sweating each day with a hatchet in the back yard. I rejoice each time to know that I'm still in reasonably good shape.

I presume many of us have this secret thrill that "we've still got it", whatever "it" might be.

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:15 pm

Oy. Thank you for reminding me yet again why we don't have rental property (even though I live in a state where tenants have far fewer rights compared to Cali.).

Good luck with finishing your remodel and with your new tenants!

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby Chisamba » Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:24 pm

Hope you can reduce your stress!! Good luck with new renters. Congratulations on your efforts

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby Rhianon » Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:29 pm

What piedmont says about having renters! I admit, we did really well financially. But I'd rather have not learned those things about my fellow humans.

Hang in there--sounds like you are in the home stretch.

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:37 pm

Oh, yeah... I spread a good proportion of 16 tons of gravel last weekend and could still walk afterwards, so I know what you mean!

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby emmalou » Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:29 pm

Is this your P house? Too bad it's not down the hill or I would have taken it. I'm a fabulous renter. :mrgreen:

Good luck!

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby Idofly » Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:54 pm

Having rental property can be great -if- you get good ones.

If you don't, it feel like you are in a special hell.

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby periastra » Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:45 pm

I can't believe someone took the time to throw poop on a roof. I am so glad I'm not a landlord. A friend had a hard time selling her house, and decided to rent it. Her real estate agent seemed like a lovely professional person, and she rented to her. She moved in a bunch of extended family (12 people total) and they trashed it. My poor friend was in and out of court for a couple years.

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:10 am

Peri, that is what I'm talking about. I already get shocked by what my fellow humans are capable of in E Tennessee in daily life! I just sold a car to the general public...don't make me learn more right now!!

Boots, I know people need to rent, it can be a fair way to make income and enable safe housing options, and goddess knows many renters are very decent folk. Hey, I used to rent (and pay on/ahead of time, fix things if okayed by landlord and generally add value including a lot of gardens). B/AR you are in my thoughts!

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Re: Working like freeking crazy

Postby chantal » Fri Oct 23, 2015 11:09 am

People can be horrible. That's in stark contrast to the type of person you are boots. I'm sorry you are dealing with this and I hope the deposit covers it for you. It doesn't cover the stress and labor... She's defensive because she's in the wrong, she may have done this before and knows she's in the wrong but thinks she can intimidate you, who knows. She doesn't have a clue.

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