Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

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Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby fergusnc » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:09 pm

I eat fairly well being a vegetarian with a sweet tooth, but having hit 46 this birthday the doc reminded me about multivitamins. I asked for rec's of good brands, best forms for absorption, etc, to get the most benefit...use daily to hear that a lot of vitamin supplements are not absorbed and are just pee'ed out. Doc's only rec was familiar name brands from the store.

Does anyone have info from your own research on this topic...on best forms for absorption, good brands, etc...even if not at a local store? Thanks for the thoughts!

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby Srhorselady » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:41 pm

I've used the bone growth formula and the sub lingual Vit B from A friend who is a pharmacist suggested them since she was familiar with the developer. I have osteopinna and am borderline for worse. After a year on the bone growth formula I had less than 0.1% change on my bone scan so I'm sold. This calcium formulation uses calcium from multiple sources so it is more absorbable. Also it didn't upset my system like taking the standard calcium brands at the recommended amounts did. The Vit B I just feel better, more energy when I use it. I haven't used other products.

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby Tsavo » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:50 pm

I have been told that if you are eating a reasonable diet, you don't need vitamins nor will they be incorporated. Only in the case of a proven deficiency would vitamin supplementation be advisable or effective.

I am a vegan and have been for about 2 years. I take B12 pills occasionally but I am not sure any of it is bioavailable. My B12 levels are in the normal range because I eat fortified cereal as far as I know.

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby heddylamar » Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:33 am

I've heard the same advise regarding multivitamins -- get them through natural resources first. But, since that's obviously not working for you, why not try one of the multivitamins that the doctor recommended?

As a runner, and a vegetarian/part time vegan, my blood work is perpetually low in vitamin D and magnesium. On the doctor's advice, I do supplement with both.

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby kande50 » Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:42 am

My sister's a dietitian who works with a group of dietitians so she's pretty up on the research, and she takes a vit d supplement in the winter and that's it for dietary supplements.

Last winter when I was dragging I started thinking about a vitamin supplement but never did get started on one, and miraculously, even without it, I perked up when spring came and have been much more energetic this summer than I remember having been for years. Not sure why, but if I had started taking a vitamin supplement, or made other dietary changes, I would now be thinking that the dietary changes were responsible for the energy boost. :-)

Next winter however, I am going to start taking a vit d supplement, just in case. I did have my vit d checked several years ago, in February, and it was within the recommended range, and I do drink a lot of milk so am probably getting enough.

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jul 02, 2017 3:32 pm

I have done some minor research , not of specific vitamins and bio availability, but of the need for micro-nutrients. Biochemistry is something i am interested in, and things like proteins, enzymes etc.

its just a fact that statistically, the majority of people do not intake sufficient vitamins and minerals through their diet. It is better to eat well, but eating well and taking vitamins are not mutually exclusive.

quote: While most nutrition experts agree that a balanced and nutritious diet is the best way to obtain needed nutrients, the researchers in this commentary point out that many Americans have a less-than-perfect diet — long on calories and short on nutrients — and the vast majority are not getting enough of several important vitamins and minerals.

“It’s naïve to ignore the fact that most people have micronutrient inadequacies, and wrong to condemn a daily supplement that could cover these nutritional gaps safely and at low cost,” said Balz Frei, professor and director of the Linus Pauling Institute, and a biochemist in the OSU College of Science.

“There’s strong evidence that a multivitamin/mineral supplement supports normal functioning of the body and helps improve overall health, and may even help lower chronic disease risk,” Frei said. “It’s irresponsible to ignore decades of nutrition research and tell the people of the United States they have no need for a supplement that could be so helpful, and costs as little as $1 a month.

“And if they have a poor diet, people should try to improve that as well,” he said. “The two are not mutually exclusive.” ... s-far-over

so, yes i take vitamins, especially D in the winter.

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby fergusnc » Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:27 pm

Thanks all!

I have also heard....for years...that diet is best source. But recently heard that the quality of soil has decreased so much over the years with insufficient replacement of nutrients/mass production of foods in the compared to years ago....that it's really hard to rely on food. Unless maybe you grow your own and test your soil?

I am fine with taking vitamins, and fine with buying them at Target or wherever....I think I just have a mental block about the big names, the ones with all the commercials, and wonder if they really do what they say they will do...big business and all that...versus smaller companies that maybe are more about the product than the money. Or I could just be cynical and it's all good. Then I look at things like magnesium, and the more you read about forms and types, some info basically says that what is readily available on the shelves isn't what you need. So I go into avoidance mode and just don't decide anything. :roll:

Doc mentioned vitamin D and calcium as things to watch for...gave values/amounts to shoot for though foods and supplements. Was just hoping for more info on what would make a brand or formulation the best investment. And knew that I could drive myself nuts and get extremely confused researching something so outside of my wheelhouse (molecular biology I imagine?) and thought this vast source of info might be a good place to ask for a tutorial. :D

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:42 am

Does this help. They rate vitamins and use the following method ... ology.html

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby fergusnc » Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:44 am

Chisamba wrote:Does this help. They rate vitamins and use the following method ... ology.html

Yes, thanks!

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Re: Anyone Done Much Research on (human) Multivitamins?

Postby svvdressage » Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:56 am

In regards to big name vitamins... growing up I had a friend who's family was in the porta-potty business, and they told me to never take Centrum vitamins...We will just leave it at that :o

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