What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

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What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby goneriding » Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:33 pm

I have my two horses at home at our property. We have it for sale, because we want to retire from farm life and enjoy less work and more freedom. One of my horses has long-standing issues that have gotten worse, and after much consultation with my vet I am going to have her euthanized. So here I will be with one horse.

I have a girl who lives in my barn apartment and helps with chores a couple of days a week, and if I go out of town. She is reliable and seems happy enough to do it, but she works full time and likes to spend time at her boyfriend's, so I know it's not always convenient for her, or what she really wants to be doing. The rest of the time I am doing chores. With my barn set up, the only good option is stalls at night with the turnout/bring in and daily mucking that goes along with that. I'm tired of the daily chores, and I'm tired of the constraints on my schedule. And I miss having riding friends. I know there will be annoyances with boarding but these are things I'm looking forward to.

Now I have to decide whether to keep my one mare at home alone (I think she would be lonely), board her out and look at my empty barn every day (I'd miss seeing her in the field), or find a temporary companion horse since we plan to move (I could foster a horse from a rescue I have a relationship with, I've fostered before).

My husband thinks I'd be sad to not have my horse here with me and enjoy the property while we have it. And I think he's right, I would be a little sad about that. I am really attached to the horse I'll have left. I enjoy sharing my daily life with her, she makes me smile every time I'm with her.

But I am also so burned out on running a farm, and I feel really relieved and free when I think about just boarding her. I could go where I want, when I want. I could run off to the coast for an overnight without making special arrangements. I wouldn't have the twice daily chore routine.

We do have full facilities including indoor arena, so facilities are not part of the equation.

I'm having trouble making up my mind and I'm interested in other's experiences. Has anyone boarded their horse/s despite having a place at home for them? Why did you do that, and how did it work out? Did you stick with boarding or bring them home again?

I visited one boarding barn recently and the owner told me he has several boarders who have their own property but choose to board to have less work and more freedom. I've even considered whether I'd want to rent out my barn to a trainer, and just collect the rent and live here in my house! And then I think, damn, that's just crazy lol.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby Flight » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:48 am

Sorry to hear about your horse needing euthanasia :(

It sounds like it's worth trying a boarding facility and if you miss her too much or it's not working out, you just bring her home? Unless you can make it easier with less chores at home, like not having to stable overnight etc.

My horses are at home, and I work long shifts so I really have their upkeep at a minimal level.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:49 am

I board one of mine. Partly facilities, partly just too much work, and partly social, partly I feel safer riding with company. I still have the old farts at home though.

Another reason to board if the place is on the market is just having less work keeping the place "Realtor Ready."

You could try boarding. If you hate it, you could always bring her home again. Or you could board and bring her home for weekends.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby khall » Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:40 am

I have had horses at home for years. Would not know how to act if I did not. I have never boarded per se, I did do a working student stint when I would go off and leave my mare in their care a couple of times. I don't do well with others taking care of my animals except for my one prized barn help here that will do horses, dogs and my cat:)

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby Hayburner » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:36 pm

In reading your post - my impression is you do not want to board your horse. She brings you daily joy.

As for renting out your facility to a trainer, I would think that would be worse on you. Something breaks, it's on you, extra insurance is on you, extra people and horse traffic around your home, etc. etc. My friend leases her place out and she gets quite frustrated with the trainers needs and the condition of her facility.

Wouldn't it be simpler to just hire someone to do more of your chores? Could you find someone who wants to do partial board or work off their board doing barn work? I know that can turn in to a nightmare too, but I'd give it a try before I'd make my final decision to board. There are a lot of reliable horse women that would be happy to find a nice facility, reasonable board, and only have to muck 2 stalls, feed and water.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby WheresMyWhite » Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:19 pm

Given your property is for sale, at some point your mare won't be at home anymore :(

I like the sound of the short-term foster if you're up for caring for two horses as long as you still live on the farm.

I totally understand missing the day to day interaction with your girl. I also totally get the big sigh of relief that you have a little bit less on your plate.

Don't know that I'd be looking for a trainer if your place is for sale. If I was a trainer, not sure I'd be interested unless I was looking for a short term/interim facility.

Maybe now start looking for the perfect boarding facility while you have the time. Maybe the perfect place has a waiting list and you could get on that.

Boarding is both, IMO, a blessing and a curse :) It's nice that someone else is doing all the day-to-day care but also a pain if you aren't happy or in agreement with the day-to-day care. I do always make sure that where I've boarded will feed whatever supplements and grain I provide. You do get some "built in" companionship with other people who ride (I wouldn't be boarding at a h/j show barn for example ;) nothing wrong with them, just a different demographic). Check on blanketing, turnout, night time barn checks, etc. I've always looking for a place where someone lived on the property.

I'd keep her at home and start looking so you don't have to look in haste.

Good luck in selling the farm and {{}} for your other girl.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby kande50 » Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:31 pm

I've always thought that if I had to board I'd just plan to go out and spend time with my horses every day. It would still give me a lot of freedom because I wouldn't have to go, but on the days that I could I'd work it into my schedule so that I didn't just stop spending time with my horses because someone else was taking care of them.

I was talking to someone who keeps her horses a considerable distance from home because she's found that once she's made the trip she'll ride both horses, because it's too far to come back later to ride the second one.

Back when I lived in California I boarded my horse and found that I rode a lot more than I did when I had her at home, because I had to go out to feed her so would ride her while I was there.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby Chisamba » Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:51 pm

I have both, horses at home and horses at the barn. I do not ride my horses at home nearly as much as I do the barn horses, the situation there is so much more convenient, social and once i am at the barn, i might as well ride, whereas once i get home, i can mooch with my horse a bit and then its really easy to just go inside without the riding part.

I have a good friend at the barn who much prefers having the social life, the support and the security of riding with others in the vicinity.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby PaulaO » Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:16 pm

I would board your mare. Yes, she makes you smile when you look out the window, but she will also make you smile when you go to the boarding barn. I like the social atmosphere of the barn, and on the days I don't feel like riding, I get motivation from seeing others ride. I'm at the barn where I bought Miss A. so I know the drill. How the barn runs, how the people are, etc. My suggestion is to find the barn for you and your horse, and move. You are fortunate that you have no timeline. You said you feel relieved when you think about no more chores., etc.

I'm sorry you have to put your gelding down. It hurts no matter what.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby texsuze » Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:35 pm

First, so very sorry that you will be sending one of your horses to the rainbow bridge :( That in itself will be difficult. Selling your current property, plus moving, plus decisions about your remaining horse are lots to deal with.

My opinion is to board your final horse, and perhaps before your mare is euthanized. That way, your remaining companion can hopefully have new buddies to befriend and focus on right away. Not sure how horses process all these things, but a new facility might be a positive distraction from not being with your other horse. One big change all at once.

Boarding will free you up to deal with prospective buyers, realtors, etc. And unless you've already found a relo property, boarding will free up time to go looking for your new home. You will no longer have to fill in the gaps left by your on-site help, either. If you are like we are, finding reliable, permanent help is nearly impossible, for whatever reason, otherwise I'd be on that like a flash. I totally get not wanting/being able to continue the demands of caretaking sometimes.

I have one gelding at home who is 26. I can't take on another riding companion and the requisite work involved until he has passed. That could be years from now. If I ever return to riding my plan would be to perhaps lease at a boarding facility, despite having a great barn setup, fenced pastures, and an arena on my place.

Finally, I wouldn't recommend taking on a foster horse at this point in your relocation transition---that would be additional work and demands when you'll be negotiating a sale/purchase of property, plus packing, moving, etc. Just my own thoughts on the decisions you might be facing. Nice to have a DH who understands your situation!

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:27 pm

I'm sorry for your loss, but hopeful for your future options! I do agree that boarding your one horse might give you a bit of a respite and perspective. IMO, it is worth paying the fee for a great place and some space + peace of mind.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby Tarlo Farm » Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:02 am

I agree with everything WheresMyWhite said. Plus the option Mountaineer suggested of bringing her home for weekends if that was feasible.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby goneriding » Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:56 am

Thanks for all the perspective! Yesterday was a balmy, sunny beautiful spring day, and looking out the window at my horses grazing in big green pastures filled me with joy. It makes me so happy to see them happy, and I think grazing in the sun is what gives a horse's life meaning :).

As I thought through my plan for my horse which will need to be put down, I came up with one more idea that might just buy her a little time. Spring is coming, my girls are such good pals (they have grown on each other, they had no use for each other for a very long time!), and they are so happy. I decided I have time and I need to just take a breath and let it all process. If I can't keep my mare comfortable it will force my decision, but then I'll deal with that.

That buys me some leeway to schedule things at my convenience. I can hang out here a while longer until the right boarding situation comes along, and not have an urgent need to move. I am a very slow decision maker lol.

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Re: What to do... horse at home, or horse at boarding stable?

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:27 am

goneriding wrote:Thanks for all the perspective! Yesterday was a balmy, sunny beautiful spring day, and looking out the window at my horses grazing in big green pastures filled me with joy.

I miss this by boarding. Today...a nice sunny day after a week of wind, on and off snow or rain and colder temps than we had the first of February.
I drove up to park at the barn and Ms. Kyra was laying down. I just sat in my car and watched her rest her nose on the ground and get some horsey "z's".
I thought she would get up shortly but apparently thought I was just going to sit in my car. I hated to make her get up so that is exactly what I did for about 10 minutes until the Princess decided to arise. I enjoy just watching them be horses and don't get to do a lot of it with the boarding schtick.

Your plan sounds good to me.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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