Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

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Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby MagicEm » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:56 pm

So I leave early Monday a.m. to spend 4 weeks in Philadelphia on a research fellowship at the American Philosophical society. I am staying near the Walnut Locust Station and I'll be walking everyday to the APS which is east of Washington Square Parks. According to Google Maps it's just under a 20 minute walk.

I've never been to Philadelphia before and I'm trying to pack as efficiently as possible. I am flying from the Detroit Metro airport.I'm hoping to fit what I need in one large suitcase (checked bag) and a backpack for a carryon. I'll be spending my the weekdays at the APS doing research. I don't have to have formal wear, but I try and dress neat and professional, so usually I wear I things like dress pants or nice jeans and button-down top or boots, leggings, and a sweater dress. I don't know anyone in the city, so I'm not fully sure how I'll spend my nights and weekends--I have lots of school work I can do that can keep me busy, and I like going for walks, museums and historic sites, etc. so I may go exploring on weekends, but I think I'll mainly just need similar clothes for that.

I've looked into weather and it looks like it will start off fairly mild (60s) and then be down to highs of around 40 when I leave, with lows of around 30 F at night. I'm not too worried about my daily clothes, but I am more worried about outwear and figuring out how many/what types of jackets I should bring, and whether or not I should bring (cute) rain boots for wet days.

I've packed for 2.5 week trips before in a suitcase, but never a month. If I forget something, I can get my SO to mail it to me, but I'd like to try and be as organized and efficient as possible in what I take. I'm sure some of you have a lot more experience packing for longer trips than I do, so I'd love to hear any advice or suggestions that you have, on packing for longer trips. And for those of you familiar with the area, I'd love any advice on what types of jackets (or layers) and footwear you would want the most in November/early December.

Also, I'm prepared in terms of having my housing worked out, being registered at the APS, etc etc, but I haven't really had time to look into the city much (I did Google Map grocery stores near where I am staying :P ), so if anyone has any suggestions on good, casual food places, esp. takeout, in the areas I mentioned, or if there are certain attractions that you would recommend a 1st time visitor check out, I'd love to hear them.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby PaulaO » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:15 am

I think you are overthinking this. If you don't have a washing machine at your housing, you can go to a laundrymat. So you really only need to pack for one week. Take a nice pair of dress slacks and a fancy sweater for any dress up occasions. Other than that, bring your work clothes, and one pair of jeans for the weekends. Weather shouldn't be much different than Detroit.

And remember, there are stores in Philly so you can always make an emergency purchase!

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby scruffy the cat » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:06 am

What Paula said. Pack for a week & do laundry. Throw in one dressier separates outfit so you can mix and match, and you're good to go. Get a down jacket and pack it in one of those vacuum bags to take up less room- you'll need a winter coat. It helps if it's waterproof, too. Philadelphia isn't Mars- there are stores.

Around Philly is beautiful horse country. I hope you can get a car and drive around. About 1 hour west of Philly is Amish country, too. Excellent tack stores. I suggest a visit to Bartville Harness. Bring a checkbook. You DO need a new bridle, right? :mrgreen:

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby clanter » Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:23 am

I just bought new stuff and shipped dirty stuff back to home or office

Glade to see that you are to be walking around as Philadelphia's parking wars towing business scares the heck out me... that show Parking Wars makes Philadelphia to have the last place on my list of cities to visit

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby Silverado » Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:07 pm

I grew up outside of Philly….it's been years since I have been there but here goes…..

Great eating places in Philly!! And lots to do….of course, the obvious….Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, the fabulous Art museum, City Hall. Inside Macy's (I think it's now Macy's …use to be John Wanamakers) is a huge Eagle (2,500 pounds), a must to go see….a common Philly phrase…"Meet me at the Eagle"!! Can't tell you how many times I said that!! OH….Macy''s is right by City Hall.
Reading Terminal Market…..fabulous place…, produce, some craft/gift items. 12th and Arch Street …it's just a few blocks from Macy's (maybe 1/4 of a mile if that)
Oh…Besty Ross House.

I think of more places and post more later. I'll ask my Aunt who still lives there about current great places to eat, not sure the places I remember are still there. She rides (at 76 years old…she rides a 17+ hand horse!! I tried to convince her to take one of our Connemara ponies…oh no…she wanted a horse!!!) so I will ask her about local tack stores, etc.

Of course, a pretzel from a local street vendor and a great Philly Cheese Steak are a Philly tradition.

Almost forgot…also at Macy's is a huge pipe organ and at noon, there is a concert. I just checked and they still play it.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby hoopoe » Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:05 pm

ditto what everyone said Use the Laundrette once a week, first thing saturday morning. get some mesh bags for your underwear and socks. If you plan on using the laundrette you can actually fudge a little room for an extra sweater or warmer pants
if worse comes to worse you can always find a thrift store for a quick and inexpensive item.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby MagicEm » Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:44 pm

Thanks everyone!

I likely am overthinking (what I tend to do when I am anxious about something that's new to me). I was planning on doing laundry . . . they don't advertise laundry facilities in the house but I'm sure there are laundromats nearby and going there on a Saturday a.m. is a great idea. Also, thanks for the reminder to bring some of my mesh bags. I was a bit worried I might need more than 5 or 6 tops, i.e. would it be weird if I continually cycled through the same tops for the month, but you've all quietened my worries (and likely I'm the only one who would notice). Also, the idea of a thrift store if I need anything extra is great (and it's fun to check thrift stores out in new areas anyways).

I have a down jacket, but it's a older (actually a hand me down from a family member) and warm but not that fashionable. I do have vacuum bags and I would just be wearing it for walking, so maybe it would be okay. I have a nice, long coat (not down and not waterproof although it works fine in wet snow) that works well for Michigan winters on all but the very coldest days (when it's -20F to -30F I move to a the down jacket or another wool, full length coat I have that is older but in decent shape and super warm). It's not light though so I worry about packing it. I'm not sure how it would work in a vacuum bag but I could experiment. Hmm . . . I'll look through my outerwear this weekend, choose what I think is best, and maybe I'll end up getting a new jacket when down there.

clanter: lol at shipping dirty stuff back home! :lol: I don't think that will work for me, since my SO is not the biggest fan of laundry and will likely be struggling to keep his own socks and underwear clean, which means I would just have a massive pile of my own laundry to do once I got home. I've never seen Parking Wars, but they recommend you don't bring a car unless needed, plus I'd have to pay for monthly parking (not cheap) and I'm walking distance from where I need to be so I figure it's not worth the hassle. It would be nice to be able to have a car to check out some of the horse country on weekends (my trainer also mentioned how lovely it was), but if I have the time and inclination to do that, I figure I can always rent a car or maybe do a Zip Car.

scruffy: if I do rent a car, it sounds like I'll be bringing home a new bridle! My current one is in decent shape, but it is older, so you know, it could need updating. :) :P

Silverado: thanks for the suggestions on stuff to do! I only knew about a few of the really obvious things you mentioned (Liberty Bell and Independence Hall). Reading Terminal Market sounds great! Macy's sounds like a fun place to wander around on the weekends too. If you get any restaurant or local tack store suggestions from your aunt, please pass them on. I'd love to visit some new tack stores and it would be a fun, horsey distraction from my work. Your aunt sounds like an awesome woman! I hope am still that active when I am 76.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby FlyingLily » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:24 pm

What a lovely time you will have!

Philadelphia does indeed have a great restaurant scene and there is a lot to do.

If you have a dark colored knee-length lightweight wool coat, you can wear that everywhere. Bring scarfs too and lightweight gloves. Philly is a little dressier than the norm, so you'll see lots of people looking slightly dressed-up on the streets and trains coming and going.

If you are a runner, definitely pack your running clothes because the Schuylkill River Trail is a great place to run.

And budget about a week for the Art Museum! Not kidding. The armor room alone (with complete sets of horse armor) can take an entire day. It is truly one of world's great museums.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby scruffy the cat » Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:30 pm

I only mention the vacuum bag because that's how I brought my winter coat for Christmas in London a couple of years ago. Everyone told me to prepare for really raw, cold weather, and my 3/4 waterproof down coat is perfect for that, but it is bulky. Left on its own it would take up the entire suitcase, but I put it in an Eagle Creek compression bag ( ... -ml/d/1062) and sucked all the air out, and it shrunk down to the size of a phone book. It was a GREAT way to transport it.

I would absolutely NOT pack two coats. You are just going for a month. Nobody will ever notice if you cycle through 5-6 different tops, especially if they are fairly classic looking. If you have one nice top/bottom set, that will take care of nicer outings. Philly isn't all that formal a place ordinarily. Just pack for things like you would wear at home and you'll be fine. I promise. :-)

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby MagicEm » Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:38 pm

I am not a serious runner, but I do enjoy hiking and the outdoors so the Schuylkill River Trail sounds like it might be another good place for me to spend my weekends.

I love the idea of bringing scarves! That's a great idea (both in terms of weather and accessorizing).

I've got most of my daily clothes set out to pack. I'm leaning towards my non-waterproof but dressier coat. I'm thinking if it's chilly and really wet I can always grab an umbrella. Thanks again everyone!

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby scruffy the cat » Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:33 am

Bring the waterproof coat. Dressy is not as important as waterproof at this time of year.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby Woost2 » Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:12 pm

Be careful vacuum packing down. Somethings you can completely suck the heck. And it's way fun. Feathers ... No. Reduce to half volume only.

Very thin down (I think) jackets are all the rage. No more balloon styling.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby Silverado » Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:24 am

Right near the fabulous Art Museum is the head of Fairmount Park….over 9,000 acres of trails….both human and horse trails. Lots to do in the Park. It's lovely, you will enjoy exploring there.

I still need to talk with my Aunt. I'll give her a call tomorrow, I just talked with her last week and she was busy riding and giving swimming lessons! She is amazing…..when she got engaged to my Uncle. He asked her what type of diamond would she like….she thought a saddle would be better. And my Uncle went out and bought her a Stubben saddle….the nicest one he could find..…that she still rides in today!!

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby scruffy the cat » Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:45 am

Be careful vacuum packing down. Somethings you can completely suck the heck. And it's way fun. Feathers ... No. Reduce to half volume only.

I should have added that I only used the compression bag that you roll to get the air out, not the vacuum one. I work in the outdoor industry, with premium down outerwear/sleeping bags, etc., and yes, using the vacuum would destroy the feathers. The one where you just roll the air out does the job without going overboard.

But really- the next 3 months or so in Philly will be wet and cold. Don't forgo the waterproof coat.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby MaryC » Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:40 pm

Keep it simple. My SF-based DD just spent a month working out of her company's rather casual NYC office. She took only a carry-on with 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of dress slacks, one suit, 2 sweaters and some assorted tops, all in black and grey so very interchangeable and easy to dress up or down, and found a wash-n-fold around the corner from her lodgings. She was pretty sick of it all by the end of the stay, but managed just fine and no one commented on the repeat outfits.

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby MagicEm » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:05 pm

Hi all! I just wanted to thank you all for the advice and give a quick update. I've been in Philly a week and it's been going really well. I am actually less homesick for my SO and my pets (guinea pigs and horse) than I expected. My room is a bit blah in terms of decoration, but the house is super clean and the price and location can't be beat so I'm not complaining. The library I'm working at is absolutely gorgeous and the staff are super helpful. The library held their annual meeting for members last Friday and Saturday, which is sort of a like a conference, and I was able to attend and got to hear some really top-notch speakers from a variety of fields.

The weather has been mostly great (a few rainy days, but overall very mild and absolutely lovely November weather) and I walked a ton this past weekend. I still have a lot more to explore but on Saturday I saw Penn's Landing, the Liberty Bell, Elfreth's Alley,and the Betsy Ross house. I'm really glad I paid the extra $2 for the audio tour of the Betsy Ross house, since it was super educational and fun. Sunday I went to Reading Terminal Market and stopped by Macy's to see the eagle statue on my way (and what a lovely Macy's!).Then I walked west and strolled around the area near Rittenhouse Square. My partner will be joining me for Thanksgiving weekend, so I think we are going to get the Philly Pass and do a bunch of sightseeing together when he comes (it will be his first time in the city too). In the mean time, I will continue to explore on my own when I'm not at the library :).

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby Sunshine2Me » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:58 pm

Sounds like you settled in nicely and are enjoying your stay. That's awesome!

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Re: Packing for a Month in Philadelphia?

Postby Silverado » Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:39 pm

OH…it sounds like you are having a blast!!! Thrilled you are enjoying Philly!

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