Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

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Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby Amado » Thu Nov 12, 2015 3:05 pm

I've started keeping track of mine, and their seems to be a monthly pattern to them, with ear ringing, and that PMS feeling of despair I used to get a few days before it happens. (and I can't decide if the despair is related or if its just panic because of the stress of my husbands unexpected unemployment) I managed to get rid of the last one with OTC medication and still go to work, but sometimes they take over and lately they've been really bad - alternating between throwing up and lying in a dark room all day feeling horrible. I haven't gone to the doctor to get *real* medication, I've just taken the one with acetomenophin and caffiene (can't remember what it is called). Anyway, I wondered if anybody else had experienced this, or if I'm going crazy!

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby Saddlebum » Thu Nov 12, 2015 4:17 pm

I never got even a headache during menopause. Lots of other utterly horrible symptoms tho. Try this website,

it's a wealth of information respective to natural remedies. Individuals post what works for them. The owner also posts.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby KathyK » Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:35 pm

This ... AGPSPN=pla has helped me tremendously for all the symptoms, especially when I take it at the first hint of a migraine. You can get it at, Amazon, iHerb, and many other places online. I've never seen it in a store, though.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby PaulaO » Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:45 pm

I always thought my headaches were allergy related (I've had them for decades) and my treatment was Afrin, Benadryl, and sleep. Within the last year my physician said "what you are describing are migraines" and gave me sumatriptan. Sometimes I can deal with the migraines with OTC migraine pills (Excedrin or store brand) and strong coffee. At the first hint of nausea though I need the sumatriptan. Mine are tied to weather changes and today I have one due to the wind storms. Took the sumatriptan and feel better, though tired. I will go home after work and veg.

My condolences to those who get such awful migraines. My yoga instructor recently had one that lasted SEVEN DAYS and she can't take sumatriptan. Her only course of action is to go to the ER and get Demarol.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby Snork » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:55 pm

Amado, if you are getting true migraines, everything you describe might well be a part of it. As my neurologist explained to me, a migrane is a neurologic event that can start as much as 72 hours before the actual onset of a headache. Headache is just one symptom of a migraine, and sometimes you don't even get the actual headache - there is such a thing as abdominal migraines. Everyone has their own onset symptoms and progression. Some people get auras, some get jittery, some have a sense of impending doom. It is a process not unlike pre-seizure activity.

My migraines are definitely familial and related to my hormonal cycle, with a very specific onset of nausea being the distinguishing factor between a true migraine and a bad headache. I grew up seeing my mom and grandma suffer from them and just thought this is how it is, no help. Getting a triptan prescription, somewhat accidentally like Paula, literally changed my life.

In my case, I have noticed that a migraine badly clouds my judgment. As in, truly badly, and makes me do inexplicable things. For example, I know, without a shadow of a doubt that at the first hint of a very specific nausea, I HAVE to take the triptan, or things will get exponentially worse, but *every* *single* *time* I resist. If i miss that window of opportunity, I'll be literally in a black room, throwing up, and still resisting the triptan. Why, i have no idea. It makes no sense but that is how it goes. My husband now knows to give me Relpax when he notices the signs. It is very odd that i know this drug is the only thing that can help me but i resist taking it for absolutely no reason.
Last edited by Snork on Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby KathyK » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:58 pm

Boy oh boy, I get the resistance. It's crazy, but for some reason, I resist, too.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby viscountessleftfield » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:01 pm

I'm sensitive to triptans (and pregnant), so my only options right now are Benadryl and Tylenol.

I'd go see a neurologist and try Relpax or Imitrex, they are lifesavers for many migraine peeps. Jigsaw SRT Magnesium and Feverfew help me, they don't eliminate my headaches, but they do help. I get weather change headaches that are just wicked on top of food trigger headaches and hormone triggers.

Do not resist the drugs. Drugs are good guys. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sometimes a large fountain coke and two Goody powders will take care of an early migraine for me, but I always get rebound headaches from that combo. Same with Naproxen - it gives me rebounds (and it's off the table right now).

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby KathyK » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:23 pm

When my migraines were at their worst (two to three a week), Imitrex was a lifesaver for me.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby Amado » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:37 pm

KathyK wrote:Boy oh boy, I get the resistance. It's crazy, but for some reason, I resist, too.

Omgosh. This is totally me, even with just the OTC medication. (I think it's excedrin migraine) I keep telling myself I don't like the way I feel when I take it, if it isn't going to work - but also because it tastes so freaking awful if I have to throw it up. (so does ginger ale - why is it that stuff tastes so much WORSE coming back up than is does going in) I keep telling myself that maybe if I just eat something it will go away. (that always ends badly)

So bizarre. I'm right on the edge today, just a couple of days short of 4 weeks from the last one. And I have to go to work. And I'm resisting... Uhg.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby Amado » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:39 pm

and yes - A super fizzy iced coke or pepsi, (and here's the weird thing) - a McDonalds CHEESEBURGER - that will sometimes make it go away if I catch it quick enough. I never go to McDonalds, but I get an abslute craving for those two things when I have the start of a headache.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby Idofly » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:55 pm

I've had hormonal migraines since my 30's - been tracking them forever with my doc. They changed when I became peri-menopausal, and have changed again, becoming more intense, as I head towards the post-phase.

Splitting headaches, ear ringing or ear aches have been my life along with the urge to kill things or have a good cry over something totally stupid. I also have allergies/asthma but we narrowed it down to it being hormonal due religious tracking and some timed blood testing.

I've tried everything medical or herbal short of cutting my head off and nothing ever worked consistently unless I caught it like 3 days ahead. For a while my doc had me go to an emergency walk-in clinic for shots to knock me out for a good 16 or so hours which helped. Unfortunately that doesn't work real well if you are employed in a high stress job where you need to be "present."

BTW- you are not crazy.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby viscountessleftfield » Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:28 pm

Amado wrote:and yes - A super fizzy iced coke or pepsi, (and here's the weird thing) - a McDonalds CHEESEBURGER - that will sometimes make it go away if I catch it quick enough. I never go to McDonalds, but I get an abslute craving for those two things when I have the start of a headache.

I need a McDonald's or Hardee's Coke (real Coke, not Diet) and some super salty fries with Vanilla Ice Cream. That's my migraine meal.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby Amado » Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:57 pm

Migraine Meal. I like that. (and yes, it can't be diet, it has to be real)

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby Rhianon » Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:22 pm

I can answer to the post-menopausal migraines. Yes. And, yes, the is a whole range of symptoms.

I have gotten Botox injections for the last year. I've had a grand total of 2 migraines in the past year as a result. Down from pretty much weekly. Check to see if that might be right for you.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby hoopoe » Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:33 pm

I do not get "full on" migraine, I only get ocular migraine. They had really started to become more frequent in the last year so i talked to my eye doctor. I was getting more migraines and really noticed light sensitivity. A sunny day could trigger them

I had already reduced caffeine to low level. I use half-caf in the morning and decaf the rest of the day

I stopped using Benadryl / diphenhydramine for sleep aid. This is due to the new info about the potential neuro/brain side effects . I have noticed a big change in sleep and I dont get ear-worms like I use to.

My doctor has me take 2 GM , Omega 3 daily. I also use Ketotifen fumarate eye drops twice a day ( when I remember to )

I have not had an issue since then.

Omega 3 , like all fats, aid in neuro function. The eye drops are antihistamine for eyes.

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Re: Do any of you get migraines post menopause?

Postby hoopoe » Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:33 pm

I do not get "full on" migraine, I only get ocular migraine. They had really started to become more frequent in the last year so i talked to my eye doctor. I was getting more migraines and really noticed light sensitivity. A sunny day could trigger them

I had already reduced caffeine to low level. I use half-caf in the morning and decaf the rest of the day

I stopped using Benadryl / diphenhydramine for sleep aid. This is due to the new info about the potential neuro/brain side effects . I have noticed a big change in sleep and I dont get ear-worms like I use to.

My doctor has me take 2 GM , Omega 3 daily. I also use Ketotifen fumarate eye drops twice a day ( when I remember to )

I have not had an issue since then.

Omega 3 , like all fats, aid in neuro function. The eye drops are antihistamine for eyes.

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