Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

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Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:40 pm

The BS and lies and downright corruption for years on end is wearing and I take breaks. I bow down in awe of the people who keep fighting the good fight.

But right now I'm having such a hard time. I'm trying to ignore the news (I normally listen to a news talk radio station all day) as much as possible because I just am so . . . I don't have the words--sad, disheartened, angry, defeated . . .

I love the people standing up and refusing to stop protesting the unending murder of black men. But it always seems to lead to a bunch of criminals, no doubt many white supremists and idiots urged on by Russian trolls. All around there is constant looting. And of course, the idiot in chief has run like the coward he is and can not do a single thing right. I HATE the criminals, but I agree that what they are doing is nothing compared to the real criminals in charge who have openly on tv, just like the looters, stolen far more from us and this country. And I hate that even more and that there seems not a single thing we can do about it.

And then there are still the people dying daily of Covid and SO many people in hard straights. I live in a very expensive area that has so many people on the edge. I spend three days a week at a food bank preparing the food boxes and giving out food. We do about 700 families on Saturdays (they usually get three boxes of produce, canned and boxed goods, bread, and frozen items that vary weekly) and there are about 15 other food banks within 15 miles doing the same thing. People are hungry.

I know this is going to be a time we look back on and see the real change we needed (I HAVE to believe that) and we are in the curse of living in interesting times. I just am having SUCH a hard time in my life of privilege, where I can afford food and to pay the bills and see my horses daily. Is anyone else here?

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby PhoenixRising » Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:09 pm

I'm with you.
I'm overwhelmed, and my heart hurts. I have a hard time discussing it so I've stayed largely silent on social media, and even in conversations with friends and family.
I feel like I cant ignore the news though, as much as I wish I could. I cant entirely put it into words why, but I feel like its important.
I watched some live reports of the protests threatening to turn violent in my city last night, and I cried.
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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:42 am

Yeah. I keep reading and listening to the news, too. But I'm just feeling so overwhelmed by it. I drove home from the barn through the wealthier white people city, and many, many businesses were boarding up windows, either from last night or the night before. The gas stations would not let me come inside and pay cash. It had to be at the pump. The pot dispensary a couple of blocks away always has security, but there were two there with flack jackets on and openly armed. The Walgreen's a block away was boarding up. The motor sports shop a half a block away was boarding up. It looks like they got smashed last night.

And the moron just HAD to go and make it worse.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:53 am

Our privileged world has been well and truly kicked off it's axis. Even sleepy Salt Lake City is under curfew from 8pm to 6am every night this week. Downtown got wrecked on Saturday. Not by black people (it would be hard to raise a quorum, let alone a mob, around here) not by Latinos, but by white youths who appear to not be locals.

I've lived through city center race riots before, but this is different. Far more sinister in its premeditation.

I want to know who these people are and who is really behind the violence and vandalism.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:28 pm

its truly scary. I have had to shut off the news today. It's too much.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tarlo Farm » Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:30 pm

I'm exhausted. We rallied a group of 30 in our local park last night - not bad in a town of 9000 with about four hours of FB notice.
Between trying to be smart but not ridiculous with the virus, cops murdering black and brown folks, and the $#%@ deranged idiot in the WH, and the people who STILL support him, I'm exhausted.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:06 am

I heard on the news so with some skepticism. That most of the violent riots were insigated by planned out of state people who had planted gasoline etc along the route, in other words planned violence.

I am wondering if there will be a major peak in Covid in a week or two

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:57 pm

We are living in historic times. And that is challenging and exhausting!

I'm awed by the peaceful protesters and their numbers and determination. I'm also scared for them (we are not in a time that peaceful protest is protected across the nation) and worried about C-19 infection escalation. And I'm scared of the administration validation of extreme police behavior and of violence and violent groups. The best thing I can say about these historic times is that more and more people are seeing reality that they have been able to avoid/distance/ignore. Tanga, that is uncomfortable and stressful, for sure, but also has potential for positive change.

I heard an interview yesterday with Masha Gessen, the author of Surviving Autocracy. It was spine-chilling and very, very insightful. Another related interview is here: ... interview/

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:37 pm

All of your words are right. All of them. And I'm glad so many people are feeling them. The biggest change comes through the biggest pain, so we can only hope this will be SO positive. We are just so spoiled in where and how we live. So many people in the world live in far, far worse than this every day.

I love that so many people refuse to back down and demand what is right, and it is forcing people to pick sides. I hate the rioting, which every day I am more sure is white nationalist and troll organized. I hate that the evil in the white house is doing nothing right and the evil followers are not standing up for anything right here. I hope this breaks it all apart and they remove the evil toddler kicking and screaming before he can inflict more damage. HOW can people be so evil that they care about money and power above all? This all points it out so vividly.

Thanks for all of the thoughts. I need somewhere quiet to read it and respond sometimes. This seems to be the best place. Hugs to all and stay safe.

This made me cry, in a good way. ... gn=organic

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Anne » Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:33 am

Tanga, thank you for posting the boredpanda link, it made me cry too, very very powerful photos. We watch the situation in the US (from here in distant New Zealand) with, as Trudeau said (eventually!, wasn't that an interesting 'pause'....) 'horror and consternation'.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:45 pm

Some more pictures that show just how fucked up some people are. ... zB2xil_WD0

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby PaulaO » Mon Jun 08, 2020 1:29 pm

I agree with everything said above. I stopped listening to NPR when they announced 24 hour COVID programming. Then I stopped watching the local, relatively unbiased, tv news. I look at the NYT and WaPo once a week. All this chaos is wearing me out, and I pray that reform comes as a result. I cannot image any black person voting for hewhomustnotbenamed in November.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jun 08, 2020 4:56 pm

I have seen more honest questioning of peoples' own stances this time around (as compared to the '14-15 Ferguson and related BLM movements), which gives me hope for change instead of status quo. I do worry that how we're arming our police forces looks more like a branch of the military than the keepers of the peace.

It's both heartening and depressing that we as a country have been here before-- roughly every 30-50 yrs, actually (now, 90s, 60s, 20s, 1870s...)-- and we've stayed a country. But we never have really dealt with our country's original sin of slavery (to borrow from The West Wing). We appear to have a generational issue-- we make progress, and then there is a cultural backlash to that progress.

For my own personal health, I've been very mindful of the amount of news consumption I undergo. I subscribe to outlets I think are doing a major service to the propagation of truth in these challenging times, but even so I still need to take some space from the deluge of bad news.

Working from home has actually helped me deal better with these stressors. I'm walking more and commuting less, which lets me focus on the things I can control. This sounds much more zen than I'm actually able to achieve, but remains a work in progress. I hope everyone finds their own peace through these troubling times.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tarlo Farm » Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:52 am

I'm pretty active politically and within two weeks of the election in 2016, this - at that time, 59 year old -woman got a tattoo on my right arm, only my second, that reads, "Rise Up".
I'm also a huge "Hamilton" fan. Most importantly though, I knew I would get tired, and frustrated, and often feel hopeless. I knew I needed a solid reminder how to live my life, fight for the underdogs, and rally for goodness and progress. It helps.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby khall » Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:04 am

Living in the deep south and being a liberal as is all of my family sucks. Just too much stupidity that is rampant here. Everyone assumes you are a Trump fan, boy do they get a surprise. Science deniers and fake news screamers yet they will believe a random post on FB. (the OK trailer incident blown out of proportion)

I had one person that I know tell be George Floyd was complicit in his death. I'm tired of dealing with them.

The list of covid hoaxes:
masks don't work, hospitals are blowing the numbers out of proportion by calling any death covid so that they can get more money, media is blowing the virus out of proportion it's 99% survival, All lives matter the list goes on usually they profess to be Christians too.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby heddylamar » Sat Jun 13, 2020 3:12 am

I've said this elsewhere, but will repeat: I've blocked/unfriended/unfollowed more people in the past weeks than leading up to November 2016. It's been a veritable clearing house.

I hate talking into a void, but, right now, I have zero time or energy for jackasses who believe my friends, neighbors, and relatives deserve less than human treatment because they aren't lily white or perfectly straight. Bye, y'all. Seriously. We're dealing with a pandemic, food/income/job/housing/health care insecurity and some knuckle-dragger wants to haul out an arsenal and threaten their governor over the quarantine? F them. Anyone who hints at being on that side of society is dead to me at the moment. I just don't have the energy to debate them.

Fortunately, I am NOT completely exhausted, because fighting that crap is my job. I work in fundraising and advocacy. And, no, I don't work on behalf of the orange troll :lol:

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Koolkat » Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:18 pm

Heddy - I'm with you on this. I'm done arguing/debating, and am looking to find a way to "actionalize" my beliefs/hopes for our society. Hopefully, it is a more productive way to use the time/energy. The arguing/debating (for me at least) creates negative energy, the other I suspect, will create positive energy.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:02 pm

Right with you, heddy. I think all good people are doing this. LOVE everything you said.

I had it out with Lee Tubman (dressage judge) this morning when he posted on a friend's link about there is no law and order with Roger Stone being let out. The idiot replied, well, it all started with Hilary Clinton not being held accountable for her crimes! I pointed out HRC committed no crimes and was questioned for 11 hours and absolved, and then he claimed, but her emails! Then he started saying stupid shit about Californiastan because Newsome "let out" 6,000 prisoners. When I pointed out that they all had less than 6 months left and were small crimes, and they don't deserve the death penalty, but he's OK with traitors, he ignored that and said he was Canadian and can't vote. What an ass.

I am with you, Koolcat, on TRYING to be positive. I just feel like I have to hide my head sometimes. I'm working two food pantries three days a week, and the need is going up, not down. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the repeated ignoring of safety rules at the one at the church where the idiot guard comes in and takes off his mask to talk to people inside, and the guys that runs it takes off his mask to shout to everyone inside instructions! I've brought it up multiple times with the guy who sends out emails and other people. I'm also doing Zoom English conversation circles with English learners and will pick up another private person to help with learning English.

And in other news, some stupid chick at the barn went to a party and got Covid from some chick who knew she had it, and then went to other parties. She's sick and everyone at the barn who's been in contact with her is banned until they can come back with a clean test. And another friend at the barn says someone at her office in the city courthouse is sick and was in working! We're going backwards here. I am going further back into my hole.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:50 am

I have not unfriended anyone about politics. I think its important to see read and attempt to understand perspective that differs from mine.

I find very liberal and very conservative people are those that use ridicule and hateful or childish monikers and I immediately recognize that this person probably has a perspective i will find difficult to understand. i still do not delete. it is important to know these opinions exist. having said that, I snooze people who are nothing but political. I want horses and kittens and family news ahead of political vitriol always.

I see this attitude of ridicule and hate within politics to be the main cause of no sociopolitical progress. if you spend so.much time hating each other how do you come together to work for things that are important.

the sad thing is I hear fewer and fewer interesting questions and questioning voices, and more and more closed minded quips from both sides.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby heddylamar » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:35 pm

Chisamba wrote:I think its important to see read and attempt to understand perspective that differs from mine.

I was right there with you until mid-June. Then a confluence of events, annoyance with political memes, etc just crushed my patience. But that's limited to Facebook. Twitter's a whole different landscape. There, I follow and read a whole host of conservative and liberal folks, plus quite a few non-north American economists, environmentalists, political wonks, and journalists.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Chancellor » Tue Jul 28, 2020 3:39 pm

Chisamba wrote:I have not unfriended anyone about politics. I think its important to see read and attempt to understand perspective that differs from mine.

I was also with you until today. Someone posted a meme on FB that said the KKK had never been shot at with rubber bullets or had pepper spray used on them. I had pointed out that this was highly unlikely.
I was then called a racist because I supported the KKK.

First, I never supported the KKK.
I was merely pointing out that the statement was very likely false. And that just because the meme agreed with their viewpoint did not make it true.

I am giving up on politics in general. I have some good friends who are liberal (and we all know I lean toward conservatism though I do NOT now nor ever have supported Trump). These people I have met in real life and I find I can listen to them.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:26 pm

I don't read any news these days, except for guideline. I've had it with people, politics, and drama. Both R and D's are getting carried away and stopped listening a long time ago.
I do my own work outside the political system to improve things. Plus, there is so many times I can hear about COVID. Yes, numbers will go up. It's just excessive at this point. The whole thing was a crap show in the US and it's better for me to not get too wrapped up in that, as it was causing me real stress. (ie no one is really flying the plane)

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:33 am

I get you, Ryeissa. I TRY to ignore stuff for awhile to give myself a rest. But, we're heading into a time where the corruption is getting worse and worse ad a frantic pace, and fighting it can't just be on some people's shoulders. I do what I can.

And that goes with Covid. I can easily hide away until it is figured out, but I can't do that. I work at two food banks, and the huge numbers of people that need the food to get by os getting worse and worse. And it's terrifying what will happen to people if they can't pay their rent or buy food.

I think all good people are stressed. As Michelle Obama said, how can we all not be a little depressed? At least we know we're in it together. And what keeps me going is that the harder things are, the faster they are changing, and we are heading for finally really changing for the better in so many ways.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Aug 07, 2020 12:03 pm

Tanga wrote:I get you, Ryeissa. I TRY to ignore stuff for awhile to give myself a rest. But, we're heading into a time where the corruption is getting worse and worse ad a frantic pace, and fighting it can't just be on some people's shoulders. I do what I can.

And that goes with Covid. I can easily hide away until it is figured out, but I can't do that. I work at two food banks, and the huge numbers of people that need the food to get by os getting worse and worse. And it's terrifying what will happen to people if they can't pay their rent or buy food.

I think all good people are stressed. As Michelle Obama said, how can we all not be a little depressed? At least we know we're in it together. And what keeps me going is that the harder things are, the faster they are changing, and we are heading for finally really changing for the better in so many ways.

I am doing things as I said, just not though political means.

Also, anyone want to take a bet on the number of positive cases after Strugis bike rally this weekend? 250,000, yeah good luck there. Lacking a backbone to cancel. I can't believe this is still going to happen. I say make those who get sick pay for the medical bills. The rest of us are modifiying every aspect of our lives for months on end, you can stay home too.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:32 pm


Also, anyone want to take a bet on the number of positive cases after Strugis bike rally this weekend? 250,000, yeah good luck there. Lacking a backbone to cancel. I can't believe this is still going to happen. I say make those who get sick pay for the medical bills. The rest of us are modifiying every aspect of our lives for months on end, you can stay home too.[/quote]

Yep. the absolute selfishness of people who do not care and ruin it for everyone will be the first to demand the resources when the damage affects them.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby khall » Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:26 pm

Georgia with it's inept governor is in a world of hurt and now the schools are opening. It is not going to get better, such a criminal lack of leadership and refusing to follow the experts and their recommendations. How many have to die before it changes? Of course we have a large population here in Georgia of the my freedom crowd and science deniers.

I follow a statistician from Mercer who does an excellent job of explaining the data from Georgia's coronavirus numbers. Now the testing is so behind that we are 21 days out from the information from testing. Not worth even following Georgia numbers right now.

I am so stressed and now worried about DS who leaves Friday to go back to college.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby horsepepsi » Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:41 pm

I'm with you also. I didn't vote for trump, but I didn't vote for that woman either. I voted libertarian because I didn't want to vote, and didn't know him from Joe blow, and you know my reason why I couldn't vote for her. But I needed to vote for someone. And I haven't been on FB for nearly two years except for maybe a total of 6 days over that same time to check on a few things. Because it seems everytime I stick my toe there I'm slapped into FB jail for 30 days. And I got tried of being called a racist, and a whole slew of things. It got really old fast. Then this whole covid thing started. And I almost never go on the web. Except to do my genealogy and the vfw stuff.
I spend my day watching tv, and expanding my files for my brothers because now they want their famy history to give to to their kids. I now have over 50k names on my tree. Boy do I need a break. And some day I am going to learn about the word "no" and how to use it. But it will have to wait till I get back from Utah.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby khall » Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:14 pm

Right now imo it’s even worse prospect. From Barr to losing RBG to Trump and his supporters. I’m anxious about what is going to happen these next couple of months.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Koolkat » Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:36 am

As am I.

Probably couldn't have picked a worse time, to watch Handmaidens Tale, LOL.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby heddylamar » Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:12 am

Koolkat wrote:Probably couldn't have picked a worse time, to watch Handmaidens Tale, LOL.

Eeek!! We quit watching HT late 2018/early 2019 because it is too on point.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby khall » Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:21 am

OMG koolcat at least you will know the background of Trump’s SC pick

Finding out the Trump team’s plan on stealing the election through stacking the EC is quite frankly mind numbing. I’m struggling to grasp all that 2020 is throwing us right now. Bought my favorite box of wine for medicinal purposes wonder how long it’s going to last.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby heddylamar » Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:45 am

khall wrote:Bought my favorite box of wine for medicinal purposes wonder how long it’s going to last.

Do you share with anyone? Normal consumption? 2020 is turning us all into closeted alcoholics.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby khall » Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:47 am

My DH will drink with me. Normally we will have one glass at dinner 4/5 times a week. Now it’s turning into 2 glasses at dinner most nights.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Koolkat » Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:09 am

heddylamar wrote:Eeek!! We quit watching HT late 2018/early 2019 because it is too on point.

It now is entirely fitting and proper to say, "Under HER Eye", in RBG's honor. . .

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby khall » Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:06 am

Ah and Trump keeps on giving! His taxes bomb shell which for anyone who was not in Trump corner is no surprise. He’s a crook has been a crook his entire life.

So are we going to see the first time that a president goes from the White House to the big house?

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Sep 28, 2020 10:39 pm

RBG passing away < 60d prior to the election is the most 2020 thing to happen so far this year. Thank you for fighting as long as you did, RBG. Here's hoping the Senate doesn't confirm the right-wing figurehead woman.

Politico did a good article on this president's use of women. Strategic, but what a mockery to RBG's legacy: ... ers-422346

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:30 pm

khall wrote:Ah and Trump keeps on giving! His taxes bomb shell which for anyone who was not in Trump corner is no surprise. He’s a crook has been a crook his entire life.

So are we going to see the first time that a president goes from the White House to the big house?

Of course. I'm looking forward to the debate tonight and him going off the deep end and rambling like a crazy man (as his moron supporters keep the Russian line of Biden being feeble) and him being torn apart by facts.

He and his whole family and all of his "friends" need to go to jail AND all assets seized to pay back some of what they have stolen. This is why he's been fighting so hard--he knows he's going to jail and NY ain't going to be bought off or scared off.

I am so stressed by all of it I have to ignore it sometimes because I am so fearful of what he will try and his idiot supporters will do.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Koolkat » Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:27 am

I live in a rural area outside of Seattle. The militia types (including Proud Boys) are all out on the community FB page tonight, flying their flag with the Stars and Stripes. least until now.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Hot4Spots » Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:29 am

I mostly just listen to.NPR and/or (a that's bad enough here in CA because of the wildfires), but politically speaking, I just scroll by a lot of Facebook political posts unless I recognize the poster as someone rational. Even then, the blatantly racist, reactionary, STUPiD (ie., beyond ignorant) posts are just too stressful. I have relatives in Canada, come to that, but with Covid still an issue.......

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Koolkat » Fri Oct 09, 2020 6:18 pm

The post is gone that I was responding to. . . but I'm going to clarify a point anyway. Obama did NOT "cage" children (and then blame it on 45). Child separation was not a policy in the Obama administration as it was with Trump (thank you Steve Miller). There was a huge surge in unaccompanied children across the border in 2014 (~68,000). It is the law that unaccompanied children have to be transferred to the Dept of HHS within 72 hours and they have to deal with the children while placing them in shelters across the US. The facilities to deal with unaccompanied children were not sufficient to deal with the spike of incoming children and the "facilities" were created (in a hurry) to deal with the issue. The Obama administration did not have a policy to separating children from their parents, unlike the Trump administration. The "Obama built the cages" meme that conflated the temporary holding facilities of the Obama administration with Trump's family separation policy/children in cages is just that = conflation. The meme was pushed out by Being Libertarian, LLC.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Chisamba » Sun Oct 11, 2020 5:57 am

Ponichiwa wrote:RBG passing away < 60d prior to the election is the most 2020 thing to happen so far this year. Thank you for fighting as long as you did, RBG. Here's hoping the Senate doesn't confirm the right-wing figurehead woman.

Politico did a good article on this president's use of women. Strategic, but what a mockery to RBG's legacy: ... ers-422346

you do realize if the already sick Saint RBG had retired during Obama's presidency she could have guaranteed a replacement was chosen that supported her ideals. but no, she insisted, no one could be better than her. despite having 4 cancers.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby KathyK » Mon Oct 12, 2020 2:21 am

Chisamba wrote:but no, she insisted, no one could be better than her. despite having 4 cancers.

How do you know she thought no one could be better? Did she say that? Can you show where she said that?

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:22 pm

Chisamba wrote:you do realize if the already sick Saint RBG had retired during Obama's presidency she could have guaranteed a replacement was chosen that supported her ideals. but no, she insisted, no one could be better than her. despite having 4 cancers.

Could she have? I submit for your review the case of Merrick Garland. Additionally, in Obama's terms, the Senate had not yet moved to the "nuclear option" of a simple majority for Supreme Court nominees' approvals.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby khall » Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:09 pm

Ponichiwa that is an excellent point

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:42 pm

Ponichiwa wrote:
Chisamba wrote:you do realize if the already sick Saint RBG had retired during Obama's presidency she could have guaranteed a replacement was chosen that supported her ideals. but no, she insisted, no one could be better than her. despite having 4 cancers.

Could she have? I submit for your review the case of Merrick Garland. Additionally, in Obama's terms, the Senate had not yet moved to the "nuclear option" of a simple majority for Supreme Court nominees' approvals.

Agreed. Chisamba, frankly, I'm stunned you're repeating the right wing nut memes. The level of lying, cheating, and treason that has gone on is beyond belief.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Nov 04, 2020 6:51 pm

Tanga wrote:
Ponichiwa wrote:
Chisamba wrote:you do realize if the already sick Saint RBG had retired during Obama's presidency she could have guaranteed a replacement was chosen that supported her ideals. but no, she insisted, no one could be better than her. despite having 4 cancers.

Could she have? I submit for your review the case of Merrick Garland. Additionally, in Obama's terms, the Senate had not yet moved to the "nuclear option" of a simple majority for Supreme Court nominees' approvals.

Agreed. Chisamba, frankly, I'm stunned you're repeating the right wing nut memes. The level of lying, cheating, and treason that has gone on is beyond belief.

Both sides need an overhaul if you ask me.....neither side is getting off as saints in my opinion. (Generally). it over yet?
11.4.2020 no decision yet.....

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:28 pm

Neither side are saints, but most of the people in the middle, that right wing nuts are calling extreme left liberals, are at worst pretty much calling names. The right wingers are the ones coming out with guns, threatening people and killing people.

I refused to watch/listen to news last night. I am SO relieved today. I am actually happy it's Biden and not another candidate. As someone said on the radio today, we are so divided, he's the right person for this because he always has and always will talk to everyone, and as an old white guy, he can talk to the old white guys.

I also think it would be cool of the Senate were 50/50. That would force the R's to talk like adults and negotiate instead of ramming things through, because if they want party line votes, Harris will decide.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby khall » Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:14 am

Tanga I was thinking the same thing. Force the senate to work together. I do wish MM was not re-elected

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Chisamba » Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:50 am

It would be rather pleasant if people stopped name calling and labeling for long enough to work together.

it starts with us. I think. can we chat on a forum where we already have common interests without rudeness disrespect and name calling?

the article I read .....

SEP 26, 2020 AT 12:22 PM

President Barack Obama hugs Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Capitol Hill in Washington, prior to delivering his 2011 State of the Union address. From left are, Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Anthony Kennedy, Obama, Ginsburg, Justice Stephen Breyer and Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Ginsburg died at her home in Washington on Sept. 18 at the age of 87.
President Barack Obama hugs Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Capitol Hill in Washington, prior to delivering his 2011 State of the Union address. From left are, Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Anthony Kennedy, Obama, Ginsburg, Justice Stephen Breyer and Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Ginsburg died at her home in Washington on Sept. 18 at the age of 87. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
WASHINGTON — When Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg joined President Barack Obama for lunch in his private dining room in July 2013, the White House sought to keep the event quiet — the meeting called for discretion.

Obama had asked his White House counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler, to set up the lunch so he could build a closer rapport with the justice, according to two people briefed on the conversation. Treading cautiously, he did not directly bring up the subject of retirement to Ginsburg, at 80 the Supreme Court’s oldest member and a two-time cancer patient.

He did, however, raise the looming 2014 midterm elections and how Democrats might lose control of the Senate. Implicit in that conversation was the concern motivating his lunch invitation — the possibility that if the Senate flipped, he would lose a chance to appoint a younger, liberal judge who could hold on to the seat for decades.

But the effort did not work, just as an earlier attempt by Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., who was then Judiciary Committee chair, had failed. Ginsburg left Obama with the clear impression that she was committed to continuing her work on the court, according to those briefed.

try patterning the behavior you would like the Senate display.

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Re: Is anyone else having a hard time with all of this?

Postby Tanga » Thu Nov 05, 2020 3:37 pm

Chisamba, I did not see any name calling, except your reference to RGB as a "sick saint."

Khall I agree about MM. I cannot believe KY. What a disgusting person he is. He sure looks like he's on death's door, too.

But, I am SO relieved at the tone of things. No rioting or violence. Some tRumpers trying to invade the election counting, but no big deal. Mostly everyone is ignoring tRump and Biden is speaking like an adult. I didn't think Biden was the right choice, but the more I see him, the more I see he is. He is so cogent and understanding of all, and is the one who can seem to talk to anyone, having shown he can do it, and might be our only chance to come together.

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