Chicken under a brick modified from M&M's restaurant

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Chicken under a brick modified from M&M's restaurant

Postby Chancellor » Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:28 pm

Take a split chicken breast and debone it. Lightly season with your favorite chicken spices. I used rosemary, garlic and salt. Heat a saute pan to screaming hot and put the chicken in skin side down. Put a HEAVY cast iron pan (or a brick covered in tin foil) on top of the chicken and cook til the skin is NICELY browned.
Remove the brick or cast iron pan and place in a 350 degree oven with skin side now up until completely cooked through. Time will vary depending on the chicken breast.
This was accompanied by brussels sprouts sliced in half and sauted til nicely browned on the sliced side. Drizzle honey over the top of the brussels sprouts and then add balsamic vinegar to the pan.

Also pesto mashed potatoes. I boiled the red skin potatoes til tender. Ground up some fresh basil, garlic, onion (not usually in pesto but good with potatoes) and parmesan cheese. Dumped that into the potatoes, mashed them with a little cream. Voila. Dinner.
Served everything with a little pan sauce from the chicken. It was delicious! And we even have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

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Re: Chicken under a brick modified from M&M's restaurant

Postby hoopoe » Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:56 pm

doing this with a game hen for dinner today

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