How do I put this in a sales ad?

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How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby svvdressage » Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:50 pm

I have a lovely 7 year old mare for sale. Last week I accepted an offer on her and went in for a PPE. During xrays they found small bilareral OCD's in her hocks. My vet is not suggesting surgery to have them removed. She said they are in a non- weight baring portion of her hocks and in 7 years there has been no damage to the joint and there was no reason to think there ever would be. She thought there would be more risk going into the joint then then the OCD's would cause. She was totally sound when flexed. My vet does adult ammy jumpers and said she would not hesitate to buy her as a jumper. So, the he plan is to reduce her price by $8k, and relist how do I right this in her ad?
Last edited by svvdressage on Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby orono » Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:34 am

Leave the ad as is and discuss with people who are interested. you could mention current xrays on file, price reduced as a result (or something)

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby WheresMyWhite » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:18 am

I agree to not put it in the ad, drop the price and ensure that interested buyers are aware. You do need to disclose and let the buyer do what they are going to do.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby svvdressage » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:26 am

My biggest concern is at this price I am going to get slammed with inquires. I don't want to waiste buyers time (and my own).

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby capstone » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:30 am

svvdressage wrote:My biggest concern is at this price I am going to get slammed with inquires. I don't want to waiste buyers time (and my own).

I agree.

I would include something to the effect of "sound with some clinical X-ray findings, hence the reduced price"

That doesn't sound very polished but I know I've read a version of that several times in sales ads.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby Hayburner » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:37 am

Is this the same mare you have listed in the sale section on this board?

She's stunning! And from your ad is very talented!

Dropping the price by 8k is a huge discount on her.

I think being upfront about the X-ray is the honest way to handle this finding.

But, to keep from this being a negative, I suggest only stating current X-rays available. When you get an inquiry tell the potential buyer just what you have told us here. I'd tell them up front, just in case they are traveling a distance and this would be a deal breaker.

Really, if it's the same mare, she's very, very nice! She would have been the type of horse I should have bought.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby svvdressage » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:44 am

Yes, it's the same mare.

I do not have her xrays, the buyer won't release them to me :( she does have an appointment next week where I will get her hocks rexrayed, but am already down $8k and my dh is struggling to invest hundreds more on xrays

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby capstone » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:48 am

Would your vet be willing to speak to a prospective buyer before they lay out money for their own X-rays? This might make someone more comfortable with the situation, especially if you do not have them retaken.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby svvdressage » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:51 am

I will get the hocks redone and will gladdly forward to all prospective buyers, all the other xrays where "boring" so will leave it up to the buyer to do more if they wish

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby kande50 » Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:00 am

svvdressage wrote:
I do not have her xrays, the buyer won't release them to me :( she does have an appointment next week where I will get her hocks rexrayed, but am already down $8k and my dh is struggling to invest hundreds more on xrays

Would it be worth asking the buyer if you could buy copies of the xrays? Even if they wanted what it would cost you to have them redone it would save you the time, anyway.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby svvdressage » Mon Sep 12, 2016 11:30 am

kande50 wrote:
svvdressage wrote:
I do not have her xrays, the buyer won't release them to me :( she does have an appointment next week where I will get her hocks rexrayed, but am already down $8k and my dh is struggling to invest hundreds more on xrays

Would it be worth asking the buyer if you could buy copies of the xrays? Even if they wanted what it would cost you to have them redone it would save you the time, anyway.

I did ask, thats how I know she wont. She won't unless I pay the full price that she paid and she had an excessive amounts done. Even if I had the basic ones redone myself, I would be saving hundreds of dollars.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby kande50 » Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:27 pm

svvdressage wrote:
I did ask, thats how I know she wont. She won't unless I pay the full price that she paid and she had an excessive amounts done. Even if I had the basic ones redone myself, I would be saving hundreds of dollars.

It would make a lot more sense to me to recover part of the cost of having them done, than nothing? Any idea why she wouldn't go for that?

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby Hayburner » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:34 pm

LOL ! My mare's pre-purchase included tons of x-rays - and nothing was found....though the vet noted she would like to see her hooves trimmed (angled) differently. When the sale was final, the vet forwarded the x-rays to my farrier with her recommendations. My pre-purchase was 2K, and I'm sure I over did it on how many views I wanted done. But, I was spending a fair amount on her so I wanted to be sure that nothing was lurking, that didn't show on a flexion test.

Too bad - I didn't' have a pregnancy test done! As she was a good 8 months pregnant - unbeknownst to me, the breeder and the vet. LOL

Had I not have purchased her, I would have been open to selling the x-rays at a greatly reduced price.. If I only had a few done, say a few hundred dollars worth, I would have given them at no charge.

Your buyer has no use for them - it makes no sense that she wants full price.....ugh....

Did you offer her an 8K discount for her to still buy your mare?

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby WheresMyWhite » Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:19 pm

Having nothing to do with anything but I also had a Hann gelding for sale. Prospective buyer traveled about 1K miles to try him. Did the PPE and buyer's vet found something (now I don't remember what). Declined to buy and would not make x-rays available.

He did eventually sell to someone who loved him (yay) at a reduced price even with pigeon toes and whatever the findings were. My trainer had a verbal on the findings but no actual x-rays.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby capstone » Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:26 pm

The prospective buyer is not obligated to release the X-rays, but many do as they genuinely care about the horse and want the owner to have as much information as possible.

Others have no such conviction and feel that they are out a bunch of money and don't "owe" the seller anything.

I have my own, related story. I had a situation where I vetted a young horse (4, I think he was) who turned out to have bilateral OCD. The owner shut the vet down as soon as she realized something had been found. Likewise, when I tried to discuss it with her, she would not entertain having the conversation with me. She told me outright that she didn't want to know - if she knew, she would have to disclose it. Did I want him or not? At full price of course.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby MaryC » Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:43 pm

capstone wrote:I would include something to the effect of "sound with some clinical X-ray findings, hence the reduced price"

This. It would cut down on the deluge of calls you're concerned about, explain the reduced price, give some warning but not details. I'd even elaborate on the "sound" bit -- 'always sound' of that's true, 'clinical x-ray findings that do not affect soundness', etc.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby kande50 » Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:40 pm

capstone wrote:I had a situation where I vetted a young horse (4, I think he was) who turned out to have bilateral OCD. The owner shut the vet down as soon as she realized something had been found. Likewise, when I tried to discuss it with her, she would not entertain having the conversation with me. She told me outright that she didn't want to know - if she knew, she would have to disclose it. Did I want him or not? At full price of course.

Interesting. At that point she did know that there was something though, so should feel obligated to disclose that she knew that there was something, but just not what. If it came to a court case I would think that the truth would all come out, so there was really no way for her to pretend that she didn't know. After all, if witnesses told the court that she told them she didn't want to know so she wouldn't have to disclose it, that wouldn't look at all good for her.
Last edited by kande50 on Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby WheresMyWhite » Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:47 pm

On the flip side. Many moons ago I was looking at purchasing a young, unbroken gelding. Had a PPE and discussed with the vet what rads I wanted based on a limited budget. I was thinking feet, he recommended hocks so we went with that. They were with the portable machine (maybe '94). He even went back out to the barn to re-shoot the hocks to make sure. Turns out the seller had used the clinic that my PPE vet used to process the rads for their own rads of the horse maybe 9-12 months before I looked at him. My vet was consulting with the clinic vet and discovered the earlier rads. Same findings there. But, the OCD was present in the rads I paid for (both sets).

End of that sale. Maybe "unethical" for previous rads to have been disclosed but saved me $$ on a horse with OCD that may have gone unsound once he went into training.

When I was the seller, I am seeming to recall that the buyer that ended up not buying because of the PPE rads though that my trainer and I knew about the rad findings and didn't disclose it. So not true. Horse had never taken a lame step before or since. Who knows sometimes what goes on in the minds of buyers.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:15 pm

capstone wrote:
svvdressage wrote:I would include something to the effect of "sound with some clinical X-ray findings, hence the reduced price"

This is what I would say, too.

Two issues here: Ad wording and X-ray releases.

Let the new parties use what vet they want.


New x-rays can (sometimes) show different results. I don't know about OCD per say, but I have had ringbone diagnosis changed based on who viewed the films.

Quality of images as well as interpretation of findings can vary widely IMHO!

Good luck, she is a nice mare.

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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby Kyra's Mom » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:21 pm

I think I would have the x-rays done again by my own vet.

I would put something in the ad like capstone said.

Good luck.


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Re: How do I put this in a sales ad?

Postby KathyK » Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:19 pm

capstone wrote:
svvdressage wrote:My biggest concern is at this price I am going to get slammed with inquires. I don't want to waiste buyers time (and my own).

I agree.

I would include something to the effect of "sound with some clinical X-ray findings, hence the reduced price"

That doesn't sound very polished but I know I've read a version of that several times in sales ads.

I agree, but be careful about the reduced price you advertise. IOW, don't drop the price to the lowest you will take. Believe me, no matter how low you price her, people will offer less because of the X-rays.

For example, if you reduce her price by $8K and someone offers you original -$10K, will you be OK with that? If not, advertise her at original -$6K. You get the idea, I'm sure.

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