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What are you reading?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:43 pm
by Tulsa
So what good books have you read lately?

I've been reading massive amounts of YA and textbooks, but have managed to squeeze in a few pleasure books (mostly on audio) here and there.

Some good recent reads have been I Let You Go (great twist), Wake of Vultures (great voice), The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet (just plain fun)and Ace Atkin's Quinn Colson series (great setting).

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:47 pm
by Josette
I tend to love mysteries and just finished the latest Louise Penny last week. Prior to that I had read all the Navajo Nation Mystery series by R. Allen Chappell. Now I'm on the 3rd book by Montana mystery author Keith McCafferty and am addicted to his stories. :)

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:00 am
by Astral
The CD player in my car broke this past spring, so I've lost my audiobook addiction, which is rather sad.

I just realized, as I started typing this, that the three books on my nightstand are three of my favorite authors - I'd recommend any of their work to everyone...

I just finished Barbara Kingsolver's "Prodigal Summer." Why had I never read this before? I feel like I've read pretty much everything she's written, but somehow, it took me a bit longer to come around to this one. Absolutely wonderful.

Terry Tempest Williams' "Pieces of White Shell." I'm from the northeast, but she's made me fall in love with the midwest.

Rereading A.S. Byatt's "Possession." I was trying to explain it to someone, and realized that I had completely forgotten any details...

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:01 pm
by PhoenixRising
I really love sci-fi and fantasy. I've been listening to a lot of Anne Rice books lately. I don't really have a lot of time to read, so I've been doing the audio books off of audible. I've recently finished the Mayfair Witches series, and The Wolf Gift followed by The Wolves of Midwinter. I find her books fairly slow to start off, but if you hang in there you'll get pulled in. The most recent I tried was Interview with a Vampire, and I gave up on that one. I was finding it hard to follow in audio book form.
One of my all time favorite series is the Eragon series (epic fantasy).
I just downloaded a couple Jodi Picoult books to try, for a change of pace. I read a couple of hers a few years ago and really enjoyed them.

Our trainer at the barn is German and is all about the Principles of Riding, so I've ordered it and will be digging in there soon.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:43 pm
by PaulaO
Monkey Mind, about a man and his anxiety issues. It's not very good. The Curious Charms of Arthur Perry, a nice British book about a man learning about his deceased wife's life before marriage. Very sweet.

A Nun's Story. My fascination with pre-Vatican II nuns continues, and I'm not Catholic.

How Good Riders Get Good, by Denny Emerson, one of my riding gurus.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:55 pm
by PaulaO

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:34 pm
by Chisamba
I am reading the latest edition of the Ladies no 1 detective agency. " The woman who walked in sunshine."

I am not really a mystery fan but enjoy Botswana, the tempo of the books.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 11:29 pm
by Ponichiwa
I've been doing quite a bit of non-fiction reading lately, which led me to The Emperor of Maladies. The author is a cancer researcher who peppers the history of cancer with anecdotes from his own practice.

I really recommend it.

Edited for spelling. Yikes.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:33 pm
by calvin
I have just finished reading "Wonder" by Emma Donoghue, well worth the read (and there is even a pre-Vatican II nun, PaulaO!). I also enjoyed "The Story Hour", by Thrity Umrigar, and "The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelho. All of those are fiction. On the non-fiction side, Richard Holloway's "A Little History of Religion" came to my attention. With such divisiveness and polarization in the world, one wonders how religion ever arose, and how and why the many religions originated. This is a small book, easy to read, and gives a great overview from the beginning of (known) time to today.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:03 pm
by texsuze
"All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr. Excellent, can't put it down! WWII fiction about a blind French girl and a young German soldier.

Next up will probably be "My Antonia" by Willa Cather.

Re: What are you reading?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:59 pm
by calvin
I also loved "All the Light We Cannot See" - excellent and moving.

My summer reading, which took quite a long time, was the trilogy by Robert Harris on the life and times of Cicero, the great senator and orator - and of Julius Caesar - starting with "Imperium", moving through "Lustrum", and finally ending with "Dictator". We know who that turned out to be. It is a fascinating story of the height of the Roman emperor and the start of its decline. Well researched and written, these are great books in the "historical fiction" category. Very readable. I am going to read "Conclave", fiction arising about the process of selecting a pope. Politics abound.