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What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:21 pm
by silk
I am off work due to a (mild?) concussion following a hoof to the face. What do people do when they don't have day jobs and aren't allowed to do anything around their horses?

I'm not supposed to ride/horse/trim/anything for another 3-5 weeks. They only specified 24 hours not driving after the general anasthetic to stitch up my face, but in relation to the concussion, I can drive "if I feel I could stop in an emergency" (I'm questioning the validity of asking someone with a head injury to assess their own reactions... I mean, I feel OK, but what if I'm not?). I'll probably not drive until next week when I am supposed to start back at work, on limited hours.
I'm supposed to limit screen time (tv/laptop/phone) which has not really been happening as I have no other time-fillers...

So... What do I do to stop being bored out of my tree?

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:26 pm
by stella

When I was on movement restriction for 4 weeks I watched a helluva lot of ID TV.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:33 pm
by Moutaineer
Yep, knit... acres and acres of knitting, I did, when I was on layup with my leg.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:38 pm
by khall
I read. Big reader from early on here.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:53 pm
by goldhorse
Concussion? You're supposed to be resting your brain. I know it's awful. It's boring. It makes you want to rip your hair out. But you have to do it.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:58 pm
by Artemis
I like to draw, paint, do crosswords, Sudoku, read, surf the web, watch movies.
There are games on FaceBook to play.

Like every one said - rest is the main thing for now. Hope u are better soon!

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:02 pm
by gypsy still flies
What about audio books? They might help you pass the time and you wouldn't be staring at book pages.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:05 pm
by Chancellor
Spin yarn. Read. Watch TV

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:28 pm
by Rhianon
goldhorse wrote:Concussion? You're supposed to be resting your brain. I know it's awful. It's boring. It makes you want to rip your hair out. But you have to do it.

This my dear. Really. And I am so glad it's not worse.

I have a lot of down time due to health stuff. I have found the meditation tapes by Bodhipaksa really terrific. I think they help with healing, as well and dissolve that cranky feeling from inactivity. I have mine on my Kindle.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:32 pm
by silk
I'm just trying to keep myself occupied enough that I don't go out and deal with horses when I am not supposed to... I hate being idle, I'm normally doing 3 things at once!

I don't have the patience for knitting when I'm at full capacity - it drives me wild!

No books. BF was the avid book buyer and, well, he's now my ex so all the books are gone (I'd read all the ones I wanted to anyway). I live about 3 kms from the nearest bus so it isn't easy to get to town to a library, though mum has an appt I will probably tag along for (lawyer/divorce shit) on Friday so I could get her to take me past the library then.

Partly I'd like "something" to do so I don't dwell on the whole breakup thing. Man, when you're concussed, medicated and hospitalised, your brain has free rein over all the shitty stuff.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:42 pm
by stella
Do you have indoor pets? Can you teach your cats agility or something?

Amazon delivers books, last I heard.....

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:48 pm
by Chisamba
Read i get lost in a book, snuggle with the doggies and nap

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:52 pm
by angela9823
Reading would have been my answer too because that is my brain rest. Reading calms me more than anything else does. If I had nothing else to do, I'd worry myself to death over all the things not getting done. How do you rest your brain when it is on overdrive anyway. Can you do Kindle? Not quite the same type of screen as a laptop etc.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:53 pm
by silk
stella wrote:Do you have indoor pets? Can you teach your cats agility or something?

Amazon delivers books, last I heard.....

By the time they get here I'll be back at work ;)

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:55 pm
by silk
angela9823 wrote:Reading would have been my answer too because that is my brain rest. Reading calms me more than anything else does. If I had nothing else to do, I'd worry myself to death over all the things not getting done. How do you rest your brain when it is on overdrive anyway. Can you do Kindle? Not quite the same type of screen as a laptop etc.

I'm not sure if I can Kindle, but the laptop screen doesn't seem to bother me so I assume it would be fine. Need to find some books TO read on it though. The doctors were a bit vague about how much I could do. I'm liable to overdo things. My horses are itching to be groomed (they're still shedding) but I've had to settle to taking photos from afar or cuddles over the fence.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:59 pm
by Josette

Free books to read online.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:25 am
by boots-aregard
Or catch up on music. I know I'm about 20 years out of date with who are the new artists doing new work. If I wasn't supposed to be having screen time (which makes me wonder how much reading I should be doing as well), I'd catch up on music listening. Music is wonderful stuff and I almost NEVER listen (it's NPR in the car.)

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:35 am
by goldhorse
I really really really advocate that you do things that don't require much focus, concentration, problem solving, visual stimulation, and some other stuff that I can't remember. When kids have a concussion, they're now told to stay in a dark room for a week or two with no tv, computer, or video games. Boring as all hell. But speaking from experience, I wished I had followed that advice. So can you do some simple tasks like cleaning out your closet, gardening, sorting through old photographs? Maybe some exercise like long walks or weight lifting? Things that don't take a lot of concentration. If a doctor told you that you couldn't walk on your broken ankle for a month, you'd follow that advice. Please do the same for your brain.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:17 am
by heddylamar
Read, cook, sleep, paint a room, garden

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:42 am
by Feder
I second the meditation and music. I have lots more free time then normal (no brain injury though). I have had to learn how to address some anxiety over not having 12 hours a day of work. Meditation and music have been great. Oh and singing! I learned at 38 that I love to sing when no one is listening.

Take it easy and heal up.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:50 am
by silk
My normal go-to would be cooking, but a friend yesterday described nearly burning the house down (when she had a concussion) as she put a pot on the stove and walked away, completely forgetting about it until she smelled the smoke from the burning contents of the pot. Plus, with only me and mum in the house now (my ex moved out the day he informed me we should go our separate ways as "we want different things"... news to me...), and me feeling like I've not expended any energy and thus aren't hungry.... yeah. Cooking is not on my agenda.

If it weren't nearly raining I'd go get some Vit D, sitting on the grass outside...

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:41 am
by Moutaineer
OK, go look up BBC Radio 4 extra online. Listen to British radio--excellent plays, series, comedies, something for everyone, free. I love a good mystery, myself--classics like Lord Peter Whimsey, amongst may others.

I hope the ex gets a bad case of hives.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:55 am
by Rhianon
Mountaineer--brilliant. Why didn't I think of that? BBC has gotten me through a lot of rough times.

Silk--the whole situation sucks. Totally. After a concussion my emotions are very very tippy. Having a real reason for tippy emotions at the same time is right up there with rotten luck.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:01 am
by Sunshine2Me
You say it's raining by you so my idea is out. I walk........and walk and walk and walk. I love to enjoy the nature that I come across and the peacefulness of it. Plus, I'm getting some exercise and fresh air. Maybe you can get out tomorrow?

Like you, I'd be climbing the walls if I had to stay inside.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:01 am
by Hoof'n it
I have plenty of paper books if you want me to drop some around?

But I hear you and have been where you are. It's seriously boring, as even reading an sometimes tax you too much!

I can always come around pick you up and take you for an outing? Hamilton gardens? The zoo? Anywhere you feel like going? Day trip to Raglan?

Otherwise gardening? Spraying weeds in the paddock? Cleaning tack? Cooking?

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:27 am
by bascar
Moutaineer wrote:OK, go look up BBC Radio 4 extra online. Listen to British radio--excellent plays, series, comedies, something for everyone, free. I love a good mystery, myself--classics like Lord Peter Whimsey, amongst may others.

I hope the ex gets a bad case of hives.

I was going to suggest exactly the same. Radio 4 has a consistently good output throughout the day and everything is on I player. Check out the moral maze and my favorite, the news quiz.

NPR has the TED podcasts available and also This American Life. I've just listened to six Ted talks in a row driving yesterday and they were all very entertaining and thought provoking easpecially the one on privacy. Omg facial recognition software!!!!

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:33 am
by carpevita
Oh Silk, i'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I have had numerous concusssions without changing my habits, and the resultant brain fog and short term memory issues just suck.
Listening to books on tape can be soothing, though I know how hard it is to switch to semi hibernate mode when all you want to do is be busy and productive.
Please be gentle with your self while you heal.

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:32 pm
by Chisamba
well, since reading did not do it, sketching? i love doodling and sketching all you need is a pencil and paper, sorting photos, although in this mood it might be tearing the ex out of all the old ones, listening to music and napping are good ones too!

Hope you feel better soone

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:24 pm
by Ryeissa
Coloring books? I have found it very relaxing. (Not the children's' coloring books)

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:31 pm
by Chancellor
When I had a hysterectomy a few years ago, I was looking forward to having to do nothing. Mostly because I am ALWAYS doing something and to be forced to take it easy I thought would be a blessing. Well, after a week, I was BORED out of my mind.

This was just posted on facebook: ... e_active_1

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:31 pm
by hoopoe

on-line college lecture series


Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:02 pm
by silk
Hoof'n it wrote:I have plenty of paper books if you want me to drop some around?

But I hear you and have been where you are. It's seriously boring, as even reading an sometimes tax you too much!

I can always come around pick you up and take you for an outing? Hamilton gardens? The zoo? Anywhere you feel like going? Day trip to Raglan?

Otherwise gardening? Spraying weeds in the paddock? Cleaning tack? Cooking?

Thanks so much! If you're passing, I could definitely use some books, but no stress if you're not. Tomorrow I will probably end up going with friend to scope out Claudelands; she is competing this weekend with her Gypsy Cob (who was Champ last year with his previous owner/breeder - so no pressure!!!). Depending how I feel I may go with her on Saturday to take photos (no, I will not do anything horse-related!).

My problem with farm jobs is 1) I don't want to overdo anything 2) there is no one around, if I get into any bother. I could clean the house..... :|
I'm trying not to think up things to do that require me to drive or go alone. Everyone I know is working - so inconvenient of them :lol:

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:02 pm
by onetrickpony
Ryeissa wrote:Coloring books? I have found it very relaxing. (Not the children's' coloring books)

Great idea. They're all the rage now and said to be meditative. ... 4ba5a6724f

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:06 am
by NancyP
onetrickpony wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:Coloring books? I have found it very relaxing. (Not the children's' coloring books)

Great idea. They're all the rage now and said to be meditative. ... 4ba5a6724f

I love to colour!
It's such a wonderful waste of time

Re: What do you do, when you have nothing to do?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:24 am
by silk
Hoof'n dropped me off a few books :D Then my rabbit dragged in a 2.5kg (5.5 pound) rabbit... literally dragged, it was too large for him to carry without it touching the ground, and he is a tall cat. Apparently, it was lunch time! Good cat! It was very clearly pregnant too, so there goes a whole generation of the buggers. I'll have to go out and bury it so he doesn't eat it under my bed :roll:

Last night I put some meat on to marinate and cooked it while eating lunch. I forced myself not to leave the kitchen during the process in case I didn't come back :lol:

Cat is now sleeping next to me looking like he is full, though I know for a fact he didn't eat anything. Oh well, maybe he'll be hungry enough to catch another rabbit later :lol: