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Miss A. and the crash

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:03 pm
by PaulaO
Tuesday night Miss A. was having her body work (I know she's spoiled and I'm glad I can provide it!). New barn kitteh (black fluffy) was playing around her feet and knocked the broom and shovel off the wall. They crashed into the ground near Miss A. who startled back 2 steps, stopped, and was like "whatever." Her recovery was pretty instantaneous. My gelding would have melted down, ran into the next aisle, and would never walk by that spot without giving it the side eye. I'm thrilled Ariel is so level headed. Is that a mare thing???

Re: Miss A. and the crash

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:30 pm
by Chisamba
I don't think it's gender specific, but isn't it a wonderful thing!

Re: Miss A. and the crash

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:17 pm
by piedmontfields
What a good mare. My mare would certainly be watching that area long into the future. Kind of like she keeps an eye on the liverpool in the arena. Every time it is moved to a new jump she says, "See, I told you that thing was suspicious!"

I once leased an ex TB racehorse who was quite a hot horse under saddle. But also incredibly sane: One day I had him in the outdoor crossties in front of the shavings bin. Before I realized what was happening, the shavings delivery truck zoomed in, backed up and dumped a huge load of shavings behind him. :shock: He never budged--just sighed.

Re: Miss A. and the crash

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:51 pm
by demi
What a good girl! Both my mares would probably settle right back down, but I’ve had geldings that would have just glanced and thought “Yep, kittens are nuts”.