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A new obsession comes to life

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:05 pm
by carpevita
Well in the past week I realized that I want to build myself an addition to the home I'm buying with my bff.
The space I claimed is the mil apartment wing--a long narrow single story shoebox, 12'wide by 38' long.
It has a very pretty stained wood cathedral ceiling along much of its length and lovely views out the back (east) and overall is a lovely apartment.
But 12' wide just won't cut if for me, and I think maybe I can get some long fancied elements in my new home in time.
So I need to dig out some graph paper and pencils and get to work--and we're gonna need a barn one of these days too...!!

Re: A new obsession comes to life

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:11 pm
by boots-aregard
Once you put nail to wood, it's hard to stop, isn't it? Suddenly, you become aware that you can "fix" ANY problem space.

I once dreamed of one of those greenhouse rooms that you can buy to sit off to the southern side, as a way to expand the living room. I still think that would be just terrific in a place that gets snow in the winter (which is a place I will never live in again. :) )

I'm reading The Not So Big Remodeling book again. I really do think she's absolutely correct, though I NEVER EVER think of varying ceiling heights, which is a big thing with her.

Re: A new obsession comes to life

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:38 pm
by carpevita
I started by thinking of one of those sunrooms---but I need more kitchen first---though a greenhouse may be very nice off of the bdrm someday.
I've gotta get to the library and re read that book, its been many years!

Re: A new obsession comes to life

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:42 pm
by Tuffytown
Sometimes just popping out even the depth of a bay can help. Kitchen counter depth pushed out hopefully under existing rooflines and being able to cantilever the floor or just hang off existing wall can do a lot to reduce the structural requirements.

Pay attention to how new roof lines will come together. That's usually the weakest link in remodels of older buildings. And yes, variation in ceiling height is a significant element of progression through spaces and the sense drama, formality and importance.

Re: A new obsession comes to life

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:02 pm
by carpevita
The roof lines are wa-a-a-ay beyond my pay grade--I know I need professional help with that.
Tuffy you are so right---I could bump out some walls here and there, that would make it a much less expensive remodel, but I sort of hope I can finally get the kitchen I've dreamed of----which would probably require more actual space.
I have plenty of time to plan and save for it, i'm guessing three to five years at this point.
But boy figuring out floorplans really gets me going!

Re: A new obsession comes to life

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:17 pm
by Tuffytown
Have fun with that. When you do get to the point of engaging a professional your sketches will be very helpful in explaining what you are looking for. The more information you give your consultant the better.