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Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 5:59 pm
by Silverado
Okay....I am a wimp or rather I just hate to think of my tack getting wet, I am not worried about me getting wet. What do you all do? I have a saddle cover for riding in the rain but it's somewhat slippery even before it gets wet, I have rain pants that I bought when I was in Ireland....and they are somewhat slippery even before they get wet. When I saw the Irish riders...riding and jumping (huge jumps) in the rain and looking fabulous while doing it, I really felt like a major wimp.

How do you deal with riding in the rain? What do you do to protect your tack? Or am I just being overprotective of my tack. I am quite careful about cleaning and taking my tack. And what do you ride in so you aren't slipping all over the saddle?

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:39 pm
by heddylamar
I generally ride in the rain or snow, but not if it's a thunderstorm or heavy downpour (like we're getting now). In the summer heat, no special equipment is required -- just wipe down your tack, and have a spare change of clothes on hand. When it's cooler, I wear a water resistant jacket, and don't ride in rain below 50 degrees.

We've gotten too much rain the last few days for me to ride -- 9" over the weekend, and 5-6" since then. The arena is just a sloppy mess.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:35 pm
by kande50
We've always trail ridden in the rain, and our rule of thumb has always been that if it's pouring we don't (usually) go out and saddle up, but if it isn't we go. If we get wet after we're already out we're fine with that, and in fact, some of our best rides have been in the rain.

I do like synthetic saddles and cheap bridles though, because I like not having to worry about expensive tack. BTDT and am completely over it.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:09 pm
by Silverado
Do you put a saddle cover on your saddle? Do you wear rain pants ever?

I have to get over the fact my tack will get wet.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:25 pm
by tlkidding
I ride in the rain in my regular riding clothes, with maybe a rain jacket on (but those things never breathe well and I end up feeling like I'm in a sauna).

I switch my reins from flat leather to leather with stops so I can still hold on if they get wet. I have a nylon quarter sheet I'll put on my horse if it's below 60F and the rain is heavy or driving sideways.

If I'm worried about my tack, I clean it with water and wait until it's totally dry (24+ hours) and then use Passier Lederbalsam on my bridle and saddle. My boots will get a wipe of Der Dau Boot Conditioner.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:46 pm
by silk
I don't compete, so I have no need to be out in inclement weather unless we are having fun... but I don't enjoy it and neither does my horse.
Sometimes the weather is marginal and we go out, sometimes it turns while we're out, that's life. But I (usually) don't go out in rain on purpose.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:47 pm
by silk
In saying that, I just purchased a ride-in rain-proof cover for my saddle. Just in case. (my friend was selling it cheap due to relocating countries). I'm sure there's times I'll use it. Maybe. Once or twice.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:24 pm
by kande50
We use those oilskin raincoats with the removable liners, because they're durable and do a pretty good job of covering most everything. I could have used a good rainhat/helmet cover to keep the water from running down my neck, but never did get around to making one and don't ride in the rain often enough now to need one.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:35 pm
by Flight
No I don't tend to ride in the rain. Well, it doesn't rain for very long so I just wait until it stops or ride the next day. How much rain are you getting to need to ride in it?
If it's a comp and it's raining I just get wet.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:52 pm
by Rosie B
I ride in the rain in my regular riding clothes plus a soft shell if it’s really coming down or it’s cold.

I have my best rides in the rain. They’re consistently better so I love riding when it’s raining. He’s more through, more forward, and and I feel 100% in sync with him. My tack doesn’t get slippery - it actually gets stickier.

I don’t worry about it getting wet either. It’ll be stiff afterward, so use lederbalsam on it when that happens.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:40 am
by Moutaineer
Rain? What's that?

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:05 am
by Tsavo
I do not ride in the rain.


Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:12 am
by heddylamar
Moutaineer wrote:Rain? What's that?


Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 3:19 am
by redsoxluvr
Silverado wrote:
How do you deal with riding in the rain? What do you do to protect your tack? Or am I just being overprotective of my tack. I am quite careful about cleaning and taking my tack. And what do you ride in so you aren't slipping all over the saddle?

I protect my saddle with my fat arse. No, seriously. I just ride in knee patch breeches, too.

When I am done getting rained on, I just use my usual cleaning products and leave my tack to dry as usual. If the tack feels too dry after all is said and done I will use a conditioning balm.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:08 pm
by Silverado
Thanks for all you does help! Funny...while I dread riding in the rain....I absolutely love riding when it's snowing, love riding in the snow. I will go over my tack with a conditioning balm this week just to make myself feel better before I ride in the rain...which is predicted... on and off for the next week.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:15 pm
by piedmontfields
I don't usually plan to ride in the rain, but I live in Tennessee so I ride in the rain. No special clothes other than for the general weather. Just extra care of tack afterwards. A light mist can be fantastic for riding, but we are more likely to get sudden deluges.

Rosie, does the weather animate Bliss? I am curious because once Emi and I establish that we can ride through puddles and not die (a brief discussion *every time*), she is quite full of it in soggy weather. I only do things more like work in the arena which has quite good footing even after a downpour.

Re: Riding in the rain

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:43 pm
by acheyarcher
I am with red sox. I didnt elect to ride in the rain, but sometimes it does happen while out. A well cared for saddle and bridle will do ok. Allow to dry then clean as normal. Quality conditioning cream if needed.

I was usually outside showing when rain happened so no special clothing wither. I never noticed a particularly slippery saddle but reins get noodly and if it looks like rain I use tackified gloves.

I never tried it but Mink OIl, which comes as a paste cream, is used to help waterproof and preserve . Made by Sofsole I got mine at WalMart. I never tried it on saddle or bridle, I use it for my archery tab, it might be worth using as a conditioner if you are concerned.