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Postby musical comedy » Fri Dec 13, 2019 1:19 pm

I do not get the appeal of this thing. Of all exercise available, cycling is least interest to me.

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Re: Peloton

Postby heddylamar » Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:01 pm

A ton of people love biking. My FIL, both BILs, and several nephews all do long distance cycling. I run long distances. They don’t get my passion for running (or riding), I don’t get theirs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To each their own.

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Re: Peloton

Postby Tarlo Farm » Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:47 pm

Low impact exercise, done at home but with the ability to develop an online group of supporters. Atlantic magazine did an article about it. › archive › 2019/12 › the-tribe-of-peloton

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Re: Peloton

Postby StraightForward » Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:39 pm

heddylamar wrote:A ton of people love biking. My FIL, both BILs, and several nephews all do long distance cycling. I run long distances. They don’t get my passion for running (or riding), I don’t get theirs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To each their own.

Ditto. I have lots of coworkers and some family members who are mountain biking fanatics. I'm sure they think I'm crazy spending all my time and money trying to ride a 1,200 pound prey animal with a mind of its own.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Peloton

Postby Koolkat » Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:55 pm

Back when we were doing a LOT of mountaineering, we often used stationary bikes for exercise during the winter monsoon here. Although the set up was just taking the back wheel off your bike and attaching it to the doo hickey = great leg and cardio workout. You don't have to spend +$1,000 to exercise on a stationery bike. We even biked occasionally, out here, there are some very nice bike trails. These days, I just hike in the rain.

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Re: Peloton

Postby Chisamba » Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:57 pm

I thought you were going to talk about the advert that caused the stink .lol

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Re: Peloton

Postby musical comedy » Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:05 pm

Chisamba wrote:I thought you were going to talk about the advert that caused the stink .lol
No, I didn't pay any attention to that. I hear a lot about it on the business channels discussing it's stock. Also, I have Comcast service and the Peloton commercials are relentless.

Yes, to each his own, but the position one has to be in on a bike surely couldn't help with one's posture. Plus the seat on bicycles are very uncomfortable.

I guess I don't see why one needs to buy equipment or pay for a gym. Exercise can be free. I get plenty of it doing horse chores.

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Re: Peloton

Postby Flight » Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:30 pm

I had to google what it is. Some people don't have nice places to exercise and some get more motivated with stuff like this. Apparently your bum gets used to the bike seat after you do it enough. Where I work there are heaps of bike riders, mamils.. mamils everywhere!

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Re: Peloton

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Dec 13, 2019 8:44 pm

OK, I don't get the whole spin class live or streamed thing. And the cost of the Pelaton system is obscene to me. When I'm working out, I have no interest in being part of a group. But some people always like to compete and compare, so it draws on that desire.

I do use spinning to help stay in shape because it is quick, hard cardio that *I can do alone at home*. I have a cheap spin bike (no digital dials). And I subscribe to Cyclecast (which gives me new classes every week with curated music). It's low impact (I can no longer run or even speed walk) so I can still get a good cardio workout. It is much quicker than swimming, which I also enjoy.

At this point in life due to disease (joint related), there are many farm chores I cannot do--including on my own property. :-( This is part of why I board. But I do need to stay in shape for life, not to mention for riding, so I do barre and yoga, spinning, hiking and yes, chores around our property. I ride for fun--not exercise :-).

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Re: Peloton

Postby blob » Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:02 pm

I'm not a cycling kind of girl, I also think a lot of biking fitness probably isn't great for riding--i THINK being biking fit would close up hip angles, rather than open them.

But, I get the appeal because it's essentially gamified excercises. We already know gaming is a stronger motivator for many people. Not for me, but I get it.

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Re: Peloton

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:05 pm

I can't say anything when my horse has a 4000 saddle and a chiropractor....
I'm all for things that make people healthier, whatever that means for them!

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Re: Peloton

Postby texsuze » Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:09 pm

We have one friend doing the peloton thing, but he's twice an organ transplant recipient and can't always participate in the outdoor cycling stuff he wants, due to a variety of other health concerns. DH has morphed from a casual triathlon fitness program (swimming, cycling, running) to a near-total cycling regime over the last couple years, but takes no interest in the peloton program. He still does the swim class but never runs any more. As we speak, the bicycle shop is putting the accessories on his new Waterford (no, it ain't the crystal, baby) road bicycle. Of course, now that he's a CYCLIST, he started shaving his legs (where's that eye-roll emoji thing..) about a month ago, to my total disgust and annoyance. Ack! Whereas my experience in (horse) riding has been more camaraderie-based, with some competitive element, DH's cycling group acts more like a competitive herd of sheep. Gotta say that I'm glad that at 69 he strives for fitness and longevity, contrary to some DH's I know. And I've certainly bested him where spending untold amounts of money on a certain sport is concerned :) So we'll see...

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Re: Peloton

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:41 pm

I do love that "competitive herd of sheep" comment, Suz! And, yes, fitness pursuits of most forms at all and esp. the later ages are to be applauded. BTW, my DH started running at age 49 (now 51) and he thinks spinning (and barre and pilates) are seriously hard and daunting. But he can peal out a 10k in hilly terrain (not altitude) easily. I can't. I cheer him on when he practices yoga. I do wish it were safer to cycle around where I live (it is hardly safe to run, but my DH is used to jumping in ditches and wearing neon to avoid traffic).

I did do my Cyclecast spin workout tonight since today was tons of rain (while at work), then walk the horse out of her stall for 15 minutes before more rain, then chiro and then more work/commuting. Plus a little yoga. I'm at a serious eventing barn where the head trainer is a total spin junky. She got me to consider it (which I appreciate)---but I have no interest in competing with people when I do cardio. I'm hard enough on myself! lol

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Re: Peloton

Postby Bip » Sat Dec 14, 2019 12:37 am

Lol the commercial is seriously creepy. The first time I saw it, I had the volume off and it’s not closed captioned. Her facial expression looks like she’s being held hostage and has been threatened not to let on.

I used to love spinning and I definitely get Pelaton. I got the NordicTrack knockoff (because I love my NT treadmill and elliptical, but am too cheap for the Pelaton), but it has not caught on yet. I’ve had it for a year and a half so, probably not going to catch on? It doesn’t seem as adjustable as a normal spin bike and I can’t seem to get comfortable, not that I’ve tried very hard. I wish I had just bought a used spin bike from a gym dispersal sale, no electronics, no fuss. Or maybe if I’d ponied up for the Pelaton, I too could have Stockholm Syndrome about my exercise equipment, lol.

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Re: Peloton

Postby chantal » Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:55 am

Former serious cyclist here. I also taught cycling to road bikers and triathletes, not spin but cycling. Outside on the roads in good weather and clients used their bikes on our trainers for winter/bad weather workouts. I'm not keen on an exercise bike, but for lack of anything else, I will hop on one. Like if we are on vacation or something. Proper cycling position is so important, just like in riding. The athlete suffers when it's not right. I use my road bike on a kickr and ride on Zwift and usually do my own workouts when I ride inside. But I prefer to mountain bike with the hubby and dog. Or to ride my horse.

As Tarlo Farm said, it's low impact and can be done at home. 30 mins is a great cardio workout, 45 even better. Cardio is great for riding. Again, IMO, the ideal setup is your own bike that's fit to you on some kind of trainer. But yes, it does tighten the hip flexors. When I was racing and training, my instructor at the time hated it. I wish I had figured out the yoga thing then. I don't ride enough now to tighten them and I balance it with yoga.

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