Barn is slowly easing restrictions

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Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby PaulaO » Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:31 pm

Starting Monday, my barn will start easing restrictions. Boarders will be allowed to take lessons. We can sign up for one hour visiting/riding spots. There is talk about taking tack home which kinda makes no sense to me but not my rule.

Shareboarders and outside lesson people won’t be able to come out. The easing is only for boarders.

Anywho, I appreciate that the BO is doing this, but I’m not comfortable going back just yet. I’ll play it by ear. Farrier appointment next week so I will be out for that.

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:06 pm

I think there will be a lot of experimentation across settings as people figure out what is appropriate and then review those decisions + adjust as necessary. At least I hope people will be open to adjustment/improvement as more is known!

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby Bip » Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:28 am

Yeah, my trainer texted me yesterday that he worked out with the barn owner that he could tack up/untack for me and I could meet my horse at the arena for lessons. But I had to decline. We are staying zero contact for at least the rest of April, not to mention I don’t want the risk of a fall. Also, my parents are watching the kids from 7am-1pm every day for me so I can keep the job I just happened to start at the end of February, and I would not feel right asking them to do another 2 hrs a few days a week. My kids are really challenging! Maybe when we feel safe enough to have the nanny come back, I will think about riding. Right now we are just focusing on surviving.

I think now that we know that a very high percentage of cases are asymptomatic for a long time, everyone has to consider themself basically radioactive. The only thing you can do to prevent being exposed is to eliminate contact, and the only thing you can do to prevent spreading it around is to wear a mask and limit contact.

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby VBOpie » Mon Apr 20, 2020 3:51 pm

I have a question for those of you with hour slots to see your horse - what can you possibly accomplish in an hour, except maybe a quick grooming, etc. It takes me a minimum of two hours to get in a quick, and I mean quick, ride - barely any grooming, etc. True, you get hands on, but isn't that about it?

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby PaulaO » Mon Apr 20, 2020 4:49 pm

Grooming, treats, a ride. My lesson is 30 minutes, so it's groom, ride, untack, turn out. If the weather is good (as in not raining or windy) I will groom and tack/untack outside which will extend my barn time. My routine with grooming and tacking is to assemble everything next to the cross ties. I don't waste time going in and out of the tack room. Many people park their horse on the ties in front of the tack room and leisurely stroll in and out getting one piece at a time.

One hour forces you to be efficient. BO doesn't want people to loiter.

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby Tarlo Farm » Mon Apr 20, 2020 5:20 pm

VBOpie wrote:I have a question for those of you with hour slots to see your horse - what can you possibly accomplish in an hour, except maybe a quick grooming, etc. It takes me a minimum of two hours to get in a quick, and I mean quick, ride - barely any grooming, etc. True, you get hands on, but isn't that about it?

You've gotta move faster!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby heddylamar » Mon Apr 20, 2020 5:38 pm

I used to ride before work nearly every day. Be quick! Catch and tack up (10 minutes), ride (35–40 minutes), sponge bath and turn out (10 minutes).

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby Chancellor » Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:34 pm

Bip wrote:Yeah, my trainer texted me yesterday that he worked out with the barn owner that he could tack up/untack for me and I could meet my horse at the arena for lessons. But I had to decline. We are staying zero contact for at least the rest of April, not to mention I don’t want the risk of a fall. Also, my parents are watching the kids from 7am-1pm every day for me so I can keep the job I just happened to start at the end of February, and I would not feel right asking them to do another 2 hrs a few days a week. My kids are really challenging! Maybe when we feel safe enough to have the nanny come back, I will think about riding. Right now we are just focusing on surviving.

I think now that we know that a very high percentage of cases are asymptomatic for a long time, everyone has to consider themself basically radioactive. The only thing you can do to prevent being exposed is to eliminate contact, and the only thing you can do to prevent spreading it around is to wear a mask and limit contact.

I think you are wise to be that careful.
There is just too much opportunity right now to catch this virus. With you having the kids at home, it doesn't make sense to risk their health!

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby Aleuronx » Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:36 pm

VBOpie wrote:I have a question for those of you with hour slots to see your horse - what can you possibly accomplish in an hour, except maybe a quick grooming, etc. It takes me a minimum of two hours to get in a quick, and I mean quick, ride - barely any grooming, etc. True, you get hands on, but isn't that about it?

You learn to make do, which I feel like is (one of many) slogans of 2020. I'm choosing not to ride, limited barn visits (2x a week) and young horse do not mix, but we get a lot done!

I arrive a few minutes before my scheduled 2 hour block to hook up truck to trailer. I'm keeping all my equipment in my truck so pack that out to the crossties and then get said beast.

-Self-loading trailer practice for ~20 minutes or to a good ending spot. We start here to give as much time as needed to end with a good note.

-Into the barn to groom and tack up for lunging. It's spring so shedding out grooming takes a bit longer. In general ~25 minutes to groom, and throw on boots/surcingle/bridle.

-In hand work moving her body around ala Tristan Tucker then some hind leg lifting whip training ala half steps preparation. ~10 minutes.

-Proper lunging, ~20 minutes total.

-Another ask for leg lifting and aligning herself up to the mounting block to end. ~5 minutes.

-Hand walk hack in fields/trail to cooldown, 15 minutes.

-Back to the barn to untack, quick brush/wipe down and back out. Any extra time pop some hand grazing. ~5-10 minutes

-Grab my stuff out of the barn to throw in the truck, sweep cross tie area and wipe down any last things I've touched. Clean up and unhook trailer and donezo.

It's fast and furious but it works for us for now. Do I wish I was riding when she floats around on the lunge? Yes. Am I glad I'm choosing not to when she takes an unbalance step and goes into a bucking fit? Also yes.

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby StraightForward » Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:57 am

No restrictions have been put in place at my barn, but I'm still trying to avoid people. With teleworking, I've gotten lazy about getting to the barn at 6:30 and done by 8:15. I thought it would be fun to take a long lunch and ride in the middle of the day, but with school out, now it's the busiest time. Today I went out at 1:00 and the teen riders had jump course set up, so I turned around and went home. Came back at 5:30 tonight and one boarder was just putting her horse away and someone was doing night feed. They both left by the time I got tacked up, and I had the place to myself all evening except when the owners came out to do some chores. I guess everyone's schedules have been turned on their heads, so I just might go back to evenings for a while.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby Kyra's Mom » Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:46 am

No restrictions at my barn either but it is a small pleasure barn with no trainers, lessons or haul-ins allowed (been that way for years). I have found that if I go out around 5pm, horse has been fed and has some food in her belly and I have the place to myself. If others are out there, I may see one or two other souls. This is working for now. Much less traffic or you couldn't pay me to go out at that time and as the temps heat up, I will switch to the AM but for now, early evening is working well.

I am about 2-2 1/2 hours from leaving home to return (drive is 13 miles one way) which gives me a solid 1-1/2 hours at the barn. I turn her out for for her to munch grass for about 20-30 minutes. She has a large dry lot pen so has lots of room to move but she does enjoy some grass munching. While she is munching, I do horse keeping chores in her pen and groom (as little as I can get away with), tack up and ride for 30-40 minutes. Occasionally, she gets a my pretty pony day where I concentrate on grooming (tail washing, clipping, hoof tweaks with the rasp for example) and I may only do a quick liberty session or lunge instead of riding.
I feel like I have been accomplishing a lot training wise. If you have a plan, it is easy to accomplish and it doesn't/shouldn't take a long time to make solid progress. That said, plans are always subject to change ;) .

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby PaulaO » Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:15 pm

Miss A. is out during the day and comes in around 4pm for dinner. When I get to the barn around 4:30, she is done with grain so I don't spend time going to the pasture to catch her. She never runs from me and often comes to me when I call, but even pasture catching can take 10-15 minutes from start to finish. I've always gone to barn on weekdays after work. I'm kind of a slacker when it comes to grooming. I knock the dirt off the saddle area and pick her feet. Maybe once a week I do a thorough grooming but it must be done AFTER I ride because SOMEONE doesn't like pre-ride grooming.

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby VBOpie » Wed Apr 22, 2020 7:29 pm

Okay, so I usually arrive around 8:15/8:30 am. I can be tacked up/ready to ride by 9. I admit, I like to do things like clean the waterer, water bucket, fill hay. I also have an older horse that needs attention. I am usually home by 10:30 to squeeze into "my office" by 11.

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Re: Barn is slowly easing restrictions

Postby PaulaO » Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:41 pm

As of today, 2 boarders can be out per aisle, and we get 2 hours. Limited to 3 times per week. Still have to groom and tack up in the stall and avoid common areas. Masks and gloves required in the barn. Yesterday was a lovely day so I grazed Ariel while attempting to groom her. I say attempting because she doesn't stand still when grazing. Constant moving.....

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