I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Kyra's Mom
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I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Kyra's Mom » Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:15 am


I have been watching this volcano for about 3 weeks. There are some amazing videos out there. This is what drones were meant for although the live stream is stationery cameras. There are some incredible drone videos on Youtube.
It builds up pressure and releases a big stream of lava about every 8-15 minutes...kind of like Old Faithfull at the moment.
Oh and the sun never really sets right now. Night, which it is never totally dark, only last about 4 hours.

To watch the creation of land is so cool and from 8000 miles away, no worries for safety. A trip to Iceland is on my bucket list. I have no real interest in traveling outside the US except for this. So geologically interesting.

Last edited by Kyra's Mom on Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:34 am

A friend of mine has just got back from Iceland--she had an amazing time there. On my list, too!

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...

Postby PaulaO » Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:01 pm

Another time waster is the Far Side cartoon group on Facebook. Sometimes I laugh so hard that I can’t breathe.

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:13 pm

OMG...this thing is pumping out so much lava this weekend.

This guy's drone shots are spectacular. I wish I could get a couple stills off this video.

I am probably burning up (haha) all my internet data. Sometimes, I can't take my eyes off of it.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:46 am

Still the best show in town and good old Nar the volcano(short from Ragnar) hasn't disappointed. It is so funny in that it shuts down for a short period and everybody on the chats say...oh, it's done. Nooo :lol: . After this video was done, a good portion of the inner wall collapsed and the crater was dry...not a drop of lava in sight. But within 4 hours, it had filled back up and was back to bubbling and spewing.


Now, I am planning a trip to Iceland...probably late spring 2023. Hopefully COVID will be much less of a problem? I hope so. Now, my crummy feet won't get me to the volcano. It may still be erupting then. It is fed directly from the mantle and the experts figure it could go on for months...or years. So many fascinating geologic features in Iceland. Ironic that most of them are the result of fire (volcanism). I had it in the back of my mind to go but now I am sure I want to. I have never been much of a traveler and not much on leaving US soil but Iceland looks so cool. Most tours show how much walking is involved and hopefully I can pick an appropriate one.

It seems like a "privilege" to be able to watch earth creation so close up thanks to all these drone dudes. Gases have not been a problem and the area is relatively remote. There is one small fishing village that may eventually be compromised but they will have lots of heads up if the lava reaches there.

Susan (still volcano watching).
from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby PaulaO » Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:47 pm

I periodically watch it, and thought it had shut down because it was inactive for a bit. I checked last night and it's back to bubbling red orange lava. I've talked to several people who have been to Iceland and they have all loved it. One woman has visited every continent except Antarctica and she said Iceland has the best food she's ever tasted. It's a fascinating country that I would love to visit. Go!

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Aug 16, 2021 4:21 am

I am still at it (volcano watching). This volcano is NOT disappointing. The 13th and 14th were AMAZING.

It has grown a little bit.

Baby Nar

and teenager (?--they say the eruption could continue for years) Nar.

Last night was pretty incredible. A new small flow developed in the wall. No one can decide if it is really a vent or a hole. By the time it shut down last night, it had built a pretty little cone. One live feed, someone called it a pimple on Nar's chin :lol: . Tonight...boo-hoo...heavy fog but it is doing something because the fog is orange and red.

Every little development is soooo interesting. I think the drone casualty rate is getting pretty large but boy, when they don't get it fried, the footage is incredible.

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby hoopoe » Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:53 pm

Susan U was watching the birth of the new pimple, too. So disappointed that the fog rolled in Sunday But there is always tonight

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Dapple Field » Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:15 pm

Awesome footage!! I love geology.

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sun Aug 22, 2021 5:09 am

Well, the pimple (baby cone) has disappeared...assimilated back into the big crater. Amazing activity today with lava tossing up, down and in every direction.

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby hoopoe » Mon Aug 23, 2021 12:32 pm

MIssed so much this week as i was back east and had terrible WiFi access. Now weather is rolling and blocking views. This is not going away any time soon, but weather patterns as the season change is going to make viewing hit and miss. It is simply remarkable the change that happens week to week. There is an excellent 60 minutes item you can watch via You Tube that takes a slightly broader view of Iceland and its geology.

Dapple Field I love Geology as well. I live in Washington state and eastern Washington is a delight to explore if you understand how it was all created.

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Kyra's Mom » Tue Aug 24, 2021 3:57 pm

For the time being, it seems to have turned into another Old Faithful. A little different time frame and a different emission than the geyser but by the faf(tremor) chart, it is still doing its thing. Now if the damned fog would go away. The other night on the live feed, the entire screen was just blazing red/orange so you know it was very active.

The drone guys got lots of footage between the 18th and 21st so I have been catching up on those but I would really like to see some lava LIVE. Like most chatting on the live feeds, we are in lava withdrawal :lol: .

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Kyra's Mom » Fri Sep 17, 2021 4:31 am

OK. So my friend Nar went to sleep for about 9 days...at least doing anything visible. Then...on Saturday all hell broke loose...at least that is what it looks like. Now, instead of the Old Faithful schtick, it is pulsing every 8-10 minutes. Little to nothing is coming out of the crater although there is lava in the crater it just doesn't build up enough to overflow. Unlike the previous phase when it went completely dry when it cycled off. Luckily there have been some decent breaks in the weather. Iceland actually got the remnants of Hurricane Larry and the authorities actually closed the volcano area.

It has been doing things like this (late August)
Along with vigorous activity in the crater and several outlets flowing in different directions. Then it went silent for 9 long days.
On Saturday (9/11), things sprang to life on the north side of the crater. Could be pressurized lava spurting out of tubes...could be new vents but it created a fantastical landscape.
Then yesterday, this lava "spring" appeared and has been pumping out enormous volumes of lava. Some say new vent, some say the end of a lava tube?
I don't know but it is incredible viewing and now filling this valley and heading downhill to another valley...next stop, the highway and the ocean?

I am just mesmerized by this thing. So exciting to witness this in real time. As someone on one of the chats stated...volcano porn :lol: .
from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby hoopoe » Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:46 pm

NOw the Canary Island. A tragic situation with homes lost and people displaced

on You Tube aFAR TV has a cam and BUSHCRAFT BEAR ( you tube) is a local who is discussing the view and scene. He looks like a nice guy and doing a good job showing the city in a language not his own

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby Kyra's Mom » Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:52 am

Well, Nar (Icelandic volcano) is still sleeping but kind of teasing us...something is going on with some magma movement but nothing visible for another 9 days.

Yes, the Canary Island volcano is a beast. The lava ate a beautiful little church yesterday in Todoque. It took a short break this AM but roared back to life with large volumes of lava tonight. The lava isn't too far from the ocean now. Bushcraft Bear is a star.

I did receive my Volcano box from the Reykjavik Grapevine shop last week. Totally impulse ($$$) purchase but I haven't been that excited about anything for awhile. It contained two beautiful books. One on the various volcanic systems in Iceland and one on baby Nar (it was published before the volcano got very big).
I got a Hruan candy bar. Hruan means lava. It is dark chocolate over wafer of some kind. I haven't opened it yet but will soon. It also contained some Iceland Volcano hot salt (salt with hot spices). Unfortunately, I don't like spicy stuff so that one is kind of meh. It also contained 3 issues of the Reykjavik Grapevine publication so I can delve into all kinds of things in and around Reykjavik.
The most exciting piece of the box was a small (approx 2" x 3") piece of Nar's basalt lava. It is very interesting and pretty (I think ;) ). It has some clear crystals in it. Some of it is like a matte finish with little red intrusions in it (iron?). Some of it is very shiny/shimmery with greens and golds. I noticed today, it has two little threads of volcanic glass spanning a little crevice...I hadn't noticed that before and the little threads made the 3800 mile trek in the box without breaking.

Yep, I have gone off the deep end of all things volcanic. Sure beats the news and is way more interesting to me.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby hoopoe » Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:47 am

Nar is really flirting. Some serious jolts on the drum plot makes me wonder if it is punching a way out. was hopeful yesterday, but pale blue backed off, looks trending again.

the ignorance on the LaPalma chat is stunning. SOmeone suggested that the lava should be diverted away from the water so the sealife does not get boiled.

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Re: I found a way to really waste time...Iceland volcano

Postby hoopoe » Tue Sep 28, 2021 1:14 pm

i guess green-yellow inclusions can be peridot , which forms in upper level lavas. It is snowing on Nar now!

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