Facebook is down after last night's 60 Minutes report

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Facebook is down after last night's 60 Minutes report

Postby Tanga » Mon Oct 04, 2021 9:29 pm

I think this is a good thing. On 60 Minutes the whistleblower explained FB was maximizing hateful content to make money over safety. Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are down.

Hopefully maybe something will finally change. I have noticed my feed has gotten ridiculous with the same thing over and over, and because I report every right wing page, I have been getting more and more and ads for traitor tRump hotels, which I report for fraud or scam every time. I just see the same things over and over and over, even though I follow pretty much all of the reliable news sources as well as of course dressage and gardening stuff. And for some reason I have been getting unending pages of pouring paint on canvases.

I had just started back on Reddit in support of my favorite new author (Sara King) so am exploring that. Good to work on getting rid of the addiction to checking it.

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