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Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:18 pm
by Moutaineer
We live in a fairly isolated area up a mountain. Above us is a cabin community that consists of some full time and some part time residents, some holiday rentals. We don't get services like garbage collection but we do have a set of dumpsters in the parking lot at the bottom of the mountain for our household trash. They are a cause of friction in the neighborhood because people are inconsiderate pigs, dump their construction waste, old sofas, mattresses, etc., etc., and around the holidays it a hell hole down there--and the garbage company won't pick up at all unless they have clear access to the dumpsters.

So of course, the full time locals bear the brunt of cleaning up the mess and carting it to the dump, which is a disgusting pain in the ass job.

Well, some rocket scientist dumped a load of hot coals in one of the dumpsters this morning.

Fabulous. A flaming dumpster full of trash surrounded by parked cars.

The fire department came and put it out. By dumping water on it.

I should mention that our highs are around 13 degrees F this week.

It'll be exciting taking the trash down this weekend.

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:07 pm
by Chancellor
Oh just lovely! Good luck!

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:27 pm
by piedmontfields
OMG, Mountaineer! I can just picture the "regular" trauma of holiday + vacationer trash, even without the flames and frozen aftermath!!!

I feel for you and your neighbors...when I am having one of those "tennessee days", I am always going off on people's inability to control their trash...since we have a lot of road frontage, it is a constant battle. "Why did you drive 20 miles from the McDonalds to throw your freakin trash on our property?!" Earlier this week, somebody threw a large bag of glass bottles on the road edge of our front border. Crap. Hard to clean up and now lots of us get to worry about a flat.

The trash piles people burn here (usually next to aged trailers) are unbelievable, too. And these are the earnest local people trying to control their trash! (we have county dumps that require driving to reach)

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:39 pm
by Koolkat
I once heard our "community" described as "the place where you get to know your neighbors when their trash blows across your yard". :lol:

She had just sold her horse place and was moving to a "street of dreams" neighborhood. . . .

Sometimes I can relate.

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 1:10 am
by Wicky
Many years ago my family and I owned a ski house at Killington. My brother, who was in his early 20s, went up one summer weekend with a bunch of college friends. I went up the next weekend to find - they had not realized that they had to take garbage to the dump. They thought that there was curbside pickup, like in the 'burbs. All of their weekend trash, including clam and lobster leftovers, was strewn around the parking area, courtesy of the raccoons and other vermin. And I was up there alone, I had to pick it all up (after five days of 90 plus temps) and bring it in MY CAR to the dump. My poor car....

Trash wars. Not fun!

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:14 am
by KathyK
Ok, I have to admit your rocket scientists outdumbed mine by a mile.

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:44 pm
by bascar

That's going to be a gift that keeps giving well into spring.

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:01 am
by carpevita
We had an entire condo complex burn down at the ski area at the end of our road because some knucklehead put live coals in the trash. The fire department is all volunteer, and their captain at that time wasn't entirely up to the task i guess.
Thus the fire department stopped at our house (at one am naturally) to fill the water truck with diesel, as he had forgotten to take care of that pesky detail.

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:29 am
by carpevita
Wicky your story reminds me---my dh rented a ski house for many years before we got together.
His teenage son and his friends went for a week, and toward the end of the week the plumbing quit. The guys pooped into paper bags and tossed them onto the deck and left them there.
So in the spring when the snow and ice melted the deck was in pretty disgusting shape.
Dh had a cow, as could be expected.

Re: Well, you thought THEY were dumb...

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:45 am
by M&M