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Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:15 pm
by DJR
We've had a very balmy & manageable winter to date ... until today.

It was -5C when I went to bed.

Upon awakening this morning, it is -26C (-15F)! I'll be doubling the hay I feed to my horses & may bring them in if the wind picks up. Fortunately it's only forecasted to last until Monday morning.


Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:02 pm
by Moutaineer
I wish you a short, sharp winter! It'll kill the bugs at least.

We have had snow on the ground since November, now have about 3 ft still sitting here at home in the mountains, even after a balmy week with highs in the 40s, which has done nothing useful except allow me to unblanket the horses for a few days, but has flooded my run-ins with snow melt and made the remaining 3ft of snow even more treacherous for the horses to walk on. They don't go far. I feel like I am living in frozen poop city. We are expecting rain/snow mix tomorrow. That'll be a joy, not.

However, at least the air is clear and beautiful up here. Down in the valley, where I keep my riding horse so I can ride in the winter (ha bloody ha this year, it snowed unusually heavily down there too,) the ring is finally clear and dry enough to ride safely, but the air quality is just hideous, thick, thick smog, which makes doing anything athletic tricky. Salt Lake City, the Beijing of the west...

This too shall pass.

Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:18 pm
by Kyra's Mom
Mountaineer...ahh the lovely (NOT) inversion. I think we sent it your way. Sorry. Hopefully it will pass soon.

DJR--jingling for a short cold snap.


Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:38 pm
by Imperini
Yeah brrrrr, I didn't ride today, just went and did my apple and mint delivery service

Supposed to be a little better tomorrow and then back to how's it's been for the week thankfully

Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:29 pm
by Paints
My horse is on stall rest and needs to be walked everyday. Today I just walked him up and down the barn aisle. LOL. He looked quite happy to be in. Even the horses at the barn who are out 24/7 looked miserable today. They will all be in tonight!

Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:47 am
by westisbest
It was so spring like on Thursday and Friday we were riding outdoors in the harrowed arena, about 18C in the sun. No snow at all in the country not much around home here but some ice that the sun hasn't melted. Pretty much like last winter which was unseasonably mild as well.. It's awesome but slightly unsettling.

Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:41 am
by Cyd
Yup! It was a nasty day. My guys stayed in today. -40oC with the windchill is just too much. Tomorrow will be a tiny bit better but Monday it will be much better!

Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:48 pm
by NancyP
It's not much better out there today, although the wind has shifted a bit.
I brought my guys inside on Friday afternoon when we had some nasty squalls and gale force winds, but I did out them out when that ended on Friday evening and they've been out sever since.
I've just been over-dosing them with lots and lots of extra hay and they are drinking lots too.
I figure they are better off outside, out of the wind and in the sunshine, where they can move around and eat as much has as they want. Their water is heated.... they've drank a lot over the past 2 days.
Hopefully it warms up tomorrow.....

Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:05 pm
by DJR
I now have a frozen old well pump (which is odd because it never froze the last two winters when everything else did), and a frozen automatic/heated waterer. I still have the main waterline going - the last two years around this time it froze solid - and another auto/heated waterer as well as two hydrants still operational. I'm hoping it warms up as forecasted so that I can get things operational again. I truly hate this time of year all because of my constant battle with frozen waterlines.

Re: Just to remind us we're Cdn

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:04 am
by Flight
Well it's hot hot hot at my place still. I'll take some of your coldness :D