Justice Scalia is dead

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Justice Scalia is dead

Postby KathyK » Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:14 am

I feel sorry for Scalia's family, but I can't help being glad that Obama has a chance to make an appointment.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Chisamba » Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:38 am

i could have guessed that the vultures would be circling with their political agenda before the man is in his grave. congratulations on your couth. I suppose i will be the solitary person who finds this incredibly crude and insensitive, perhaps you should take a page out of RBG's book. She said:

I disagreed with most of what he said, but I loved the way he said it.
Ginsburg's ability to see through their conflicting opinions to Scalia's intellect and enjoy the person he was outside the hallowed halls of the U.S. Supreme Court is to her credit. Scalia actually said something quite similar about Ginsburg at the same event. Calling them the "odd couple," Scalia said of Ginsburg, "What's not to like — except her views on the law.

I found Scalias politics to be sadly too conservative, but i am not jumping around on his grave crowing in joy about the new vacancy.

Politically, it is possible that the remainder of the Obama presidency is pretty much a lame duck, in my opinion, the opposition can stall anything they want to in the hopes that the new president will be Republican. It does make the election even more significant, and [i]I am so not a fan [/i]of anyone running.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby bits » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:35 am

I'll join KathyK. Glad Obama has a chance to get another justice in place before the new president is elected.

It's going to be a political mess for sure.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby stella » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:40 am

Every death is not a tragedy. This is a natural process of life, so chisamba, I do not know why or how you are feeling indignant. ON THE OTHER HAND...This is an opportunity to get a progressive on the Court. Let's go!!

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Spiritpaws » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:33 am

This is going to be a political battle. The Republicans don't want Obama to be able to put any progressive on the court, in hopes that a Republican wins the white house. The Congress and Senate should be held accountable if we go over a year with no new justice on the court.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Tabby » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:29 pm

Is there a reason that I am familiar with his name as a Canadian? What did he do that I would recognize it?

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:32 pm

stella wrote:Every death is not a tragedy. This is a natural process of life, so chisamba, I do not know why or how you are feeling indignant. ON THE OTHER HAND...This is an opportunity to get a progressive on the Court. Let's go!!

I don't know about Chisamba but I know that in reading personal comments, not just here, that I get the impression that some are feeling "happy" that Scalia is dead and POTUS has an opportunity to nominate a successor.

I get this feeling in other places as well. I am probably not correct but within the context of a single sentence to say condolences but yay seems a bit off to me.

Yes, death is part of life and happens to all of us. But maybe take a breath between the expression of sorrow to the family and then "happy" there is an opportunity to address an opening???

I dunno, just me I guess.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:33 pm

Tabby wrote:Is there a reason that I am familiar with his name as a Canadian? What did he do that I would recognize it?

One of the 9 justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and topically a very vocal conservative member.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby KathyK » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:37 pm

WheresMyWhite wrote:I don't know about Chisamba but I know that in reading personal comments, not just here, that I get the impression that some are feeling "happy" that Scalia is dead and POTUS has an opportunity to nominate a successor.

Yes, I'm glad Scalia is gone from the Supreme Court. Sorry you're interpreting it as being glad he's dead, because that's not the case. I would have been just as glad had he retired.

Chisamba wrote:i could have guessed that the vultures would be circling with their political agenda before the man is in his grave. congratulations on your couth.

Expressing my sadness for his family but at the same time expressing my thoughts about Obama's potential to appoint another justice is hardly circling like a vulture.

However, let's see what Mitch McConnell has to say, barely a few hours after the announcement of Scalia's death:
“The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court justice,” Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican majority leader, said in a statement. “Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”

Talk about circling with a political agenda! Not to mention that Sen. McConnell seems (or wishes) to forget that "The American people" elected Obama -- twice!! -- and therefore would indeed have what McConnell calls a voice in Obama's selection. His complaint is that the obstructionist Republicans in the Senate might not be able to block it.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Tuffytown » Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:11 pm

I have made no comments about the death of justice Scalia. My only comment is that the hand wringing about how terrible liberals are that are seemingly taking pleasure in his death (not so much here) is so hypocritical as I am absolutely sure the similar sentiments would be expressed from the conservative side where it a liberal justice who had died.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:46 pm

Sigh. You would not catch me expressing sorrow and yippee in the same sentence regardless of whom passed away.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Tuffytown » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:47 pm

Yes, I agree we would not see you doing that. You wouldn't see me doing it either.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby KathyK » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:51 pm

WheresMyWhite wrote:Sigh. You would not catch me expressing sorrow and yippee in the same sentence regardless of whom passed away.

Sigh right back at you. No one has said yippee. Please stop trying to paint people with your biased brush of hyperbole.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby WheresMyWhite » Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:52 am

KathyK wrote:
WheresMyWhite wrote:Sigh. You would not catch me expressing sorrow and yippee in the same sentence regardless of whom passed away.

Sigh right back at you. No one has said yippee. Please stop trying to paint people with your biased brush of hyperbole.

Right after these kinds of statements stop...

My only comment is that the hand wringing about how terrible liberals are that are seemingly taking pleasure in his death (not so much here) is so hypocritical as I am absolutely sure the similar sentiments would be expressed from the conservative side where it a liberal justice who had died.

Let me know if you're ever ready to have an open mind when talking to a conservative...

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Tuffytown » Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:56 am

That followed this
i could have guessed that the vultures would be circling with their political agenda before the man is in his grave. congratulations on your couth.

and lots of "evil liberal" commentary on the other site I know we both frequent. Sorry, I just get tired of the hypocritical finger pointing.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby KathyK » Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:10 pm

WheresMyWhite wrote:
KathyK wrote:
WheresMyWhite wrote:Sigh. You would not catch me expressing sorrow and yippee in the same sentence regardless of whom passed away.

Sigh right back at you. No one has said yippee. Please stop trying to paint people with your biased brush of hyperbole.

Right after these kinds of statements stop...

My only comment is that the hand wringing about how terrible liberals are that are seemingly taking pleasure in his death (not so much here) is so hypocritical as I am absolutely sure the similar sentiments would be expressed from the conservative side where it a liberal justice who had died.

Let me know if you're ever ready to have an open mind when talking to a conservative...

Not until "open mind" doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with you. You trot out that tired old silliness about not being able to have meaningful discourse when, in fact, what has happened is that you have nothing of substance to say. So no, there's no way to have a discussion when one party has nothing of substance to say, so simply accuses the other person of having a closed mind.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby WheresMyWhite » Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:53 pm

KathyK wrote:Not until "open mind" doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with you. You trot out that tired old silliness about not being able to have meaningful discourse when, in fact, what has happened is that you have nothing of substance to say. So no, there's no way to have a discussion when one party has nothing of substance to say, so simply accuses the other person of having a closed mind.

And you wonder why the other thread asking with Republicans think has no replies...

You appear to think I have nothing of substance to say so I'll keep you happy :)

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby carpevita » Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:10 pm

"the king is dead--long live the king"!!!

seems humans don't really change all that much.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Figgy » Tue Feb 16, 2016 7:04 am

the republicans want to appoint and if they were in power they would be screaming fowl if the democrats were saying - oh wait until AFTER the election

Obama is president, its his right, I reckon he should appoint and the republicans can just suck it up

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby KathyK » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:28 pm

carpevita wrote:"the king is dead--long live the king"!!!

seems humans don't really change all that much.

We are extremely "death-phobic" in the US. Read the death notices sometime. Everyone has "passed away," or even simply "passed," or "gone home to be with the lord," etc. Rarely, If ever, does a death notice say a person died. We are very squeamish about the natural end to life.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby bascar » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:03 pm

Figgy wrote:
Obama is president, its his right, I reckon he should appoint and the republicans can just suck it up

It isn't his right. It's his Constitutional Obligation. And let us not forget that Scalia was an adamant Constitutionalist.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Chancellor » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:11 pm

Figgy wrote:the republicans want to appoint and if they were in power they would be screaming fowl if the democrats were saying - oh wait until AFTER the election

Obama is president, its his right, I reckon he should appoint and the republicans can just suck it up

I agree with Figgy despite being a Republican. Unfortunately for us, it is Obama's job to appoint someone (I don't know if it is his RIGHT). Plus, I am starting to seriously doubt that ANY of the fools who are running on the Republican ticket could actually win ANYWAY so it is likely a moot point.

However, I am with those who say that cheering the death of a justice of the Supreme Court seems morbid and unkind.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby KathyK » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:16 pm

Who here is cheering his death?

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Chancellor » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:40 pm

KathyK wrote:Who here is cheering his death?

Frankly? YOU!

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby WheresMyWhite » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:51 pm

Figgy wrote:Obama is president, its his right, I reckon he should appoint and the republicans can just suck it up

Technically, POTUS does appoint (as Chancellor noted) but the Senate confirms. So the 'suck it up' doesn't mean that the Republicans in the Senate will just roll over because POTUS appointed someone Republicans don't like. POTUS appointments to SCOTUS are not a rubber stamp.

Oh, wait, I wasn't going to talk any more since I appear to have nothing of substance to say...


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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby KathyK » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:11 pm

Chancellor wrote:
KathyK wrote:Who here is cheering his death?

Frankly? YOU!

I guess you can't tell the difference between saying I'm glad Obama will have the chance to appoint a new justice, and "cheering" Scalia's death. If Scalia had retired, I would have said the same thing. If you think I did "cheer," please point it out. :roll:

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby boots-aregard » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:02 am

What *are* g-we going to do about our inability to read another perspective without getting our panties all wadded up?


What *are*g-we going to do about our inability to understand that political discourse is more aggressive than other discourse, and that public figures are different in important ways from private citizens, and that such discussions are less about the personal and more motivated by civic interest than not?

A man died. That's too bad. Some people considered him a friend. Some people considered him an enemy. The VAST MAJORITY of the world didn't know anything at all about him.

But the vast majority of Americans know that the president appoints Supreme Court justices. We've talked about it before Scalia's death, we'll talk about it again after someone else's. The politicians are doing the same thing, because it's their JOBS.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Chancellor » Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:45 pm

I think the "Oh goodie, now Obama can appoint someone" before the man is even buried is what looks like "cheering" his death. That is MY opinion and boots-aregard, I certainly hope we can agree that I am entitled to that.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby WheresMyWhite » Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:53 pm

boots-aregard wrote:But the vast majority of Americans know that the president appoints Supreme Court justices.

Boots, at this point in time, I'd actually wonder if this statement is true. Seems like many Americans are pretty clueless with how government operates :lol: :mrgreen:

Present company excepted... ;)

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby KathyK » Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:07 pm

Chancellor wrote:I think the "Oh goodie, now Obama can appoint someone" before the man is even buried is what looks like "cheering" his death. That is MY opinion and boots-aregard, I certainly hope we can agree that I am entitled to that.

If I had wanted to say "Oh goodie, now Obama can appoint someone," that's what I would have said. Please don't put words in my mouth.

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby Koolkat » Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:32 pm

Scalia himself said that when he died, half the people would be celebrating and the other half would be fighting over his successor (paraphrasing). I will say that I liked his sense of humor!

There was a great interview on NPR this morning with the actor who played him in "The Originalist" - Well worth pulling up and listening to for an appreciation of who he was as a person.

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/12/theat ... .html?_r=0

http://www.thetakeaway.org/story/actor- ... in-scalia/

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Re: Justice Scalia is dead

Postby boots-aregard » Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:07 am

Chancellor wrote:I think the "Oh goodie, now Obama can appoint someone" before the man is even buried is what looks like "cheering" his death. That is MY opinion and boots-aregard, I certainly hope we can agree that I am entitled to that.

You're entitled to it, but how sad you figure that ascribing negative and demeaning emotions to others is a good thing to keep in your heart.

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