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Kitty issue

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:23 pm
by Sharonbc
I have a feeling I know what is going on, but thought that I would check here for other ideas.

Patient is a mature, spayed, female cat. Around 10. Symptoms are inappropriate peeing. Bald spot on tail head. The hair is not thin, it is completely gone. Area includes base of tail on both sides, and starting down the tail.

We have one other cat, a neutered male. They do not particularly get along. Both have been caught marking. For two cats, we have four boxes. My female has her private box in the ensuite. We had two dogs, but just lost my seventeen and a half year old dog last week. Quiet household. No signs of nervous grooming, or itching. Kitten sleeps on me at night, so I think that I would feel her grooming. Husband is also awake half the night, and has not noticed her excessively grooming. No signs of fleas.

Husband in the past has found a puddle on his slippers in the morning. Knew it was one of the two cats, but not which one. Today, husband was at the computer in the bedroom. Male cat was not in the room, only Kitten. She was running around playing. In that time frame, she watered his slippers right under his nose. Figured that was a statement that something was wrong, and not because the bacon stopped coming! (He was sharing his breakfast with her. Very tiny pieces of bacon)

So, any ideas?

Re: Kitty issue

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:14 pm
by Paints
Has this just started since you lost your dog? (very sorry for your loss)
Cats don't like changes in their territory.

The alopecia (bald patch) is often caused by overgrooming due to stress as is peeing in places other than a litter box. Cats are masters at doing things when you aren't looking so you may not catch her grooming excessively.

You may want to try some Feliway and see if that settles her.

If this has been going on longer than a week, you might consider taking her to a vet. She could have blocked anal glands and is licking near there due to pain. She may have a bladder infection.

She is telling you that all is not right in her world. Please let us know how she is.

Re: Kitty issue

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:03 pm
by hoopoe
pretty classic signalment for bladder infection, in general

cats can stress themselves into hematuria ( blood in urine) by frequent urinating and marking, post stress. This can create cystitis and urethritis.

you sometimes see baby-butt bald patches when injury has healed and the scab and hair slough off, leaving new skin behind. A cat can strip bare the skin pretty darn quick, though. That is what those tongue barbs are for.