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DMSO Question

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:55 pm
by Melody
I have several old bottles, they were left in an out building years ago and froze so we brought them in. They are probably several decades old. I emailed the manufacturer and told them they froze solid, asked them if there was an expiration date and if I were to throw them out is there any precautions. Only answer I got was it's sold as a solvent only and there is no expiration date. Would you just pitch these bottles? I feel like that's what I want to do. We have a dumpster, no recycling or anything out here in the middle of no where.

Re: DMSO Question

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:30 pm
by texsuze
I personally would not plan on using them. We have a compounding pharmacy in town who will now take expired drugs, medications, etc. for proper disposal. Maybe you could check with a local pharmacist to see if that is an option. And the police/fire departments of both our nearby towns have an annual (needs to be more often) drug disposal drop-off day, so I guess we are pretty lucky, since we're rural, too.

Otherwise, perhaps do a Google search to see if you could ship the bottles somewhere. I always cringe at the idea of certain substances getting into the water table or environment, but sometimes you can only do what you can do.

Re: DMSO Question

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:37 pm
by Canyon
I'd look for the manufacturer's Material Safety Data Sheet by Googling "(Manufacturer Name) Dimethyl Sulfoxide MSDS" and read up on statements about environmental cautions and disposal first.

FWIW, the contents of my small bottle of DMSO disappeared over about a year. I assume it evaporated from a slow leak.

Re: DMSO Question

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:23 pm
by Melody
Thanks, looked it up:
I guess I will have to ask the DEQ what they recommend. Not many regulations way out here. The trash truck comes and empties the dumpster once a week and whatever is in there ends up in a big landfill they cover up. Not very good in Oklahoma. We are maybe going to get a new pharmacy in our tiny town and it was in the paper that it might be a compounding pharmacy. That would sure be good. I have eight bottles of this stuff. We have a small feed store, usually just sell the feed and horse bedding but had gotten a few other things to sell. That was back in I think '98 or '99 we bought this DMSO and obviously didn't sell any. I sure don't want to use it now.

Re: DMSO Question

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:08 pm
by Melody
Well, DEQ told me it's fine to put this in the dumpster. Still feel weird about it.

Re: DMSO Question

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:20 am
by mld02004
As a chemist my opinion would be If it is plain solvent grade DMSO it probably is still fine to use or sell, honestly. DMSO has a very low freezing point. I worked at a vets office and it often froze on the truck but was still fine to use for leg sweats etc.

Re: DMSO Question

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:31 pm
by Melody
Thanks. I think I will keep it and maybe mark it down to move it faster. Better than ending up in the landfill I think!

Re: DMSO Question

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:08 am
by Saddlebum
A vet. once told me it never goes bad. And, it freezes like at 60 degs. Just unfreeze and use as long as the cap has been on tight where moisture cannot seep in.

Re: DMSO Question

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:21 pm
by galopp
I am using DMSO that was my dads from when he was a test dr for its human use (that is really a long time ago probably 50+ years, and yes I do use it). Remember, it was 'discovered' because of a person in a pulp mill who had his arthritic hands in it frequently and they got better. (Long term exposure also affects the covering of the eye (clouding it). And it will carry what it is mixed with deeper (into the skin).