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Bunch of 'tude and an experiment...

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:36 pm
by highoctane
My 24yo OTTB, Hi-Oc - the one who had his incisors removed in February due to advanced EOTRH - has been quite the brat lately. I barely rode this summer due to life, but when I did, he was fine...until about September. He started head tossing/squealing/jigging when ridden, then escalated into jigging/barging/rearing/general lack of respect when in hand. I tried working him in hand, which has *always* worked in the past when he's "felt his oats". This time - several times - it had zero affect on him. It got to the point where I was/am considering retiring him for good because riding him wasn't fun and my safety was at risk. I had/have a nagging feeling that something just isn't quite right. He's always been hot, but this time it was...different.

I then noticed that he just seemed an anxious, stressed out mess - even with 24/7 turnout. He started dancing around when being groomed and tacked up, and even kicked out at me when I was undoing his girth last week. I've owned him over 17 years, and he's NEVER kicked. I had a friend pop on him last week to see if it was just me (and to see if I could see anything from the ground), and he was even worse. The behavior continues whether he's ridden or not, so I was pretty sure it wasn't saddle fit or kissing spines. Palpating the girth area resulted in tail swishing and an angry look/swing of the head, or he would move away from me. :(

I figured I'd have the vet look at him when she's out to do fall shots (the appointment's tomorrow). In the meantime, I started doing research on ulcer medications - mainly because I can't afford Gastroguard or Ulcerguard. I stumbled across a thread on another board about using esomeprazole (Nexium). The OP had found some research on esomeprazole vs omeprazole (GG/UG), and they yielded similar results (not surprisingly, as they are very closely related medications). She had experimented with her own horses and had amazing results, as did others. I decided to give it a whirl, because I could afford it: generic Nexium is $13.39 for 42 pills at Costco, so at 3 pills a day, it's costing me $.96/day vs $30/day for GG. I started giving him 3 little blue pills (60mg total) with his dinner on Wednesday, November 8th, plus half a flake of alfalfa.

The other "users" report that it takes a good 3-4 days to see any effect, if you're going to see one at all. I checked in with the BO on Sunday, and she reported he seemed less anxious and was eating all his hay. So far, so good. Went out Monday during the daylight, cautiously optimistic, but not keeping my hopes up.

Monday's weather was horrid. Winds gusts at 50mph, sideways pelting rain...just miserable. I figured if he was going to be hot and anxious, today would be the day. I found Hi-Oc standing in his shed, ears forward. Grooming/tacking up was mostly uneventful. I gave him 6 berry Tums as I was tacking up - which he LOFFS -, to help with any acid build up. Stroking his girth line didn't elicit any response, except for higher up - so he might also have a rib out. Good thing the vet coming tomorrow is a chiro! He calmly walked up to the arena, trees creaking everywhere and stuff flying. Put him on the longe, where, instead of zooming around like before, he just trotted and smoothly cantered about. Okaaaay. Got on, and whereas before I had to circle him down into a walk instead of jigging, he walked off on a loose rein, long and low and chewing. Holy isht.

Picked up a trot - which was NOT a good idea a few weeks ago - and I got the "Ok mom!" response that I'm sure you guys are familiar with :D . A few steps of giraffe (I think in reaction to stuff going on outside the arena)...asked for bend/relax, and BOOM I'd get a nice, relaxed, swinging trot. Both directions. I'm not pushing my luck by cantering, plus I'm freezing with the wind blowing, and I want to end on a good note. He was so relaxed that I just left him standing there to do a quick video, tongue hanging out (no front teeth) and eyes half closed...while the world swirled around us.

So, it looks like ulcers. I'm conferring with the vet tomorrow of course, and will have to see if he's truly "fixed" or not. The Nexium can have a rebound effect if you stop it suddenly, so I'm going to have to taper him off it very gradually.

I'll post an update with what the vet says tomorrow, but crossing fingers she doesn't think it's anything more serious!

Re: Bunch of 'tude and an experiment...

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:46 pm
by Abby Kogler
I am so glad you tried this. You know him so well; when something is off, there is a reason!

I get a compounded omeprazole/ranitidine paste from my vet that is very reasonable. I have fed ranitidine tablets, since pre omeprazole that was about the only treatment available. Have also fed generic human omeprazole. Have never done Nexium.

I hope this nice change continues. Thanks for sharing the story.

Re: Bunch of 'tude and an experiment...

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:28 pm
by texsuze
Thanks for sharing and keep updating. Nice to have a timeline like you've included, since that always helps give perspective. Having many tools in the toolbox is very beneficial!

Re: Bunch of 'tude and an experiment...

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:38 pm
by highoctane
Update from the vet visit yesterday:

Hi-Oc was worked up from being kept "in", ie not getting turned out RIGHT NOW with his buddy (we kept him in his paddock for the appointment...was probably a 45 minute delay, if that). He would not *walk* for the tech, instead did a lovely Call To Post jig. Obviously sound, but the vet went over him anyway, poll to tip of tail, while I gave her his recent history. No soreness/tightness, all his lumps & bumps are cold & set. Vet thought he looked great and obviously moving very well :-), thought it could very well be acid reflux or ulcers that are bothering him. Advised me to stop the Nexium and to keep up with the alfalfa hay and to consider replacing the Haystack with just straight alfalfa pellets (which we are doing). I'm to report back in 2 weeks with how he's doing. (I completely forgot to ask about doing blood work until this morning. Sigh.)

I turned him out - after much arguing over the speed of my walking pace and what *he* wanted to do - and he let fly for a good 5 minutes, complete with double-barrel bucks and nice rollbacks...apparently the vet was impressed, and even called him "fancy" :-D.

Good grief. I'm glad he feels great, but MAN he can be such a turd. -_-

Re: Bunch of 'tude and an experiment...

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:27 am
by Chisamba
did he say why to discontinue the nexium?

Re: Bunch of 'tude and an experiment...

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:00 pm
by highoctane
Chisamba wrote:did he say why to discontinue the nexium?

She didn't think the dosage (3 pills/60mg a day) would be enough to make any difference, as the usual dosage would be 25 pills/day. To be frank, I'm not sure she realized I was giving him esomeprazole and not just omeprazole. His last dose is this weekend, so we shall see.

I did give him a good handful of alfalfa to munch on while grooming & tacking up yesterday, and while before treatment he was very antsy and would move away from me, yesterday he couldn't be bothered to lift his head lol. He also was quite calm during yet another windstorm we were having, so there's that.