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Soaking soy hulls for Cushings pony

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:28 pm
by OmegaMare
My pony (20) is recently diagnosed with Cushings. I’m substituting pelleted soy hulls and a handful of alfalfa cubes, both soaked, for some of her hay ration. Any ideas on how long this feed can safely stand, soaked, before feeding? If I start the soaking at night, is it okay to feed within 24 hours? 12 hours?

Right now it’s cool outside, a few degrees above freezing. I expect it might be different in the summer heat, so ideas on that would be appreciated too.

Re: Soaking soy hulls for Cushings pony

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:08 pm
by Chisamba
I worry about leaving anything soaking for long, its my micro background, but soy hulls absorb water far quicker than beet as it is soluble fiber, so only needs to be soaked for two hours.

Sorry,, i know i did not answer your question. so long as it is below fourty, its as good as refrigerated.

Re: Soaking soy hulls for Cushings pony

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:50 pm
by OmegaMare
Thanks, Chisamba. I’ve notice the soy absorbs very quickly, but the alfalfa cubes seem to take longer. I appreciate your comment. It’s the micro stuff I’m concerned about too.