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Kroops - Paddock Boots - SALE

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 5:18 pm
by Hayburner
Kroops custom boot makers have retired the business. I just got a stock pair off of Ebay and I absolutely LOVE these paddock boots. Super quality boot that I can see lasting 10 + years. Between the Dehners and the Kroops that I bought, I like the Kroops a lot more! The Dehners foot bed is harder and the boots run narrow. Ariats have become quite pricey and the quality IMHO is lacking.

Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone looking for new paddocks that someone bought all the inventory and is selling them on Ebay for $249.00. I went to Ebay - typed in Kroops and a boat load of boots came up. Since I love my new brown ones, I wanted another pair in black but the seller did not have my size. He seemed like a very nice guy/seller. We emailed a few times and he tried very hard to find the size I needed.

Kroops are unisex sized and the women's 8's fit my size 8 foot perfectly. Just be sure when you look at the size on the listing that you look at the women's equivalent size. I think he has them listed as Men's size first, then the women's size.

Yes, I'm a shopping enabler ! :lol:

Re: Kroops - Paddock Boots - SALE

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:28 pm
by PaulaO
I've never heard of Kroop's, and since it's a slow day at work..... The seller has them listed as jodhpur boots. They are kinda funky looking. Are they supportive around the ankles??

Re: Kroops - Paddock Boots - SALE

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:29 pm
by Hayburner
Paula - Yes, they are very supportive. I would have preferred a punched toe detail, but I gave that up for the quality of the boots. SInce their main customer base is the track - I think that's why they call them jodhpur boots. If you decide on a pair make sure you do not get the CUBAN heel - that one looks really strange.

I will say that the elastic gussets on the upper part of the boot take some time to break in. They are snugger than an Ariat in the uppoer part.

Re: Kroops - Paddock Boots - SALE

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:32 pm
by Hayburner
I only found out about Kroops when I did some googling on COTH -people seemed to rave about them and also the Dehners.

My newish Ariats have padding in the back and I don't like it - it's too thick. My old Ariat Crowne Paddocks were the bomb! Sadly, they don't make that style anymore.